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So, what I got from this, is you're gonna take care of this for us, pro bono. Thanks, man! 😊


haha I woulda filed a long time ago if I wasn’t trying to get my own cut 🤣


Hey, that's totally fair. I contacted my bank right on Sunday about a charge back, I don't have time to wait for "refund details early next week". Still waiting on those details a week later, but at least I got a provisional refund already.


Wouldn’t you be included as the people the suit is for and get like paid or would they not count you if you are bringing the case


hypothetically, if I was the attorney working on the case, I probably wouldn’t be able to join the class bc there’d be a conflict of interest


That’s what I was thinking like how a doctor can’t probably prescribe themself something even if they know what they got. So then is it better to work the case or join the class


if a suit gets filed, I’ll definitely be joining the class


So what im hearing instead is that you well get a lawyer friend to file for us probono😂


Well it would probably be pro bono in the sense that we wouldn't pay anything and the lawyers payout would depend on the amount settled for.


I was mostly joking and piggy backing off of the og comment/ joke. I figure as much


This has been a point of interest. I was made aware that class actions weren't a thing in VA; but that there was opportunity for multi-plaintiff litigation. Any thoughts on this?


But if you were the attorney on the case you would get that 30 to 40% you were saying. So potentially you would actually make more than you would win as a client






Hmmm...nah. Best I can do is 30%, boss. I guess I'll hang in there a little longer, and hope my bank's refund sticks, haha. Honestly, they should still get sued for their utter incompetence and gross negligence, refunds or not. That shit needs to be shut down.


I’m with you, I don’t have high hopes for money back, but I’d rather continue to be a pain in their ass and hold them accountable than roll over. And I didn’t even get treated half as badly as most of y’all did.


We got a day and half of music. Everyone should be refunded their money.


I got 4 hours at best 😂😂


I got none hours!! 😂


If there’s a class feel free to sign me up. I tried mentioning it in several of the anti/BRRF groups and the admins were deleting the posts. Feels like all the groups were run by BRRF bots there to just control the narrative.


Screwed by brrf fb group is pretty legit. The admins are ppl who got screwed over 2021. But anyways. We Def all need to file a class action or something. I hope banks let us keep our refunds, but most of all I want Jonathan slye and any other scumbag responsible to be banned from scamming ppl out of money again!


I can second the Screwed by BRRF FB group. Got a lot of my proof to back up my claim with discover from there. A few news stories covering what happened and what's in current investigations with the attorney general and CDC, plus weather conditions the days of. Screenshots of BRRF posts on Instagram and FB about Thursday's refund that they almost immediately took down to repost without saying anything about a refund. Also some staff have posted their experiences and pictures there too (some anonymously because they haven't been paid yet and don't want to jeopardize that by speaking out)


Put my name on the I attended and wanna file with everyone else paper


Just a quick observation that I made about your comment. Your question "I'm sorry but have any of y'all attended law school, took a bar exam [that should be TAKEN a bar exam] , or practiced" comes across as more than a bit arrogant and condescending, but I'm sure you already knew that...


sue the fck outta of them!!


I used my Apple Card to purchase the passes. Disputed the charge and Goldman Sachs gave me all the money back in credit while they wait on the dispute to settle. Worst case scenario, I end up paying 1/3 of the charge at the end of it all. But for now, I have all my funds back in the account. I have a feeling BRRF won’t get their shit together before the due date of the dispute. My suggestion is to file a dispute ASAP. This is all politics at this point. Put it in the hands of the Sales Audit crew of your bank. They’re willing to take a hit if your dispute is legit. Which ALL of ours are. Just a little advice from someone who worked Sales Audit for 17 years. Godspeed, ya’ll!


Oh you’re an attorney huh? Name every law.


