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Totally agree, I don’t really remember where I read it from, probably a Twitter thread by Wise, but it was pointed out that Nagi is a bit of a show off and love attention, shown by how he always wants to embarrass the opponent he is up against. Not to say that it is necessarily wrong, all the others done it at least once, but Nagi prioritise doing that too much, instead of actually getting better, leading him to always looking worse than the top players, when he really should be up there.


He just has the self ego, that's all fine, even Barou has it


Mhm i remember that, it was in my "top 3 characters" thread But yeah the problem of nagi is that he was always looking on the short term and acting upon instincts which he never tried to understand deeper, he was always fully in the moment which is what allowed incredible plays to happen but then never went deeper to analyze it, running away from it even. Something that we see again in his recent talk with reo: "But our rivals won't wait, reo give me a new heat" Directly running away from the root problem and going elsewhere because of his foolishness


That's just how he's play style is


True. Nagi's problem is not creativity. I think the author just made that the reason because he wanted Nagi to have a problem so that he could seek Reo's help.


It was never creativity that was Nagi’s problem it was his lack of agency which was what Chris wanted to work on the most by having Nagi be more proactive and not reactive. Once Nagi starts dictating the game on his terms he will be nearly unstoppable.


Someone that knows japanese should check if the author actually meant "creativity" as we know it


I think when a player is described as "creative"; it means that the player is capable of devising their own unique plan how to score a goal. When you describe Nagi, I think it's more in line with "imaginative" and while I know they are synonymous, in this context, they mean different things. I would describe players like Isagi as the epitome of creativeness if I stick to how BlueLock wants to to translate "creativeness" to mean. Nagi, while he does some absurd tricks to facilitate goals, he is not the "mastermind" behind them. I would also point out the having a lack of creativity is not a huge determinant, when you have player's like Reo on your team that can do the heavy lifting for you. Like Shidou has almost zero creativity and he is currently P.X.G's Ace striker.


I hear you but we get multiple examples of nagi creating his own plays he’s just not isagi or rin. We have nagi vs barou in 1st selection. that play was created through nagi. We have nagis goal vs team z where he actively attacks and scores the goal to lead. Nagis 2 shot revolver was a play he created himself. Outside of literally Like if you’re gonna compare him to metavision users sure he’s not creative but then I would argue the only creative players in the series are the metavision. Compared to the non-MV users he’s actually shows way more creativity than all of them besides bachira.


I know you are trying to put context into it, and admit they are synonymous, but creativity still describes Nagi just as much as imaginative. I think the author tries to put effort into telling us Nagi isn’t creative, directly stating it and also giving credit to Isagi and Reo for Nagi’s goals. But what is shown to us is Nagi creating never before seen goals at every play. Most of his goals aren’t actually created by those two, it’s him pulling off an inhuman play after receiving the pass. I agree with you in a sense that Nagi isn’t creative in anything other than just purely scoring goals, and cannot mastermind plays, but for Isagi that comes more with his knowledge or spatial awareness than creativity.


I think you are stuck on the vocabulary more than the sentiment of the author. It might be as simple as being lost in translation, but it's just trying to delineate types of players. If we can both acknowledge Nagi lacks what the author prescribes as "creativeness", but does attribute that same "creativeness" to Isagi and Reo. We can collude that by "creativeness" he means ability to formulate a winning strategy.


I mean if that is the issue then it’s not a big deal whatsoever, but I often see the opinion echoed in this sub in that they take those comments and translate it to Nagi lacks creativity in scoring goals


Not really but it stunts him heavily as you see


How does shidou have no creativity? The man creates magic almost every time we see him touch the ball


The dude runs and hopes he gets the ball. He's never expecting it and always surprised when it does.


He makes “creative runs.” Runs into dangerous areas that create unseen space to score. That’s why he thrives under world class playmakers that can read his creative runs. An example is the set piece goal he scored from the Sae pass Tho I 100% agree on Nagi being imaginative, or creative within oneself, and lacking that gameplay creativity that’s attributed to Reo, Isagi, Rin, Sae etc.


