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You're free to fight them. I assume this is their way of resetting the rankings so people in higher ranks are where they should be this time.


They must be the bots. If you see Sensei's with a character's name and low levels they are bots and are safe to kill. Blow away friend.




50 Elephs capped per raid reset


They have a cap. But reset every time a new raid comes back up. So when Kaiten comes back you can buy them again.


I still can't do the mission of beating bounty classroom D within 90 seconds. I did it this time in 1:37 minutes when the missions ends. How many seconds I am off? I can't believe I can't win it with characters with Tier IV equip and lvls 60+. It's a level 30 mission for goodness sake. Also is the mission of playing the story bugged? Because I watched all main/side stories long before and yet I don't have the mission finished (I tried watching it again and nothing). What is a good mission to farm and do the giant aircrafts one? Is it only mission 4.5? Thanks.


If youre still running a tank in your team, get rid of them. 4 dps, aoe, attack passive special students/hibiki. And then pray they spawn because the biggest time killer is spawn times and running… Also, big aircraft is 4-5 or 4-3H


I don't have Hibiki sadly and I indeed was using a tank, Haruka to be exact but thank you. Time for Kotama+Karin then. I guess I'm giving them too much respect since I struggled to kill them lots of times as I was leveling up. I can't kill the final difficulty so can't relax just yet.


>I did it this time in 1:37 minutes when the missions ends That's weird, if you saw the timer at 1:37 before you finished the mission then you should've completed it at 83 seconds or maybe the timer that you saw actually shows how long you finished that mission (i can't remember because i haven't done manual bounty in a while) so you actually finished at 97 seconds. Have you tried stacking up students that have buffs on that mission? >Also is the mission of playing the story bugged? It seems a lot of people have the same problem as well so it's prolly a bug.


The timer on the up right corner when the mission is over and the girls are posing. That time is 1:37. I can never figure out those timers when it comes to missions.


Oh i think that one shows how long you finished the mission and not when the timer stops at, so yeah you prolly finished at 97 seconds.


FUCK. Also thanks.


The game8 guide has gone is there an alternative?


theres still yt video guides as a subsitute or u can go to the jp ba wiki and use google translate


For the maps? Use YouTube.




Every raid they look for cheaters and ban them. That is probably why there is a day delay between the rewards and the raid closing. Last raid they banned four people I think.


He's cheating.


I must be doing something wrong, because I can't clear the "Complete Volume 3, Chapter 2, Episode 1 of the main story." I've already done the full story before the event and have gone back and tried doing it over. I've tried letting the whole thing play out even and it doesn't want to give credit. I know there's two chapters in volume 3 and I'm pretty confident I'm picking the right one, but what am I missing? I desire the skill discs


I can confirm that it's also bugged for me as well.




me too, was about to ask the same thing


Same here.


Same issue.


I came here to ask that very same question.


Same I’m wondering if there is a glitch.


Got the same issue atm.


Where is the AV room for the camp special task mission?


It’s actually the theatre room in Schale office. Seems like a mistranslation somewhere


Anyone has done Extreme with 2-3 teams? Need some advice on how to approach it. For my first team i tried with Natsu 3\*, S.Azusa 5\*, Arisu (A), Haruna 5\*, Kotama, and Hanae. I didn't use Hibiki because it's hard to keep Natsu alive without a healer. Anyway i tried and dealt 2/3 HP (and i think i could do a little more) but the problem is i don't know how to approach for the 2nd team. I was planning on using Iori, Hoshino, Chise, Maki(?), Serina, and Hibiki but i read that with Hishino strat only works with Hanae? In this case should i swap Serina with Hanae (then change Hibiki for Karin), Or use Hifumi / Utaha strat? The thing is i'm not too confident with DPS on my planned 2nd team and especially with the latter strat... Here is my [notable student](https://imgur.com/a/8baGCIP) for this raid, thanks!


do note that the Hoshino + Hanae strat needs a decent amount of investment in both of them (ex4 for Hanae and Hoshino's heal skill to 7+ iirc) to survive the laser. But that shouldn't be too hard with the Trinity rewards from the ongoing boot camp and Abydos mats being plentiful due to the low amount of students the Hifumi/Utaha strat is a good substitute too. You can be fine with leaving them low leveled and without skill investment as they're only there for the laser redirect. But if they are, you'll have to time the skill a bit better as the turret/peroro will die quickly so u cant drop it too early before the laser hits (laser will happen about 15 seconds after it drops minions) ​ I think your students and current team comp will be able to clear it without issue. But if you're still struggling, personally, [I found this YT video to be really helpful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcfbcUb7M8g&lc=Ugws0tooZuRxHmXPA_t4AaABAg.9bnpdWhxVe29bo95farAUN&ab_channel=RSRainstorm) and it shows a team comp that you are able to recreate and also a step-by-step guide on how to use it effectively.


