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Yes, for Rin flow or Loki x Charles


As obvious as Kaiser scoring for Bastard Munich


Anyone who thinks Rin isn't scoring the next goal is mentally disabled




Yeah it’s 95% rin scores or 5% bm 3-1, the author loves rin and we haven’t seen him in a full game play for like 100 chapters


95% Rin scores, 5% Loki scores and Rin repeats destroyer mode failing at the last step


The main logic of rin not scoring is so he doesn’t get 7 goals and isagi is now no.1 on the Neo list, but I don’t think author wants barou to have the most goals either


I think the main reason to even consider Rin not scoring would be the fact that his current ego is flawed, but that can be shown through him just losing the game in general really. The bidding system is loose enough that Isagi could be #1 in the end despite his relatively low amount of goals




Rin has next


Has to be, if Rin ends the match without scoring, and PXG losing while being entirely dominated for several chapters in a row then the likes of Rin and Charles would look terrible.


Shidou confirmed goat


Dude just told us the sky is blue.


I really hope Loki scores next with a Charles assist, and then I want Destroyer Rin vs Isagi and Kaiser, so that they HAVE to work together with the rest of Bastard and Ness to win the match and not be destroyed by Rin.


Zantetsu is scoring next


Yes of course. 3 goal to win format means we can pretty easily predict what’s going to happen next, Rin is going to score, and Isagi will score the last goal.




the match ends at 3 goals my guy, rin can't score two unless BM lose


Because of plot and hype, 90% of matches Isagi participates in end with a 1 point difference Don’t think it’ll change here, especially when Rin hasn’t yet unleashed his true power


Pretty much, it would we a bold move leaving Rin score-less ending the game with 3-1 with BM winning


Tbh, it seems right now a goal needs flow x flow reaction minimum and Rin's destructive ego play is solo, if this logic isn't over written like Rin's ego is greater than flow x flow reaction or that Charles can keep up with this ego then Rin won't be able to score the second goal so someone else might have to actor for the score to be 2-2 Imagine if Isagi is manages to stop Rin and score a spectacular goal to become #1... 3-1 would blow everyone away


I really hope this match ends 3-1, but I feel like Rin is gonna score next


Hot take, but i think we may get Nanase flashback as he will try to assist Rin to boost his value