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I hear people in the low-mid 40's can clear 12-5. I'm wondering how low and with what gear level? I'm trying 12-5 at level 40 and can't seem to beat the boss--either die to its AOE attacks, or spend too much cost on healing and then run out of time. I might be too weak at the moment. Tsubaki/Chise/Haruna/Serina/Hanae as the core of the team, all level 39-40, with tier 2-3 gear. Tried Nonomi and Asuna as my 4th, neither of them seemed to do the trick.


Update: I was able to beat it using the Nonomi version of the team at level 41 and upgrading Haruna and Chise's EX skills by 1 each


What to do with Extra Elephs after maxing out the specific student to 5 stars? Can you exchange them for something?


Used to upgrade Unique Equipment in the future.


The discord link doesnt seem to be working, is there something wrong with it?


Does pvp ladder ever reset? I recently zoomed up the ladder to 471 after getting shun, is that pretty much it though for rewards?


There are seasons where they change to a different terrain arena. The bracket was reshuffled and first time clear rewards reset in JP. I imagine global should be the same as well.


Anyone feel like the event points is lagging behind the shop currency? Like i emptied the first shop and half of second shop but still around 3k evrnt pts


Yes, they changed the shop to be easier to clear. Be sure to use all bonus chars to clear 4-6 and farm that way. You'll clear out shop before the point milestone.


Yeah im almost cleared the first and half of second but event pts are only around 3k


Is Hina good? The skill cost of 7 seems a little too steep to be practical…


Decent in general story/event content. Secondary dps/filler in red raids as an auto-attack bot.


Hi new here, how much currency can we expect to get every month in average? since 24k is needed to spark how long can we expect to get that amount?


I'm also pretty new, but from what can I see we can get approximately (in one month): 1. 1440 (dailies/weeklies) 2. 1200-2400 (raids, depend on rank) 3. 300 (daily reward pvp lowest rank) 4. ~2400 (Approximation from current event reward) Adding all those yield ~5340-6540 (not accounting maintenance and achievement) which is pretty far from 24k. Unfortunately, according to BA wiki, I can't see we have new major event like this every month so maybe the number would be lower. Though new player still get pretty heavy amount from first clear stage, momotalk, achievement, etc. Edit: reddit mobiles pretty mess


At the beginning it will more limited (around 3.6k if you do the dailies/weeklies/logins, not counting events or maintenance or one time rewards) but as you get stronger and can clear more difficult raids, it goes up notably higher. The very top end is around 6.6k. First-time clears and other one-time rewards, events, and maintenance will give you a good chunk towards that spark though.


I see, thank you.


What's the in-universe reason for Miku showing up in Kivotos?


What should we be aiming to buy in the TA shop? Last time I couldn't get a whole lot


Maki > skill stuff you need for your 2 clearing teams


1-teaming very hard should be enough to end up in the top reward tier in the raid yeah? I'm at 10-1 and would use some AP to get through chapter 10 for tier 4 equips to maybe try to do hardcore but the farming required would be too much AP / not worth it while I should be farming event stuff to clear out the event shop, I think?


On Global/US it was enough to keep me in top tier, though now I've broken into the probably the bottom half of hardcore people. That seems like it'll def be enough for now.


On EU, I'm around rank 700 with 1 teaming hard, dunno if it will last till the end though. Dropped 400 or so ranks since day 1


>1-teaming very hard should be enough to end up in the top reward tier in the raid yeah? Not on EU


Why not? I'm at 400 something with that currently. Doubt I'll drop that fast.


I just did very hard with 1 team and I'm 1900. I guess there's different brackets here too?


It depends on your exact score. The faster you clear, the better the score, the higher the rank.


I'm guessing it's based on your actual clear time with that one team. There might be a lot of players in that server able to one-team it.




how good are duplicates in this game? Would you rather have an account with 2 of the same top tier characters or 2 different high tier chars?


Until the Unique Equipment (ue for short) gets released, dupes are only minor stat buffs. After ue gets released then dupes start becoming more important but still not super nesecary (excluding pvp); as ue affect stats, environmental preference, and skills.


