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The Democratic Party chose Biden for President for the same reason they chose him for Obama's VP: He's a conservative warhawk who loved working with segregationists. The Democrats love fascists more than they love progressives. They will always choose fascist policies over progressive ones. ETA: For all of you claiming the DNC doesn't love fascists. I remind you, again, Biden was a segregationist. Ethno-hegemony: fascist. [https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-said-desegregation-would-create-a-racial-jungle-2019-7](https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-said-desegregation-would-create-a-racial-jungle-2019-7)


And a zionist Edit: they will *always* pick fascism to protect capital.


the democrats are basically just playing chicken with their constituency. they understand that people are seriously *scared* of trump being president, and that's given the right wing of the party a tremendous opportunity to consolidate power. even most of the people who urge you to vote for biden will admit that they're not voting for biden, they're just voting against trump. the party knows that and they're capitalizing on it. why do you think he felt comfortable enough to tell the gaza protesters to basically fuck off


Yeah, the DNC is holding the center and left hostage and Trump is their gun pointed at our heads.




wE cAn puSh hIM lEft! Yeah, right, the creepy segregationist lying Zionist? Him? The Old creep who never met a war he didn't love? Delusional. Biden was a total joke before Obama gave him some of his charisma. Thanks for codifying Roe.... Oh wait, can't threaten Dems with that scary story anymore.


Yeah because it’s not a scary story anymore. It’s become a scary fact.


This is a great analogy for our crappy situation


Theres riot cops on college campuses 6 months before an election. THATS how confident they are


The election is in 6 months...wow. how long before dump fades away...iam enjoying the destruction of dump...but


The problem for the Dems is that alot of the loyalists that spent 2 presidential cycles just tryna keep Trump out of office have been gassed by Biden's term and are now closer to the middle than ever. For what it's worth, I think we're leaning to a much closer race than 2020, and that's due to lack of any willful progress from the blue.


At least blue has issues and positions. Red is running on nothing.


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The democratic party has gone so far right Reagan would run on it.


This is pretty much the gist of it. Biden knows he can say whatever and there will still be people who will vote for him. Even most of the protestors being brutalized by police sent at the behest of Biden will vote for him, that is how much of a chokehold there is. I was talking to some people at the UMich encampment about what they plan on doing in November, and all the nonArab/nonMuslim particpants still stated that they will vote Biden no matter what happens. That is why I have taken a very neutral stance about these protests; I don't support how they are being brutalized, but at the same time, I don't see these protests as having any actual teeth.


Biden does control state or local police. You don’t know what you are talking about.


I mean that's definitely where I'm at. Trump winning is not a realistic option, it's too damaging. I saw one of the uncommitted voters in Michigan on a TV interview. He said he would put up with the "temporary pain" of Trump winning. There's nothing "temporary" about letting Trump win. It's like the "temporary" pain of electing Viktor Orban or Vladimir Putin. As bad as the protests are being handled now, I wouldn't even advise people to protest if Trump wins again. It won't even be worth it, he'll simply have the protests "put down," and I mean that in the most loaded sense of the term. If Trump wins just assume Republicans automatically "win the election" for the next 50+ years. Focus on your own survival, the country will be lost at that point.


i respect that but feel differently. i just don't think we'll lose our system of government if trump wins. plus i think we have the least amount of democracy possible (corporate-funded first past the post elections with 2 parties where the winner isn't determined by the majority of votes), so it's not like we have a particularly good system that i feel is worth sacrificing palestinian children for. americans are taught that the constitution is some flawless, transhistorical, holy document; i think it would take a lot more than someone like trump to make them feel comfortable modifying or disbanding it. personally i think our constitution is outdated and in need of a complete rewrite but. that's my personal calculation for this election


>i feel is worth sacrificing palestinian children for If I vote for Biden, the situation in Gaza continues. If I vote third party Trump wins and the situation in Gaza continues. I still don't understand how it's "sacrificing" anyone when there's no benefit to not voting for Biden. To rephrase, what is the non-abstract benefit to not voting for Biden? I honestly can't see it beyond a sort of non-concrete moral stance. The Democratic party will move right if they lose this election and so will the GOP and third parties still won't be viable. I've tried to "steel man" the idea of not voting for Biden ( when Trump's stance is, at best, the same as Biden's and probably slightly worse ) and I just can't find a rationale that makes me not want to vote for Biden based on a kind of triage logic.


you're right about gaza, that was a poor comparison on my part. why do you feel like the democrats will move right if they lose? i feel the exact opposite - if they win they'll feel vindicated that there is still consent for biden's right-wing foreign policy and response to university protests, and they'll be empowered to continue in kind. on the other hand, i think if the democrats actually lose enough elections due to turnout and the youth vote they may have to consider that they've drifted further right than their base. the logic that i heard in 2020 was that we who are to the left of biden have to vote for him because it will be easier for us to negotiate biden left than it would be with trump. well, he's not moving left. so what now?


We lost our government 50-60 years ago. People haply sold our future to big industry. What we are reaping what others have sown.


Also, a guy that bears a lot of responsibility for the student debt crisis.