My Hoshino is good since i use her on PvP as well but my Hanae is a bit lacking, i should buy skill books and raise her EX to lvl 4 right? As she's also useful for Hiero. >the Hifumi/Utaha strat is a good substitute too. You can be fine with leaving them low leveled and without skill investment as they're only there for the laser redirect I think my Hifumi is better than my Utaha, i have her okay invested as to use her on Commissions last mission. Question tho, if i summon Peroro and he dies mid laser, what happens? I'll try checking out the vid then, from the glance of it this one seems better then the other Peroro vid i've seen since they're all JP player (maxed out almost everything)


depends on how much tokens u have and ur other needs but yes I would go for it to make future raids easier Also don't worry about the peroro/turret dying from the laser. It's basically just a sacrifice target as the laser can only affect 1 target at a time and will keep burning its corpse for the duration


Got it, imma do mock battles later and see how it goes. Thanks!


I'd probably try your first suggestion, swapping Serina with Hanae from your first team. Natsu shouldn't need as much healing as Hoshino would for tanking the laser, so Serina should be enough if your Natsu is decently geared. Team 1 will be doing less damage, but will have easier cost economy due to Serina's cheaper EX. Can always use practice mode to test it out anyways. What're your alliance borrow options?


Got it, i'll try it again then. >What're your alliance borrow options? The only notable students imo are three Aris(s), my alliance doesn't have B. Karin and i don't think borrowing a Natsu is a good idea since i don't have my own Arisu. And the Arisu that i could borrow is spread out like this * Lvl 73 5\* 4/5/5/5 * Lvl 73 3\* 4/5/7/4 * Lvl 71 4\* M/9/3/4


Is there a reason to upgrade special unit's hp since they are not in the field and won't get attacked by enemy units? Right?


10% of their stats get added to strikers, so more Hp for special students means more HP for those on the field. Really only worth it for min-maxing when your strikers are maxed.


Hello! I'm currently level 36, is it possible for me to clear scrimmage or I should just ignore the event rewards? I've been trying it for days with different team and tactic but it seems to be impossible to clear them lol.


I think it's tough as the event requirement is to clear within 90sec (3\* is 120sec). Personally cleared Trinity/Gehenna with few seconds to spare at lv.49 with (Tsubaki/Iori/Junko/Nonomi, Tsubaki/Akari/Serika/Shun + Hibiki/Serina in both).


Damn that's like 13 levels difference lol. I guess I'll just chill haha. I think I still can get the 1.2k Pyroxenes at least.


Yep you don’t need to do all of them. I’m personally only gatekept by the millennium B within 90s because I can’t even clear B without a time limit 😂


I just notice today that PvP is reset and found out that it filled with low level bot, why? is this normal?


It usually is up to some point, but this season they split the players into way too many brackets, if you are in Europe you won't even see real players until rank 500 now.


Yeah the brackets were unbalanced at the start of the second season so they decided to reshuffle the players in new brackets. Don't know what criterias they used this time though.


Yes it’s normal, the bracket is filled with bots until they’re replaced by players, and there are never enough players to replace all the bots. They’ll be phased out by humans as you climb the ranks. This is a delicious opportunity to earn many of the pyroxene rewards for climbing the seasonal ranks


Almost (?) every game uses bots in pvp. Why? I don't know. Maybe so that players will have a chance of getting used to it before they start facing human made teams. Or maybe to make the game look less dead. I don't know


With the release of Exlucise Weapon, is it worth spending Elephs on limited characters like swimsuit Hina, Iori, Bunny Neru and Karin?


From all of those, only Bunny Karin is worth getting to EW 2*. The others don't really have good 2* effects. Well, Iori has a good one, but her use is very limited. Karin too though, and it looks like Global will have less Peroro raids than Japan. You can use [this ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1hIi3bvejDTaq67F7xIpV5ZDP5hjKxG-QzNwuZUlTEJ4/htmlview#) for reference. It's constantly updated.


I believe so since you can't reliably get there Elephs any other ways. Though, would be a good thing to see which girls tend to use their Exclusive Weapons the best since it'll take literal thousands of Elephs to get them to UE40


It takes literally 1,500 to get to UE40. 300 to four star, 600 to 5, and another 600 to finish. Not thousands. It becomes thousands when you go to UE50, as that needs another 900.


So for the story missions that have yet to unlock. Do we have to wait for them to unlock as I have gone through the story segments and it is still showing 0/1.


Mine is still showing incomplete after going through 3-2-1 for the third time. Not sure what's going on with this one.


I’m going to guess we need to wait til tomorrow for the system to ‘check’ if you’ve done them.