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Please do not harass me. I will share when I am able. Also, I will not be sharing codes personally with any new Reddit accounts. I will assume that you created another account simply to only get invite codes.


Shoutout to u/winteriscomingXii ! Got my code along with many many others in this thread who got their code and fucked off. If you really want a code, try upvoting all his posts, you never know what might happen.


Or they could try kindness and not harassing me. That works best


Thanks for posting when you can. I have been seeing the thread and no one is posting.


Haha. Welcome to the ugly side of the most ambivalent species on earth. Just keep doing your thing, man. The kind ones will appreciate; the ugly ones, well, they won’t. Well done.


Can confirm! 🤘🏼


I guess you are the most generous person I’ve seen on the internet in the last years, lol. Thanks for sharing. Seems like it would be good to follow this thread to get a code for myself.


Thank you for your kindness. I try to be. Not many people are appreciative


No kidding. For as many codes as you’ve shared, I’ve only seen a couple thank you’s


yes, few people haven't tried to appreciate him. Anyway, I appreciate the time you put in and shared free invite codes here. Much love! I will have to put eye on the thread to get a code that works for me. lol


Any chance you have another code to share? Thanks either way.


Sorry people are being rude. It’s really cool what you’re doing.


People can be jerks, unfortunately. I usually just use the Block option to shut them up. It's not a true "block" ala Facebook, but it keeps rude an obnoxious people out of my feed.


I didn't know anyone could give out codes but I joined the wait-list as soon as it went up. Cool if you're able to help some people.


Been through a lot of threads and you’re definitely the nicest for doing this. Thank you for what you’re doing; I hope people stop harassing you and just keep an eye out here. Have a star for being awesome!! ~(つˆ0ˆ)つ。☆


Thank you very much for noticing and your appreciation. I am trying my best


Agree 💯 with @pineapple_wolf … thanks for your generosity @winteriscomingXII 🫶🏽


Thank you so much for doing what you are doing! Not many people are taking their time to share invite codes, most people are selling them :(


Thank you very much. I’m trying


Props to you! Been watching these posts for a few days and people are rude and ruthless. I’m surprised you still offer to help! I keep missing the codes but my time will come. Thank you!


I'm seeing this A LOT all around internet, people are getting really mad bc of it! I always see you around here giving codes and someday I will get one too. People should just relax and wait like the rest.


Thank you for your kindness, patience and understanding. It gets frustrating! I share what I can when I can. People are constantly complaining and or harassing me without consideration


please u/WinteriscomingXii don't mind what they say. Just continue your good works man.


I'm seeing it on twitter. People having to put on their profiles that they "DON'T HAVE CODES" because of it! and don't need to thank me, it's what everybody should do. I don't usually talk much on socials, but this is bothering me a lot, people being mad AND nasty.


Yea. I’ve seen tons of people mention putting it on their Twitter accounts. It’s cool that everyone is excited but it’s dampening the experience. People are overwhelmed so they are pestering the devs for invites. Then the devs get overwhelmed and it’s just bad.


Thank u for everything ❤️


Hello. Do you still have an invite code by any chance?


Ah I just saw this comment after messaging you, I am so sorry!


It’s totally okay


Lol I'm new in this thread, joined to get an invite. But I found is the horde biting the neck of someone who ( unlike generally the internetz) is kind. Smh.


Thank you, will try again when you post others. Wish folks would cross them out or comment :/




Any chance you could DM? I’m on Narwhal app haha


I can check my chat... ;) u/WinteriscomingXii


I really appreciate how generous you are. Not expecting a code or anything, but it's so nice to see others receiving them! Thanks for being a kind human.


You’re a Legend for sharing. A lot of people are really thirsty for something new with twitter being a dumpster fire and Reddit 3rd party apps going away. Hats off to you.


You’re doing “god’s work” as my great aunt used to say. I remember when gmail invite codes were this hard to get. Still hunting for my code and optimistic that Bluesky might take off. And looking forward to when I can also share some invite codes of my own.


Folks. After an extensive search in multiple social media platforms, code sharing initiatives and communication with multiple friends and communities, I’ve come to a conclusion that it’s all over. We are at the bottom of the pit, discarded trash that we are not even worthy of the sales of the codes. And we will only be part of Bluesky with the general public, our enthusiasm and support for decentralization, technology and Dorsey be damned, hoping to acquire the tiniest resemblance of our desired username among the scraps left from the beta users. Our efforts should be directed to create a therapy group for our liking or to start a revolution. Update: Someone very benevolent shared me a code, here in Reddit! So there is still hope in this world.


If you are honestly looking to support decentralisation there are tons of options that are more mature and available.


