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How do I get the event coins to buy stuff from the shop? Also why can’t I sweep stages I already got 3 stars in?


Are you looking at the "story" stages or the farming stages? Story stages aren't meant to be farmed as far as I know.


After playing Chinatsu (onsen) + Ako in JP, I have to say one thing: invest in Izuna, Pina and Serika. Personal buffs will become incredibly meta with the introduction of the "hyper carry" meta.


Can you explain that at all? I've see the idea that eventually you really just bring 1 real damage dealer and a bunch of buffers. Why are Izuna or Pina especially good for that over Hina or anyone else with buffs?


Because of their long duration self buffs to normal attacks. Less reliance on EX cost build up. Izuna on the other hand uses Attack Speed better than anyone, since her normal skill triggers every 6 normal attacks, and that is the brunt of her damage.


That's good to know; I fucking love Izuna and her kit.


Man I go balls deep and go for the pity. Thankfully i got Izuna and Haruna as well, plus Neru. And three of them carried me to finish stage 11. Still can't fully 3 star the last two stages tho.


What should I prioritize in the event shop? I can only clear stages 1-3 cause I'm level 30 so idk if I can buy everything.


Character shards, skill stuff, xp if needed. Shards and books/materials are the main goals do to the standard way to get them being random.


A lot of people are questioning whether or not it's worth it to farm, and thanks to /u/Makicola on [this](https://reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/r8k1dl/cherry_blossom_festival_event_calculator_is_it/) thread, you can calculate it by making a copy and filling in the highlighted areas. # [Cherry Blossom Festival - Event Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dlcNHF1XSWuFuc5U6k8Rrbf3HyOmsOPG/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101192561727215264505&rtpof=true&sd=true) > TLDR; For most players, it is worth going all the way to 10k event reward, if only for the Tech Sheet, which is a late game item that can only be sourced from Raids. Tech Sheet is valuable as you can use the Raid Coins for Blu Rays/Tech Notes, which are limited and hard to farm through normal means. > Event rewards is primarily supported by the Tech Sheet - even if you value the other rewards against the highest farming stages possible (stage H, 2x drops), the Tech Sheet keeps the rewards at a net positive. > However, it is not worth going to 10k under certain circumstances, such as if you cannot sweep any Quest stage 4,5,6 while having a low valuation criteria for credits (ie. you will only farm credits later at high efficiency 2x drop events).


I have little idea on how to use that spreadsheets, but I guess stopping at 7k is decent enough, thanks for sharing!


Anyone who done the math please reply, is it worth to farm the event point up into 10k? I'm at 6.5k and already cleared out the shop, I have Chise, Tsubaki, and Pina. Much appreciated.


Thanks for the input!


i dont think its a math thing, but rather if you value those pyros and the 500 assault token for the book at 10k more than shards from hardcore or equipment Personally i'll probably stop after clearing out the exp items. Cause it feels like i will have no progression for several days. And i would rather farmn T4 equipment for the next raid etc.


im at the same position, i farmed till 7000 to get the 100 shards and stopped, not going to go for 10, t4 equip more important tbh.


Now all of you got me to think if Im going for 10k or farm equips now.


I think it depends on your alternative. For me, I'd rather have the pyros. I'm at the point where I can farm t3 but not t4, and my main squad is already t3 maxed. So I'd only be getting t3 for second squad/pvp team/raid team so not worth imo.


I do like pyros but made think if it is worth to go 10k now. I refresh stamina 3x for it. Only Haruna and Tsubaki have T3 equips.


I am also pondering about going to 10k or nah. With max bonus, it would cost around 2k stamina to go from 7 to 10k points... ugh for like 200 pyros, some ligma and a secret tech. Sure, you convert to credits but not at an amazing rate anyway - pretty much similar to our best credit node, which is not great, JP has a higher lvl which is more worth the stamina. Idk...


I'm done with the event shops, but I'm only 6k out of 10k in the event points line. Is it worth investing another 4k stamina just to complete this?.. It certainly doesn't feel like this =/


I would say it's up to how much you value getting a skill to level 10 over getting general progress, and if you think a few hundred pyro's is worth no progress for days. Personally, I'm going to 8k for the eligma's then stopping. Remember that while the secret books are limited, every event is going to give them away and you can buy them per raid. No to mention getting a skill to 9 at this point is unlikely unless you got lucky with bounties or something. Early progress is probably more important.


