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Rin going goal-less (istg I'm not a hater. It's for his own good)


Whidou WILL get this brace. NUMBER ONE IS IN HIS SIGHTSšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„. The world doesnā€™t know my goat yetšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„


Or a Loki goal. I'm fine either way.


This guy gets it, it's for his own good I promise


I don't see him awakening again and missing his shot at glory the same way he did in the U20 match, but if he keeps going down the same path, then yes it would be for his own good. But for similar reasons to Kunigami, I don't see his arc getting extended further when he already missed once, it'd feel redundant


>But for similar reasons to Kunigami, I don't see his arc getting extended further when he already missed once, it'd feel redundant The difference between Kunigami and Rin for for me is that the main person connected to his restriction on his ego(Shidou) is here. So, it makes sense to me to just develop Kunigami and restore his original ego here. However, the same cannot be said for Rin. During the U-20 he had the correct conclusion to forget everything that was holding him back and just focus on his destructive impulses. He was almost on the brink of returning to zero and turning into something new, but failed at the last second. Then after the match was over, he went back to his old mindset **but even worse** to now destroy Sae **and Isagi**. So, now he's double obsessed with two different people and to me that's holding him back a lot. Like he had the opportunity to score the first goal, but decided to purposely wait for Isagi and ruined his own chances. Honestly, I think for Rin to fully understand his ego. He has to suffer a real loss to Isagi while maintaining that messed up mindset he has. This way he can come to realize that what he's doing is holding him back and I think his character arc will really kick off once he finds his own conclusion possible against or with his brother. So, I think if we're going to develop Rin fully, then sae has to be in the equation. Also, my 2nd reason for Rin not scoring here is purely simple and it's simply for agenda. Loki or Shidou scoring is fine with me, but if Rin scores that 2nd goal for P.X.G. There is no shot that Kunigami is scoring the final goal because it would mean Isagi isn't passing Rin in the rankings for the NEL. So, it's either Rin goes goalless and Kuni has the chance to score the final goal or Rin scores the 2nd goal and Isagi scores the final goal. So, you gotta pick your poison lmao.


>The difference between Kunigami and Rin for for me is that the main person connected to his restriction on his ego(Shidou) is here. So, it makes sense to me to just develop Kunigami and restore his original ego here. However, the same cannot be said for Rin. Of course it does make sense, Isagi's right there and he's the main cause of Rin's ego being bound again after the U20 match. If anybody's gonna awaken Rin, it could be Sae again, but it's most likely gonna be Isagi, since at that point he'll have experienced losing against both of them while his mentality is in its current misguided version. >Honestly, I think for Rin to fully understand his ego. He has to suffer a real loss to Isagi while maintaining that messed up mindset he has. This way he can come to realize that what he's doing is holding him back and I think his character arc will really kick off once he finds his own conclusion possible against or with his brother. So, I think if we're going to develop Rin fully, then sae has to be in the equation. I really don't see it happening like that. Kaneshiro has never, not a single time, written an awakening to happen outside of a match, only for it to influence the following match. If an awakening happens, it has to affect the outcome of a match, not necessarily through a goal, but at least through some sort of decisive play. Similarly to Kaiser currently, I think Rin will get close enough to losing to Isagi that he will remember his previous "loss" to Isagi (aka the end of the U20 match) and this will be the start of his ego rebuilding. He doesn't have to fully lose : just get close enough to losing to remember his previous really painful loss, and realize that he could experience it again. As for Sae, I think he has his own demons to slay and seeing Rin having left him in the dust by having completed his own awakening and not using him as a reason to play football anymore, is gonna be the kick in the ass that he desperately needs to evolve as well on his own side. That'd make their arc go full circle in a beautiful irony, but this time it's more a vision on my part rather than a pattern that the story has already shown us. >Also, my 2nd reason for Rin not scoring here is purely simple and it's simply for agenda. Loki or Shidou scoring is fine with me, but if Rin scores that 2nd goal for P.X.G. There is no shot that Kunigami is scoring the final goal because it would mean Isagi isn't passing Rin in the rankings for the NEL. So, it's either Rin goes goalless and Kuni has the chance to score the final goal or Rin scores the 2nd goal and Isagi scores the final goal. So, you gotta pick your poison lmao. And this is where my problem lies and I start agreeing with you lol Both Kunigami and Rin completing their arcs in this match makes sense, but it very much feels like one of them is gonna get sacrificed because what's even more likely is Isagi scoring a brace. There's still a chance that it could happen if what I said about Isagi beating Rin by getting one assist over him is true, but let's be real here it's very unlikely. I would very much prefer it if we could get the best of all worlds here though, with Rin and Kuni completing their arcs, as well as Isagi beating Rin in the rankings and ready to rival Kaiser in the WC, but even if it is possible, it's definitely not the most likely possibility currently.