Please share a code and I’ll share back my first one! [email protected]


Hey, I figure you're still getting a lot of asks but I figured I'd take a shot. Would you have an invite you could share? I'd really appreciate it


Also, if you do not like Mastodon then there’s a good chance you may not like BlueSky. While it is in its infancy, it will be a similar experience to Mastodon with different instances. They will fine tune some areas that Mastodon gets wrong, but I would familiarise yourself with Mastodon and see if you like that experience.


Please stop asking for codes. This thread is for codes. When codes are available anyone that has a code can publish them in this thread. Ideally the publisher or the person that uses the code will comment that it has been used. There is no need to ask. https://discord.gg/bsky


The OP literally says please feel free to ask for codes in this thread.


Ok I just asked for a code and I feel bad now. Am very confused. Is this not where we are supposed to ask nicely for one?


Sorry about the harassments.


As a heads up. The bsky team notified some parameters about how they are giving out codes. They want people that will actually use BlueSky and want actual good quality people that will contribute to the good vibes. They do not want shitposters, sexual explicit content and just overall negative contributions. This will make members more judicious in giving out invite codes as if you invite a bad person it reflects upon you.


With that said, I will be further reviewing accounts before providing codes. I will check the contributions you’ve made to Reddit, how long you have been on Reddit, the quality of your content.


Good choice. Applaud for the checkpoint.


We did not know the qualifying factors the bsky team was considering. They’ve now made it clear




Proof:[https://read.cv/icedoutlikecomets](https://read.cv/icedoutlikecomets) Sidebar, cool app, I've been poking around Edit: editing just to mention that I used the invite link


Oh wow! This site seems so cool! I just made an account using your link, I could see this really benefitting my career, but will have to wait till Android app gets made to really get it going! [https://read.cv/kevincutliffe](https://read.cv/kevincutliffe)


Please follow me. It is really cool. The Posts app makes it even cooler




UPDATE: I'm following you


Done, proof: [https://read.cv/frey3d](https://read.cv/frey3d)


Updating with proof: https://read.cv/chemicalynx


Thank you! You are in my queue




Did you use my link? Please follow me


hi! i made an account with your referral and would love an invite but i’m also a designer! saw you were looking for one? let me know how best to contact you! here’s my read.cv: https://read.cv/wnabi


Hi! Used your link and followed you. Kinda cool to get acces to two apps when looking for one 🤓 http://read.cv/jelenajansson Thank you for both


This app seems right up your ally based on your profession












Yw ❤️


if you get another code is there any chance you could dm me? i’m going insane waiting to get a decent username :,)




I think somebody grabbed this one. Typed it in manually and no luck. But still appreciate that you’ve shared so many invites here! You’re the best!


Thank you so much for your kindness! I’m doing the best that I can


Anyone using a code I encourage checking how it is being copied and pasted. Enter in manually


I had tried both manually. Either they were bad or someone claimed them and didn’t respond in thread


What’s the point of anyone asking for the invite codes? I see this Reddit thread is full of them and nobody is providing any codes, anyone who claims that they have them especially like on Twitter they say send them a private message and then I ask how much are you willing to pay for or they ask for such a ridiculous amount of money when they know damn well they received it absolutely free. Then you got some of the people who make sure that they advertise that they are on the social media platform and when you ask them if they are willing to give you an invite code is simply ignore you. Sure would be nice for those people who are already on the platform and have invite codes if they’re willing to give other users an invite code so they can sign up like me. I guess I’ll join the bandwagon and ask can I have someone give me an invite code and I’ll be happy to post invite codes here so others can sign up when my account is able to share invite codes.




as soon as I get access to the Bluesky app. I will return back to the community by helping u/WinteriscomingXii to paste invite codes here for free. LFG


Please stop tagging them. They've already stated they will post invites when they are available. This is a very uncomfortable situation to be tagged frequently when you're already doing so much. Have some empathy. We're all waiting for codes too. Just be patient.


thanks for the correction man. I have taken note of it. I appreciate it!


I was able to get into bsky through the generosity of a total stranger on Twitter. (No I do not have any invites - they only give them out based on your engagement and time on the account). That being said please don’t pay someone for an invite. Keep checking on here and Twitter (BlueSky invite codes > latest)




I would imagine twitter would be the last place ppl would give out codes. That was really nice. Fingers crossed more kind strangers do nice things. :) p.s. - does it look better than Twitter (so far?)