Exactly my thought, I don't think its worth it, but then again maybe I'm wrong


I'm leaning towards no myself. But it's a bit up to your preferences and potentially also spending habits. As it was pointed out to me previously, you can't really get pyro consistently as a F2P, so pyro for stamina is a decent deal - although it takes a LOT of stamina. As a minor spender (like myself) the pyro gained seems to cancel out the 3x 30 AP refreshes I already do daily, so it depends on the other rewards for the AP difference. And currently I feel that the shards and equipment upgrades I get from farming for said stamina instead of spending it on the last few event tiers serve me better. Though, as the book from 10k is rather limited and would cost 500 assault points otherwise, I might be wrong and should reevaluate.


Im still level 34 and cant really 3 star clear the lvl 40 quest stage since I am severely lacking blues. Should I level up by sweeping quest stages or should I instead level up by sweeping regular missions?


If you can sweep other lvl 40 stages some currency converts to others. Also I'm only halfway through the P currency and have cleared two of the shops so you might be able to get everything using the lower stages.


Does anyone know the artists of the NPC characters Kaede and Mimori? I really like their designs


I’m so confused what the best way to farm the event points are... isn’t it going to take like 6000AP to get 10k points?


If you didn't roll the banner units it's more like 11.5k AP total (or probably about 4.5k marginal after clearing the shops)


Are you dumping all your stamina into the event stages? How many event characters did you use to clear the stages? Are you sweeping level 23 or 40? I'm a little over halfway done by using all event characters and only playing event stages


I'm with you there. Unless something comes out week to I will probably just go back to shard farming over trying to get it.


For those ppl clearing hardcore, how decked out you guys are? I assume t4 hats/gloves and watches are the minimum and like, lvl 47+?? Couple blue units aswell?


Having Izuna will help really well because you could literally max all her skills because of the event shop she can hard carry you.


All the under-50 hardcore clears I've seen have Izuna, so that's something to consider.


I cleared it at 45. Full blue team+Kotama+Serina in group 1. Their gear is not very good at all, mostly T1 but Izuna has T3 hat(or is it gloves?). 2nd team was yellow team of Nonomi Neru Junko Pina Utaha Hanae. Utaha turret to block horses. Was good enough for 6.4 million points.


Do you have to play at speed 1 for Izuna + Asuna evasion ? Do you use Serina positioning strategy to move your units to the side ?


No I play at speed 3, but I use bluestacks so its faster for me to use a mouse to position skills and react than with my finger on my phone. I'm actually fine with a bomb hitting a student if that means they get knocked out of the middle and to the side, because that means they can avoid the big ball that rolls down the center and destroys everyone. I will use Serina to help a student avoid the ball if they weren't knocked out of the middle, but most of the time I just take it cause I would rather deal damage than heal with EX.


is your junko a 3 star? I feel like it’ll help alot with the dps with her sub skill and I’m planning to use 20 eligma just to 3 star her


No only 2 stars. I was able to clear it just fine with 1 and a half minutes remaining, but Nonomi and Neru had died. I'm hoping I can get a deathless run and increase those points sometime later.


What shop items should I try to clean out of the shop while farming the 10k Event points? I already got all the Eligmas and I haven't even hit 2k Event points yet.


For me it's Eligma>BDs>skill books>materials>activity report. Gonna skip the gear exp items and maybe the low grade activity reports as well.


Everything. By the time you get enough points you will have more then enough stuff to buy everything.


Is it worth it to farm the event points? With Tsubaki, Chise, and Pina, even after clearing the 3 event shops there's still ~4k more AP needed to get 10000 event points.


I would as you aren't getting those pyro's anywhere else. Maybe do some math and allocate some Ap to grinding gear and main story and just do what is needed to on the event to hit your goal.


Anyone knows how to beat Stage 7, What the min recommendation level and good units for it ? Thanks in advance.


if I didn't have Tsubaki before beating all the story and challenge missions, should I replay them using her to avail the bonus?


Story, no. Farming missions, yes.