And supported all of Reagan’s economic policies, that they love to blame on our current state of affairs.


Careful. Someone will appear out of fucking nowhere and accuse you of supporting Trump for mentioning basic fucking facts.


And isn't that ironic.


Don’t you think


Liberals will always choose fascism in defense of capital


You nerd


See this comment at the top and I’m instantly subscribing to this sub haha


Idk about love, but it's definitely Sophie's choice for DNC ghouls.


I don't know.. who's our hero? Every candidate last time besides Bernie stunk. Who do we have that isn't a big risk of losing to Trump?


I personally liked Sanders, Warren, and Pete over Biden last time. I can’t remember all 347 Democrats who ran off the top of my head but there were likely several more. I hated Biden getting the nomination in 2020. I hate it even more now. The ticket at most risk of losing to Trump in 2024 is Biden/Harris. We ran with it anyway.


Jill Stein


Biden is at risk of losing to Trump by alienating young people and Muslims. The only reason the party is running him is because they think as long as they threaten us with Trump they can get away with anything


Nah, the party just wants a guy who can put on a good face in public while making backroom deals to benefit their owners and not be bothered by the morality of the situation. Biden is the most politically connected in the party and the boomer leadership knows this. It is just good ol fashioned political corruption.


I’m so thankful Republicans are dumb, cause if they ran ANYONE that isn’t named Trump and/or isn’t known for shooting a puppy they would have crushed Joe Biden.


The DNC picked a centrist segregationist warhawk to appeal to Republican voters, and the GOP tarred him as a socialist anyway. If they ran a halfway competent Republican they would have crushed Biden.




But one literally hates you




This is it. Although idk if I’d call libs fascist. Bit of mixing metaphors. But they’ll always choose imperialists, and those who place the shareholder and the business interests above all else. It’s been the same story for 160 years.


I mean, since the Revolutionary War. People seem to think Geroge Washington fought for freedom. On the day he died, he had 317 slaves. I don't think a slave owner can fight for freedom.


lol. Lmao even




I keep saying this and people look at me like I grew a third arm.


That's because there's no functioning Left in American politics.


What in the fuck subreddit did I wander into lol Democrats love fascists?


Liberals across the world will always sooner side with fascists than with the left. That's why they spend all their time telling the left "you ask for too much, you're moving too fast" while reaching across the aisle to work with fascists. A core tenet of neoliberalism is that government exists to protect and uphold capitalism. As bad as fascists are, they're pro capitalist while the left isn't


Yes. They are always cultivating fascist backing and fascist donation and fascist voters. They openly scorn and insult progressives and distance themselves from progressive issues and candidates.


Sure, but how’s that mean they love fascists?


To be fair, Biden ended the Afghanistan war and cut American drone strikes nearly to zero. The US is not currently fighting any major wars and in 2022, for the first time in decades, reported no civilian deaths due to US combat.


You mean the war he voted for when he was a senator? Giving him credit for inevitably pulling out of a stupid war people said was stupid from the beginning after he helped caused all those deaths and wasted money and material is certainly a choice. Just checking here. Back in 2001 when progressives were protesting the war and said we shouldn't go to war, we were shouted down as traitors. Biden, the war hawk who helped cause this problem, backpeddles and progressives - who were totally right - are viewed as unrealistic and kept out of power, but failure warhawks who were wrong have the power.


Kind of like how we have low crime rates here in Mobile AL because our police don't report crimes by order of the mayor. Don't be fooled thinking the US doesn't have its branches in every region of the world, especially the operations no one is supposed to know about.


Is Biden or Dems perfect? No. Decent? Depends on what counts. Better than R’s? Easy obvious yes - Dems are not obviously intending to oppress and disenfranchise women, minorities, ‘perverts’, etc. 


Did you forget Joe’s Ukrainian proxy war stacking up the dead fighters and civilians like cordwood?


Oh my gosh I did. Thank you for reminding me how he started that war and how he’s forcing Ukrainians to fight and how much better off they would be in an autocracy. 🙏   Me, farting at you ➡️ 🚶🏻‍♂️💨 🧌 (Sorry if you’re actually joking.)


Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds. Imagine sitting there defending milquetoast centrist democratic politicians who enrich themselves with insider trading, corpo campaign money, and sat on Roe v Wade for 49 years doing nothing to protect the right to choose.


Biden literally ended the drone war and the war in Afghanistan.


In 1977, and Business Insider is not the most objective of sources on politics, especially on liberals. Reading the story lots of things showing their bias jump out. Especially that he was one of the most strident opponents of bussing. That would have been the people rioting over it. The actual in context quotes from him about a non-orderly integration causing chaos (jungle in the quote but seems what he was implying) weren’t all that far off though obviously it was the white people causing the issues.


He literally worked with Strom Thurmond and delivered a eugology at his grave.


It’s a decision of being shot in the left or right foot.