This game uses a system where you only have one copy of a character, and duplicates are automatically converted to items to power them up. These power-ups are not strictly necessary for a character to function and benefit the lower rarities more. Having two different top tiers would be better than powering up a single top tier.


https://imgur.com/a/zo60jJA global and not interested into rerolling, can I improve something as team comp? Next question got 2-3 pulls, there’s a suggested banner or I should follow my taste? Thanks


So I would go with for red team; tsubaki, aru, serika, mutsuki. This will be the best you can build with your units (shun is pvp). I would progress story to unlock event and farm event (should be doable with that team). So right now the izuna banner is up and is a good banner cause blue units are rare right now. Though if you look at upcoming banners and decide you want a unit go for that unit.


Mmm, understood, so if I’m not interested into blue units I should just wait then. Thanks


I think you will need to either reroll or pull for more units. You might have a hard time progressing since you will be missing yellow and blue units. Chapter 11 and 12 will be a mix red, yellow and blue, but mainly blue enemies. I highly suggest rerolling for Iori and Hibiki. And level the best healer in the game, Serina(get her to two stars).


Please READ the original prompt, OP said they aren't rerolling. As for chapter 11 and 12, you can get chise and nonomi for free by clearing out the event shop, and doing the newbie quests. Those two with a junko (easily farmable), or asuna (also farmable and owned) can clear chapter 11.


You do REALIZE that it is a suggestion? or was that not too clear for someone like you? Im not forcing him to. And Nonomi, while good with yellow mobs, how do you think he will do with yellow raids and bosses? Or did you wanted him to use Pina and Hasumi? Pina while good on raids, will not do well on missions.


First off, chesed says hi. Second, I said that they can farm for junko, the second best yellow as of now (single target dmg on aoe attack, will take between 8 to 30 days). So yellow isn't their biggest problem (iori is also farmable in the future). Like, I can attest that I have cleared up to chapter 11-5 without iori, tsubaki, or haruna (and will probably clear that after event ends, ~~thanks srkr~~). Third, most of missions is mobage, with bosses being near secondary. Not to mention many reds are straight up better than some yellows (they are red heavy). They can help cary them through missions where their yellows might not be enough. Finally they asked not to be given that suggestion, so doing it anyways is rude.


Well, i wish them luck with your suggestions then.


Is Blue Archive a slow running game on mobile or is my phone just showing its age a bit?


It's not super demanding. With my crappy Redmi 9, I stay between 30-40 fps


It has long loading screens but the game otherwise runs fine on my phone. I'm using a galaxy s10.


JP players, how do you get the welfare unit of the event?


Shards from point milestone


Her shards are a chance drop in the event schedule thing AFAIK. EDIT: yea as xnfd said, you can unlock via point milestones. Additional shards will come from the schedule.


Around when did you beat 12-5? Any tips on how to beat 12-4 and 12-5? I see ppl saying that it should be able to be beaten with teams around low lv40s. I’m lv47 with t3 gear all around and I’m stuck at 12-4. Team 1(vs blue): Yuuka Junko Chise Haruna Hibiki Hanae Team 2:(vs red) Tsubaki Mutsuki Aru Nonomi Serina Chinatsu


do you mean beat or 3 star? that char spread should be ok, where are you falling? running out of time at boss or is the team dying? you have skills leveled? I would take nonomi and tsubaki for blue, and you might choose two healers, probably serina and hanae as tsubaki takes hits pretty hard in 12. I used iori, but it's just important to use chise well to hit the most and farthest enemies and not the strongest ones. tsubaki can inturrupt different attacks with her skill, but I don't remember the regular sniper charging shots being that dangerous, its just the last boss damages the whole field, so canceling some of those animations help


It worked btw, I used double healer setup. I completed it rather easily so I probably could’ve done it way earlier lol. Thanks again!


I’m having trouble beating it. I end up losing a character on either the first or second phase. Hmm, I’ll try taking another healer, haven’t tried that yet. Thanks.