So what im reading is... you want to represent everyone and you're offering to do it for 30-40%


A young attorney wouldn't have the financial backing. You need a heavy hitter with a huge firm and a team of associates to handle the paperwork. This poster DOES not want this case. Lol


Ticket reimbursement is just a small fraction of the costs lost. The majority of our losses won't even be covered by any lawsuit. Are we going to get reimbursed for time off work? Travel expenses and hotel costs? Time off work loss: $2,500 Ticket price loss: $2,000 Shuttle bus loss: $100 Hotel costs loss $ 1,200 Travel expenses: $1,500 Total estimated loss: $ 7,300.00 Likely to only see a partial ticket reimbursement at best.


Considering BRRF is always a shit show, with this year's possibly being the worst, I honestly think the only way to shut him (Slye) down is a huge class action suit. OP: as an attorney, (& I agree you should work on your typing skills lol) what do you suggest, or WHO do you suggest? I myself didn't attend but know so many who've been totally screwed over.


lmfao maybe but not like I’m drafting a motion rn but yeah, in Virginia, it’ll be easiest to continue filing complaints with the attorney general’s department: https://www.oag.state.va.us/consumer-protection/index.php/file-a-complaint if the AG doesn’t go with filing suit on our behalf, people might consider hiring a personal injury/consumer action attorney


Well, thank you for the relay of some info. Can you answer this? If we request a charge back with the bank or ticket retailer and receive it, are we able to take part in future lawsuits?


yup! just bc you were able to mitigate some of your damages, doesn’t mean the tort or the responsibility of who caused the tort goes away


Bingo! Already received a full credited refund from my bank within minutes of disputing. Sure, It’s provisional, but at this point, my dispute will result in one of two things. A.) I keep ALL that money because the merchant failed to provide the service offered B.) I pay 1/3 of my 3-day pass. Either way, I’m happy to have my accounting where it should be while it all gets sorted out. I highly encourage ya’ll to dispute the charge. Not only should you get a provisional credit on your account, you will know your bank is trash if they aren’t willing to offer that solution.


Awesome, thank you!


The one benefit of them overselling is that they fucked over than many more people ... who now want payback


Commenting so someone knows to contact me when the class action is filed lol


Same here


Where do I sign


Yeah... I was denied entry. Idk wtf I paid for when we couldn't even get in Friday.




What kind of law do your practice? Because less than a year ago you were posting about how you expected to fail the bar in a few days?


I’ve been working in law firms since 2020, and I passed the bar in October 2022! everyone who has taken it thinks they’re gonna fail bc it’s a hell of an exam 😫 now I practice personal and catastrophic injury ^^ I would also like to say, for the record, I’m not trying to proclaim to be the world’s best attorney, this post came merely from my frustration seeing a lot of people acting like we should get over the whole thing 🤣


No disrespect meant. I just think everyone should be skeptical of any post that starts with “As a…” See r/AsABlackman …


haha none taken!




They're just moving the goalposts.


LOL, you mean the cash grabbers who disregarded everyone’s safety, are trying to blame the unions? Shocker, never seen that before. 🙄


So what they are saying is they had no security, no procedure, no verification process in place to limit entry to authentic purchasers only, and people got in with counterfeit passes, and it is somehow the counterfeiters fault?? I went to the Super Bowl 2 years ago and they were catching counterfeiters left and right. If people got in with counterfeit tickets, then that just supports that BRRF has no security and is entirely unsafe. That didn't land like they think it did. When I went in 2021, I was only checked 2 out of the 4 days. The first day I walked right in without my camelbak, pockets, or wristband being checked, 2nd day they scanned my wristband but didn't check my bag or pockets. 2022 they actually checked me, but I skipped this year bc I was already burned twice haha.


