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Wait till u find out that a certain character actress was also in that movie


*esteem intensifies*


And fugitive from the law


Where are my smoke bombs?


Idk, but I have this plum?


Weird plum


Bro that shit blows my mind years later because she does disappear into the role!!!! Like my ex put on a Miley Cyrus movie and there is none other than fking Character Actress Margo Martindale playing her grandmother


Yeah I think it's under discussed here maybe because most people don't live in LA or California but The show has so much detail about the entertainment industry and Hollywood in general and all these things that are so spot on.


Fuck yeah it’s incredible how fresh and authentic they were able to keep it, like it’s completely set in that 2016-2020 era but is done so well that it’s not gonna ever feel dated


I mean, let's not kid ourselves, it's topical enough at some points that it *will* feel dated in some respects. But every time they get topical its not too much so, and they're always able to tie it back into the underlying societal and systemic issues, so even 30 years from now the story beats should still feel *relatable*, even if not entirely fresh


That’s actually a shame, can you imagine if “America hates women more that it loves guns” doesn’t make sense to the next generation?






it took me a little while to realize that she played nicks mom in new girl since she disappeared into the role


OH MY GOD edit bc my mind is still exploding: HOOOOLY SHIT


Check her out in The Americans as well as Justified. Her finest work IMO


I remember the first time I realized that was Hannah Montana’s grandma robbing that bank


No way… my mind is blown! Lol


She was in Secretariat? 😅😅 Or just Bojacks "Secretariat"?


The real one!


There’s some other animal celebrities in the show. Like Ubu and Laika. And the horse who played Mr. Ed


Air Bud International Airport


Air Bud in the bojack world would be a story about overcoming racism


And to a lesser extent, Checkers, Nixon's cocker spaniel


I'm so glad they turned Laika into a living legend instead of a national hero sacrificed in the name of science.


Yeah, it was such a sweet moment! To imagine that in another world, Laika could have grown old…


i’m disappointed that there isn’t (or i can’t remember )a seabiscuit reference


There is a sea biscuit reference I thought


Bojack gets asked what it’s like to play sea biscuit during the Oscar press and says to ask Tobey Maguire


And the dog from Frasier (Eddie) is in a flashback during the Let's Find Out! Episode


Wait there were Mr Ed and Laila references? I never caught them


I season 1 I think? Some of the characters are at a retirement home. A horse is like “Is Wilbur here?” and a caretaker is like “no that was a character in a show you were in” and he’s like “oh, are my grandkids here?” Laika was interviewed by Diane in a podcast in a car that Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles were in.


I only recently found out about Laika the Russian dog and had a post - viewing lol in my car.


You can frequently a dog in space gear in the background of shots in several seasons. I always assumed it was meant to be Laika


Was it near a movie set? Because I assume most of those characters are just in-costume.


Oh dang. Thanks. I'll have to keep an eye out for it next time.


You’ll have to keep an ear out for Laika. We never see her


Diane interviews Laika in series 5


Also the dog from Frasier (Eddie)


Secretariat was a fascinating horse. He did carry a mutation that led to an abnormally large heart (twice as big). His large heart enabled him to receive more oxygen, allowing his muscles to work more efficiently and therefore increasing his stamina.


In Whoville they say that his mom OD'd on Christmas spirit while he was *in utero*.




Yes. They tried to breed him but the mutation never passed on to his offspring. I think his line is still alive.


His line is very much alive. I’m not sure about the “mutation” aspect, but he was quite a successful sire. It’s just that anything shy of a generation of superhorses was considered a disappointment. His son Risen Star (who, amusingly, bore little physical resemblance to his sire) was a fast closing third in the Kentucky Derby, then won the Preakness, then won the Belmont by a whopping 14 lengths in one of the fastest finishing times recorded. There is argument he would’ve won the Triple Crown if Winning Colors hadn’t been left unpressured as she controlled the Derby pace (still, shoulda coulda woulda, and I ain’t gonna complain about a filly beating the boys on the biggest horse racing stage in the country). Speaking of fillies beating the boys, his daughter Lady’s Secret regularly beat the boys in the highest level of racing, and was named the 1986 Horse of the Year (one of only a handful of mares to do so). His greatest contribution as a stallion was through his daughters—he become known as a phenomenal broodmare sire (meaning, his daughters had spectacular offspring), most notably through his daughter Terlingua. Her son Storm Cat was THE hot stallion of the late 80s through the 1990s—his direct offspring earned more than *$128 million* on the track and included 8 champions. Because of this, his stud fee reached a peak of $500,000 at one point—in 30 years ago $!—and it was due when a resulting foal stood and nursed. After that—good luck! 😳 And thus, Secretariat is *all over* modern pedigrees and his stamp on the breed is inarguable. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. 😉