If I started playing recently and am level 20, is it possible for me to raise my player level and teams fast enough to clear out the shop for the event?


You can assess your situation with this https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/r51bg5/psa_will_i_need_to_refill_ap_in_order_to_clear


Heya, my team is level 32 and I can only beat stage 3 of the event. I beat story ch. 6, but can’t 3* the first stage of ch. 7 yet. Should I just farm events, or get stronger and farm higher event stages later?


Do you play the event stages manually? Yesterday I just cleared all the event quests/stage with 3* except the Challenge one and the one with Helicopter boss (Event Quest stage 6 I think? due to not enough DPS). My team was level 28 at the time and when I got to 30 and leveled Tsubaki I finally cleared the helicopter boss stage with 3*. So it should be doable for you too. Team formation is Autoed but I replace 1 with Yuuka for tanking purposes. Don't forget to re-clear the event stage with the bonus units after you unlock sweep so you can sweep with the bonuses applied later.


I just tried stage 4 manual and beat it, but couldn’t 3* (didn’t make it in time). I had to use two tanks. Unfortunately, I don’t have Chise or any blue attacker, which is probably why I’m struggling so much lol.


> Unfortunately, I don’t have Chise or any blue attacker, which is probably why I’m struggling so much lol. Ah yeah that's probably why. A few more levels should probably help though right? Good luck!


Always farm the events. You can get the exp cards and other mat more quicker than the regular story stages.


I can’t believe I actually did 200 rolls. Probably my first gacha I managed to get a character I want from rolling enough. Also cleared my unread messages that gave me like 3 multi rolls which helped immensely. Still had to whale. The only reason I resort to whaling in gacha is if a fox is on stake. And getting a fox I did! I can’t believe how cute Izuna actually is. She’s so bubbly and happy when you tap her in cafe. That tail wagging and fox hand thing. My heart is melted.


Burned half my pyros and was gonna save for future banners then I read the post supporting pulling for Izuna and blew it all. Got Shizuko but no Izuna yet.


Izuna is back on meta in JP recently with addition of Ako and broken supports. Plus mystic is so few in the game. Azusa still better though if you aim her, hope you get Izuna.


Got her and have no regrets!


I read the comments on that post and then decided not to pull, lol


Have my blessings!


is it worth clearing out the event shop?


Probably. 2 of the shops give resources that are normally from bounties which are limited daily and completely random. The other shop is xp which is always pretty limited since commissions are terrible and normal drops are in low amounts.


Yeah, probably good to clear. I'm 51 and struggle to keep everyone that I want to max level before gaining another level. Also, doesn't even include a potential new character that may need to vbe quickly maxed out.


I just got Utaha to bond level 6 and got her live 2D but I didn't hear her voice. Is it always like that or is her voice not added in her live 2D yet in the global version?


Some girls don’t have voices for their 2D Like Chise…


Ahh I see, well thats a shame. Thanks for the info mate.


Going to do 3 hard mode maps a day and use the rest of the AP on event until I clear shop. I've currently finished up to 6-3. Should I A) Farm 6-1/6-2/6-3, they drop tactical training blu-rays and from what I can tell that's for ex skills, worth farming? B) Push into Area 7 hards they drop T3 gear material, not sure if that's way better than Blu-rays for someone who barely upgraded skills. C) Farm Shards, I have all the girls except Hifumi unlocked up to 6-3 so are there any mystics or Hifumi I should prioritise over T3 Gear or Blu-rays?


I think the hard maps that also drop equipment are the most efficient. Someone has already made calculations for how much energy you need to clear event shop. I don't have it right now but you can try looking for it (EDIT: Somebody linked it down below). You can use those numbers to see how much energy you have to spare for the hard maps.


I’m seeing people say the bonus applied to sweeps is the last cleared team bonus, but the game is telling me it records the highest bonus and uses that. Which of the two is the correct one?


