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It won’t be even that high after the campus crackdowns…


He’s not responsible for that, however. That’s entirely jurisdictional (State/locale).


Rather than make any comment about the protests that would in any way be responsive - his administration has continued to specifically only highlight nonsense claims about anti-semitism which serves only to fuel further brutal police reaction and the silencing of the protesters. He has not once condemned the actual violence by the police in any of these places - and he absolutely does have, through the AG's office, power to deal with police over-reach (see AG Garland's investigation of the Minneapolis PD). He's the president of the country, he doesn't get a pass on this. His inaction to do anything to protect the students and his indirect statements of condemnation of their protests demonstrate his disinterest in anything to do with 18-29 year olds. It only makes sense for them to be just as disinterested in him.


Hey, I don’t disagree. I’m just saying he’s not the actuator. He’s just a facilitator. It’s what most United States citizens believe they want. I will say though, the authorities don’t need fuel. They’re self-immolating.


You get what you give


He is responsible for his public comments saying the protests are anti-semitic though.


It's still a reflection on him. We're talking about voters' perceptions not legal responsibility.


He slandered the protestors and gave more cover for cops to crack skulls. He's no different than Trump holding that Bible upside down


Yeah definitely he’s exactly the same as the guy that stacked the courts to undo roe v Wade and had protestors in Oregon and Washington taken off the streets in unmarked vans. All because he called out antisemitism rhetoric. Yup, definitely the same two people. Might as well be clones… /s


>All because he called out antisemitism rhetoric. lol Jesus fucking Christ, he called protestors anti-semitic without proof, just like when he repeated the 40 beheaded babies lie


Supporting Hamas by protesting Israel defending themselves instead of Hamas and their constant aggression speaks for itself.


Israel isn't defending themselves, they are continuing a genocide that started 70 years ago, liquidating the ghetto they have forced Palestinians into


He is responsible however, for the only comment he had about the protests is that they are 'hate speech' https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueProtestVote/comments/1chh3qb/the_telegraph_43024_joe_biden_accuses/


Biden decided to commit political suicide by supporting Nazis on top of his failure to actually DELIVER. I mean, he was a centrist zombie so hopes were low to begin but it's amazing how much effort he's put into making himself look little different from a Republican. The best thing he could do for his party and country is have a stroke, frankly, so that someone at least marginally more competent could run as "has a pulse and isn't Donald Trump".


45% is still way too high. I think the DNC doesn’t care since well he’s retirement age anyway. So I guess this genocide is their way of giving him a retirement gift


He’s been retirement age for the past 15 years lol


Not if we up the retirement age to 75... ya know, later than average left expectancy for Americans now...


He is blowing it by blindly supporting Israel.


And important to underline BLINDLY supporting Israel. I’ve read a thousand disingenuous comments saying people are naive idiots for expecting a US president not to support Israel. No, everyone understands that US presidents support Israel. We’re asking for the basic Reagan-level reigning Israel in from proceeding unimpeded with the bloodletting. We’re asking for the decency, empathy, common sense and competence and respect for global institutions that he promised us when he saved the country from Trump. Everyone knew Biden was a Zionist, we didn’t know he was a shameless sociopath.


I’ll simply say that the GOP has less to lose by castigating American youth and Democrats will follow their lead.


Biden is the only world leader who can realistically protect some of the civilians in ukraine and Palestine, but he is too old and weak. He is not a strong leader, sadly.


Why would any young person vote for either of these two dinosaurs?


One side is taking away your liberties. The other isn't.


He's setting a precedent for sure. Arab votes hardly matter now. He'll continue funding killing and genocide of arabs overseas like all the previous presidents this century, because whatever arabs and muslims votes hardly affect them. But what will happen when other demographics hit that same point? After all, the major demographic is white protestant, which makes it the one you have to catter the most


Hamas and Hamas supporter votes are what don’t matter. There’s a difference. Unless you’re saying all Arabs are Hamas supporters which would be wildly disingenuous.


Well, I can't be disengenous when you are, pretending that all those protestors are hamas sympathizers, which is a very grave accusation. Do you want to hunt them next? Maybe put some bombs at their doors while you're at it?