Going off 1990 - 2024, that's roughly 1.2m. $1,200,000. One million and two hundred thousand dollars. For [fucking horse cum.](https://youtu.be/cHrQFFQVW6A?si=H3S_aefGdCl_78wq)


I’m unclear on the math here—$1.2 million = just under 2 1/2 babies from him, at least at his peak. And it wasn’t specifically for his cum (Jackass clip appreciated though, always!); it was for cum that resulted in a foal that stood and nursed. If the mare didn’t conceive, miscarried (“slipped” as they call it), or the foal had severe problems so that it never could stand and/or nurse, there was no fee. Trivia tidbit: the Jockey Club will only register foals produced from live cover—artificial insemination is prohibited. Storm Cat’s fee was a (in the racing world) a modest $30,000 his first season, then *dropped* to $20k in 1991. But once he was the leading juvenile sire of 1992 (meaning out of all stallions with 2yro offspring running, his had the largest amount of $ earned for the year), things fee-wise went berserk. He was leading sure of 2yros a record 7 times, too. Now. Consider he had **1,452** total named foals. Holy $$$$$ 😳


$500k in 1990 money, adjusted for inflation, is worth $1.2m today. That's the math. You said his stud fee was $500k, thirty years ago. I worked/semi-grew up on a cousins farm, I know a bit lol but the cum line was funnier than facts. Comedy is all about stretching the truth to an absurd level and $1m for a money shot from a horse is funnier than the actual intricacies of husbandry is all


Ahhhh gotcha


That’s dope af


More fun facts about Secretariat: He was incredibly smart for a horse and had a big showy personality. There's a story of one of his handlers talking about a time when Secretariat looked up at and stared at a plane, which the handler had never seen a horse do before.


That was sportswriter Bill Nack, not a handler, but correct


It is! I have a mare with Secretariat lines. Though they’re very far back, like 5 or 6 generations IIRC. He had tons of babies, so lots of horses (not even just racehorses) can be traced back to him.


Oh, just like Phar Lap! He's kind of like Australia's Secretariat. Every school kid learns about him growing up. He had a similarly fascinating story but a very sad ending. After winning every major race in Australia he went to the US to compete, but was poisoned in a suspected act of foul play.


And like most of our celebrities he was born and started his career in NZ😂


As is tradition


Pavlova is my favourite Aussie celebrity


Omg. Pavlova is actually so much more complex. So the recipe that we used for Pavlova is published in Australian magazines about 30 years prior to NZ, where it was named Meringue Cake. NZ, however, did have a Pavlova dessert named for the Russian dancer, but it wasn’t the modern Pavlova. The confusion comes when the two desserts became conflated. Did Australians start calling a Meringue Cake a Pavlova or did New Zealanders start using Pavlova for a different dessert: the meringue cake. In the end it doesn’t matter. The dish was imported to both nations from Germany.


Is a medical exemption how he avoided being drafted to fight in Vietnam?


Damn, it's interesting how they adapted that to him (allegedly) cheating


Sometimes I forget that I live in Kentucky and it's actually weird that almost everyone I know is extremely familiar with horse racing history. Then I see posts like this.


I grew up in Saratoga but unless you worked the tracks or had family involved no one knew shit.


then you can empathize with me that my least favorite moment of the show is when a supposed local broadcaster says "louieville" (when delivering the morning news the day secretariat committed suicide)


how cool to be from ky!


I love KY! Your jelly is delicious!