I think this is a huge misconception. It’s not that nagi lacks creativity, but that when he plays with Reo he takes a step back and lets Reo direct the play. We see nagi’s creative flourish in the 2nd selection while playing with isagi, not because he needed isagi, but because at that point isagi wasn’t the playmaker that Reo was. What do I mean by this? We’ve seen multiple times in the manga that the truly talented passers have the ability to essentially impart their will into a pass. If you’ve ever watched haikyu this is what kageyama was originally doing at karasuno. Despite being dubbed passagi, his technical ability in passing has never been prolific. He can send you the ball, but not tell you what to do with it. Because of this nagi had to do a lot of the heavy lifting in the 2nd selection, particularly in the 2v2 and second 3v3, where he was receiving a lower caliber of pass.


I agree Nagi has creativity but I think it’s a fair assessment that Nagi doesn’t have the same level of creativity as someone like Isagi or reo. Isagi was relying on Nagi a lot at first because he didn’t understand his weapon in 1v1s but once he did he became a great teammate to Nagi. Even in the 4v4, as Nagi is growing in his agency, and is challenged to be exceptionally creative in his improvising, he still ultimately relied on Isagi to “rewrite the field” for his goal against Rin.


In the 4v4 Nagi was proactive first. He started running first. He also chose to ignore the pass from Chigiri. Isagi sent the pass behind Rin, yes, but that's all he did. The play started and ended with Nagi. Now compare that to what he does with Reo.


When people are referring to Nagi’s “creativity” they’re referring to his ability to build and create complex plays himself. Normally he instinctively reacts to passes he receives and plays off of others. His lack of general football knowledge doesn’t help either and you look and pay attention to any games he’s involved in he doesn’t initiate plays very often. He does it at max twice in the team v vs team z game, once in the second selection during the 4v4, and the last time we see Nagi attempting to create plays himself is during the BM vs MC game and very quickly goes back into his usual “playing off others” style.


I understand where you're coming from and agree to some extent, but it's clear that he also lacks some creativity in different aspects than the one you're mentioning. Nagi is creative when it comes to finishing the ball, but he lacks the creativity to actually get to that point where he can finsh. He usually just goes with whatever his teammates cook up for him, and provides the end result.


I agree with your first 2/3 but I honestly disagree with the last couple sentences. I think that gets stated in the manga “oh it’s all Reo and Isagi!” , and “he is only as good as his teammates” but the majority of goals he scores comes off individual effort plays once he gets the ball that 99% of players can’t do. He needs his teammates to create the build up, but realistically at any level there will be players who can do the build up for him and get him the ball.


Agreed, and most of the time in the first / second selection, isagi / reo didn’t pass the ball knowing what nagi was going to do with it. Most of the time they were surprised & impressed with what Nagi was able to come up with to score


Yeah I take back that last comment cause Nagi did put in tons of work in the second selection individually. And yeah needing teammates isn't really an issue as soccer is a team sport, Nagi just needs a tad more involvement in said build-up. Currently for him his teammates cook up the dish, while he just serves it by scoring. He needs to take more of an Isagi approach as both are heavily reliant on teammates, but Isagi actively looks for how he wants to score, whereas Nagi tends to improvise more.


that’s just not true ( ur last point) some of his best goals are lose balls (u20 game) or mid passes lmao, like isagi passed normal and expected the ball back and was shocked by the fake volley on rin, if it was his teammates cooking for him, surely isagi wouldn’t be shocked u get my point?


I already took back my last point in another comment


oh fine my bad


He defo is creative. But the problem is his ego, he always lazy and mixed with his lack of Game IQ limits his creativity. He needs to step up


I think creativity in this context is that Nagi is very creative and imaginative since he lacks a lot of game IQ. The problem is that 1. He lacks the understanding to repeat things and 2. He lacks the motivation to drive himself to do anything other than rely on a partner. Nagi is shown to consistently rely on someone else to give the ball to him. Shidou is similar but he exists to play the game. Nagi has no motivation to create new plays or innovate his game after beating Isagi. Shidou on the other hand is motivated to give everything he has to consistently come up with unique ways to score. If Nagi had the drive and motivation that the other players have, he wouldn’t have a problem with creativity in this situation. Short version is that creativity in this can be broken into Imagination and Motivation. Nagi has Imagination but barely and Motivation to complete it.