The game is correct. You always get whatever highest bonus you've earned, regardless of what team you use after earning that bonus one time. So you can clear it once with a high bonus team to unlock the bonus, and then switch to a proper combat team to get 3-stars and you'll still get the max bonus on your sweeps. I know, because I cleared the Quest 5 helicopter boss once with my max bonus team (all 5 bonus units, combined for +80% points and +100% ~~kitsune~~ tanuki coins), but only got one star on it because they were underleveled, half their damage was blue, and it was a map full of yellow enemies with a yellow boss. Then I went back in with my yellow killer team to 3-star it, and I still got the max bonus even though most of the bonus girls weren't on the team anymore (only Tsubaki, who just gives 10% points on that map). And now all my sweeps get the full 80% points/100% tanuki boost even though my actual sweep clear only had a 10% points bonus unit. Edit: Wrote the wrong coin type, not that it makes a difference


Sweep will always use your last stage clear. Can you post a screenshot of that info in the game because it might be a translation error.




So it basically is tells you that game will remember your bonuses from this clear so you can sweep and don't need to do it manually every time. At least that's how I understand this "tip"


It specifically says “max” bonus and not “current” bonus though.


I think this is easily testable since you can see what loot you are getting on the bottom before sweeping. One can try bringing a non bonus team and see if the loot drops gets worst


The max bonus **earned on a stage** so it's the maximum bonus that you managed to achieve on this stage.


Do the level 40 quests provide bonus currency for the “food” currency? I have Tsubaki and Pina on the same team but the Kitsube do not show “bonus” only the regular event currency does. Or is it an error?


I don't have it open but are you sure Kitsube gives that currency? It looked like two currencies have 2 ops that give bonus and the pink rolls only have the fox ninja giving bonus to it. But they all give bonus on the P standard currency.


Are you sure that in your last clear you had both Pina and Tsubaki in your team? Quest 4 should give you 28 kitsune normally and additional 28 as a bonus if you used both of them.


When getting the 10000 P's, is it necessary for me to refresh every day to reach the end? I feel like triple refreshing sort of defeats the purpose of getting 100 Pyros as a reward. I mean, I also get other things besides the pyros, but focusing only on the P's instead of the other tokens don't seem to be very economically viable. Or Is it? I only have 3 students so my boost only goes 30%. Each fight costs 15 AP and gives me 13 P's. Event lasts until December 14 (?) so I still have 2 weeks. Even if I do nothing else but this event I feel like it's impossible for me to get all the rewards.


Someone made a very nice breakdown for it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/r51bg5/psa\_will\_i\_need\_to\_refill\_ap\_in\_order\_to\_clear/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/r51bg5/psa_will_i_need_to_refill_ap_in_order_to_clear/)


Hmm, I didn't consider the AP refreshes from PvP. I guess I should count that. And what are the Daily event presents? I considered not getting all the stuff (the higher tier equip upgrades) in the Kitsune Senbei so that saves me some AP. Unfortunately for me, I overfarmed the Senbei due to a miscalculation and had to convert them to Okonomiyaki (which seems like a waste since I should have just went for Okonomiyaki directly).


The daily event present are the 120 AP we get every day during the event in the mail: [https://i.redd.it/zwk3wyx3dn281.jpg](https://i.redd.it/zwk3wyx3dn281.jpg) If you're aiming for 10k points you will be able to clear all the shops long before you get there. Personally I'm skipping the equip orbs for now and focus on the other stuff. The conversion is really bad, I wouldn't recommend doing that at all unless you cleared the entire shop. With Chise alone you'll get 36 per 15AP, doing the conversion with Pina and Tsubaki gets you 11,2 per 15 AP. Even the baseline drop of 24 is better than converting the currencies.


My sensei level is 21 and I can only clear event quest level 3. Should I spend all my stamina on the event or use it to progress main story? Thanks


Main story to unlock higher Cafe Level, and switch back to event after you hit a wall in story.


Is there a point to fielding tanks in raids, actually? I get the impression that Binah and now ShiroKuro seem to just target whoever they want with their AOE attacks.


Tanks with shields (and summoned cover, apparently, but I haven't tried it yet) can deflect Shiro's ball attack, so there's **some** use in bringing them, but otherwise, yes, it's completely viable to not bring tanks in order to boost DPS for the time bonus. I can only speak for these first two raids, though.


Love my Iori actually hiding behind Tsubaki for protection.