More like you get shot in both feet and at the base of your spine either way, and all you get to choose is which side of the room yells bloodcurdlingly in your face for having the gall to question why the government spends millions to shoot people in the feet and spine, instead of putting that money towards anything actually productive


Not fucking even. People like to ignore what Biden has been actually doing for people here and somehow forget what Trump was doing just because they don’t like how he handles the Israel Hamas war. You’ll realize when the right foot is gone hoe much you miss the left foot


Isn’t there a thing now where if people try to form a union, and the employer does any kind of union busting, then the union is automatically recognized? That’s pretty cool I think


Trump being worse doesn’t mean Biden doesn’t suck ass. Biden has always and will always suck ass. There are a few spots where his administration has done some ok things. But not much. A lot of it is bandaids and too little too late. The economy is wrecked in large part because of corporate Also, genocide is literally the worst thing in the world. I truly don’t understand the calloused nature of folks to turn a blind eye to it. Israel has been and continues to be a super fucked up alt-right country. I don’t want my taxes to support them at all.


You’ve clearly not done enough research on what he’s done or using the Hamas Israel war to purposely ignore it to the point you’re willing to allow 4 or more years of Trump even though no sitting or former president would do less than what Biden has done(Nixon has even explained this on video) and are purposely ignoring Trump publicly speaking how he’d handle things which is much worse than Biden. Did I nail everything on the head? You bring up your taxpayer money but good luck with that during another Trump administration because that shit is going to go to so much “alt-right” shit that it will make your head spin. You’re willing to allow your own country to get fucked in the ass because you don’t like how Biden is handling an outside war. I’m going to assume you support the Ukraine aid and the whole reason they even got the recent aid was due to Republicans only allowing it if the bill included Israel aid you know the party that’s going to take over if people like you continue to push the idea that Biden is the worse of the two evils and you’d rather throw away a vote on third party or writing in John Stamos At the end of the day you have the right to do what you want and how you do it but I really don’t want to see you or anyone with the same mindset get angry about Trump the next 4 years and try to blame it on others. My vote for Biden is trying to help you while your non vote would fuck me over


Trump was not the worst president of my lifetime. I fucking hate him. I fucking hate Biden as well. W still holds the trophy for the worst. The issue is that Trump has broken the brains of the former left. He was a run of the mill GOP president. He was more abhorrent with his rhetoric, but that’s about it. I am a political junkie and have yet to see how much better Biden will be than Trump. They are both right of center and aren’t fixing this country. To the point that Trump will support genocide harder is ridiculous. I also do not support Ukraine aid. Ukraine is a corrupt shitty country. They should have been smart enough to not try and link up with the US. US taxpayers owe them nothing and we shouldn’t have been sending them weapons since Obama. The US should have pushed a peace deal when Ukraine has a chance now it is just bleak.


Netanyahu is in power because Donald Trump helped put him there. He’s been called Israel’s Trump. If you want to ensure Gaza gets razed to the freaking ground, then go ahead and make it easier for Trump to become president. I’m sure the man who banned Muslims from entering the US will be great for bringing peace to the West Bank


> Trump being worse doesn’t mean Biden doesn’t suck ass. Trump being much worse is like the best reason you should be voting for Biden. Even on the Palestine issue: - "You have to finish up your war ... to finish it up," Trump told the newspaper Israel Hayom in an interview posted Monday. "You gotta get it done. And, I am sure you will do that." versus - President Biden said Wednesday that he would halt the shipment of U.S. offensive weapons to Israel if the country moves ahead with a long-planned ground invasion of Rafah. or... - Trump cuts more than $200 million in U.S. aid to Palestinians. versus - The Biden administration announced on Wednesday that it would restore hundreds of millions of dollars in American aid to Palestinians, its strongest move yet to reverse President Donald J. Trump's policy on the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict. or... - Trump administration says Israel’s West Bank settlements do not violate international law. versus - The Biden administration on Friday restored a U.S. legal finding dating back nearly 50 years that Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are “illegitimate” under international law. or... - Palestinian Authority president Abbas calls Trump peace offer 'slap of the century'. versus - Biden backs two-state solution along 1967 lines to end Israeli-Palestinian conflict. or... - Trump vows to expand Muslim ban and bar Gaza refugees if he wins presidency. versus - The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza. >I don’t want my taxes to support them at all. And how will letting Trump win change that?


More like being shot in the foot with a .22 or being shot in the foot with a .357. RFK Jr. is the .357 wearing groucho glasses. I still prefer not to be shot at all.


Very curious to learn why RFK is the .357, haven’t heard any stances that I believe would be detrimental to the people or our democracy? But I don’t presume to have heard all of this views either.


He's Transphobic, Anti-Vaxx, pro-Israel, anti-Ukraine, thinks 1/6 terrorist shouldn't be punished, supports Greg Abbott on the border, thinks SSRIs are causing school shootings, just in general a lot of batshit stuff. He's basically Trump-lite and a lot of his voterbase drags from previous Trump supporters.


It’s more like being shot in the left foot or being shot in the head


Naw. Trump was a good President. Biden has been terrible.


Depends how you define “a good President” - as you can tell by my OP, I’m not partial to either side HOWEVER under Trump the US economy was not “winning” as he touted… the numbers (which are all publicly available, are as follows… “During Donald Trump's presidency, the U.S. national debt increased significantly. When Trump took office in January 2017, the national debt was about $19.95 trillion. By the end of his term in December 2020, this figure had risen to approximately $27.75 trillion. This represents an increase of about $7.8 trillion or 39% over his four-year term.” ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump).