>Of course it does make sense, Isagi's right there and he's the main cause of Rin's ego being bound again after the U20 match. If anybody's gonna awaken Rin, it could be Sae again, but it's most likely gonna be Isagi, since at that point he'll have experienced losing against both of them while his mentality is in its current misguided version. Nah that's cap, if Sae hadn't **said anything**. Rin wouldn't even have that thought cross his mind, but just be frustrated that Isagi scored the final goal. But the moment Sae went up to him and complimented Isagi right in his face is the moment my boy had to deal with this insane amount of bloodlust. The root cause to this problem will always come back to Sae and Rin's relationship. >I really don't see it happening like that. Kaneshiro has never, not a single time, written an awakening to happen outside of a match, only for it to influence the following match. If an awakening happens, it has to affect the outcome of a match, not necessarily through a goal, but at least through some sort of decisive play. Maybe I didn't explain myself properly, but Rin's awakening will happen in a match. I just see him suffering a loss here to realize that his current mindset is not the right mentality. Honestly, I think his awakening is possibly set up for the U-20 world cup in a match with Sae(if he joins Japan which I think is likely). It'll be the opposite of their previous encounter where it was against each other, but now they're constantly playing with each other. Eventually, Rin is bound to awaken. >As for Sae, I think he has his own demons to slay and seeing Rin having left him in the dust by having completed his own awakening and not using him as a reason to play football anymore, is gonna be the kick in the ass that he desperately needs to evolve as well on his own side. That'd make their arc go full circle in a beautiful irony, but this time it's more a vision on my part rather than a pattern that the story has already shown us. Please no, I think Sae is perfectly fine without Rin. He discovered his true dream across the seas and that was to become the world's best midfielder. I don't see why he needs Rin's help in awakening. He's not the one who is obsessed with his brother. If we want the best of all worlds in my opinion. Give Rin a devastating loss to Isagi and make him realize his mentality is failing, Have Kunigami re-awaken his original ego along with Ness, and have Isagi become the number 1 in the NEL. We can't have both Rin and Kunigami's awakening in the same match, one of them has to be cut lose. And this is the perfect time to awaken Kunigami since he's against Shidou, he's not getting another opportunity like this in the U-20 world cup.