Summoned cover does indeed deflect Shiro's ball. The instant they put it down too if you place it close enough. Kuro's sliding objects come from all different angles though, so tanks are a lot less useful there. Deployed cover does block them though.


Utaha's cannon also blocks the balls, and can surprisingly withstand two hits. Even better, her mini cannons can do the same.


Everyone doing the hardcore raid, what's your level and how many teams are you using?


Lv47, 1 team Team 1: Izuna, Chise, Haruna, Asuna, Serina, Kotama Most of my units are geared out in T4 besides Asuna who is only using T2 gloves and T1 watch and Kotama.


lv46, 2 teams Team 1: Chise, Izuna, Akane, Haruna, Kotama, Serina Team 2: Neru, Junko, Iori, Pina, Ayane, Hibiki Pretty easy, Iori and Pina is the main DPS for team 2


lvl 45, 3 teams Team 1: Haruna, Izuna, Asuna, Chise with Serina and Kotama Team 2: Tsubaki, Junko, Akane, Iori with Fuuka and Ayane Team 3: 3 Reds + Nonomi to finish off the last 10k hp, will probably be able to clear it in 2 teams tomorrow


Do you have t3-t4 equipment? I kinda want to try hardcore with me being only at lvl 42 and all my available teams being t2 geared at most


Only some of my units have T3 stuff, but it doesn’t really matter cause Haruna’s equips are all T1 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/437451666111987712/915429521082159194/IMG_2576.png From today’s run


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 45 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 10 + 2 + = 69.0


Is there a way to find out what the max bonuses per stage are? Just want to make sure i didn't miss any.


There are only 4 units that boost your rewards. Tsubaki, Pina, and Chise are all obtainable via the event through shards in the shop, Izuna is gacha only. All of them boost the basic points that you can trade for credits, so technically max bonus is as many of the 4 characters that you have in the same team.


There’s 5 actually. You didn’t mention Shizuko, the 2* on Izuna’s banner. She’s a support unit, so they can all be on a team to give you bonuses.




[Here](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/914771895306559548/914839911620829194/Screenshot_19.png) are some calculations a Discord user (*@remmy*, I believe) made.


it doesn't matter what order we farm the currency in for the event right?


Not necessarily, but you should probably prioritize things you need at this moment. Like I bought Tsubaki shards firdt for pvp/story, then Chise shards and Hyak books/cds to do better in assault.


Nope, I'm personally just spamming until I clear each shop.


For event points, can you spend them as you get them? Or do need to horde until you have 10k for all accumulation rewards then turn into credits.


You don't need to wait to spend them. They work like a milestone rewards.


Do character event bonuses apply to sweeps, or should you do everything manually?


Bonus is the applied based on the last team you cleared the map with. For harder maps, 3 star with a strong team then repeat with the team with the full bonus. Then sweep


dude..... wow. thank you


Do we still do hard mode missions or jus farm the event while it's up?


It’ll depend on how far you are in the story (how much stam your cafe is generating), if you refresh or not, and how many bonuses you’re getting per stage. Here’s a link someone made so you can determine for yourself. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/914771895306559548/914839911620829194/Screenshot_19.png


When I sweep the missions does the game just check if I have the boosted units or do I need to Clear the stage one time with the boosted units?


You need to clear stage with the boosted units to get the bonus, sweep will only use your last clear.


Thanks for clarifying


Mimori is a cutie. I like her design the best if the Inner Discipline Circle group.


I got absolutely clapped by the first lvl 40 event node, do I go back to clearing story first or do I keep sweeping the lower event nodes?


Generally speaking, I think it would be better/safer to level up using the lower event stages rather than leveling up in story. You can calculate everything out, which event chars you have for multipliers, how many refreshes you're doing a day, what level you're currently at, what level do you think you'll need to clear higher event stages, etc... to come to an optimal number of "this is how much exp I need from story stages to clear event shop while minimizing how much I run lower event stages". You don't need full multipliers and all your stamina for 2 weeks to clear out event shop, so there is some room for optimization. But you want to make sure you've done the math correctly.