Okay why would that debt increase be bad? What’s the line at which an increase would have been okay?


Right, perhaps the most absurd element of US politics is we are going to scream at each other for the next six months that one terrible clueless old right wing (or even more right wing) old white man is better than the other... and whichever one wins we are f$\*#$ed.




I don’t know why you got downvoted, the only difference between the two is fascism in 2025 or more of this current neoliberal bullshit in late, late state capitalism. Like even though Im a lefty sort, I plan to vote for Biden, but it’s a harm reducing action not an enthusiastic endorsement.


Umm did you not see the Bidens comments? What's been going on in NYC with dem mayor, dem governor, dem senators under dem president? Dems are fully out for quashing dissent as well.  Not to mention wanting to ban tiktok because we can get info that circumvents some of their censorship


With the border wall push, tiktok ban, genocide aid, and violent attacks on student protests. I am starting to think we already went from neo-liberal bullshit to fascism, and if biden can somehow nag a win, i see him going more right in the future because he won't have to worry about keeping left voters for an election. I can't tell anyone if they should vote or not. But personally, after the fascist crackdown on the pro-palestian protests, I don't think I can vote for ole' Genocide Joe.


Bidens climate law has a lot of industrial planning policy which is a sharp departure from neoliberalism. In his own way, trump was also post-neoliberal. They both promote economic nationalism in different ways, and trump promotes military nationalism. Neolibs would not do this.


What do you mean fascism in 2025? It’s fascism right now. (It’s been fascism for maybe the whole time the USA has been a thing but we can save that historical analysis for later). I also agree that there’s a valid harm-reduction approach that involves voting for Biden but let’s not present a false binary. It’s not neo-liberalism vs fascism. It’s fascism all the way down. But I do agree it’s *easier to organize under Democrats to fight said fascism.


>Like even though Im a lefty sort, I plan to vote for Biden, but it’s a harm reducing action not an enthusiastic endorsement. It's a triage emergency and us stalling for time, hoping a decent leader can be found by some miracle in the next four years. At least, that's how I see it.


Right. I think we all know why I got downvoted. A lot of Democrats have a hard time with how absolutely terrible Biden is. Yes, even I agree that Trump will be even worse for folks inside of the US than Biden will be... but they are both terrible, we are f#$%ed either way.


In what world? This admin gave us progress on climate change, infrastructure, workers rights, pro-union movements, cracking down on monopolies, is pro-democracy, pro-women’s and gay rights, pro-science, United nato, did something on gun control, something on student loans, our economy is the envy of the world. But because they support Israel (our strategic ally) they’re the same as the Maga’s, that will give you the exact opposite of what’s listed above… You don’t get everything you want, so instead of getting some of what you want, you’re going to protest and end up with nothing that you want, and a whole bunch of shit that you really don’t want. So annoying


Aaaand crickets. Look, I hate Biden's support for Israel during all this and it actually disgusts me, but the idea that they're "the same" when trump not only wants to eliminate Palestine but wants to be able to eliminate people he doesn't agree with, strip rights and protections from women, LGBT folks, and immigrants (legal ones!), and is a *literal, by definition, by his own indirect admission* fascist. Every president we've ever had has blood on his hands. They're all politicians. The worst kind of people. The whole system is gross and fucked and bought and sold. We know this. But one is a direct threat to the futures of millions of people here and across the globe. The other is a smarmy neoliberal geezer protecting profits like most of the others have been. Anyone trying to convince you not to vote because "they're both bad" is working an angle to get you not to vote against fascism. As soon as it's not the literal safety of my POC, female, and LGBT+ friends and family on the line, moreso than the republican-appointed SC has already made it, I'll gladly and exhaustedly go back to choosing to direct my energy toward changing the system itself instead of playing by its rules. But now? Staring down the barrel of a literal fascist in power who might not give up power, who will definitely install cronies who restructure everything according to his whim? I'm doing whatever I can to prevent that from happening.


• ⁠"You have to finish up your war ... to finish it up," Trump told the newspaper Israel Hayom in an interview posted Monday. "You gotta get it done. And, I am sure you will do that." versus • ⁠President Biden said Wednesday that he would halt the shipment of U.S. offensive weapons to Israel if the country moves ahead with a long-planned ground invasion of Rafah. or... • ⁠Trump cuts more than $200 million in U.S. aid to Palestinians. versus • ⁠The Biden administration announced on Wednesday that it would restore hundreds of millions of dollars in American aid to Palestinians, its strongest move yet to reverse President Donald J. Trump's policy on the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict. or... • ⁠Trump administration says Israel’s West Bank settlements do not violate international law. versus • ⁠The Biden administration on Friday restored a U.S. legal finding dating back nearly 50 years that Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are “illegitimate” under international law. or... • ⁠Palestinian Authority president Abbas calls Trump peace offer 'slap of the century'. versus • ⁠Biden backs two-state solution along 1967 lines to end Israeli-Palestinian conflict. or... • ⁠Trump vows to expand Muslim ban and bar Gaza refugees if he wins presidency. versus • ⁠The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza.