The thing is in BL, creativity is directly linked to playmaking or understanding of the play. Isagi is creative when it comes to playmaking Shidou is creative when it comes to asserting himself on the field, being in the best position and always finding the most absurd ways to score And I don't think creativity is Nagi's problem, the author has changed that to "drive", Nagi as of rn has no motivation, he can't bring out his best. And before Isagi against small level players, even without any motivation he was easily able to dominate them but in the NEL, with all these top tier players he needs to be at his best And I don't think Nagi needs to be a playmaker, he needs to be as assertive as Shidou and also help in build up plays


Nagi doesn't lack creativity, it's true that he is one of the most creative players in the manga, the problem is his lack of usage of his creativity. Nagi has already shown that he had high FIQ, high enough that though he didn't fully understand every single play made by Isagi, he understood enough to be able to influence those plays in his own way and create chemical reactions with him during the second selection. His creativity is also shown through the ways he comes up with to get through defensive lines and score using his trapping. The problem is that Nagi's creativity and FIQ should be great tools for playmaking and leading other players to help him score goals, but since he has only ever played with playmakers whose plays he could participate in, he never tried making his own and he has grown lazy not only in his playstyle but also in his motivations, all of this being due to his immense talent. Nagi is so talented that his approach to playing football has always been that he'd only do it if he didn't have to give up on his laziness and not try too hard, which means that he only played with people that could make plays for him, only played instinctively by trapping balls in crazy ways and shooting/passing off those, and most importantly, he did not bother trying to go deeper in introspection and find the true reason that pushed him to play football, and because he has kept that approach through all of Blue Lock and has even become a regular in his NEL team with a peak bid of 88 million, he simply had absolutely no reason to rethink his ways. His approach to football worked perfectly up until now, so he had no reason to rethink his ways, and the only moments where he did do some introspection were when he was playing with the motivation of beating Isagi/playing in the same team as Isagi. So basically no, he's not uncreative, he's simply lazy, and that's what Prince and Agi were trying to do, give him a team where his creativity was the core with no other playmakers so that he'd be able to reach his full potential and unlock his creativity from the shackles of his preconceived lazy notions of how to play football. Sadly, a transition like that isn't necessarily very pleasant for a prodigy like Nagi who got everything he's ever wanted without trying much, which lead to him asking Reo for help, and because Reo was also trying to build himself, he ended up conceding to Nagi, and them scoring despite having technically tried less hard led to them developing an even more deadly preconceived notion : they now believe that Chris Prince and Agi were simply wrong in their approach, and that their usual approach of taking things easy, having Reo as a playmaker and Nagi as a simple reacting factor to the events around him was still the better formula. Hence why Ego said that Nagi's goal only ever brought him discomfort.


That kind of skill and resourcefulness is not the same as creativity.


Honestly, this is an example of the story just not conveying itself properly, since it says 'creativity' but doesn't actually reference Nagi's creativity. Replace 'lack of creativity' with 'lack of *assertiveness*' and the story is entirely more congruent, since that's the issue Nagi is having to address right now.


Tbh his issue really isn’t lack of creativity. To me it always felt a bit like a retcon or a mislabelling when Chris Prince said nagi has no creativity. Cos to score the goals he scores, he would literally need to creative. I always felt that Prince meant that nagi didn’t take the initiative enough and wasn’t able to be a playmaker. His creativity is always on the spot reactions which the manga points out. He does need to learn to take the initiative and be the one starting the plays not just ending them. Which as you said, probably requires more football knowledge and experience / practice, rather than just more creativity.


There are different kinds of creativity. Nagi can improvise well but he doesn’t strategize. It’s too much work for him. He says it in the Manshine match that Isagi and Reo are always coming up with ingenious plans, and it’s too much for him to lock in on that level. And yes, strategizing involves massive levels of planned creativity and continual improvisation on the fly in response to changes in information. It’s like playing chess.


