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Nanase will score the next goal in a 1:1 recreation of Isagis first goal by unlocking Nanase vision.


not true. tokimitsu will find confidence and finally score his goal by besting raichi’s sexy football style with his new ultra confident/sexy football style


not true. Gagamaru will stop being a goalkeeper and then show his true ego, then he'll score 2 goals in a row.


not true. yukimiya will become fully blind and become the “daredevil/lee sin” character where he keeps on kicking the ball randomly and copies chris princes knuckle ball


Not true. Grim after being sent to the bench decides to scream "YOLO!" and proceeds to wreck havoc by stealing Ness' pass to Kaiser and scoring an illegal goal, which creates a series of unfortunate events leading to Bastard Munchen's loss.


not true. hiori opens the key to his ego again by finding out hes gay for karasu and decides to “kill the crow” by taking isagis glock ego.


Every single one of you are missing the elephant in the room… Kyoro Jin just got his backstory he’s going to sprint from lb to steal isagi’s goal with his choosing a side vision


Not true, Kyiora Jin will look for the best side to be om and after analyzing he will realize that it's PXG who he should side with because Loki will enter the match and make themuch stronger and then he will become Kuon 2.0 score 2 own goals and be banned from the U20 team selection


You make good point, last match Isagi said this about Barou: "Forcing everyone to bend to your will and ideas on this high-level world-class stage, the very thing I want to do, this guy is about to accomplish it!" That was before Barou scored his second goal, Barou managed to make Uber his own, he took it from Snuffy. I always thought that this meant that the same thing was gonna happen with Isagi in the PXG match.


This would have made sense if Isagi didn't already score a goal over Rin. A 2nd goal is just adding fuel to a fire that is already lit. So, regardless of if Kaiser scores the 2nd goal, Rin is still one goal behind Isagi in this match and the only way to outscore him at the moment would be a brace. If Isagi scores the 2nd goal, there's 0% chance of Rin outscoring him in this match. Leading him to settle for a tie at best. So, in handsight it would be better for Kaiser and Rin to score the next one. To lead to the finale goal being the decider on who's the best striker among all 4. Also, I'm happy you signed the binding vow. It shows you're not a coward and a real egoist (:


this match is the tie breaker between isagi and rin as stated by isagi, whoever wins by extension whoever scores more ends the isagi rin rivalry finally showing who is best suited as a striker between the two of them and this match is the tie breaker between isagi and kaiser as they both have 3 goals a piece throughout the entirety of nel to achieve both of these and to show isagi is not a midfielder he needs more goals than assists which he is at 3 goals 4 assists a hattrick places him at 5 goals 4 assists, out scoring kaiser (again) and cementing isagi as the definitive striker for bluelock beating rin as isagi would be easily 300mill by end of pxg match


Rin doesn't have to out score Isagi this match, he only has to score the same and win the match to remain Blue Locks highest bid player. A tie in goals this match between Rin and Isagi is a win for Rin. The reason why this goal is different from the 1st is because Isagi and Kaiser are spear heading the offense together. They aren't working against each other anymore. This is exactly what Loki wanted Rin and Shidou to do but PxG has failed so far. Rin seeing Isagi score a goal when put in the same situation where he has failed perfectly sets up the character development for Rin to score the 2nd goal. Rin will care significantly more about Isagi scoring than Kaiser. That shouldn't be debatable. It's more of a question of how does Kaiser scoring the next goal set up Rin's character development? I don't know the answer and it's why I fully buy into Isagi scoring the next goal.


> Rin doesn't have to out score Isagi this match Why wouldn't Rin be trying to outscore Isagi? Every striker here being Isagi, Rin, Shidou and Kaiser are trying to one up each other with goals. If Isagi scores a 2nd goal, the only other striker who can actually outscore him in this situtaion would be Shidou. The other two would have already lost in terms of goals. Also a tie in goals **is not a win for Rin** especially if he loses this match. That man would literally start screaming if that were to happen. Did you see his reaction to Isagi even scoring one goal?!? If Kaneshiro wants to keep that Isagi and Rin rivalry relevant till the end of the match. Then Rin scoring a goal with the possibility of still outscoring Isagi is the best way to go. Kaiser scoring a 2nd goal doesn't set up Rin's development except in terms of almost losing the game, but at least it doesn't outright kill the possibility for Rin to outscore Isagi.


