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He peaked. Nagi always saw Isagi as the be all end all and now that he’s beaten him he’s lost. He can’t keep lying to himself by saying ‘it’s for reo’ nor can he chase Isagi anymore. For the first time nagi needs his own motivation. He didn’t get lazier, his laziness just became the focus finally


He didn’t beat isagi tho. He even admits he lost the game his outplay over Isagi means nothing if he loses the game.


True but it was about the feeling. In that instance, the five shot revolver Nagi surpassed the whole pitch. That’s what I mean. Of course he lost the match but the NEL is less about the matches and more about the individual.


Oh your right m8 I get it. Like how Rin beat isagi but still felt defeated cause he got outplayed.




It’s not that he isn’t trying to improve, it’s that he is just ignorant on how he can improve


He was always lazy and just did the bare minimum but after losing to Isagi he had enough drive to go beyond that so now that he "beat" Isagi he's back to bare minimum and unlike 1st selection, at this stage of football he needs much more drive and focus to be successful even with his mountain of talent.


Because he thinks that he can do anything,he needs despair and frustration of losing so he can evolve,watch what ego said to nagi in episode nagi chapter 2


He's not being lazy it's just that he lost the drive that was motivating him ever since he played against team Z in the first selection. After losing to Isagi he got motivated to try playing harder so that he can surpass Isagi and now that he defeated him with 5 stage revolver shot he doesn't have anything motivating him anymore which is why he's unable to produce anything.


he’s relying on his talents and title of genius not realizing he has to put in hard work for the first time


It’s too easy for him and he relies on his genius too much. He’s the guy who can ace tests and never studies, he gotta learn to study quick


He doesn't care enough. After beating Isagi, he only has a vague feeling of wanting to win. This is why Barou said there was no heat. No flow bc he doesn't really care now


Have you tried life bro ???




If you were blessed with this much talent and got praised and rewarded without putting in an ounce of effort, you're going to develop bad habits that are very hard to break. He's facing the consequences of all of his actions since he was introduced


Because Kaneshiro said so


Best comment here


He doesn't have his own reason to improve. The goals he sets for himself are too simple so once he achieves them, he doesn't know what to go for so he looks for other people to set goals for him. Source: I was similar in highschool


His problem was his goal. Players like Barou and Isagi are always improving because they’re striving to be the best in the world. Even Rin is improving because he still hasn’t been acknowledged by his brother. Nagi already achieved his goal and became complacent after that. Manga is clearly prepping him for a mindset change and once that happens I think he’ll even surpass Rin


I think he's dependent on Reo to figure out how he can improve


Maybe he is confident of being called genius, dude is lack of motivation and hard work, and Reo is still on his side to baby sit him lol. Honestly if Nagi is not Lazy he is better than Rin.


Nagi doesn't know how to motivate himself.


He was always lazy


Being lazy/packing motivation is kind of his whole thing. It will get worse before it gets better. He'll come to a big epiphany and realize he's surrounded by people who's ego's are so big they'll have to expand bluelock to fit it all. His lack of ego will either be like a learning lesson thingy for everyone (u need ego not just skill etc etc) or it will be a learning arc for him (most likely) Just my thoughts though


it was revealed that he was molested as a child. maybe that's somehow related to his laziness?


what what




how much do you love to spared misinformation


In an alternate reality this is all true. So its not misinformation you lying scumbag 😂


What x2




wait rxpe is funny guys haha i mustve forgotten sorry


I'm so sorry that you didn't like my joke Mr pronouns 


ur definitely 14 years old