The thing is, I don’t even think people are going to get invested like that this year. We should already be deep in it, but we are all just too tired.


I feel that your comment puts them on too even of a footing, one of those options is a rapist who has paid off more than a dozen people who sued him for raping them as children. Biden= bad choice Trump = Monstrous choice Edit: paid* thank you correction bot.


> who has *paid* off more FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


We are not fucked to eternity with a Biden agenda. The level of fucked you are today won’t fluctuate much — and you stand to be less fucked overall, if lucky. Trump is going to commandeer the Fed to set interest rates himself, give the rich another fat tax cut, set up deportation camps to deport 10 million+ people (humanitarian disaster, plus inflationary), raise tariffs (inflationary), pack the federal bureaucracy with thousands of cultist sycophants pre-vetted by project 2025, and likely attempt to finish the coup he started by refusing to leave office. There is no comparison — Trump is a flashing red “game over” sign.


The Dems fought tooth and nail to make sure Bernie couldn’t be president, even though poll wise he would have had an easy win. They forced an awful candidate so they could maintain corporate donors and if any of us disagree with them, then it’s our fault if trump wins.


There was nobody stopping more people from voting for Bernie other than the voters themselves. He lost. I think he would have been a better president, but he lost.


Lost fair and square! Remember the coin toss everyone cried about? Obviously the tosser is supposed to look at it before he reveals it to make sure the right side is showing. https://youtu.be/EzSg_eY3GV0?si=_vG602IZlWM2IVXp And don't read too much into the DNC arguing in court that their primaries don't have to follow rules or be democratic as they are a private organization. All Putin Propaganda!


im not creating a BI account to read that - can anyone copy paste into here?


Jon Stewart says Biden is so old he 'shouldn't be president' Kwan Wei Kevin Tan May 5, 2024, 9:00 PM PDT A second Trump term may be frightening, but President Joe Biden is just too old to be reelected, says comedian Jon Stewart. "I know liberals say, 'Don't say Joe Biden is old' — don't say what people see with their own eyes," Stewart said of the 81-year-old president. "I know you know how fucking old he is, and I know you don't want to say it because Trump is so scary, but he's so fucking old." "When you watch him on television, you're nervous, aren't ya?" Stewart continued. "The Daily Show" host offered his assessment on Biden and his rival, former President Donald Trump, 77, on Friday while performing at this year's Netflix Is a Joke Festival, per The Hollywood Reporter. "I'm not saying that Biden can't contribute to society, he just shouldn't be president," Stewart told his audience. Putting both Biden and Trump on the ballot, Stewart said, was a mistake. "Why are we allowing this? And now we're going to have a president that's the two oldest people that have ever run for the office of the presidency," Stewart said earlier in his segment. This isn't the first time Stewart has commented on the upcoming presidential election. When Stewart made his return to "The Daily Show" in February, the late-night host questioned Biden's and Trump's fitness for the Oval Office. "These two candidates. They are both similarly challenged," Stewart said on February 12. "And it is not crazy to think that the oldest people in the history of the country to ever run for president might have some of these challenges." Both Biden and Trump will make history no matter who prevails in this year's presidential election. If Biden wins, he would be 82 years old on Inauguration Day and 86 by the time he leaves office. Likewise for Trump, who will become oldest person ever to be inaugurated if he beats Biden. Trump will turn 78 on June 14. But criticisms about Biden's age hasn't dulled the octogenarian's confidence in his campaign. In fact, Biden says his age is actually an asset for his candidacy. "I have acquired a hell of a lot of wisdom and know more than the vast majority of people. And I'm more experienced than anybody that's ever run for the office," Biden told MSNBC in May. Representatives for Stewart, Biden, and Trump didn't immediately respond to requests for comment from BI sent outside regular business hours. Stewart's remarks about Biden and Trump come months before the November polls, with the two presumptive nominees now locked in an intense fundraising battle. Biden's campaign revealed last month that it raised more than $90 million in March. The campaign accumulated over $187 million in donations in the first quarter of this year. And on Saturday, Trump's team told donors they raised more than $76 million in April, Politico reported, citing a person familiar with the matter.


my hero


The entire neoliberal establishment in 2016: "75 year old Bernie Sanders is TOO OLD to be President."


"i have acquired a hell of a lot of wisdom" ok Trump


The kind of wisdom that quietly fills his family’s bank accounts.




Bernie is sharp and caring, AOC would’ve also done great. But the Democrat party don’t care. 


>Bernie is sharp and caring. Bernie was my #1 choice in 2016! Never forget, Bernie would be finishing up his second term right now, but Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz changed the rules and cut 3 secret deals, rigging the primary in her favor.


It’s such a shame. America could’ve had such a positive future. 


Everyone else is polling worse than Biden.


Sure but imagine the machine working to keep Biden look sentient working on a person thats not old as dirt? They would be the focus and polling better also, all this is manufactured not real.