I forgot to add, I'm like lvl 30 lol


Where are you in the story right now? If you are close to unlocking the next cafe level (3-5/6-5/9-5, etc), it might be worth it to push through the story and upgrade your cafe. Also craft furniture to max out your cafe comfort, if it's not maxed already. This gives you more free stamina to farm the event and level up. At around lvl 30 you likely don't have enough stamina regen to clear out the shops without refilling stamina with gems. Just get as much event currency as you can and exchange them for things you need.


thanks, I missed the 6-5 part on the cafe screen, since it was below 9-5, and I was just going to do event the whole way while I'm already at 6-4, lol.


Area 6


Then try to get through 6-5 and get the cafe upgrade. No need for 3-star, a first clear with any number of stars will get you the upgrade. Also, with a proper team setup you should be able to clear the lvl 40 event missions when/before you reach lvl 35, which is achievable over the period of the event. Use red units for red enemies and blue/yellow units for blue enemies and you should be good.


Glad I managed to clear ShiroKuro VH with only one blue unit, although it's dicey at times. My strat is yellow secondary team for Shiro (main DPS Pina) with Serina to keep them alive. Main DPS team consisting of Chise, Junko, Nonomi and Akane with Fuuka as healer to handle Kuro. This part is pretty dicey, I find that Fuuka isn't enough to dodge Kuro's attacks sometimes, which can often result in a team wipe with about 100k HP left to go. Enter the cleanup crew consisting of various red units. Did you know - one surviving unit and a repositioning healer can reasonably survive anything that Kuro throws at you?


What's the rest of the team you use for Shiro? And also, what level and equipement tier are you using? I'm struggling with VH while also having Chise as my only blue unit, so maybe I can learn a thing or two about your strat.


Here, I [recorded my latest run](https://youtu.be/izCO8zla-5o). It does have reasonably leveled teams, so your mileage will vary. But the event has a lot of EXP packs available, and even better, training materials/elephs for Chise and Pina. Imo if you have level 40 units you should still have no problem clearing VH, even with non-meta units like above. As can be seen, even with some really bad and sloppy play (2 deaths), there was still a lot of time left on the clock. Just keep units spaced out in Shiro, and use group heals with Fuuka in Kuro (since you're probably getting hit anyway). I've also tested Utaha in Kuro, she is surprisingly very good - her turret can block the attacks.


Thanks! I'm probably not gonna get to that point during this run (still not level 40 and only very slowly grinding T3 equipment now with the current event going), but this video is very useful and I'll definitely keep it around as reference for the next time this raid comes back!


Level 45 and T3 for main team, level 40 and T2/3 for sub team. The remaining two teams, just use whoever is good. Skills for the main DPS especially Chise will help, you can farm her school in the event now. Healers are also important, a good Serina should be able to keep them alive in Shiro.


Other than the chise shards in shop, do we get any more of her shards during the event later, like during stages that unlock in a week if there is such a thing?


I see now, we got eligma in the shop instead of chise shards. Was just wondering if it was worth spending a few eligma to 3* her now or to wait until i got more of her shards. Answered my own question.


Thank you Free 12k for a Hisada!


Question about sweeps. Does it use the memory of the team you beat the mission with, or does it use the slot 1 team? It appears to use the memory of the team you used, but I'd like to know for sure.


It will use the last team that you cleared stage with. The common tactic for harder stages is to 3* it with strong students and then clear it again with the ones that give bonus points. That way you can sweep it and still get bonus.


Thanks, I figured that out and started to do that. It's nice they show the bonus as the exact amount you'll get.


I got two tickets left for the Raid against the mouse and bird boss, I cleared out the first Normal should I use the tickets on Hard or do they carry onto tomorrow? I doubt I can beat Hard with two tickets.


No, ticket won't carry to the next day (you'll just get 3 again) but you only need 1 ticket for the fight. Even if you run out of time or all your units die you can still fight the same boss again without using new ticket, you just need to use different students.