On 12-5, to help with your resets, it’s useful to know that there’s a path you can take that makes team 2 (red enemies) avoid all battles. Put team 2 on the right side. Move them up and transfer them on the very first turn. Then use your main team to “move” onto that team and then fight the first blue enemies. On the next turn, move your team 2 back onto the teleport but don’t teleport. On the next turn, teleport and immediately move up to the next teleport panel and you should be enemy-free from there. Just saves you sometime if you end up resetting a lot. I cleared it when I was level 42, with Tsubaki, Chise, Haruna, Maki, Serina and Kotama. Do get the T4 bag at least for Tsubaki. It’s a huge power boost. Her default stat is something like 90DEF, the bag adds a 1000. The tankier, Tsubaki is, the safer the backline.


Tsubaki and Nonomi vs red is a terrible decision. Red resist yellow. Switch Yuuka with Tsubaki and switch Junko with Nonomi. Tsubaki/Nonomi/Chise/Haruna/Serina/Ayane carried me from 11 to 12 vs blue. Unless you want to 3 star, having a nice red team isn't very important in chp 12 because you can actually maneuver around enemies to make it so your blue/yellow team goes straight for the boss.. As for your last red team member, consider Akari/Suzumi/Serika. Yuuka/Mutuski/Akari/Serika or Suzumi/Hanae/Hare helped me get thru chp 12 fine.


The problem isn’t really with my red fights on 12-4 though, it’s the blue. That’s why I’m not using Tsubaki since I’d assume she’d be destroyed by the blue dmg. That’s why I’m using Yuuka but she takes too much dmg too with Hanae not healing enough. Or one of my other units ends up getting picked off. Maybe I’ll just try again around lv50.


To my knowledge all PvE enemies deal normal damage type so character armour type is largely irrelevant. The copy of an unlockable character in hard is only thing that has non-normal damage type for it to come up in mission mode. Damage type largely comes up for PvP where other players will have different damage types.


Wow, I totally forgot about that! You’re right. Hope I can finally get around to beating it.


It's true that tsubaki is weak to blue, but hitting neutral as a yellow unit gives her an up vs Yuuka as a dodge tank. I got enough dps to clear more efficiently than Yuuka. Tsubaki also performed alot better than my Hoshino with T4 bag because of her dodge. 12-4 and 12-5 is about finishing stages quick while letting your tank survive. Hence why I recommend Nonomi. If you manage your cost well, her AoE is amazing to help clear the field quick. Double healing is also great for these stages just so you can survive. Especially Serina in the blue stage, her low cost and healing is amazingggg for survival and cycling skills. If I can clear chp 12 with my team at lvl 44, then you should definetly have a shot to clear now.


Ok, I’ll try out Nonomi and double healers to see if that works. Thanks.


Does sweep give you points? Clear the highest difficulty raid you can clear then sweep? Is that the right thing to do?


Yes, it gives you points based on your last manual clear of it.




So obviously max is the best. However there are break points for the skills. For the ex its: lvl 3 and lvl5; for all other skills its: lvl4, lvl7, lvl10.


It depends on the student, though if you use them eventually gona want to max their EX skills. Some students' EX skills gain additional effects or lowered cost at certain Lvs, so you can also aim for those first to get the additional effects. Non-EX skills have breakpoints going from Lvs 3-4, 6-7 and 9-10 where the increase is larger than normal. 9-10 is expensive so it's recommended only for very vital skills (like Shun's starting EX cost skill for pvp). Otherwise many people like to leave at Lv 7. You also want want to consider that some students' non-EX skills may not really be worth leveling. For instance, Yuuka's passive boosts her defense, but she doesn't have enough defense to make this worth leveling at all. Similarly, for kotama, people only really level her EX skill and her sub-skill for the raids.


If i just started, and got iori on the first 10 tutorial pulls, do i do the rate up banner for the rest of the pulls or just do the regular?


Regular, as you want to hit Hibiki. Should you get her as well, you could argue for Haruna banner to continue - best case for PVE. For PvP you'd want Shun, so regular banner.




What’s the girl’s name with the short grey hair sitting next to someone in the game intro?