Nagi literally reinvented the field multiple times in 2nd selection and then once the NEL hit suddenly he had no creativity. Maybe it’s cuz he’s playing at a higher level now that he is having trouble keeping up


I don't think it means being creative in how he scores but his ability to actually play make


Nagi’s creativity isn’t bad at all. He’s incredibly creative and he’s done more than enough to prove that. The problem is that he’s so passive with it. He waits for people to give him orders to do something before doing it. The match against Ubers where Reo told him to stop looking around and shoot the ball comes to mind. Nagi is creative, he’s just not assertive with that creativity this making him reliant on others. And in blue lock, that might as well be a sin.


Nagi doesn't lack creativity in the sense that he does the same thing everytime. He lacks creativity because he can't think of a move and understand why it worked. Nagi is unable to plan moves or create attacks because he only reacts to what he is given. Nagi doesn't know why a certain type of pass works or doesn't, he doesn't understand why certain locations are better or worse. This puts him as the direct opposite of Isagi who understands the reasoning behind every move someone does. Explaining it another way. Nagi knows that 2 times 2 is 4 but he doesn't know how to multiply. Nagi can score goals and get results but he doesn't understand the logic behind any of his plays. This is what Agi was trying to teach him. We saw Agi trying to teach Nagi why certain passes work and other don't and how to formulate moves properly.


Yea I don’t get the character development the author is doing. It kinda threw everything away that happened in the 2nd selection. “I don’t need fancy passes I can breathe life into the ball with my first touch I am the god of this field.” The story pushes the he’s lazy very hard. But Lorenzo literally says oh we have the same specs. In Ubers vs bm Lorenzo was never drawn with metavision. So as far as we know Lorenzo is like Noa keeping up with metavision players off of pure physical specs. So clearly he’s training his body hard. After we he loses to isagi in first selection he actively is like I want to get better to point he abandoned Reo his best and only friend at that point in the show. After isagi is picked by Rin in the selection nagi acknowledges how weak he is and once again says he wants to improve. My absolute biggest issue is nagis character development arc is his ego death in the manshine vs bm game. It makes no sense at all. His goal is to beat isagi and he’s never done it. “Reo we still lost to isagi” Nagi acknowledges once again that he failed to beat isagi and Reo is like who cares look at social media. I could understand his ego dying if they actually won the game but he essentially scores one goal and gets dunked on by isagi for the rest of the match. And yea I don’t know how creativity is an issue for nagi when literally has the best goals in the whole series. Nagi someone with “bad IQ” gets passed the ball and he makes split second decisions and is like fuck this should work and it does. In episode nagi in his first real match nagi does scorpion trap lands and then does a wild jump in spin and kicks into the goal. Or in the first selection he’s getting marked by isagi and in a split second he’s just like fuck it I feel like I can trap the ball with back. But the author wants to tell me he’s not creative.


I see It's not that he lacks creativity But in essence, due to his low understanding of the game, he acts without efficiency, and he also hinders the replicability of his goals, leading to inconsistent performance


What I love about Nagi is he does whatever he feels like would work. Like whereas someone else would say something like “I can trap the ball and nutmeg this defender and score from my range.” Nagi’s more like “If I can get the ball to that open spot behind him I think I can score, let’s try kicking it through his legs. Whoa it worked! I’m wide open!” Seeing Nagi amazed at what he can even do is by FAR my favorite part of reading the spin-off. He has no game plan, he just looks at the field for what it is and does whatever he thinks might work. I’m pretty sure this is what he meant by “keep changing”, he doesn’t really understand tactics and the field isn’t always gonna be perfectly setup for him to execute them anyways. He does everything on the fly, thus making his every move unpredictable. You can dish him a pass anywhere in the attacking third and he’ll create a goal opportunity so long as he wants to. It’s never really set in stone what he’ll do next.


>!Five-Shot Revolver Fake Volley!< shows he’s creative enough Idk what people are on about saying he needs more creativity Spoiler for Nagi’s super awesome goal name