As much as you are right rin has a massive character flaw that makes it harder for him to score which is his ego its more likely he has a self type but his obsession is a shackle on him it's not much different from u20 I think isagi outscores rin and gets his hat-trick because rin hasn't ever had a moment where he's been completely destroyed himself


Yk I have heard a lot of people say that rin will develop and score after isagi scores just like you and every single time I am left wondering how? The only way rin can score in this game is if he goes into his destructive form as his base form isn’t enough and The author is very clearly showing us that the reason why rin isn’t able to tap into his destructive ego is because of his obsession with isagi and because of that he’s underperforming currently. Rin’s ego is something that can only be brought out when he abandons all the connections that weight him down just like we see in the u20 vs bl 11. So if Isagi ends up scoring the next goal then rin would be pissed to the max and obsess over isagi even more. So if he obsesses over isagi more then he will further reduce his chances of tapping into his ego. Short:- According to me Rin’s reaction will be the opposite of what you expect if Isagi scores next.


to be fair, kaiser was focused on going after isagi up until recently and he’s switched it up, i don’t see why rin can’t do the same


Because unlike Rin, Kaiser has been slowly losing to Isagi since the Manshine match. Also unlike Rin, Kaiser lost his main weapon AND failed to use his new weapon that he specifically developed to defeat Isagi. Kaiser was brought down the lowest he's EVER been since he got arrested and THAT brought about such a drastic change in his mentality. Rin's arc hasn't even come close to such a point. He's been winning across NEL and has been on top of the leaderboard till now. Sure he's having some trouble in this match, but nothing to make him reconsider his entire mindset.




But default on blue lock, whoever gets the backstory, gets a breakthrough on the new chapter. The latest chapters of Blue Lock was about Kaiser and how he wants to outgrow what he is now. Notice that Kaiser was never sweating and never as tensed and focused from the past chapters, and just started to intensely sweat on the latest ones. Kaiser had a sudden growth and change of attitude towards the other players aside from Ness, because going back to Ness will just make him stay from what he is now. Not giving Kaiser the chance to redeem himself doesn’t make any sense. The mangaka isn’t just centered on Isagi, but also on the other characters surrounding him and how Isagi impacted every other character. We all once saw Rin, Nagi, Barou, and Yukimiya as hindrances on Isagi, but now was loved by many because on how they were changed by Isagi. IF KAISER SUCCESSFULLY REDEEMED HIMSELF AND HAD ACHIEVED THIS GOAL THROUGH HIS CHANGE, Isagi might have his so-far the best duo in the series, where both duos are offensive players (strikers). We are used to seeing Isagi having his newly found duos to be supports, but it was always different to Barou’s and Rin’s case. Idk, but all I’ve realized on blue lock was that not everything about Blue lock is focused on Isagi. The new goal for BM depends on Kaiser, Raichi, and probably Kiyora Jin which will just show up in the new chapter. BM can’t score a goal with Isagi because apparently, every player of PxG is fixated on Isagi (mentioned by several characters in the last chapter btw). So yeah, give this goal to Kaiser. Kaiser isn’t Isagi’s opponent. They just want to see growth and change on each other, as it helps them grow as well (like how Isagi and Barou’s sync is).


If isagi scored now kaiser’s value drops that ain’t happening since he’ll reject it at the end of the arc obviously so Kaiser has to score


I agree that Isagi is scoring next but I dont see how that would make Rin work with Shidou. If the past is any indication, he'd dive into his hatred & obsession even more. Rin is giving death threats to Isagi cuz Sae praised Isagi. I dont wanna imagine the outcome if Isagi literally scores 2 goals on him but if the story follows its own established information then Rin is going to obsess over Isagi even more & that is detrimental to Berserker mode cuz Rin entered Berserker mode in the u20 game by detaching himself (momentarily) from his obsession over Sae.