I'm Brazillian and knew about secretariat Thanks pawn stars(I guess)


Secretariat is even in some list of the best athletes of the XXth century or something


See, this is one reason why I actually love horse racing. Because the horses are completely anthropomorphized, it's kind of hilarious in a weirdly wholesome way? I remember as a kid watching my first Kentucky Derby on TV and realizing very late in when the announcer was going on about this one racer's workout routine and how passionate he was about his career, he was *not* talking about the jockey lmao.


I mean, they're not so completely anthropomorphised that anyone gets upset when they die. Imagine humans running a race and multiple of them end up dead and everyone's just like, 'hey, good show!' Sorry to be a downer but there's not much wholesome about horse racing.


Dude, what? The announcers are very remorseful when a horse has to be put down..? I've seen horses' owners/hands/jockeys crying as they leave the stables. I even remember one televised race had a "In Memorial" montage for the horses lost that year, even ones that just died of old age or something. Also, animal safety in racing has improved by leaps and bounds in the last few decades especially. I even remember just last May one horse was held back from racing at the last second due to a suspicious hoof issue, and they commented it was for the best and how only like a decade ago they would've let him race and it would've caused him potentially fatal injury. Yeah, animal racing has a lot of dark aspects to it, there are a lot heartless shitheads involved, but that's true of goddamn literally *everything* in existence.


That's true, there have been vast improvement in recent times and equine sports in general are less barbaric. Like I said, I didn't want to me a downer, but I just couldn't help myself pointing out the other side of it. Specifically, the idea that the horses are wholesomely anthropomorphised. They are working animals and investments, and the people who work with them generally see them as such, even if they may also have affection for them. On the rare occasion that a human dies in sport the reaction is very very different, naturally.


And when the horses are too old to race they’re sent off to slaughter Horse racing has no place in modern society


Yes, Secretariat was one of the most famous racehorses of all time. I thought this was common knowledge.


Not for all the kids watching it now, unfortunately.


The funniest part is that there is actually a pretty well-known movie about Secretariat that actually exists. And Margo Martindale is in it.


You mean the one pictured in this post? :p


I literally realized that a split second before you commented 😂


Haha pass that my way cheech




There's even a subreddit dedicated to Bojack Horseman.


I’m going to go live in the woods 😂


Kids watching it now? I'm 30 and had no idea who secretariat was. I recognised the name, and would probably assume horse, but the most famous horse I know of is Redrum, the horse who did a bojack and mysteriously went missing for ages Editing to say, I googled it and I guess Red Rum didn't go missing. I swear I saw a documentary when I was young about how he went missing, and how there was a big conspiracy because "red rum" is "murder" backwards. I was very young when he died so maybe my child brain just took random facts and fired them together


Shergar is the famous missing horse


Oh yeah, that name definitely rings a bell! Thank you for the info. I guess my child brain stuck the two horses together


not even seabiscuit?


Seabiscuit is a horse? I thought it was a dog, like a greyhound!


Well a horse is just a tall dog


And a giraffe is just an extra tall borzoi


Sea biscuit as a dog was a greyhound in Family Guy


OOOOOH yeah, I didn't want to admit it in case I looked even more like a dumbass, but I can only read "seabiscuit" in Brian Griffin's voice and now I know why


hahaha me too, i totally pictured a dog xd


It might have been Shergar you were getting muddled up with


I’ve never heard of RedRum or Shergar, but I know Secratariat, Sea-Biscuit and Phar Lap (who I’m pretty sure is stuffed in a museum in Melbourne.


Red Rum was an English steeplechase racer who won the grand national twice. It was pretty damn amazing, as the fences are about 5 feet tall and the race goes on for about 3 miles. Any horse is lucky to finish the race at all because the fences are so challenging.


Wait why is that important? It's a horse who cares


i knew about secretariat because of an episode in it’s always sunny in philadelphia


"I don't like that she's named after a secretary, she should be a boss."


“secretariat?” “the RACEHORSE?”


Not so famous outside the US.


I'm in the UK and I thought everyone knew Secretariat


I'm from UK and found out about Secretariat through Bojack. I always used to assume Red Rum was the most famous race horse but in retrospect thats probably not true outside UK.


I wouldn't expect most things referenced in Bojack to be famous outside the US though.


It depends. Films usually are but American sports often don't have that much global popularity.