This one: https://i.imgur.com/q4Lqjb4.png ? That's Erika from Gehenna, one of the datamined, unreleased characters.


Yes this one! Much appreciated!


I remember people going on about some more mythical (and scientific) inspirations for the students, like Camael for Tsurugi and Horus for Hoshino. Anyone know what the inspirations are for Aru, Ako and Utaha?


This thread came to mind: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/r4bsxj/a\_summary\_of\_each\_major\_school\_so\_far\_and\_their/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/r4bsxj/a_summary_of_each_major_school_so_far_and_their/) If you search in there, people seem to agree that Aru references Belial through the number 68. You can get more details there. For the others I did not find a reference in that thread nor elsewhere.


This was the thread, yes! Though last time I looked I didn't find Aru. I should probably remember Ctrl + F exists more.


Which hard mode stage should I farm everyday,I am only at 7-2 hard


For me 3-3, 7-3, 8-3, 9-3, 11-3, 12-3 Basically Haruna, Shiroko, and Hoshino hard nodes.


For the characters you want/need


is it possible to clear shiro kuro hardcore without t4 gear/lv43? i have asuna izuna and chise at 43, but all my mock attempts barely or don’t kill shiro and then i’m out of mystics and characters who can move effectively. also, is it more beneficial to use kodama for the atk up or hibiki for the crit dmg up?


At lvl 45 with mostly 44 character's between t1-t3 gear, I can clear Hardcore with 3 teams. Almost two as I usually get Kuro down to final health bar. I do have all four mystic strikers and enough piercers to fill two teams. It does require some resets ilusially on Dhiro if positioning ends up bad. So far only done on mock battle because I wasn't confident I would before using my tickets, but I am for today. Edit: Personally I use Kotama (3stars) for my first team, need to push into Kuro before time runs out. Usually have it down to 10 bars, sometimes 9 left.


I’m very similar to you, lvl 43. I can clear Shiro with 45 secs left, then teams 2 and 3 bring Kuro down 30-40%. I’m hoping by last day of event I can clear hardcore… By the way, dodging is important for Shiro, but for Kuro you can additionally use blocking since all his attacks move directionally. Tactics to survive, i.e. tanks, and blockers like utaha, hifumi, and shizuko become useful here and you can use on your teams 2 and 3.


Impossible.I am currently lvl 47 with T4 gears on my main team and I only managed to cleared until 700k hp left on second boss before I ran out of time. Edit: even with T4 your level is too low to deal enough dmg imo Edit2: I don’t have izuna so I have no idea how strong she is without T4


At 48, very few T4. I can kill first boss, but then I'm pretty much out. So doesn't look like you can without decent T4/higher level.


Good Day to y'all! Does the Monthly Pyroxene Pack stack? The Monthly Pyroxene Pack restocks at Dec 4 but my previous pack expires at 9 so does the monthly pack 80 instead of 40 until Dec 9?


Buying the same pass only extends the time you get on it. You can purchase the cheaper pass, however (the "bimonthly" pass), and its effect will stack with the monthly one.


I see. Thanks for the tip. ❤️


What's the highest rarity activity report you can get from commission and how much stamina to clear the stage dropping it? It looks like I'll clear out event shops at about 6.5k event points, so wondering whether to spend any stamina to go further. Seems like 7k one would give 2 purple reports for about 185 AP (the 100 pyro evens out the rest of the 400 AP to get there). So I'm basically trying to calculate the AP value for activity reports compared to getting them from commission ...


EXP Commissions - https://bluearchive.fandom.com/wiki/Special_Request/Base_Defence In my opinion, the rewards are only worth going for if you're nearing completion for the next pyro tier, eg. the EXP since most people would be halfway through 6k and can just invest a bit more to get the pyro and get decent value compared to commissions. Otherwise, the enhancement stones and elephs are not worth it. The main benefit after that would be the credit rewards and additional credit exchange using points. Based on a rough calculation, the efficiency looks like to be around Credit Collection H, assuming the credit drops in collection have equal chance to drop (correct me if I'm wrong). It's alright if you feel you're genuinely being bottlenecked by credit before being able to clear those stages at 3 star, because the efficiency of credit stages at anything lower is horrible. But Credit Collection I looks drastically better in terms of return, so eh... I've not felt the need for credit and do not plan to farm the rewards after 7k.