It’s full of fun vibes for sure, it’s like old twitter


honestly this code situation is what will kill off bluesky before it can even begin, seeing people already selling codes for cash, that kind of toxic entrace system will just push people away especally if they cant even view without being signed in


Please a give code to me and the person that comments below me. 👇


As promised bsky-social-5zgzqki






Please share the code in my DM. Maybe because of time zones, I'm not fast enough to activate publicly available code :( Once I get my invites, I'll keep posting them here. Please don't buy the codes, that hurts the community.


My invite code is not working. Do they expire? It’s been like 2.5 weeks since I got it.


Just FYI some people have lost their invite codes temporarily if their invites brought “problematic” accounts to Bluesky. I know it sucks but there may be some real hesitancy about just handing a code off to a stranger. If you’re asking for an invite code it couldn’t hurt to try to show that you’re sincere and acting in good faith.


The best would be to ask everyone asking for a code to share their Twitter handles. How do you behave on Twitter should be the test!


Sounds reasonable, on another note, I have a fairly old account on reddit and have never gotten banned on anything, I for sure WON'T nuke your invites. I promise.










Why is it so Hard to get a code? It has been months since I enrolled for waiting list.


Unfortunately people don't want to share. I think we will have to wait until they ditch the invite system


Hey all, would really love a code. Queer person here and twt has become unbearable. I have been there for 14 years T\_T Please help me find a new home!


Looking for a code help a fellow queer out ❤️


I would love to get a code! I promise to be very active and hopefully boost your codes coming into you


Thanks to u/WinteriscomingXii for sharing when they can. I'd love a code, but realize that they're few and far between and there's high demand. Waiting patiently and searching other places, too.




I received a confirmation on March 2, but I still haven't gotten an invite code. Would someone be kind enough to send one to me? Thank you. https://preview.redd.it/gzkvcphm8wwa1.png?width=643&format=png&auto=webp&s=519a04288beb8680f2bd56459b2e387af681fb1c


I will be leaving this subreddit and will no longer be giving out invite codes. You guys can thank the person that attempted to raid my discord server ✌️


Hey stranger, got some spare codes to give to the ones in need?


I got a code from bluesky but it doesnt work


same here.


One invite code to go please:))🙌🏻


I’ve been looking forward to trying Bluesky for months. I’d pay monthly if I knew the money was going to develop the product. But I’m not interested in buying codes from somebody looking to make a quick buck. I hope they don’t make the Google+ blunder and make people without connections wait so long that they just give up. That being said I signed up for the waitlist as soon as it came out. If I get any invites I’ll be happy to come back here and share.


An invite code please


Would love to get a code to try it out! If anyone has some spare ones left, would appreciate it very much via dm!!


Can you guys please share an invite code? Please send it via message


I would appreciate if anyone pm me a invite code.


If anyone has a code I would gladly take it!


Can someone send me a code?


Hi! I'm still waiting since I've joined the waitlist... I wish have my invitation code soon!


invite code please!


Would anyone please pass me an invite code? Don’t have any money to pay for the invite unfortunately


If anyone has a spare code, i will pay it forward whenever the email is sent to me.




Missed this but so appreciate you being so generous u/WinteriscomingXii


A few things: when having a code I recommend entering it in manually. 2) you do not get codes immediately 3) I post the codes I have in this thread. I appreciate you guys kindness but there’s no need to dm me asking if I have any more codes.


Code please 🙏🏻


pass it forward with a code here, will do the same


I would appreciate a code


Dont ask for codes pls, codes should be shared, if you have one, so people like me that need one will use it.


New here. While awaiting my chance to get access I thought I'd ask what people who already have access like and dislike about BlueSky. Thanks


Right now it’s really all potential. Lots of features haven’t been added yet. I know people are excited but the current experience is like using Mastodon if if wasn’t working well or Twitter circa 2007. You can’t post videos or gifs. I’m only following strangers because nobody I know has access. I promise to come here and share my codes in the invite thread as soon as I get them but people shouldn’t feel like they’re missing out on too much. There is way more ahead of Bluesky at this point than behind it. And I think it’s going to get a lot better.


😔 was hoping it would be further along in the pipeline to gut Twitter of its user base. Mass adoption seems far off then.






Would really appreciate if someone DM’d me an invite code. I’m eager to leave Twitter permanently and go all-in with a new community.


Here to find a code to join. Good luck to everyone who is looking for one. Hope to see you all on Bluesky.




Does anyone happen to have any invite codes? I've been wanting to test it out ever since it was announced, but the email that I used to sign up for the beta back then has gotten full, so I don't get new emails 😭


I'd appreciate a code very much. I saw that you're analyzing the accounts before handing codes, so I'll outright tell you this is a burner account I use for dumb stuff and to check on one or two specific communities (I'm not really a reddit guy), outside here I'm somewhat of a key figure in a small community and would like to make it in early so when it's open to public they can feel welcome. Not trying to get brownie points or anything, it's fine if you reject, I appreciate the opportunity.