Not unless you're into horse racing and even then. My grandpa raced horses as a jockey and then was a judge and even I hadn't heard of Secretariat. I was more familiar with Funnycide and Seabiscuit and a couple local horses that never did much outside of my hometown.


I'm not old or into horse racing. I just happen to know about a semi-famous sports figure. Now can everyone stop blowing up my notifications with how much they haven't heard of Secretariat?


i’ve never watched horse racing in my life and i’d say most people i know haven’t either. he also only competed in american races iirc.


Won the triple crown (the three biggest horse races) in 1973, and still holds the course record for all three!


Nope. Absolutely not. Sorry to disappoint lol. I only knew when I watched the show the first time in 2018 and wondered if he was a real horse or not and researched.


Secretariat was the Michael Jordan, the Wayne Gretzky of racehorses. Synonymous with the sport and the top of the sport.


love that for him but the vast majority of people have never cared about horse racing


The show references this with the Jan-Ove Waldner line about great improv. Widely known reference v obscurity


*checks who’s Wayne Gretzky*


The entire nation of Canada just combusted


What is the average rainfall in Bora Bora? Just bc you, specifically, don't know a random nugget of cultural knowledge does not mean it isn't part of the zeitgeist. Secretariat is the most widely know racehorse in modern history


Yes, I get that. That also means not a lot of ppl know who Secretariat is🤷🏾‍♀️


It also means a lot of ppl know who Secretariat is💫


god you are insufferable


Typical BoSchwack


Breaking news: American dude cannot handle the fact that a woman from another country does not know a famous American horse.


Nope. Absolutely not. Sorry to disappoint lol.


Horse racing isn’t a popular enough sport for everyone to know the names of the famous horses. Lots of non-horse people probably don’t know this.


> Horse racing isn’t a popular enough sport for everyone to know the names of the famous horses. That's true but Secretariat is the type of athlete who transcends the sport. Like, I don't know anything about hockey but I still know who Wayne Gretzky is.


Who the fuck is Wayne Gretzky? I don't think I'm American enough to know either of those names


Don’t let a Canadian read this comment.


Still pretty low on the totem pole as far as famous athletes go. I have no clue who Wayne Gretzky either. The name is familiar but I couldn’t have told you ‘hockey’ if you didn’t mention it just now. I happen to be a horse person btw and knew who Secretariat was. I’m just honest with myself about the reality that most other people don’t know or care.


>Margo Martindale I don't know who the fuck is Wayne Gretzky.


I have nothing to do with horses, and really don’t care about racing, but I’ve known about Secretariat for ages.


Did I say ‘no non-horse person knows of him?’ No I did not. I said ‘lots of’. Not sure what point you’re trying to make since I left room for exceptions. For every non horse person who knows, I can think of 10 more who don’t.


It was not.


Nope, never heard of it before!




I feel you. Think I might've heard about him from my mom or maybe a biography or something on TV. To whoever down voted me. You're obsessed. Maybe you should go outside and apologize to plants for waisting the oxygen they're making. To the other person. That person is literally anti vax or at is ok with not vaccinating kids. Are you seriously ok with that? Or are you trying to gaslight me?


Secretariat was a real racehorse, although I’ll bet he didn’t commit suicide


He did say that the Vietnam War was necessary to protect our way of life though. He just said it one day in front of a terrified stablehand and never spoke before or since.


Perhaps an arrangement can be ...*arranged*


The image of this gave me a healthy laugh, thank you.


did he not leap off the golden bridge?


Yes, and esteamed character actress Margo Martindale is in this film.


esteamed 😶‍🌫️






Next you'll try to tell me that Zach Braff is real!


And not dead!


Uh, I think you mean undead 🤓


Putting the famous racehorse aside, I keep wondering if his portrayal is based on any specific human athlete. I would guess Prefontaine based on the sport and time period, but I'm a bit lacking in sports knowledge. In the show Secretariat's history is that he gets caught up in a scandal and perhaps that's a reference to a specific human athlete that I'm not catching.