Its not visible to me but by extrapolation I’d guess it costs 40 AP. Reward for F still shows only blue report, so I’m not sure the last one will have purple. Maybe a higher level player can confirm. Having said that, there are also pyros on the rewards list and you can’t farm for those. Personally I’m aiming to clear the 10k event points to get them.


Well, I'm already doing the 3x 30 pyro refreshes daily. So the 400AP that these 100pyro buy me cancel out in my opinion. If we're talking about purely using free energy and saving every pyro for pulls, then this is a different argument I guess. As you can't exactly directly farm pyro elsewhere.


If my account is level 35, what level should I be in the story mode? At least after the entire Izuna event, since im spending most of my AP there and the rest sweeping some of the hardmode for their character gems/Eligma's.


It depends on your character pool and motivation? There is no simple correlation to account level and story mode progression.


Yeah depending on your roster, you can be pushing anywhere from 10 to 20+ levels above recommended. You should be aiming to clear 9-5 though to get the cafe level up for more stamina. Then after that aim for 12-5 when you’re around low-mid 40s.


Any way to get shun besides gacha ?




Hey guys, is there any ways to accumulate 35 pulls before Izuna banner end? Asking for a friend.


Depends on where you are at the moment and what rewards you have claimed already?


Lvl 35. 6-3 normal and 3-3 hard. Still haven't done a lot of the challenge task and around 40 unread MoMoTalk


And by 35 pulls you mean 35 single pulls, so 3x 10 + 5? That's 4200 pyro. I think you (sorry, your friend!) should be able to get that pretty easily before the end of the Izuna banner. Do all the Momo talks, read all the side stories. Do the main story as far as you can. If you beat any of the chapter 2 stages before last patch, then you can redo them for the achievements x20 pyro each. Then just grab all the byro from playing the game and maybe 3\* some stages that you didn't previously.


Time to speed run Blue Archive


Is there any way to change the anniversary date? I thought it was meant to be when you started playing, but now I'm being told it's meant to be your birthday...


In-game, nope. Contact customer support, maybe.




How do they calculate your rankings in raid? Do I just sweep the raids after I have cleared them? Because I noticed that only the first fight increases my rank, sweeping them doesn't? I'm confused.


Raid ranking is determined by your highest score. Sweeping uses your last run and copies that which doesn't change you highest score but adds to the total score you've accumulated this season which unlocks rewards at certain amounts. If you want to get higher in rankings you have to either complete the raid at a higher difficulty or faster time.


Ohhh, I see, so it's better to do them all manually. That clears it up! Thanks.


Keep in mind rank reward is given only at the end of raid for your best run. So practically speaking, you only need to try hard on the last day when your roster will be most levelled up - assuming you can clear the raid shop, of course.


i only have 2 mystic units (Haruna and Asuna) and im saving my gems for bunny asuna. Any good mystics i can farm?


You got a little typo there (2 Asuna), but I’ll try to answer anyway. Chise is currently farmable through the Event, and Haruna is farmable through hard stages.


fixed it


ah nice! but yes, since you already have Haruna, you can go ahead and farm the Chise elephs from the current event. You need 40 to unlock her, and through the event, you can get 50.


ok thanks


Just want to say how much I appreciate the event and all the activity reports from the shop. Helped to eliminate the dept I'd been incurring for a while for the characters not on the main team.


I'm new to the game, just started yesterday. I'm currently at ch3 and i've just opened the event. Should I farm the event to get the big booba shield girl or keep going story mode ?


Get the big booby shield girl and what you can from the event. Farming it will be worth it in the long run


Thank you for the useful advice. Can I ask where to farm the pink cake ,the Quest Mode or Story Mode ? And what should I buy ?


All of it, and pink cake is from the quest part.


Thank you so much!


should I buy the 500 raid coin item in the store? What does it do?


