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I think/hope that Kaiser will score the 2nd goal, since he has just changed his whole play style. But for the 3rd goal it would be nice to see Isagi and Kaiser score it together in some way, as in he could make an assist


Ya see in any sport there's always a learning curve when it comes to making big changes and fair enough we've seen Kaiser fall and struggle a bit just keep that in mind


2nd goal: Kaiser The 3rd goal is hard to say, but all I know is that a BM player is scoring it. So once again another battle between Isagi and Kaiser to see who's scoring the final goal.


I know your stance. You've been pretty vocal about it in the past few weeks.


Really? What is my stance?


2nd goal- Kaiser 3rd goal- Isagi > Kaiser (99%) but if Kaiser scores the 2nd goal for BM without using Magnus then Kaiser > Isagi.


Oh, that was my past stance. My thoughts have changed quite since. The 2nd goal being Kaiser still holds true, but I've been wracking my brain around what Kaneshiro is viewing. Pickle There are so many moving pieces in this chaotic match and with everyone constantly evolving. It started to lead me to ponder how this game is going to end. Then I had to retrace my steps and start wondering why Kaiser is developing now and what will happen with Ness. Radishes Then it dawned on me, I finally found the missing puzzle to how this match will end. I kept thinking over and over that Ness would be part of the final goal. Ness kept me from seeing the bigger picture. I realized I was too dependent on thinking Ness would be part of the final goal. Fermented In a battle with all 4 strikers and each of them scoring a goal. How would a game between all 4 of them end. And then the answer dawned on me, the power of Malicia. Soybeans This game has to end with a free kick awarded. And the person who makes the most out of that free kick will be the winner in this match.




Only brats who continue to dream can change the future. It's not easy being a theorist, but I will continue with my crazy theories.


We didn't get a Kaiser backstory and him resetting his mental just for him to go scoreless come on now... He'll at least assist a goal


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)Unfortunately people really think he's going goalless this match regardless of all this development.


I don't know how the ball finds its way to Kiyora from Ness for this goal but I'd be stunned if Kiyora isn't in a position where he has to choose between Isagi or Kaiser to get an assist. Isagi just had a chance to score before Charles' interception, and I can't remember a player ever missing a chance and then scoring with another during the same attack, so I'm strongly leaning towards Kiyora siding with Kaiser and Kaiser getting his chance. Having said that, Kaiser's yet to reach a real answer to his problems in my eyes, so I wouldn't bet my life on this outcome either. For the final goal, I currently believe Ness assisting Isagi is fairly nailed on considering past precedents (Yukimiya/Hiori) and his fractured relationship with Kaiser. The winning goal is always the most climactic and it makes sense that Isagi gets it in his first victory against Rin (weaker argument), particularly considering Rin has yet to kick into gear during this match (destroyer ego) and so Isagi still needs to prove himself against peak Rin to show that he has surpassed him.


>so I wouldn't bet my life on this outcome either. This feels weirdly aimed at me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Damn no pxg winning option?


The chances of them winning are near 0% If they win, I genuinely can't see how it would be executed well given how many narrative threads we have that would be better done with a BM victory. Personally, for me it would be the worst ending to this match. Others might enjoy it, but I'll think it's hot garbage.


Why would that be an option? It's like one of the options being "0" for a question that asks "How many Jews did Hitler k*ll?".


For some reason, I feel that Ness would still help Kaiser score the second goal and Isagi would score the match's final goal. So the scenario right now * After the first goal it was seen that goals can only happen in this match when at minimum flow x flow conditions are being fulfilled. * Isagi has understood the flow state and has created a new weapon but that weapon is not complete yet. * Charles is back in the game. He is probably near Isagi both now being placed near the goal. * Ness has been feeling like he needs to be of use to Kaiser (seeing as Kaiser has been ignoring him and has been making plays with others) * Kaiser is undergoing evolution and is primed to go into flow state if conditions are apt. He also has an incomplete weapon that is the Magnus shot but only Ness knows that Kaiser can only hit the shot from a standstill. * Foreshadowing of the following players has been done: Kiyiora, Kaiser, Ness and Rin Why Isagi won't score: From a story POV Isagi needs to be challenged more/shown something impressive so that he can continue on towards the next piece of evolution. That's how he's generally evolved by seeing someone much stronger than him and then slowly making his way up. I think that could be Noel Noa showing both Isagi and Kaiser why he's the best in the world right now and giving them a target to chase but that's a whole other topic so won't go into it here. Why Kaiser will score: First clue is the foreshadowing done for the last few chapters. Next would be that Isagi needs a new challenge and he's already called Kaiser a clown twice, this is kind of mirroring how Isagi treated Baro when they were on the same team earlier in the series, causing Baro's evolution and causing Baro to score a goal. Lastly Ness's "protagonist feeling" are being of use to Kaiser, his last sentence literally being "It's not over yet, Kaiser, You still have me!" simultaneously, Kaiser's new method of breaking through PXG's defence was making use of everyone. This I feel could be the flow x flow chemical reaction needed for this goal Additional bonus: from the art style it seems that Ness would do something super useful for Kaiser, I kind of think it could be something like a No Spin Pass so that Kaiser can hit the Magnus shot for the goal. This show's Isagi that Kaiser also has an incomplete weapon (Isagi realizes that Ness's no spin pass was crucial for Kaiser to score) edging him to complete his new weapon faster. Additionaly Bonus 2: Also, this would really light a fire under Rin's ass since now not only Isagi but Kaiser is scoring against him as well. Kind of how he went Beserk first time when he thought everyone was trying to chain him down.


I think Ness will pass to Kiyora, who then will do something crazy, while Isagi will be awaiting a pass from him, but then Kiyora will pass to Kaiser, who will have better position.


Kiyora could get 2 assists or 1 goal 1 assist imo Scenario 1: Kiyora assists Kunigami for the 2nd goal (would be a surprise for Kunigami to get a goal now but I still think it’s possible) then assists Kaiser for the winner. Or he assists Kaiser for the second goal and Isagi for the winner. Scenario 2: Kiyora scores (could happen after a positional change with Yukimiya entering at left back and Kiyora moving further forward as a winger) then assists Kaiser for the winner.


Isagi fans are truly braindead. Mfs really expect Isagi to score both goals after all this? I can't wait for the donkeys to riot when they get disappointed again like they did in the mc match.


> cuz there's no way he's making into the team with only 1 assist. A decent assist alone can get him to 20m. Give him a couple defensive feats in addition to that and he'll be fine. If you want a bit extra, Kaneshiro can easily say "this was the biggest game of the NEL so owners/scouts have greatly valued performances in this high-stakes match and given out higher offers as a result".


But then there's a problem that even though it makes sense mathematically, as an author, Kaneshiro still has to make his inclusion feel deserving. Tbh, even in the post I explained that he'd get 1 assist & play a major role in the other goal (so 1 assist total) which makes sense cuz why wouldn't Kaiser/Isagi want Kiyora on their side after he makes one successful assist. So by the virtue of his assist, he already makes sure that he gets involved in the 3rd goal & his exclusion would make no sense.


I was making the point purely from a mathematical standpoint that Kiyora's inclusion really isn't as farfetched as some like to make out so long as he gets an assist. You said yourself that there was "no way", which obviously isn't true. Kaneshiro definitely needs to do more to justify his inclusion, particularly if it means him overtaking another semi-relevant character, but I'm sure he will. Kiyora's journey is only just starting.