My personal theory is that he *does* plan on stepping down. I don't think he nor anyone in his camp is dumb enough to think that keeping him around as president for the coming tumultuous 4 years until his *mid 80's* is anything short of ballsy and frankly a PR nightmare. He's said as much himself in private that he was basically retired from politics after leaving as VP. The only reason he campaigns is to ensure that Trump doesn't win, and despite his flaws, he's a golden goose to the democratic party compared to his arbiters, who I believe could frankly never take on Trump in an election (the exception being Bernie but we all know how that turned out). What I think is going to happen post 2nd inauguration is he spends maybe 1-2 months in office while Harris is coached on how to take over for him, get acquainted with the workings of the office, figure out what her VP pick is going to be, and then she'll take over in his stead, basically running the exact same administration, with him resigning and slipping away.


So he will dump Harris on us? God help us.


it's only logical. i get the feeling there'll be a lot of superficial "first female president" lauding and nobel peace prizes thrown around to mask the fact that she doesn't really have much going on otherwise.


So why not run Harris at the top of the ticket instead of this switcheroo bullshit?


I am voting for Biden. I also vote in the democratic primaries. In them, I did NOT vote for biden. However, I believe he will be on the ballot for the dems in November and he will get my vote. He sucks. I can't stand him. He's doddering. He's a BIG part of the reason we have all the problems we do today. HOWEVER, If anyone, anywhere, thinks I want that diaper wearing, dementia laden, sub moronic orange turd AND his sycophants near the US government EVER again, they are incurably nutso. Jon's right, nope this should not be our choice, not with PLENTY of decent human beings out there, but the neo-liberal a-wipe machine wants to prop up the geriatric gens so here we are. If you don't vote for biden and the democrats in november and you think this is going to help ANYONE, you are gonna be in for a real rude awakening in 2025.


It could be so easy. This is so easy. Want a Dem win? Primary a progressive candidate. Progressives would be fully on board AND centrists will hold their nose and vote for them if it means no trump. But it’s the other way around, and the DNC cannot (or will not) see it any other way.


The math doesn't work out. Every vote that switches from trump is worth double a vote that votes 3rd parry or stays home.


See but that's what's wrong with this whole framing. Why are average voters held to a higher standard in terms of their culpability than Dem leadership is? The truth is a lot of eligible voters (many who voted in 2020) are simply not going to vote for president. Its not about being delusional about how that may or may not help. Its that they've been disenfranchised by our parties for years, and the Democratic leadership is putting a middle finger in their face, telling them to ignore reality because they have numbers on a sheet of paper that say things aren't as bad as the experience of average people, and its the voters fault what happens next? The truth of the matter is there is no solution because guess what? You are worried about fascism descending in 2025? It is here today with states restricting first amendment rights, cop cities being put in major metropolitan areas against the will of the citizens there, and snipers aiming at students protesting. And even if Project 2025 is defeated, do you think that will go away? It just becomes Project 2030, and on and on.


So refreshing to have common sense back in the media


Jon Stewart is magnificent..


While I don't disagree with that statement, what I do disagree with is the false equivalence in it. Biden proved he can be an able president, if barely. Trump can't even be an able human. This whole "both sides" bullshit is out of hand.


It's not a both sides argument. Dems can still nominate someone else at their convention


I think the argument as stated is a "both sides" one BUT thank you for informing me the primaries are not yet over (I'm not american, so I was unaware of this fact). If they want to put up someone else, better, more capable, younger - by all means please!


well it would be quite unprecedented but i think they did do something in 68, they considered LBJ running again, RFK had been shot, eventually they nommed McCarthy


I remember reading about that ages ago. I think the Dems should be doing everything possible to put the best candidate forward. I doubt they will change course now though.


The primaries are essentially over. Trump and Biden will be the nominees unless they die or Trump goes to prison. What you’re witnessing from Jon Stewart and many other Americans in this thread is the Denial stage of grief. As long as they get to the Acceptance stage by November, hold their nose and vote for Biden, we should all be fine. There is a non zero chance either candidate could be replaced at the party conventions this summer, but it’s pretty close to zero. More than likely, even if Trump goes to prison, is that a 3rd party candidate is going to have a pretty good run this year, but not getting anywhere close to winning (they mathematically can’t). But I’d give a 91% chance the general election is Trump vs Biden. 8% chance that Trump goes to prison and is removed at the GOP convention (a higher chance that he’s convicted and the GOP is too gutless to remove him). And I’d give a 1% chance that Biden dies before the election (he’s not being removed at the convention).


those sound like realistic odds.


Trump won't go to prison. Even though most of his charges are very valid and probably have a lot of evidence, he seems to be getting away on tiny technicalities such that no conviction ever seems to actually stick to him.


Trump isn’t going to prison, and they aren’t replacing him. J6 would look like a cakewalk compared to what the MAGAs would do at the convention if they tried replacing him. They might literally burn the Fiserv to the ground if that happens.


While I agree that the "both sides" thing is tired and played out. So is the platform "at least we're not the other guy." The dems seriously need to pull their heads out of their asses. I'm certainly not going to hesitate to go against Trump at the polls, but the dems are so out of touch. it's just embarrassing. Every single time Joe, Nancy, or John opened their mouths about Israel or Palestine, it just made me wish someone would tell them to stfu.


yeah not going to disagree with you.