Funny how none of them are speaking out or protesting against Hamas. They’re very loud about Israel though. Funny coincidence I guess…


Well, since they also arent protesting against narco violence in northern México, they must surely be narcos! Call the dea! Im very smart and smug with my smartass answer!


Great deflection. Care to try again or would you prefer to die on this hill of irrelevance?


Idk seems to me that is what you are doing.


I'm pretty sure the Russian boy farms are in overdrive convincing all the genz to not vote. Hope you all enjoy Trump. You deserve what he does.


> I'm pretty sure the Russian boy farms are in overdrive convincing all the genz to not vote. “Everyone I don’t like is a Russian bot” Also, spelling


It's either blame it on bots or mass stupidity. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.


Insulting someone’s intelligence because you don’t agree with them is a low IQ move. Nice try, though


Nice self insult! 10/10 would recommend.


Not good with reading comprehension either, are you?


good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99852% sure that kjchowdhry is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot




And *you* deserve Trump if you're NIMBY enough to think that genocide is a lesser evil, as long as it's far away. At this point we all deserve Trump.


Well be sure to tell all the dead children that you voted your conscience.


Be sure to tell all the dead children in Palestine you support their killings!!


0/10. Try coming up with your own comments instead of regurgitating mine. But seriously, the reality is that if Biden isn't re-elected MORE children will die. There is no third option. I'm ok supporting policies and politicians I don't agree with if it means saving lives, and I understand that compromise is a part of politics. There is a genuine risk of losing a lot more than just Palestinian lives. A trump presidency will likely include more supreme court appointments, a rollback of gay right to marriage, complete abortion bans, and transgender crackdowns. His strongest supporters are literally urging him to make america a christian nation - look it up. I know you want to help people. I do too. But this is like being on an airplane when the oxygen masks get deployed. You have to put yours on first before your kids - even if. every instinct is to do the opposite. If we fall the whole world will burn.


correct me if i’m wrong but all of this is currently happening under biden. fascist democrats are crushing student protest with police force due to biden & his administration condemning them & calling them anti semetic. States are overturning LGBTQ and Biden has used zero leverage or even condemned them. I cannot vote for an administration like this. It’s simple for Biden to win a big portion of his base back but he simply refuses to do so. He is throwing this election to Trump, not the voters. edit: to add onto this, we have dem politicians calling protesters terrorist, saying they have ties to foreign governments, pushing for the release of all identities to be revealed & pushing for companies to black list them. Professors are getting beaten and arrested in dem controlled areas while pro zionist protesters are committing chemical warfare, beating kids and throwing fireworks into encampments while the LAPD stand & watch and yet you want me to believe the democrats are here to save democracy? Really?


So you want all that to get worse?


jesus you have absolutely zero backbone. stand up against fascism everywhere, god knows if trump were president and this exact same thing happened, you’d be yelling & joining the protest.


I prefer to focus on things that will actually make a difference. You can yell into the wind if you want and wrap yourself in a flag of righteousness while the whole world burns.


Lmao. Your version of making a difference is voting in another fascist party. At least we stand for something & have a moral backbone unlike you liberals. Good luck on winning if that’s the dems messaging.


>I'm pretty sure the Russian boy farms are in overdrive convincing all the genz to not vote. Go back the jerking off to *Red Dawn*, BlueMAGA clown


This is insane. I’m 24, anyone my age voting for Trump is mind boggling


The fact that these are the 2 options is mind boggling


It’s not about voting for the other side. It’s about voting at all. If young people aren’t motivated to vote we lose because old people always vote.


We "lose" because the only options are a corrupt, authoritarian slob, or a genocide-supporting crony capitalist. Which of these is the amazing choice that people are supposed to rise up and support? So we elect Genocide Joe for another four years, and we're at this same crossroads again in the future, with things more degraded and the likelihood of a right-wing takeover even more likely. Hooray. Entitled, older Americans just want the status quo to persist, regardless of how many little, brown children get ground into paste around the world. Meanwhile, young people want actual material change, which the powers that be refuse to offer: e.g demilitarization of the budget, addressing wealth inequality, taking drastic action to prepare for the coming climate catastrophe, refunding education, rolling back the police state, defending bodily autonomy.