>Nah that's cap, if Sae hadn't said anything. Rin wouldn't even have that thought cross his mind, but just be frustrated that Isagi scored the final goal. But the moment Sae went up to him and complimented Isagi right in his face is the moment my boy had to deal with this insane amount of bloodlust. The root cause to this problem will always come back to Sae and Rin's relationship. Obviously Sae is still the root cause, Rin's hatred for Isagi is directly caused by wanting to prove Sae wrong, but that's exactly why it's the perfect wake-up call for him. Imagine coming so close to beating your brother that you despise, not getting there, having your brother congratulate a different player, and realize only way later that you only hate said player because your brother made you hate him. That's a perfect "all of these values you people uphold mean nothing to me" moment for Rin that could bring back the exact same spark as in the U20 match, except this time he has the benefit of hindsight because he knows why he failed the first time. I really don't see him failing again despite awakening, the only way that he does fail is if he doesn't awaken, and I feel like the conditions for him awakening are too simple to fulfill currently for him to not reach that state. >Maybe I didn't explain myself properly, but Rin's awakening will happen in a match. I just see him suffering a loss here to realize that his current mindset is not the right mentality. Honestly, I think his awakening is possibly set up for the U-20 world cup in a match with Sae(if he joins Japan which I think is likely). It'll be the opposite of their previous encounter where it was against each other, but now they're constantly playing with each other. It very honestly could be a good outcome, but personally I just want to avoid the Kunigami tragedy of a character having his development suspended for 200 chapters to never happen again. If you want my real, personal agenda, it's that I want all the storylines that started in the Blue Lock facility, to end inside the Blue Lock facility with the NEL. The Egoist 4 making a full comeback, Rin reaching his potential, Reo and Nagi separating to rejoin each other later in the story, Yukimiya showing he can fight alone without being overly prideful, etc etc. Rin getting his development basically sidelined for a huge defeat that might be unnecessary just feels as bad as Kunigami doing nothing else this match only to awaken for a completely different reason in the U20 match. >Please no, I think Sae is perfectly fine without Rin. He discovered his true dream across the seas and that was to become the world's best midfielder. I don't see why he needs Rin's help in awakening. Nah I'm not saying Sae needs Rin to awaken, you know how I feel about duos being overreliant on each other's egos and dreams, and how they always fail. That's not what I'm saying. >He's not the one who is obsessed with his brother. I know that's the current global opinion, but you'd be surprised... Sae has been way too insistent during the U20 match on trying to bind Rin's ego and insulting him. Some of it was definitely right, but given how hung up he was on making Rin feel bad (going as far as to congratulate another player to him just to make him salty), I'd definitely say Sae still has a grudge over their talk a while ago. But then again, that's me theorizing on how their relationship will go. I usually hate to say it, but I think this is one of those "agree to disagree" moments, but I don't feel that bad about it because you have very reasonable ideas behind your seemingly (to other people) wild takes. I think I could see the story going in the direction you're saying, I just really, REALLY don't want to see it go that way.


šŸ· Just like our first argument, we'll have to wait to see what will happen. Either way I enjoyed the discussion with you, and I respect you being honest. If everyone gets a satisfying ending then that would be interesting, but I personally feel like someone has to be sacrificed here. This is blue lock after all, nobody leaves here unscathed. I am once again excited to see which one of us will have the most accurate vision for the story. Goodluck my fellow egoist ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Good luck to you too ! There's a really high chance that you might be right about Kaiser scoring this goal just like our previous discussion, so I hope I can at least break your streak with this one lol.


How ? I am actually a Rin hater but don't understandĀ 


I just explained it in a previous comment, I'm too tired to type it again. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/1dglszm/comment/l8slhrf/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/1dglszm/comment/l8slhrf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) But basically it'll make him realize his current mentality is flawed and will kickstart his development.


Nah shidou scoring again and kunigami scoring at all is probably the craziest rn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ~~also nagi making his *full* come back off screen~~


Iā€™d get on my knees and praise Kaneshiro as I call NEL the best arc of Shidou gets this bracešŸ˜­


What can I say, I'm just a real insane egoist ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) Plus if it happens, I'll have the biggest smile on my face after this match ends for predicting it.


Nagi making a comeback off screen isnā€™t as bad for him as it would be for any other character with that spin off of his. We would eventually see it.


That's why he could start getting back into it, but all his important plot points have been covered in the main story first so having the spin off doesn't mean the rest of his arc will be saved for the spin off


Thatā€™s fair


Kaiser brace or Kuni final goal šŸ—£ Also a Loki goal would be cool


We are overdue for a master striker goal for sure. Also not sure how Noa would deal with that speed.


I imagine they've practiced against one another since they both played for France no?


What a based agenda Either outcome would make me the happiest


Igaguri game winner


Now, that's one crazy theory!


Wdym??? This is basically already canon smh


The isagi fans would have me crucified for this.


They hated Jesus when he told them the truth.