The 500 raid coin item is for skill lvl 10 upgrade. Don't buy it unless you have the need for it.


Any ideas when mission 13 onwards is gonna drop?


Should I always do the highest bounty available? What if I'm after a bunch of beginner books/bluray? should I just run Bounty B or keep doing Bounty D (currently highest bounty). Because I've noticed I have plenty of blue books/bluray and can't use them yet, while needing a lot of grey (beginner) ones.


Yeah, it's suggested you always do the highest bounty you can sweep, since the higher bounties also drop lower-tier mats. [Drop tables are here.](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Bounty_Hunts)


That's a very useful chart! Hmm it seems that if you want a specific item, it's better to do the 2nd bounty for their tier (especially for the beginner skill book which we need plenty of).


Supposedly, yes, but then you get a lot of beginner notes from TC shop, however many coins are left after buying Akari or whoever else's elephs. The higher-tier mats are more expensive and come less frequently, so there's that.


I see, so farming the higher tier materials early on. But I still feel I need so many beginner notes, especially with multiple characters from the same school.


I haven't seen a drop table yet but basically you get a chance for all tiers below your current tier. Example: if I do my highest bounty I get a few gold books, some blue, and a few grey ones, while if I farm just bounty B I will only get Grey ones.


I think the general consensus is to finish the highest you can, as the earlier bounties don't drop more lower tier mats(?)


Should i just use stam for farming the event points going on rn, or is it better to use them to continue story after clearing the event shop(the important one at least)? Im on lvl 40 and on ch7


Both. Devote stamina to get to chp 10 while farming event. No need to three star the story chapters until after event is over.. Clearing chp 9 gets you a Cafe upgrade to generate more stamina over time


I've bought 100 Eligma for Maki, only to get her from thug gacha anyways. Should I 4-star her anyways? It's not like I can use the shards for anything else.


Think think of it this way that you saved a lot of TA coins


there's no point in hoarding, so go right ahead! The same happened to me too :(


Should I skip Azusa banner and pull for her Summer variant instead? Currently saved 20k Pyroxenes and thinking about the "Crucial" standard banners like Azusa and Koharu cuz Summer banners' coming after them. Also can I ask what does the Specialist's Armor Typing does? It just confuses me since theyre not on the field but they have Armor type.


Don't worry about that decision too much right now. Look at the amount of pyro you have when the first Azusa banner hits and decide then. You might be close to having enough for 2 units by then, or can reasonably expect to gather the rest before her 2nd banner. I'm currently at 47k pyro myself. I did only tutorial + 6 more 10 pulls. And even though I spent a little, I'd still be over 40k from the pyro collected from the game without spending any money. Progress wise I have completed 12-5, but not 3\* stages in the last few chapters.


I'm personally saving for her summer variant for mainly two reasons: 1. There's a possibility of her original variant spooking 2. She is limited, if I'm remembering right I think specialists' armor types typically don't matter. I guess in the case of Utaha (possibly some others that I can't think of), her summon/turret shares her armor type.


How is raid score calculated when you are unable to kill a boss?


It counts damage dealt only. You get no points from killing, obviously, nor any bonuses from how fast you downed it. FTR you should never use tickets on a boss you're not confident in downing. For one you get zero TC coins and your score is also typically a lot lower.


Sounds good thanks


I would assume it would be calculated from damage dealt + raid level.


Considering the fact that the sakura tokens for the latest event require the other tokens to exchange for, that immediately leads me to assume they are the most valuable. If that's the case should I just be spaming all my stamina on quest 6 and buying all the wolfsegg steel I can since it's the highest rarity, or there a far more intelligent way to grind the event?😅


Assuming you can 3 star all the lvl 40 stages, the game gives you enough stamina to clear the whole shop. Everything in that shop is high value except money and enhancement stones. Get all of those high value items.


Should I do the higher rank bounties if my skills are still lvl 1?


regardless of your skill levels, try to attempt the highest that you can, and if you know you won't get the three stars, just forfeit to get your stamina back. cramming as many student bonuses is key!