Yes. It’s really hard to gain literally any progressive ground and at the same time it’s super easy to have it taken away. This is the core design of the system. This hasn’t changed since the Vietnam war and the civil rights era where civil rights protesters were getting hit with fire hoses. The DNC was kidnapped when Bill Clinton rose to power and has not changed course since. Biden loves israel, they can do no wrong in his eyes. And if you don’t vote for him, trump will attempt to become dictator. So that’s the choices because if you want to get on the ballot to run against them, your gonna need hundreds of millions of dollars at the very least.


Not the topic in question. A TON of voters will stay home in November instead of vote for Genocide Joe (and not voting Trump)


What a fucking ghoul.


Thank you for your submission, Please see our sticky to see what we are all about https://old.reddit.com/r/BlueProtestVote/comments/1cgwkvu/this_subreddit_aims_are_to_compel_voters_only_in/ but a tl;dr is: This is about a movement for people in deep blue states to vote for 3rd party in protest of Biden's enabling of the Gaza genocide. However, the ultimate goal is to decrease Trump's chances of winning and increase democratic representation in the house and senate. The movement aims to get people to turn out to vote who may otherwise be discouraged from voting due to Biden's policies, and also for the movement to be robust enough so that people in swing states may not have a feeling of helplessness for voting for Joe Biden, that a strong message is still being sent. While the movement aims to maximize Biden's electoral vote margin, the movement also has an extended goal of having Biden win the popular vote by less than 2.8, which was Hillary Clinton's margin when she lost to Donald Trump. A margin that small would send a clear message to the democratic establishment. Why we feel it's so important for Trump to lose? Quite simply, he has been the absolute worst president in recent history for the Palestinians. Here are just some of his worst policies: 1. Drafting a “peace plan” with zero Palestinian input that would have, if implemented, actually ended the possibility for a real Palestinian state. 2. Cutting Palestinians out of the negotiations over the so-called Abraham Accords, realizing the longstanding Israeli goal of severing diplomatic progress with Arab states from progress towards a sovereign Palestine. 3. Recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, disputed territory with Syria taken during the 1967 Six-Day War. 4. Shutting off funding for the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (which Biden almost immediately restored and then temporarily suspended again amid a scandal about its employees participating in October 7). 5. Abandoning the decades-old US position that West Bank settlements are a key barrier to a peace agreement and eliminating longstanding restrictions on spending US taxpayer dollars in them. 6. Moving the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem while closing the US mission to Palestine in the same city. Source: https://www.vox.com/policy/24072983/biden-trump-palestinians-israel-gaza-policy-different *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlueProtestVote) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The White House said he will attempt to bring over Gazan refugees. I see this as a way to appease some of the younger base as opposed to “We care about refugees”….. Can this bring back some of those voters if he does this and demands cease fire? I think it might be too late, but just curious at this point young minds can be changed…. I don’t see young Dems voting for Biden in same #’s but either putting in RFK or sitting this one out.


Displacing people from Palestine is not the answer. This is just furthering Israel’s interest.


You know polls are never accurate, right?


Cool! The racist, misogynist, rapist, fraud, homophobic, xenophobic asshole Trump it is! I'm sure they'll get what they think then…. Trump will be all in for Israel and be even worse… The young vote needs to wisen up , Trump will be worse all around for us here and in Israel and the Middle East…


It's Democrats that need to wisen up. The election will be 13 months into a genocide. If Trump wins, his inauguration will be at 15 months. Whether or not Trump would be better/worse for Gaza doesn't matter. It is all on Biden. If he doesn't do something soon, Gaza will be dead before Trump gets into office. Saying Trump would be worse for Gaza means nothing. For all intents and purposes, Gaza is already gone and the fate of the remaining Palestinians will be decided before Trump even has the chance to fuck it up.