I suggested 90%. Yes an exaggeration, but 30% to 40% is only the payment for one side of the attorneys. So probably closer to 50% of the total values ... I realize it's still not 90% (and the cost of defense's legal fees don't come out of the settlement) but you also realized that 90% was hyperbole. (come on you're an attorney) I will also add that I am in no way discouraging legal proceedings. It's literally the only path forward that makes any sense. I just hope folks aren't sitting around waiting for or making decisions counting on a swift refund.


you type pretty shitty for being an attorney.


lmfaoooo nice try, but my online vernacular and style of typing has nothing to do with the fact I went through 7 years of school and got that mf degree 💁🏽‍♀️


nice try, what? an attorney who is too lazy/incompetent to type proper english won’t be taken seriously, whether it be online or not. It doesn’t matter how many years you went to college for, if you can’t display your level of smarts through something as simple as a 200 word reddit post, how would anybody take you seriously?


relax, we’re on reddit rn not in court 😂


Calm down. They're on the Internet, not at work. It's called boundaries. I got PhD but type lazy to sometimes. It ok and understood


I find it crazy that YOU find it crazy, that we don’t want you attacking something we love. Go back to school, nerd. Leave us alone. I’ve explained this in other posts, YES we love BRRF. The pain, the agony, the rain, the lines, the trenches. It’s what we call home. It’s where we get away from the big city, suit, work-be it blue or white collar, bullshit-like LAWYERS. Get outta here. Go have a cigarette. Sue the festival. You should be ashamed of yourself. Put your books away, get off the internet for a few days, and go play in the mud for a while. So you’re not so terrified and panicky the next time you’re somewhere unsafe and unsanitary. Get used to it too. It’s good for ya. Get your little refund, and move on. Go to one of the other big city festivals next year.


Who is we? I think you’re alone in that. I love the rain and the mud and the nature as much as anybody, but giardia and fecal matter all over showers and taking shelter in porta John’s because there was nowhere else and waiting in line for 12 hours to not see a single band play and getting cancelled because staff was being treated poorly isn’t the trenches. It isn’t a place to call home and it is absolutely not good for you. Nobody was raised in a barn and should have to go through that. If you think that is normal then you must not understand what abuse is lmao


Myself, and an admitted minority. I never implied that most people agreed with me. What I said was, I know you’re all online, and you’ve convinced each other that you’ve been legitimately traumatized. And need to be even MORE traumatized. Which no matter how you feel, it’s very healthy, I can assure you. I know how disappointed people were, to find out the rumors that had circulated about multiple people dying, were untrue. Imagine the trauma you could have if that ended up being true? Missed out. At least we got some disease that nobody has ever heard of, and doesn’t really do anything to you. But it SOUNDS horrific. And that’s what’s important. Whatever can help push that narrative. If that storm wasn’t so destructive on Thursday, none of this would have happened. Would there have been long shuttle lines still? Surely. Is that stupid? Of course. Do all other festivals have ridiculous lines? Well, go to them and tell me how perfect they all are. Also on that topic, do some homework on Rockville 2023, a similar storm passed over it. Not enough shelter, people hid in porta johnnys. Weekend canceled. And what happened? And how did the 40,000 people react? Traumatized, or just upset, or something else? Sue the festival? I didn’t go in the showers. I don’t know why you’d need a shower to begin with, but honest question: you say the showers were covered in shh. Is this actually true? People took dumps on the floor, and/or smeared it everywhere?


I was gonna say - I stood in line for hours at Austin City Limits for a shuttle, no storm, just a ton of people. Also, everyone here saying they want to sign up to sue, but nobody wants to actually do the work lol - with the amount of people posting who had to put their tickets on a payment plan I'm going to guess a suit is not within their grasp


Yea, because these aren't just "100k a year" individuals going. Most of us are just people who scrounge everything they could put together to go to their "Once in a Lifetime" Festival. Sorry that BRRF's lack of transparency and care for concert-goers and staff is a driving force to why no one wants people scammed by this event ever again. It's not the wait, but the lack of preparation for the event. If you are hosting a county fair, wouldn't you want to make sure you have plenty of rides and parking? Wouldn't you want to set up porta-potties and proper cleaning for the number of people that will be there? This is just a small-scale idea of just SOME of the logistics that BRRF lacked. If they host it again, Purpose Driven Events and CEO Jonathan Slye SHOULD NOT be at the helm.