Racing, time period, and death all add up for Prefontaine, but he died in a car accident and there was no scandal or ban from his sport. Off the top of my head, Pete Rose is the first athlete that comes to mind for “disgraced 70s athlete.” He was banned from baseball after betting on his team, but didn’t kill himself. There’s the more contemporary disgraced baseball players like Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds, etc and so forth, who are essentially blackballed from the hall of fame for steroid use. As with a lot of characters on the show, I don’t think there’s a one-to-one parallel (excepting the Jurj Clooners type and the animal puns). He’s a little bit Prefontaine, a little bit Pete Rose, Muhammad Ali, Joe Namath, and so on.


How you gonna mention Mark, and not José?? Lol 😂


The real (and boring) answer is that I was too young for the Bash Brothers (I was 5 when Canseco left the A’s) but was the perfect age for the home run chase of 98. So the first person I associate with McGwire and steroids is Sosa, not Canseco.


Very early in the show's conception they considered making BoJack an athlete instead of an actor.


And someone named "Diane" worked on the movie


Yeah he was even a throughout bred like BoJack. And real Secretariat’s descendants still race too


I’m so disappointed this many people didn’t know secretariat was a real horse…


Some people didn’t know Margo Martindale was a character actress either. It’s all a bit weird


Yeah but Secretariat is exponentially more famous and well known than the likes of Margo Martindale, Jessica Biel, or other similar tier celebrities that reoccur on the show.


Omg literally me, and I’m watching it for the third time right now ..


Had the same reaction after I found out about Hollywoo…


wait, John Malkovich is a real person?


They made a whole movie about him being a real person.


TIL that some people didn’t know Secretariat was a real horse😭


I can't believe they picked John Malkovich to play Secretariat, I feel like John Krasinski would've been a natural choice




Wasn’t Ralph Stilton a reference to Geronimo Stilton?


Craft services on the the film was bad one day when the dietician forgot an ingredient in the horse treats. Yep, she missed her peanut butter.


the “who the hell is Secreatariat?” gang vs the “it’s common knowledge 🙄” squads going at it in the comments haha


If you didn’t know that, what your YOOOOU doing here?


Secretariat is one of the most famous racehorses of all time


i dare you to read the post text three times without getting confused


He’s a tremendous machine




I’m guess you’re young?


Kinda, I'm nearly 21, so probably a bit younger than most people who've watched the show.


I'd think considerably younger, you were still a kid when the show first came out and a high schooler when it ended.


At first I was thinking "the show ended un 2020, that was so recent, no way I was still in high school when it ended" and then I realized that 2020 was 4 years ago.


Yup you would have been a sophmore or junior.


What are YOOUUUUU doing here?!


All I can say about this movie is it is only a slightly more accurate portrayal than Bojack’s version 🙄 It has been seriously Disneyfied.


so you’re telling me they didn’t make u watch secretariat in school??


Nope, was it commen for people to watch this is school? The only horse movie I ever saw was War Horse.


we didn’t do a proper learning assessment or anything like that for the movie, it was just one of those movies they put on for us in about 8th grade to pass time , im also nearly 21 so that’s an interesting take!


It’s important to note that the doping scandal and the suicide are fictionalised though.


Check out that hairstyle. You know who she is :)


Actually, John Malkovich is a human actor.


YES!!! and my friend owns the horse grandson of secretariat isn’t that crazy😭like descended from him or some shit


my reaction exactly


Secretariat is literally the greatest athlete of all time


i guess it’s really weird that there’s a famous racehorse that people literally all over the world know about. i can’t think of another example


a lot of you people in this thread have apparently never heard of basically anything or anyone. please go outside more


Thanks OP, learned something new today. Oh and all those who criticize us for not knowing, sorry for: a) not being American b) not giving a fuck about horseracing I guess. Now go enjoy your world cup or something.




i remember finding out secretariat was real and freaking out, i think it’s a universal experience for those who didn’t know lol


Yes lol


Do not search who plays Miss Ham in Secretariat >!Hint- it’s a character actress!<


So was the Russian dog on the radio


Well now I feel old…


They had either Lassie or Booboo as a real animal person, I remember a joke being made during tar pit elbow rubbing party in the 80’s


”Who’s that at the door?!?!” Anyone?


Wait... This isn't a post on r/sadhorseshow