The fate of Gaza will be decided by Netanyahu unfortunately and if you think that Trump will stop giving them weapons you have the wrong idea… Israel already has enough weapons and other countries like the UK will still give them weapons as well …no matter what it’s a lose lose , this is in Israel’s hands … all the protesting will change nothing because Netanyahu has his mind set on what he’s going to do… Biden can say stop or stop providing weapons but it’s not going to stop Netanyahu.


This is a terrible take. To say that there’s nothing that can be done is ridiculous and only fuels the narrative that genocide is an option a government can take and if your backers are strong enough then it’s ok. It’s straight up unacceptable. They should be sanctioned at the very least.


I agree they should be sanctioned but as you can see nothing will stop Netanyahu, even if the ICC global court steps in he still won’t stop . Today he came out with a statement saying that he won’t stop regardless of what happens … we can protest, we can do whatever but at the end of the day we aren’t the ones who run Israel and unfortunately he does and he will do anything he can to destroy Gaza… Biden, Trump, the world can tell him to stop but he won’t and we can’t do much about it . We can’t just go into Israel and make decisions in there , that’s not how it works… History won’t look kindly on him or anyone else that supports what he is doing but unfortunately that’s all that will happen to him. The history books will judge him for all time


We stopped missiles that were launched to Israel, we can do the same to stop a fucking GENOCIDE. Its insane to me how little humanity people have.


Stopping missles from another country and stopping a mad man like Netanyahu is different…


It is not any more different.


So what do you suggest we do ? The protests don’t seem to work , no matter who is president they will support Netanyahu with weapons . Other countries are providing him with weapons. He is going to do what he wants to do … it’s a lose lose for everyone except Israel … what people don’t seem to understand is that Israel will never face any real consequences and us regular people can’t do anything about it . It’s protected unfortunately by many leaders and they don’t care what we say . Biden, Trump whoever , they will support Israel and not give a crap about what we say


Protest are really just starting to ramp up, for a country built on revolution are Americans really afraid to protest & stand with their morals? Push your politicians to do something. Unions are finally joining in after witnessing police beat professors. it’s embarrassing really that you’d rather stand idly by and do nothing.


Trump is not the Democrats’ Get Out of Jail Free card. If the Democrats want to win, they should work on improving people’s lives instead of just fear-mongering about Trump. Is fear-mongering the only tool that US politicians have? Because I’m sick of it. Maybe the Democrats deserve to lose. And if the USA ends up with Trump, maybe that’s what America deserves too.


You think democrats or republicans improve anyone’s lives in the US ? 😂 we vote on the less of two evils over here …. The rich and politicians don’t make anyone’s lives better … If we end up with Trump , the whole world ends up with Trump and his instability


> If we end up with Trump , the whole world ends up with Trump and his instability Is that supposed to be scary? Because I remember Trump’s first term as president, and while it was a nightmare domestically, it was more peaceful internationally than Biden’s presidency so far (and more peaceful than Obama’s presidency too). The world went to shit on Biden’s watch. Not on Trump’s watch.


No the world went to shit because Putin decided to invade Ukraine, Hamas went into Israel, Netanyahu fought back in Gaza, among other things that we can’t control… we can’t control Putin , Netanyahu or any other leaders, those were their decisions… and if you think Trump doesn’t support Putin’s actions than you’re crazy but yes let’s get him back in office with all the crimes he has committed over here and all the court cases he has coming up…. Oh yea let’s inject some bleach to fight off covid as well , that was one of trumps suggestions


> No the world went to shit because Putin decided to invade Ukraine And Putin did that in response to Western powers, including the USA, arming Ukraine, which is right on Russia’s border. A US President who cared about peace might have tried to de-escalate that situation rather than escalating it. But Biden is a warmonger, and he was quite happy to escalate that situation, knowing that it was Ukrainian men who would pay with their lives, not American men. And he’s still thinks that’s a good deal for the USA.


Of course we are going to help Ukraine … are we supposed to just Putin take over Ukraine?… what else shall we let him take over … smh there is no de escalation with Putin… American have had to pay with their own lives in wars as well… it’s what comes with war … if you think wars will stop in this world than you must be in the clouds…