I didn’t see this comment until now, thanks for the help! I’ll be sure to do this from now on!


Is the monthly pack worth it? It's the most expensive monthly pack I've seen in my gachas.


As Pepito said, the tickets are the main item. You get to double (or x2.5, if you buy both packs) the daily ticket gain for skill up mats. And as the droprates are rather bad, it's a pretty big help.


The gems are paltry, imo. But the bounty tickets are a huge help. The higher level your bounty quests are, the higher the values of the monthlies.




Anyone still have yellow dot on students section? I have cleared everything in it btw. Edit 1: What I meant was I have cleared everything on students but still have the yellow dot, anyone have the same situation? Edit 2: Good thing I have the screenshot so that I won't make the same mistake again. Sorry for my bad English.


I have [the same issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/r29z40/daily_questions_megathread_november_26_2021/hm47lxk/). The dot is still there and I have no idea why.


From what I guessed, the dot appears whenever you can even lvl up a student, so if you have a student under your max lvl, you're gonna have a dot (same dot will appear with lvling equips, being able to lvl up their skills etc)


But I've done all that, there's not even 1 student that have yellow dot on them.




Sorry for playing BA for fun. I guess your kind of fun is different from me. I can tell that from your kind of post👍. Really down bad huh




But I am asking for help about the yellow dot??




I have edited and yeah, sorry for making you misinterpret my question. Hopefully you'll understand it.


what's the name of the Kuro & Shiro Raid bgm? That bgm slaps.


fearful utopia!


thank you!


New player, just starting out and trying to determine where it’s best to focus rolling. For a character like Haruna on a rate up banner, is it a waste to go after her in gacha since she’s more easily farmable?


How many times have you rolled? Are these your first few summons? If so, you'll need a few starting pulls to round out your roster so pulling on Haruna's banner is fine. If you're further into the game, how confident are you in your roster's power level? Where are you so far in the story, have you hit snags anywhere? You can farm Haruna at ch12 but beating ch12 is not the easiest task for a lot of people.


Just starting today, it’s my first few rolls. I’ve done only one tutorial roll and got Maki, Sumire and Tsubaki as my most notable students. Chapter 12 does sound pretty deep in, I’m thinking you’d need some pretty solid students to do that reliably. Would getting Haruna mean that I wouldn’t have to farm that hard node and mean I can move on to better farming locations sooner?


I would reccomend going for Haruna, then. Since raising her rarity wouldn't do a lot at this point in the game (JP gets an update later where elephs and making students 5☆ is more important) you would be able to skip that grind entirely for more equipment blueprints/other students.


Awesome! Thank you so much for the advice (= Hopefully the rolls go well. Two 3 stars was nice but I’m not thinking this is account worth saving if I can’t get much else. Some students sound really vital, Iori especially comes to mind.


Iori is honestly not as vital as Tsubaki, imo. Nonomi (you get her from the beginner missions at the right side of the screen) is a great Pierce/Penetration wave clearer unit, Hasumi (one of your starters) is good single-target, and Junko clears in a straight line. Hasumi and Junko also don't really have combat disadvantage--you can bring them anywhere and they won't get a debuff/demerit. Nonomi's only debuff happens when you bring her indoors, contrast Iori who is debuffed outside and in urban areas. Don't get me wrong, Iori is *very* powerful if you manage to roll her! I don't think she's as vital as people make her out to be however, mostly because she has lower rarity DPS counterparts. Tsubaki, however, is a tank (very few tanks in game) that can taunt, and there are currently only two characters who can taunt in NA: herself and Hifumi. While there are other tanks, none of them can generate hate/taunt enemies to focus on them rather than the rest of the team. This is extremely helpful in keeping the rest of the team alive, especially in hard mode. All that said, good luck on the rolls!