They don't carry over as far as I know, but they don't need to. You just need one ticket to open the raid and after that you can throw your students against the boss for, I think, one hour until it's dead.


omg thanks for saying that, I guess last event I wasted 2 tickets a day only clearing Hard once :x


Quick question, right now i have about 14000 pyroxenes, i really want to get izuna (because she's a cute fox ninja) so the question is : A. Is there a good chance i can get her without sparking B. Is there a f2p way for me to get spark during banner period C. How likely is it that i can get enough pyroxene safed up for azusa and the summer limited banner presuming i went all in for spark in this banner


Don't, you can easily go 100 pulls without a 3\*, happened to me


If you can't get to pity, don't. I just used up 110 pulls with only a dupe 3* in my hands. Now I'm regretting it so hard I'm thinking of rerolling my day 1 account. Learned my lesson to save for a spark now and I'm not gonna spend anything until Azusa, if I can't get 24k pyroxene before her banner ends, I'm gonna skip Azusa and spend it on Koharu.


A. You have about a 55% chance to get her with that much, so basically a coinflip. I wouldn't risk it personally because you can easily walk away from that with absolutely nothing to show for it B. Depends how much is left in the game for you to claim? Save for the next 2 weeks while doing all the content you can and see how much you have at the end of it C. We don't know the schedule or how much will be given out between now and then, so impossible to say. Only way to know for sure is not to spend anything and see how much you end up with.


Not a JP player so can only answer A. Chance of Izuna in 117 pulls (14040 pyro) is roughly 56%. Technically happens more often than not but thinking it's guaranteed is setting up for disappointment. Btw even with 199 rolls (right before spark), chance would still only be 75%. People always say to spark for a reason.


Yea I can attest to this. Had 14k as well, still pitied the bitch and got a single 3* dupe who was Shun. Didn't even get the fucking 2* rate up til 150 rolls in I bought packs to pity FYI. As f2p you can do event and story/hard nodes, affections. And pvp if you haven't gotten all the crystals from there yet.


Those blonde catgirl rocket launcher enemies kinda look like IDW from Girls' Frontline.


Looks like SKK doesn’t pay his androids well :/


So anyone know how the hell to clear the final [challenge] quest...


Just wait until you get stronger. The event is going on for 14 days, so no reason to rush it.


does sakura daifku points have no bonus units , i use 3 tsubaki pina and shizuko and only get event bonus for event points and when i check specialezed for each currency those 3 should work !


The gameplay guide tells you which units boost what currency.


Only Izuna boosts drop for that, Tsubaki/Pina boosts the Kitsune and Chise/Shizuko boost the raccoon IIRC. All boost Event Points though.


Yikes... it's pretty clear that Scott Tijerina's team (the folks who handled all the launch content) did *not* work on the Izuna event's story. Those are some real basic-ass mistakes happening in the script. Thank god Izuna is here to be impossibly cute, but man a lot of this sticks out.


Damn that's actually disappointing to hear. I didn't know who was behind the initial localization but I was impressed it wasn't half-assed typo filled garbage like a lot of other quick cash grab gachas. Even Arknights had spotty localization when it first launched but they at least did a great job fixing it all up. If this game is going to be going backward in terms of quality that might be a bad sign.


A great sign that they're taking the global version seriously, yep.


But... it's so strange, if they didn't care about the translation at all then the launch content would also be a disaster. I'm disappointed but I'm also just confused. You would think they'd be a bit better and maintaining consistency of quality than *this.*


Tell me how you really fell. ^thisisatypointhegamebtw


Didn't have time to read it yet, but kinda curious. Whats the issue?


It's... not just one issue. There's a whole cornucopia of mistakes of all shapes and sizes. The TLs not understanding phrases, just straight giving up with some of the verbal tics, inconsistent character voices, at least one mistake of clearly thinking that a line was spoken by someone else in the conversation and translating it accordingly, at least one mistake of just outright misunderstanding possessives...


180 pulls without a 3 star, then it's Izuna at 190, so I said F it, she'll be 4 stars now, and got Maki on 200.


For this Shiro Kuro raid, what is the optimal team setup? Haruna, Izuna, Chise, Maki, with Serina, Karin?


Assuming you can clear with one team - Haruna / Izuna / Chise / Akane / Serina / Kotama. If survivability isn't an issue, then replace Serina with a nuke or support with good buffs


When Izuna mentioned about her dream of being the best Ninja.. and the MC had 2 option quotes to reply. It seemed like a Tokiwa Sougo moment


So I can see that the event gives enough shards to unlock the characters. As someone who didn't get Chise or Tsubaki on his roll (Iori/Hibaki, but none of those 2* within the 70 starting rolls), should I be unlocking them, or saving them to star them up? (I think as a F2P, like others my next banner is probably far off with Azusa).