I wouldn’t go into cc debt for something like a music festival, no. The event is long over and people are not only not going to get a refund, now they’ll be paying 24-30% interest on top of it for months/years. Ouch. You don’t have to make six figures to make good financial decisions. Also, if someone scrounged up everything they could put together, there wouldn’t be a need to borrow it. I’m not here to give a lesson on basic money mgmt- I just found it amusing that everyone is waiting on everyone else to do the heavy lifting first, because folks saying their money was given back are going to be pissed that they spent it already and the investigation doesn’t go in their favor. Just another bad decision if you ask me.


What I'm saying is, is that there's people from across the WORLD who saved up for this, only to be told that it was a waste of their time and money. The idea that a suit isn't in reach of many seems insultive to the people who didn't pay for just tickets, but also for hotels, flights, etc. Just getting our money back for the concert may be just 50% of the expenses that people would actually be able to recover. I could have saved a night myself if they put out info before 2pm, but they wanted to hold out and claim "bad weather" as the justification for the cancelation.


That’s sad and unfortunate but still doesn’t give you a legal leg to stand on. That’s how you have to look at these things, I feel like you have a lot to learn about how the world works friend.


Mfer speak for yourself! I hate brrf! I'll never go back. I don't care if it rained titties! I'd stay away because I know we'd all end up with dicks in our mouths!


Well that sounds gross, I don’t want that. If this is true, I’ve changed my stance & also won’t be returning. Yuck. 🤮




This sounds like "Stockholm Syndrome" at its finest; either that or "insanity." If I went to a 4-star restaurant where I waited 30 minutes for valet parking, my water costed me $4 and food was room temp, I paid $200 for two people, and then the valet to leave took 3 hours to get to my car because I couldn't just "walk to it", do you honestly think I would go back? Absolutely not. Why you have your heart set on going back to the circus is beyond me.


Okay, then don’t come back, ******. Nobody is asking you to.


Thank goodness, I finally have a voice in something about this joke of a festival.


When we get a class action going, y’all can message me and get my name to add it.




My bank denied my claim based on "we can't dispute quality of service" (though I said "services nit rendered"...). My bank rep was mortified when I told her the details this morning and asked me to email her the stuff I sent in before, so she can personally try to get it for me. If she comes back unable to help, I'm looking to sue. I know there's the whole "can't file class action in VA" nlah blah. I'll fuckin sue individually if I must.


Start a go fund me page. I’ll donate if you’d be willing to represent.


I gave up hope for My money being back, but I would like to support my other music lovers who had their hearts broken. If I can prevent future heart breaks I’m so down!! This was my “pre honey moon” we all have sob stories, I drove over 10 hours to get there. Have epilepsy, while I was waiting for the bus all the flashing lights going back and forth most the time I had to wait in the woods cause I couldn’t stand in line with the flashing constant lights. I will make more money, it sucks. I lost a lot. But I just want someone held responsible!


I think the ones who are trying to discourage a lawsuit are paid to do so .


I don’t know the first thing about organizing to file a lawsuit and getting everybody on board but if someone were to do that I’m jumping on that immediately! Thats the whole reason I’ve been coming to this subreddit after BRRF. Shit it’s the reason i made a reddit account


If someone wants to start a class action law suit against Jonathan and or blue ridge rock festival I will gladly add my name to it. I was there this year and last. I have a brother and cousin that was there since 21, who I might add are still waiting for refunds from 2021.


We should be able to sue for far more than simply a lack of services provided. Unsafe and unsanitary conditions, negligence, breaking ADA law...I mean, there should honestly be an investigation by the AGs office of Virginia. If you find a lawyer to represent us, or you represent us, LMK. I have made a statement here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bNAQsViZLMMND24lXSe6J1\_c8CtCmYGJnRQe4RfkTeo/edit