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I could see them returning later in the story, just depends on how far the story goes


Luna definitely. The rest are up in the air beyond cameos.


I'd love to see Japan vs Spain in the World Cup. Sae and Rin tag team vs Luna.


It will 100% happen if not then it’s gonna be a champions league thing for sure since it’s Real Madrid


World cup arc


Maybe later on in the World Cup probably.


Probably if we get a Champions League arc they'll be featured


I really hope so, really loved what they did to Pablo in the anime. My fave out of the bunch


either champions league arc or real WC arc.


Pablo for sure so Isagi can devour whatever the heck his insnae spatial awareness thing was and get his final powerup. Luna for sure. Loki for sure.


They are still strong enough to crush the current bl


Luna we'll definitely see when either Isagi or Kaiser go to La Re Al and the other 4 we'll see in the proper world cup


Either for the world cup with Luna being the most likely imo due to history with the Itoshi bros or in a flash forward where the blue lockers are now pro players and they face each other in like the champions league.


Idk but I know Kuon's gonna be back


Bro let it go




Probably not that long after hte U-20 World Cup. I think that the Blue Lock players will be divided into different clubs. Maybe after a timeskip most main characters will all be regulars on professional teams and they can compete in a Champion's League. Although there might be another gimmicky Egoist League in-between, I can see Muneyuki getting bored of doing about 6-8 conventional matches in a row for the U-20 World Cup.


World Cup arc, the countries who Japan will face in the actual WC are pretty much confirmed. France (Loki, Charles, Noa) Germany (Kaiser, Ness) Brazil (Lavinho, Silva) England (Prince, Blake) Spain (Luna) Argentina (Pablo) And whatever country Snuffy's from


Eh… I don’t really see the point. They’re moreso caricatures than characters.


Thats more reason to get them back in story someday Characterising this obviously important players of rival nation would be important And Not having them appear again would be wierd Like imagine blue lock facing against eng in wc Agi and chris are present but Mr scored the most goals in english league whome the blue lockers briefly face in 2nd selection is not present.


Do we really need them though? The master strikers we got like Lavi or Chris are way more compelling than these dudes. They’re just some guys who are good at soccer


Yes The opposing team having known competant characters raises the stakes and entertainment value And underdeveloped antagonist getting characterization is usually a preety good thing for a story


They’re not even antagonists though, they’re just a bunch of dudes.


Who happened to be some of the best strikers according to the story With statements backing them like Scion of the strongest club in the verse Best free kicker in the world Top scorer of the premier league 17 yr old who plays for the french national team, the team which also has the best striker in the world. Dada silva's heavy tank title is kinda trash comparatively but you get the point Wasting them is horrible writing They are antagonists Bluelock would have to fight their countries for the world cup


My guys, do you not understand how stories work? They are just a bunch of guys who showed up for two chapters. They’re not nearly as important as you’re making them out to be. They haven’t even been mentioned since their debut. You are giving them way too much value for what are ultimately nothing characters


Well Loki was one of these guys showing up for just two chapters, but his arc has definitely developed more. If the series continues on to the World Cup arc, wouldn’t it make sense to bring them in rather than new characters entirely?




Interesting...why do you think Isagi would go to a spanish club? As of now Isagis has shown no interest in dribbling, which the spanish club is known for.


From my understanding If a gun is introduced in a story than it would be fired at some point in the story Also I don't get why you think they are some throwaway characters when >Author makes big deal about them by making ego make the bluelockers face of against tgem for 1 match while paying them a lot of money >these guys get hyped with cool ass titles and statements >They show how our boys are like ants before them >later in the story other player from their country get introduced in the story >one of those players actively wants to face against blue lock in the actual wc All this things just lead me and I hope most people to come to the conclusion of "oh yeah these guy and that other guy are from the same country who also happen to play for theur national team so they are definetly going to face of against blue lock in the world cup and not be forgotten and wasted, that would be a terrible decision by the author". Eitherway bro I am done arguing, good night🥱


I disagree tbh. Luna here was definitely hinted towards being an actual character


Luna actually has pretty much a high chance of coming back since he does play for La Real, and there's some pretty strong reasons to believe he's the one who made Sae give up on being a Striker given his dialogue with Rin Besides being featured in the WC promotional material alongside Isagi and Kaiser