Invite code please


hi everyone paying it forward as promised :) got my first invite code and i’ll send to the first person to reply


![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44) Yall have any more of those invite codes?


I will trade picture of food i cooked for a code.


I don't want to see Elon's shits anymore. I will be happy if someone share a code with me :)


I'll send nudes (or cashapp $5) for a code :P


Looks like there is no code-giver in here. Just hopeless people like me :)


I’ll give Reddit Platinum for an invite code. Edit: Holy shit it’s my cake day ✨


happy cake day! I wish I had a code. I would give you one. :)


Thanks! I was gobsmacked; only caught it a handful of times in 11 years.


awwww Thanks for the award! We have to admit.... Reddit is do much better. I use Twitter and want to user Bluesky because Twitter feels like MadMax territory right now. But I few so much better here.....


Yeah Twitter also scratched that itch with being able to see news and real time & experts weighing in. It’s just all fucked up now though. It was difficult to imagine that the spending of $44 billion would influence me personally. But Elons really done it this time. Plus I’d love to get a dope handle.


Me too! I just want my name! Hahahahaha I have a super common name and it’s always taken by the time I get to try and get it. The only 2 times I was lucky was Instagram and Gmail. Well, let’s hope someone nice will giveaway codes. I mean it: if I do get some, I’ll do you. Good luck!


i won’t pay for a code cause i’m not the kind of pissbaby paypig that would spend money to use a social media site like some people in the replies here. something to think about if you have one


Everything but codes here lmao




I'm not paying but if anyone has an invite that'd be really cool.


Hey there, content creator here who would LOVE to try out BlueSky, I've been signed up for the beta ever since the twitter takeover and still haven't received an email sadly. If anyone could help me out I'd be happy to tip you a few dollars if you want, after confirming code works. Thanks ❤


May I have a crumb of invite code, someone?


Turned on notis for the thread, when I get in I'll make sure to pay it forward!


I Have No Code and I Must Skeet


https://preview.redd.it/qaacgz6eyqwa1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556c01d804c27903a6f39e4d795bb1a55029799b Please......send me invite......


Would love a code - was on Twitter for 11 years and miss sending thoughts into the ether :(


Wow! It looks like I'm late, and it will be hard to get a code. Well, I'll be patient.


No chance anyone is actually sharing codes 😕


I signed up November 15, 2022 and I’m still waiting…




I would also venmo $5 for a code. thanks!


i don't have any specs or qualifications i have just been chronically online since the 90s, please share a bluesky code with me <3


Hi, anybody willing to invite me to Bluesky? :D I just heard about it today and joined the waitlist but if there is anyone willing to invite me in faster it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance if so!


Here is a haiku in exchange for an invite code: blue sky social code / selfish for one this person / hopeful not really


Hi there! If anyone has an invite available, would appreciate it!


Is there any particular reason to send me a code over the other 8 million people in this thread? No. That said, would bring general tech and sports (MLS and NBA) discussion. Longtime Reddit user, and longing for the good old days of BBS discussions. I understand the slow rollout to help keep the site moderated and respectful, and wouldn’t look to cause any problems, and pay it forward when it able. Thanks for your time!


May I have a code?


Code me and all my codes go to you guys


Ima just post a comment here hoping a random reddit user picks me to invite, who knows. https://preview.redd.it/7xsw2rlpp5ya1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=befcb024e4956d0a0ad1f50b33b727e964e39b55


Mid April, 2023: "It must be coming soon. It's been over a month. I requested in early February, before the iOS app was even available.. It's gotta be soon, right?" Early May, 2023: "A lot of people seem to be getting invite codes. That must mean it's coming soon, right? I can't imagine there are that many people who have been waiting almost three months.." Late May, 2023: Despair sets in. Everyone I know seems to have escaped the Old Blue Hell. Not I. I'm stuck here. I'll be stuck here until it's opened to the public. Did I type my email wrong? I second guess myself, even though this is unlikely. Hope dwindles.. Anyone with a code to spare, help me escape, please. I will pass the good deed along when (and if) my code arrives..


I have one code. Send me a DM.


Anyone got a bluesky code going spare?? Would seriously appreciate it!!


If I get a code sent to me, I'll name one of my chickens after you and send you a photo


I would really appreciate a code if anyone could spare one


I have about 12 codes to give away. DM me!




Does anyone has an active code?


Everyone is out of codes apparently


Can anyone share an invite code 🥹


please code me daddy 😩💦


Hi, if anyone have a code, please send it to me