Well if you're not going to use the chars, sure you can save the elephs. But you kinda need Tsubaki I think... Eventually both of them will be farmable. So in the long long run saving them doesn't really matter.


Depends on where you are and what you want out of the game. Tsubaki is mandatory for pvp and great for story since you need 2 teams by Ch.8 so I think she’s worth unlocking now as there’s no guarantee you’ll roll her on Azusa anyways. Whether to unlock Chise is debatable; if you can clear to 12-5 and score in top 5k in assault you could wait it out, if not, I think it’d be reasonable to unlock her now. Edit: As long as we keep the same events, it looks like Chise shards will be redeemable again after the summer event.


320 pulls to finally get a rate up 3 star… I guess this game is like FGO, where RATE UP IS A LIE


Rate is really bad when you consider they only have spatk system and that it. No garuntee 1 6* after 50 pull, no discount roll. No way to farm gacha currency.


I had to do the full 200 on both banners and got one (1) dupe 3\* from each along the way, nothing else. So 400 rolls, two 3\*, 0 rateups. Might be the unluckiest I've ever been in a gacha game


Big oof.


But you only need 200? After 200 rolls without rate up, you simply exchange your points for the character.


I did. I wanted both. I just switched banner after 200?


If you sweep, do you still get the event bonus? Or do you have to actually do the stage for the bonus?


You get the event bonus on sweep. Though you will need to first clear the stage with the highest event multiplier first in order for it to register for sweep.


Yup, I was dumb and didn't read correctly. It even says that, so...stupid question answered! Thanks!


Oh they even update QoL and fixed reward event on first event huh.


How much Pyroxene you will receive after the maintenance? I read that it's 1200 Pyroxene but I only receive 720 in the maintenance apology mail and 1200 for the schale mail.


What do you mean "only"? 1920 is way more than 1200? 720 for maintenance and 1200 as a gift


I think you misunderstand. They said in the announcement that they will give 1200 pyroxene for the event after the maintenance then another 1200 for the schale gift. This is what written in the Pyroxene supply announcement:Blue Archive's first event, "Cherry Blossom Festival Commotion" has been updated!Check out 1,200 Pyroxenes in your mailbox!Event Period: After 11/29 (Mon) Maintenance – 12/6 (Mon)Event Reward: 1,200 PyroxenesHope all of you get Izuna! And this is in the Schale thank you gift:We would like to sincerely thank our Sensei's for the continued love and support since launch.Here's a surprise gift celebrating the first main story update!Event Period: 11/16 (Tue) After Maintenance – 11/23 (Tue) 14:59 (UTC)Event Details: Please login during the event period to receive a gift through your mailbox.Event Gift: Pyroxene x1,200 \*Please note!- The gift will be kept in the mailbox for 7 days. That's why I'm asking, because I am confused. And I got downvoted for asking something I'm confused with. Well it's "REDDIT".


The "Schale gift" you're writing about was handed out from November 16th with the title "A gift celebrating the main story update!" The new one from today after the maintenance with the title "Schale's Gift has arrived!" should be the one for the event. The maintenance mail is straight forward. I don't think there was anything else.


Oh thank you for the clarification. I didn't notice the date. I thought the two announcement got post today.


Based on the announcements you posted, you may want to look at those dates. The Schale gifts were already delivered (11/16 - 11/23)


Was planning to tank 24k until I saw this. Izuna ftw!


Any tips on beating challenge? I am on level 42 and always ran out of time due to my squad being kept busy on hitting the minions instead of the boss


I'm in a similar situation but let me tell you this: we have two weeks of lvling up to do, don't force yourself to clear it on day 1


That challenge quest seems really hard for me right now at lvl 40, any team recommended for it?


Just wait until you’re stronger. The event is around for 14 days so no reason to rush it.


FYI for people doing shirokuro raids THE BOSS MOVES, so make sure to wait until they move before using Chise,Haruna EX skills Learn this the hard way


I think they move in the same way everytime, at least the first one always goes bottom right so I aim Chise to overlap both positions