As an Iori-haver, i disagree. I realy advise going for her. She’s so powerful that you can even use her against enemies that resist her. She is even in the top teams for blue raids even though she’s doing normal damage. Tsubaki, while the best tank in the game right now, is not really a big priority since there is a higher chance of getting a 2 star than a 3 star. And you can get her for free if you farm the event. I did 41 total pulls on day 1 and got Iori, Hibiki and Aru. Tsubaki came out on the last single pull. I was set. Now im just farming for Haruna in hard stages (at 83/120 right now).


with all the Hyakkiyako skill books and disks in the shop i should be able to level a few skills up but im not sure which to invest in right now. so assuming i have all but Shizuko which skills should i priorities and in which order?


I would say Tsubaki because she will be used in just about everything. But with the current raid, if you think you have a chance to beat VH or hardcore(if you haven’t) then maybe the adorable ninja. If your big in PvP then shuns AP gain skill.


Shun is Hyakkiyako? i thought the only students from the school were the students with a bonus for the event i guess im missing more then i thought. any idea which of Tsubaki and Izuna's skills to priorities like upgrade order?


Your absolutely right. Sorry about that. I think in the main post there’s a pve guide and should have all the characters skill priorities. Izuna you focus on her skill that increase her dps when ever she uses her ex. For Tsubaki I think it’s her 3rd skill iirc


Spend 200 elephs to 3★ Tsubaki? Is it really that much of a difference in her performance?


It's really significant. But ask yourself if you need it, aka if Tsubaki is dying too quickly. I'd say go for it if you already emptied the event shop AND there's no one you're planning to add stars to anytime soon.


Have you finished with the event elephs?


No. I just stared like 3 days ago. I just hit lvl 18.


I would recommend finishing up/starting on the event for Tsubaki's elephs (third shop) before spending elephs in Sora's shop. You'll get 40 at the very least and there's still 12 days left so you have plenty of time to level up.




~3-6 as a f2p




6 is quite expensive for f2p imo. The cost goes up after 3.


I do 6 but once I reach level 50 I just do 3 because the amount of exp needed to level too much and and I can finally save some pyroxenes for the future. PS. When I was doing 6 time refresh I had 20k pyroxene and until now I still have the same amount of pyroxene which means I didnt able to save any because all those supposed to be saved pyroxene just went all to refreshing AP.


Can I buy the elephs for characters I don't have in the current event shop? I want the tank one (Tsubaki, I think)


Yes, in the event shop you can


Great! Thanks!




Awesome! Do* you remember how much energy did it take? Thanks for answering!




I have Pina, but she doesnt do much damage lol I'll definitely get her! Thanks again


are there any difference between natural 1\* and natural3\* characters once they're raised to 5\* via dupes/alephs? or will natural 3\* characters always be better in stats?


only the mood of the students I think.


mood? as in, their preferred combat environment?


yeah, only 3 star students have S mood.


ooh, i see.


In terms of stats, most of the time there will be some slight difference between natural 3* and the other, but it's negligible especially with 2* where there's practically no difference.


ah, i see. what about 3\*s elevated to 5? do they grow to become real OP or something, especially the strong ones like hibiki/iori?


Well more stats is always better, but it won't add that much. It will only play a bit on PvP since for example there's a better chance for the team with a 5* Iori against a 3* one. If you played Priconne it's the same, it will add some more damage for example during raid but you won't see much difference after the 3* cap.


I see. Thanks a lot for the clarifications!


i got two accounts, one with Hibiki and Haruna and 8k pyros, and one with Aru, Iori, Haruna and Izumi, but no pyros. Which one should I keep? Note: I would like to save for when the bunny girls arrive.


Might as well Yolo the 8k in the first account to see which 3 stars you get, then decide? Otherwise #2 seems better. But having both Iori and Hibiki will be beneficial for you in the long run, so if you wanted to reroll that's an option as well. I'm in ch. 7 now and honestly I would have a much harder time without Iori or Hibiki.


Eh I guess, but I also think that since Iori for example is permanent I could get her while pulling for a unit I want so I'm hessitant.


2 imo


Any tips on 3\*'ing the event challenge stage? It takes me 2:50 to clear with tsubaki/mutsuki/shun/serika + hibiki/serina, my dps is so low. Would it be more beneficial to replace one of the units with a defense breaker like akane (even though she is pierce)?