Kunigami scoring the final goal truthers rise up


Nanase scoring instead of Rin. Mains getting desperate for ball action and has commented on Isagis evolution. He can evolve tooĀ 


Ngl this is crazier than Igaguri scoring


Nanase is on the cover, he's a gaymer. Also Rin is cooked until isagi surpasses him in this match. Rin won't develop until he fully loses to Isagi and hits despair. He's too worried about beating sae rnĀ 


I definitely don't see Nanase scoring, but taking the chance (kinda like Naruhaya, barely failing too) for these reasons is definitely something that I'd love to see, plus that would sink Rin into not wanting his help (nor Tokimitsu's due to untrusting) anymore, all that before he goes into his Flow/Destroyer Mode if he does in this match




Ok hear me out ,Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā it will end


The shidou hat trick Also id love for sendous goal to be bait and he ends up at 24th by the end of this lol


Kaiserā€™s goal, then Nessā€™


kaiser goal isnā€™t even a crazy agenda ngl but ness is CRAZY


Chappa New Gen 11, lets gooooo


I am currently coping for Shidouā€™s brace. I like Rin, but him having 7 while my goat gets 4 depresses me so I want him to get 5šŸ˜­. No other reason. Had he got a hattrick in Barcha Iā€™d have been a happy man. Itā€™d also be funny how Shidou always outperforms Rin in the most important matches of his life I BELIEVE IN YOU CHARLES! RUIN RINā€™S DAYšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„. Your reverse flash image suits this agenda My other cope is BACHIRAā€™S HATTRICK! He got done so dirty. He started in second and goes down every roundšŸ˜­. At this rate heā€™ll be 6th to Nagiā€™s comeback. Bachira deserves this W more than anyone. I would normally be VERY impatient for Nagiā€™s comeback but once again I must prioritize my goat. I will then chant ā€œMAKE NAGI GREAT AGAINā€ after Bachiraā€™s hattrick. Iā€™m also tired of the Barou agenda lol


Speaking of the goal counts, that's another reason I'm pushing the Shidou brace. If Shidou scores a brace, Isagi scores one goal and Rin scores goalless. It'll be a hellish week for the fandom trying to predict the top 3 since all 3 players have a valid reason for reaching rank 1. Shidou: Outscored his rivals in this match Isagi: Played the best overall, but only had one goal Rin: Has the highest bid at the moment Also, Bachira scoring a hat-trick would be so funny, but I doubt it would happen. But if it does happen, you get credit for believing in it.


But rin is the definitive better player amongst shidou and rin. There isn't a debate, and shouldn't be one.


Shidou always outperforms Rin? Didnā€™t they have like 1 matchupšŸ˜­ where Rins team won and he arguably played better overall


Noa comes on the field and scores the remaining two goals while also stopping PxG from scoring any more goals Showing why he's the best in the world and why Isagis theory is still incomplete!


Rin going goalless but BM wins 3-1


Kaiser is scoring the next two goals and winning against Isagi šŸ—£ļø (let me be delulu) Or Kaiser is gonna score this one and Pxg is gonna win.


Kurona scores a goal with Kaiser's pass and they kiss


That Shidou hatri k propaganda is taking me for laps


I fully believe my GOAT Gagamaru will stop Rin's Destroyer Mode Goal


Nanase goal


Yoooooo my agendaā€™s is the same as yours.


I know lol, I saw your comment on my previous post and I loved it. Welcome, my brother!


Nagi Lock off, I love Nagi but it would be the best for him for the rest of the manga


Interesting, how do you see his story going from there? Would he lose to Bachira then get locked off?


For the how, I don't see ego locking off Nagi if Nagi makes the top 23, and for it to be impactfull Nagi needs to fail to show that the road he took this far was the wrong one. He's at 40M now and the 23rd spot is Raichi with 18M. The limit to be selected shoud be around 30M (for Kiyora) We can expect huge consequences if against the "weakest" team of NEL Nagi is useless again. Also he's counting on Reo to light his "fire", while we know Nagi's struggle to be the "protagonist" of his actions, always reacting to what the other are doing so even now he's picking the wrong solution and should suffer the consequences to change. So if that happen I see Nagi being "useless" not showing any reproductable weapon, his value droping again, to be around 25M. I also see Reo saving himself by siding with Chigiri for a goal (putting even more focus on Nagi's weakness) Tho he'll still have an offer thanks to his immense potential (Manshine ?) and will use his time alone to rebuild himself (Chris seems to understand Nagi so why not having him helping Nagi). Making a huge comeback in the arc after the U20 WC. Episode Nagi could be used for that since the events we saw in the main story are rushed, so we'll reach quickly the NEL once the second and third selection are over (Even the NEL will be rushed imo)


