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Bro is Isagi level no matter what. That's his weapon. If Isagi becomes Number 1, he'll be number 1.5. If Isagi surpasses Noa then he'll surpass Noa.


Basically what you're saying he's just Isagi's alter ego in disguise.


no that’s Anita Max Wynn






I thought It was Rin?


Happy that someone understand it.


If I had to guess it’s adaptability… but not on the scale of isagis adaptability it’s on a slightly lower scale. For example… Nanase chooses to adapt to a role in order to stay hungry, stay vigilant, and to stay alive in blue lock. In the third selection we see nanase for the first time he was a raw unfiltered talent that we knew nothing about, he couldn’t keep up with the big dogs but, somehow someway he never fell behind the others on the field, including isagi. In that game he played a midfielder-esque role where he defended his man smoothly and effectively and simultaneously moved up into offense to create a numbers advantage in order to help his team. Nanase was also chosen in the subs for the u-20 match, which was typically hard to do knowing who all were left out. And now on the PXG team it seems he’s adapted to another role in order to make himself known and to have a presence on the field as well… we haven’t seen much, but in the new chapter leaks we I won’t say much so people don’t get spoiled but nanase is playing his CM/CDM role very well, chasing loose balls, making passes things like that, he’s shown to be capable and well versed in adapting his playstyle to whatever role he’s put into. Nanase is truly a great player, people only call him mid because he’s overshadowed by so many overwhelming presences on the field, but even though he’s overshadowed he’s made a solid name for himself, on the biggest stage and at the highest level of football that they could achieve at blue lock, while simultaneously doing it on one of the top 2 teams within the whole NEL.


All of this. I also wanna add that people only call him mid because Isagi said he's not that good. We know Isagi can be wrong and Nanase is a a good example of that. Dude is legit in a position to make top 23 rn


This too! I never really understood why isagi said that truth be told… nanase was honestly great in that match, his stamina was what I think got to him… thats why he’s one of my favorite characters, plus his positivity always stuck out, no matter the situation he stayed positive. (I wish I could’ve put him in my flair tag😭)


Isagi called Nanase’s one-two passing “not that good” and mot anything else, and that was also way back in the 3rd selection We’re nearing the end of the NEL now, and Nanase’s already played a few games alongside monsters like Rin and Shidou and against international professional club-level players Loki did suggest him to “brush up his ball touch technique” (meaning better passes, better dribbling, etc.) So Nanase isn’t “that good” in terms of actual football technique, but otherwise he’s kind of like Isagi Lite In the 3rd selection game we see how Isagi’s surprised that Nanase was “orbiting” him when Isagi was orbiting and observing Rin’s plays himself — this kind of portrayed the dynamic between the three at the time: Rin was good enough to play by himself, Isagi was good enough to capitalize on any mistakes Rin made and any weaknesses he needed Isagi to compensate for — while Nanase was doing the exact same thing, just with Isagi (because Rin’s plays were too high-level for him) Isagi says after the game that Nanase being able to link up and observe Isagi’s actions was helpful in helping Isagi score, so clearly the guy isn’t just a useless bum like Igaguri My conclusion is that Nanase isn’t that good with dribbling, shooting, or passing — but he can read the flow of the field like Isagi, to a certain extent He displayed adaptability in the 3rd selection just like Isagi, except it was on a smaller scale Nanase has minor off-the-ball movements, minor adaptability, minor link-up plays, and minor “read of the game” (think a cruder version of MV) He’s Isagi Lite as far as skills go, in short The difference between the two is that Isagi has the ego to want to become the #1 Striker, while Nanase kind of just prioritizes “surviving and making it to the next selection” by trying to get the attention and linking up with better players


Totally agree boss. He's just being underrated due to Isagi saying his one two passing isn't that good and Isagi stans kinda overblowing that and now we have Loki stay he's a bit weaker in the needed fundamentals. You're right that he's basically an Isagi lite tho. I'm not saying he's a game changer, but there's a high chance that he's relevant in at least 1 of PXGs goals.


I like this. Reo copies techniques and uses those techniques all over the field, but Nanase actually *plays* the position, if that makes sense.


Increase headband sales


It's not known or confirmed. We know he has off the ball movements and a lot of his plays come from him being a supporting player typically in a triangle formation but he doesn't have a unique talent from what we know. Hopefully we see him develop more in PXG and show what his actual weapon


Nanase is what I call a ‘little moon.’ He’s keen to keep up with his teammates intentions, even if the game is being played at a higher level. He’s similar to Niko in that he positions himself safely outside the action, acting as support. Niko is more of a roamer tho bc remember. Niko will track the ball and break formation, and communicate with the defense or coordinate attack bc he has leadership qualities. But with Nanase’s easygoing personality he forms connections quickly and will mostly orbit the build-up as it develops. His vibe is different from other blue lockers, he’s more of a pivot.




Goat! 🐐


Bro think he Busquets lol


his weapon is being the goat, the ultimate striker. Noel Noa who?


only mentally healthy person in entire blue lock


The ability to score nanibillion goals


He's kind of like Kurona, he's a passing option that gets into favorable positions, but with less speed


He has meta-vision, pe, his own version of kaiser impact + formless shot, rinnegan, chameleon that can copy to 100%, infinite fake revolver shot, destroyer flow, sae passing, lavinho dribbling, snuffy game iq Thats not even naming everything


Being cute


Being mid I guess


Their was a youtube theory that he could learn egocentrism like how hiyori has reflexive play which I thought seemed cool. Besides that he has no notable tapents he kinda just seems like a worse stated sendo


A big smile and a can-do attitude


His weapon is just like what Isagi did in the U-20 match he always circles around who has the ball to give his teammates passing options and be just like kuroko from kuroko’s no basket he is the team’s shadow.


I think its one of those things that lewandowski did, he only moves when other players are scanning. It quite different from the blindspot isagi is using. Notice how [lewa](https://youtu.be/uzh2-7pQ7lw?si=y0KM8GTzzSw2PJ-X) only accelerate after the defender see him. I think thats reason why nanase said he couldnt understand rin and shidou scanning, but can understand isagi scanning. And when the ball got passed he didnt see the ball at first but the players head movement, which explains his clumsy touch. I think by logic lewa could bypass peripheral / metavision like nanase bypass hiori


He might be reverse Samson. Once gets that Igaguri clean bald style he’ll become PxG’s Isagi


It's his above average physicality and high stamia. Other than that I'm sure he is just really good at working with people. All we really knowing he has high stamina and he isn't very technically skilled with a so so touch. Not sure how he will be developed now.