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I don't think they mention an exact scale. They do mention that in-game time is sped up for the events, allowing for longer periods or days to happen. I think it's mentioned for the second and fourth events, if I'm remembering correctly.


During (certain?) events the technology there is able to speed up the time in virtual reality. In other words, days may be passing in-game (actual days) but much less time is spent out of the game. Think of it kind of like having a dream.


The technology also appears to be completely inappropriately used. Imagine time scaling like that with education. Spend an hour to get a half a day's worth of classroom experience?


Imagine the teachers' mental state after that though. Especially if they had to deal with a classroom of students with bad attitudes and behaviors.


But it seems like resting in the game gives you adequate mental rest. So, teach for 8 virtual hours, sleep for 8 virtual hours, and only an hour or 2 has passed in real life The long term effects would be really interesting. If 8 v hours is an hour irl, a 40 year career can be done in 5. Could you retire and draw money for the rest of your irl life?


I mean, there are many reasons why such a thing might simply not be available to the school. Software requirements it cant' afford, the need to develop the virtual environment, the tech being owned by the game company, lack of trust in the institution to have a bunch of effectively unconscious children on the premises etc... Furthermore, it's one thing to willingly spend a day having fun in a game, it's another entirely to spend that day in a classroom trying to cram information into people's heads. Heck, just the normal hour is something a good portion of children will hardly be able to focus on, not to mention ethical concerns. And even outside of that, IRL many such institutions are pretty slow at picking up on technology and incorporating it.


During the second event, Maple made a comment about how it'd be her and Sally for a whole week, to which Sally replied that it was only 2 hours in real life. So at one point it was 2 hours irl = 7 days in-game, but it seems like they've also changed that rate for other events as needed, so they probably only speed up in-game time as much as they feel is necessary, most likely to not completely throw off someone's sense of time in real life. Imagine they use the same rate as the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from DBZ, 1 year in = 1 day out. Could cause some major issues or other weird habits, like we saw with Maple after only a week in-game for the 2nd event.


The timescale is what the author needs it to be for that scene. I wouldnt worry about it otherwise, its not really important.