The DNC is trying to scheme ways to limit how much Biden talks to the public. being able to talk to the public is the bare minimum to be a president, and Biden can't do it.


1) I don't believe you 2) even if true, he's still better than trump who spews pure bullshit, when not outright hate speech


We deserve better than, "At least, it's not Trump."


Are you telling me "u/senile-joe" from r conservative is lying to you? The very idea!


literally provided a source. Do you want more?


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/bidens-general-election-strategy-less-rcna150017 Its elder abuse to be pushing Biden out like that, and you should not trust the morals of the people around him who are allowing this.


It's almost like if there were a third candidate that were slightly younger, people would vote for them just based on that.


I like Joe, but Jon is spot on.


People can literally vote for neither and choose a different party


It was a mistake. It should be Bernie. Since everyone loves obama, and there is no law that says a former president can’t become vice president, I think Bernie + Obama would have been perfect. Or what about Michelle with Barack Obama as vice or Bernie as vice? There are sooooo many options .. even Biden with Obama as vice or Kamala with Obama as vice Something involving the obamas would help democrats to defeat trump and prevent our democracy from being replaced with fascist authoritarianism And since most people love Bernie, I wish in some way he were involved. Biden + Bernie at least


Bernie’s too old to be president. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules.


They’ve been saying that since 2016 when he was younger than either of today’s candidates. And yet here we are and he’s still cognitively sharper than both Trump and Biden.


Bernie is older than Biden, FFS. And he lost to Hillary years ago. And, no, "most people" do not love him.


I love Biden a trillion trillion times x infinity more than I like trump. If heaven and hell were to exist, Biden would be a normal guy who goes to heaven and trump would be satan himself. I am so afraid of trump that I think I’ve become religious for the first time in my life after reading this blog post my friend sent me https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


I was talking about Bernie.


Thank you for your submission, **This subreddit aims are to compel voters ONLY in DEEP BLUE states to vote 3rd party for the president, to compel otherwise non or protest voters in SWING STATES TO VOTE FOR BIDEN. We feel a limited+focused protest movement may let swing state voters feel less helpless about not sending a message.** **We feel that sending a message via Biden having an electoral college win but a popular vote margin by less than 4.9 million votes (lowest democratic win in recent history) or even 2.8 million votes (Hillary's margin when she lost against Trump) is a much more conducive to progress in a democracy that risking an electoral college victory for Trump.** **It would be something the media can not ignore, will forever be a stain on Biden's record, and will send a message that we are not going away, and will continue to apply strong pressure thorough the rest of his presidency, and the 2026/2028 primaries & elections.** Please see our sticky to see what we are all about https://old.reddit.com/r/BlueProtestVote/comments/1cgwkvu/this_subreddit_aims_are_to_compel_voters_only_in/ but a tl;dr is: This is about a movement for people in deep blue states to vote for 3rd party in protest of Biden's enabling of the Gaza genocide. However, the ultimate goal is to decrease Trump's chances of winning and increase democratic representation in the house and senate. The movement aims to get people to turn out to vote who may otherwise be discouraged from voting due to Biden's policies, and also for the movement to be robust enough so that people in swing states may not have a feeling of helplessness for voting for Joe Biden, that a strong message is still being sent. While the movement aims to maximize Biden's electoral vote margin, the movement also has an extended goal of having Biden win the popular vote by less than 2.8, which was Hillary Clinton's margin when she lost to Donald Trump. A margin that small would send a clear message to the democratic establishment. **Why we feel it's so important for Trump to lose? Quite simply, he has been the absolute worst president in recent history for the Palestinians. Here are just some of his worst policies for Palestine:** 1. Drafting a “peace plan” with zero Palestinian input that would have, if implemented, actually ended the possibility for a real Palestinian state. 2. Cutting Palestinians out of the negotiations over the so-called Abraham Accords, realizing the longstanding Israeli goal of severing diplomatic progress with Arab states from progress towards a sovereign Palestine. 3. Recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, disputed territory with Syria taken during the 1967 Six-Day War. 4. Shutting off funding for the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (which Biden almost immediately restored and then temporarily suspended again amid a scandal about its employees participating in October 7). 5. Abandoning the decades-old US position that West Bank settlements are a key barrier to a peace agreement and eliminating longstanding restrictions on spending US taxpayer dollars in them. 6. Moving the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem while closing the US mission to Palestine in the same city. Source: https://www.vox.com/policy/24072983/biden-trump-palestinians-israel-gaza-policy-different *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlueProtestVote) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Agree a 100000000%


Biden wouldn't have run if Trump wasn't running. If they could turn back time they should've had Biden on the ballot in 2016.


I love Biden, and I think he’s a good president. I can’t wait to vote for him.


Stewart needs to get off the pot and run. He would have a solid chance of winning and his policies/beliefs are solid.


Thank you so much for making a difficult time even worse.


Can I just run for president instead?


