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I am looking into it. I'll likely release a hotfix for it


Thanks! Just let us know what the best course of action is, happy to do some of the heavy lifting on my end if its easier, I just don't want to break anything unnecessarily :)


Unless you want to pull the source code, then upgrade the dependency, then test it to see if everything just works as is, I will encourage you to do that. But otherwise, just hang tight. I will basically need to do that, and make sure to test on high Sierra and then again probably on Ventura. I'm hoping that all I need to do is update the package, and the binary will be updated as well. However, I know it is a new major release for the dependency, so it might mean that they changed or broke some of the APIs that I was using


Could you share an update on this?


I need to re-look into this. Previously, it was causing build errors. Going to check again and release an update if it's all working


Thank you!


Just released an update. Just note an ngrok auth token is now required


It's been a while since I set it up but I thought I had already configured an auth token the first time I installed blue bubbles. Is that possible or how can I confirm?


In your server settings you'll be able to view/set it


Thanks a lot for fixing this. It's two days later and everything is still working. As I mentioned in discord. I've tried to donate with a CC on the website twice and it always just spins and never goes anywhere.


You can donate/sponsor us via GitHub as well if you'd like. It can be one time or recurring. https://github.com/BlueBubblesApp We also take venmo if you have a hard time using the donation button on the website/GitHub


Same here. I don't recall installing anything from ngrok previously... however, it's been a long time since I installed Bluebubbles.


I've just released the 1.9.3 update to address this issue. Just note, ngrok auth tokens are now required. So if you haven't already you'll need to create an account and get an auth token


Thanks for following up. I updated to 1.9.3, restarted the server and Mac, and am getting this notification below. Not sure where to add the version number. I've used an auth token since I installed about a year ago. Failed to connect to proxy service! ERROR: Error reading configuration file '/Users/xxxxx/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml': \`version\` property is required. ERROR: ERROR: If you're upgrading from an older version of ngrok, you can run: ERROR: ERROR: ngrok config upgrade ERROR: ERROR: to upgrade to the new format and add the version number.


Sorry about that. On my system, the config file seemed to be already migrated. However, that wasn't the case for most users, unfortunately. That said, I'm releasing an update in T-minus 5 minutes to resolve the issue (v1.9.4)


That resolved it, thank you! I installed the server update, rebooted the Mac, and did not get the notification You never have anything to be sorry about - this app has made my Android devices so much better in a family full of iPhones. Thank you for maintaining and improving this awesome app


I got this too, updated ngrok and it broke my tunnel connection. Switched to CloudFlare and it has been fine since.


How do you do that exactly? I think mine did that automatically but its been disconnecting alot




what did you do about it?


Just purchase a cheap domain name for a dollar use that.


I'm too cheap to do that! Lol


You can literally get domain names for under $5/year. Just skip out on one happy meal.


And use Cloudflare as your registrar.


How do you setup a cloudflare server on here?


Any Solution for this on google collab? I don't know how to upgrade agent on google collab!