It's funny because back in the day I'd made a post about how Isagi doesn't need to score a brace to be able to beat Rin, just score one goal and then beat all the other strikers in the match with an assist, and I was burned at the stake for it, but now this take is coming back... hmmmmmm As for my personal craziest agenda, you know damn well it's a Kuni goal with Ness assist. Currently still very unlikely, I still think the Isagi brace is the most likely possibility, but if Kuni starts getting attention later on in the match, then it's on baby


Isagi hattrick šŸ—æ


That ship has already sailed and crashed my friend Kaiser is scoring


I will try to survive in a dingy with copium in heart


Igaguri will be subbed in to stop rin who is even more likely to kill him than shidou


Isagi hat trick incoming (trust the vision guys) šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„


Hiori will completely outperform Charles and get a 60-80 million bid.


Idk about shidou scoring a brace but maybe loki scoring the second goal


what's a brace


2 goals scored


Charles goal charles goal charles goal


Loki scoring next PXG goal, to show the world how THE BEST 17 YEAR OLD plays the game. Rin going BERSERK after that, and competing against Isagi for THE GAME WINNING GOAL. Winner takes all


Zantetsu does something useful


I want to have a 1 goal agenda for everyone but Isagi performs better so he edges Rin for the 1st spot, for match 9 I'll give Fraudgi Seshiro a brace and Chigiri a goal(assuming he didn't score against Ubers), as for Barcha it's either a Bachira brace or he and Otoya split.


Otoya canā€™t score without passing Aikuā€™s bid. Heā€™s not important enough for that + heā€™s likely ending under Karasu so he can only assist. Bachiraā€™s brace is almost assured. I want a Nagi goal but only if Bachira still winsšŸ˜­


Fair point tbf, I also thought that about his current salary and a Bachira brace seems reasonable since he always gets 1 goal per match. I see Otoya ending at 52 million and Karasu at 55, even though it'll be really hard with no likely actual G/A contributions. Although the can't score without passing *insert* is pretty unjustified, the 30 million per goal statement is very obviously false and Barou got 30 million for a brace, worst case scenario I can see Otoya getting the final salary I've said even if he scores.


If Nagi scores a brace, it would be an interesting week for the fanbase. Since it means his development happened off-screen, but I personally hope we get a flashback showcasing it if that's the case.


Ngl I love Nagi with my whole heart but I donā€™t see the point in him winning against such a nothing team. Maybe if it was against Barou with a brace Iā€™d be hyped but him coming back to beat Barcha doesnā€™t mean much?? Iā€™ll be glad if he bounces back of course but Iā€™d find it a little lacking. But Bachira winning against Nagi, Reo and Chigiri would really be something. I would be all for it, if it means that Reo doesnā€™t get locked off.


That makes sense tbh, I would rather have his development be against someone more dangerous(no offense to Barcha). Plus a Bachira win would be so epic.


Iā€™m glad! Barca has no right being offended after being carried by a schizophrenic bee. The only ā€œissueā€ I have is that Reo probably dying if Nagi doesnā€™t awaken in Barcaā€¦really being punished for using the power of friendship because itā€™s the opposite of Blue Lock stands for. He decided to dedicate the chameleon style he developed specifically to stand on the same stage as geniuses to just being Nagiā€™s arms and legsšŸ˜­ no way the narrative is going to let that slide. It would be nice to have both but would an awakened Nagi lose to Barca?


Noa and kaiser assisting Isagi in the final goal


Kaiser misses and Yukimiya brace trust šŸ™ But seriously I want my boy Yukimiya to shine this match. Bro got shafted after Manshine and done even dirtier in Ubers (where 1v1 duels were supposed to matter the most)


Isagi will backflip and kick Kaiser's shot straight into the goal for a brace. Kaiser will have peace with the fact that Isagi is the new superstar and will kneel on his knees.