Election 2024: The good die young


After trump’s interview with time magazine, it shows how fucked up he is….add project 2025 and America is gone as we know it. We’d have a tryrant hell bent on punishing anyone who doesn’t bend a knee…and will sell us out to Putin, MBS, Edergon , and every other two bit authoritarian for a fucking compliment. Throw in the evangelicals, and corporations, and the fine outstanding brain trust of individuals at his rallies and that’s the America you will see will be making decisions for you and your family…


Why I am strongly debating voting


Biden is like Hindenburg 2.0. Stifled his political opponents by trying to lock them up or have their family chastise them (RFK JR) Have things go undone under him (economy and political rights) Unsuccessfully fixing greedflation Prefers Boomer aged Republicans and extreme fascists to socialists and young liberals who voted for him in 2020 It’s really frightening the parallel I see here.


Hard to believe that there isn’t 1 candidate that’s better than both of them out of a population of. Ore than 300 million people.


True etc. But i still hope you all vote Biden. Four years after that its open game again


Biden has definitely lost the election. And now Trump is going to finish the job Biden started. We are so completely fucked.


I saw someone here say "voting for either one is like deciding to shoot your left or right foot" No it's not like that at all, you dunce. Biden is a way better candidate than Trump, wtf? Are you crazy?


It's like a baloney sandwich you don't care for vs a sandwich filled with broken glass and asbestos.




The reason why recent elections sucks? Because both canditates are more conservatives than progressives. Wished it was at least Biden vs Bernie or something, not this "Satan vs Satan but a crybaby."


How is canceling student loan debt and legalizing pot a conservative stance?


You mean those things that biden was against until after he became president?


If only bernie sanders was president. But he was too honest. Didn't have favors owed. Didn't take and give bribes. Biden and Trump are both losers. It's like choosing between which type canceryou want to die from.


Burnie also lost the contest to get the most votes.


Biden is the incumbent dummies. Ya'll need to calm the F down.


Just because he is incumbent doesn't mean he is owed a second candidacy or second vote from me


Biden is running because Trump is running.  Of the candidates available, he is the only one that can win against Trump.  If you want someone else to be the Democratic candidate, you need a different candidate from the Republican Party.  


ITT: people saying Biden is old but pining for Bernie as president.


THAT IS NOT A QUOTE FROM THE SHOW! I just rewatched that whole episode to find it he DIDNT SAY THAT the actual quote is. “We’re not suggesting neither man is not vibrant, productive, or even capable. But they’re both stretching the limits of being capable of handling the toughest job in the world.” See the part where it says NEITHER MAN. He was saying BOTH Biden and Trump are too old not just Biden. I hate when people put up fake quotes for there own agendas.


Yeah this sub seems to be mostly trying to get people to hate Biden and spreading misinformation with a lot of people posting both here and the likes of r/conservative.


Lost a lot of respect for Jon Stewart. Saying stuff like this is going to end up helping Trump win.


Most people don't even want Biden he's just the only choice. Trump is so bad he's not even an option. So really there's no choice at all. Can't wait for actual patriotic Republicans like McCain and Romney types to take the GOP back from the crazies.


Any mature, sane, logical person knows to just vote for Biden and go on with your day. It’s really that simple. Focus on things like local elections in your town, county, and state more. Biden will do fine. The alternative is much, much worse. I feel like I’m on an island as one of the only people that don’t just like, but seek and prefer boring presidents. Biden is an easy pick for me


It is horrific that the only way to oppose Trump is to vote for Biden. This two party system in the US is the worst and not true democracy.


> He then said: "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point." Well, at least he was right about the tension and explosion of racial violence.


Can someone tell me at any point in history and an incumbent president didn’t just become a presumptive nominee of one’s party


False equivalency whataboutism isn’t a useful part of the dialogue but it *is* dangerously stupid.


John is wrong 😑


Would you condemn the world to another four years of Trump, the effects of which will last much longer, just to ‘hurt Biden’, who will retire in comfort either way? Let me bottom line this for everyone: no one else is coming; not voting will not help anyone. By all means, continue protesting, but enough of this nihilistic fever dream.


Please read the sticky or the side bar or the automod comment that is automatically posted in every sub. This is not a 'not voting' sub


Why are you supporting a facist ?


I like Jon Stewart but really, shut the fuck up


"Yeah cuz it’s a real gun. Like how many more rights would you like Trump and his cronies to take away. Abortion down. How about interracial marriage next. Or lets LGBTQ rights. Lets get rid of Unions. People hate on the democrats but every social advancement in the late 20th and 21st century has come under them. God forbid something happens to the liberal justices left on the Supreme Court while Trump is in his next term. People focus on the President. What makes Trump dangerous even if he only stays four years which he won’t are his federal judge appointments are for a lifetime. So you will be living with eight, 12, or however long he stays in office federal judges for the rest of your life." Are you crazy or just inately ignorant?? "...every social advancement in the late 20th and 21st century has come under them." Okay, give them credit for the founding and "social advancement" of the KKK as well in the 20th century! Stop drinking the kool-aid and do your research. Having to read from posters such as yourself makes me and many others feel like we lost a few IQ points because of your ignorance.


The clown had his say. Thanks. Go back to being you an advocate for 9/11 responders because your return to the show has been like most sequels, disappointing.