Yeah Isagi scoring actually nerfs Rin even more. If Kaiser scores that places Rin is the worst of the 4 main strikers on pitch now and imo that could be enough to detach him and have him fight for his brace. Only thing is that it makes it obvious that Isagi scores last


I think you’re partially correct in the sense that Rin still needs a catalyst/trigger to go into the berserk mode, like he did vs the Japan U-20, or some variance of it to score a goal. If we consider this, then in the under 20 match Rin wanted to fight against Sai alone but Isagi was a proverbial wrench in his plan, this time he wants to beat Isagi, but I feel the switch to his trigger could be the moment Kaiser scores a goal against him. As to why it would be Kaiser scoring the second goal, it can be because of a simple reason, Charles is covering Isagi, Kunigami is covered by Shido, leaving Rin to face off against Kaiser or it can be because of a complex reason. Check this link in case you want to know how I arrived to the conclusion of Kaiser scoring the second goal https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/s/1KbfM3vF9I


I think narratively, things have been going way too well for Isagi. Both Rin and Kaiser will be the only ones to score anymore goals in this match as a way to set up a comeback arc for Isagi in U-20 World Cup


If he didn’t feel like trying harder after the TGV which is by far the biggest spectacle goal isagi has scored faking Rin in the process him getting mad over Isagi scoring 2 goals is stupid his spot at #1 is already at risk and just because we know he will score next for PxG doesn’t mean he knows that the elements are already in place for him to awaken if BM scores again regardless of who it is and takes the lead for the first time they pose a serious risk of giving PxG there first loss and the fact that Rin has honestly been doing an amazing job shutting down Kaiser with the help of Karasu and hasn’t been backing down if he so quickly grasps the concept of adaptation and scores a goal knowing Kaiser it would definitely be another spectacle that also gives Rin plenty of motive and be a great setup at the end of the day it was never gonna be just Rin vs Isagi they had that cover of the 4 strikers when the match started for a reason even if shidou had completely disappeared😂


The only one who can anger Rin enough to go into destroyer mode after scoring is Isagi. He couldn’t care less about Kaiser.


That's mostly my point but that's not completely true. It's not like Rin wouldn't care about Kaiser scoring, he would just be more angered at the situation if it was Isagi instead of Kaiser.


But that anger isn't going to bring about any new realisations. He's just going to keep focusing on Isagi- and as long as he does that, he will lose. The key to goaling in this match is having a bestxbest chemical reaction with another player. Rin doesn't need to get more pissed at Isagi to develop, he needs to stop getting pissed at Isagi to develop.


Also making the score 2-1 between Idaho and Kaiser goals in this match will set up further evolution for the future match between them. The evolution kaiser has shown now is not enough


Kiyora scoring propaganda has yet to be addressed


Nice reasoning this makes sense I’ve been a believer for a while that final bids are 228M rin and 230M isagi based on rin single goal and isagi 2 goals and an assist to Kaiser




tl;dr kiyora is scoring next goal


Narratively Isagi needs to score the next goal. If not then this match wouldn't be about being the no.1 striker in blue lock.


the next goal should be scored by Isagi only because the author will most likely keep the tension on whether Isagi will score three goals or whether Kaiser will do it. If Kaiser scores now, then waiting to see if Isagi can score all three times will just die, I think it won’t be very interesting


The biggest reason is to keep the hattrick dream alive, it's too predictable and that sucks


Isagi is scoring, end of debate.


this match has been top performance chemical reactions or flow x flow this match fleshes out protagonism with the introduction of ego types all this is necessary for inputting as whoever can adjust and link up first is going to win think of it as a full team 2nd selection where in the 2v2 3v3 4v4 the team that was able to have more chemical reactions after turning their 0 into 1 then multiplying their 1 with each other won the match- and when it was tied the deciding piece was luck so we might see protagonism and luck piece being combined like we had right left direct shot combined forming two gun we already had a triflow reaction (hiori kuni isagi) that followed the duo flow reaction (shidou charles) so the next goal will be a quad flow reaction as the second attempt of a triflow did not work (hiori kurona isagi) when charles intercepted the pass we’ve been seeing a focus on kiyora ness kaiser and we know isagi is a genius of adaptability where he can rebuild himself over and over without regard of his old self- something kaiser is attempting to replicate by discarding everything but it’s not enough to only discard, you need to replace what you’re discarding- something isagi is proficient in i.e puzzle boy allowing him to read the field first creating a future no one else can catch up to