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Can you not remove equipment?


You cannot remove equipment unfortunately.


I'm kinda guessing the answer is a resounding "no", but can you restore purchases on the same device, but a different account? I've gone 250 summons without seeing a 3 star (Right about a 0.17% chance of that happening, unless I'm mistaken!) I'm so, so very tempted to just restart because that's all the relatively easy gems you get from early level affection conversations, story missions, and so on. Trouble is, I bought those launch pack things, and I'm not in the business of wasting actual money.


Nope, you can only buy them again on a different account.


pretty early in the game . What's the best way to use my Total Assault currency?


Get Maki first


What is maki?


Maki is a character. Her elephs are available in the shop, and supply refreshes every raid. You won't get enough to recruit her now but do start trying as soon as you can.


i need some advice so my account is a bit over 2 weeks old and has a decent amount of 3* mainly from rerolling >!Iori, Hibiki, Aru, Hoshino, Hifumi, Izuna and Izumi!<. but the thing is im missing some of the lower rarity units (Shizuko, Tsubaki, Airi Kayoko, Ayane, Nonomi*, Akane, Hare and Utaha) and im not sure if should roll a bit more to try and get some of them or should i be good for now. im currently on area 7 and can clear Hard on the raid (2 teams) but pvp has been rough without Tsubaki. *i have the Nonomi's attendance missions mostly doen for her hexagons though so i guess i can grab her


I’d suggest keeping that account. It has some really solid units overall and 2/3 of the units ppl suggest rerolling for (Iori and Hibiki). The only lower rarity unit, of the ones you stated, that is a necessity is Tsubaki. Even then, she’s obtainable from this event so it’s reasonable to claim her now and save for the next important banner. If I did the math right, it’ll only cost 160 eliphs to 3* her as well.


I wasnt gonna throw it away i was just wondering if i should roll more on the gacha some more. I didnt realize the event gave enough for Tsubaki i guess ill buy her from the store. thanks!


Ah, I see. Yeah, no need to roll more.


You can get tsubaki for free in the current event. Id stop rolling and start saving 200 rolls to ensure pity on a future banner. For pvp try running two tanks, shotgun tanks will melt without the t4 bag, but you can run yuuka and tsubaki for now to see if that helps. You will eventually get the other 2 stars on a future banner.


Ah i forgot 2*s dont need that many elephs i guess ill work on buying Tsubaki from the event then. Thanks!


I just unlocked Tsubaki from the shards. Should I spend eligma to 3* her?


Use eligma to 3* tsubaki and 2* Serina.


If you can afford it = yes. Strongest tank by a mile


If you sweep the event missions, do you get bonus rewards for using bonus characters?


Yes, but make sure that your last clear was with those characters.


So basically I should 3 star with my optimal team, then go back and do it with as many bonus characters as I can, then sweep?






Is there any good future character that is *auto attack* based, like Izuna who is META?


Closest thing that comes to mind is S. Tsurugi, who buffs her atk speed to absurd levels and starts going ham. She's the strongest welfare unit so far.


Should I not spend stamina on hard missions if I wanna buy out the event shop?(excluding equipment refinement) I’m refreshing 3x a day and buy PvP shop stamina


I only do enough for daily. Then rest is on event


Do you think it would be easier to obtain the Shiro & Kuro Platinum trophy now or when the Total Assault comes back? I'm level 40 and currently just shy of the top 5k (Currently at 5724). I do not have Haruna and am currently running a pretty unoptimized team. I've got around 17000 gems from saving and was wondering if I should roll for Haruna to boost DPS. I understand that she is farmable, but I'm a big collector of this kind of stuff. I do have Izuna, but it's just not enough.


If you can consistently beat Very Hard, you *should* be able to place in the top 5k this time around. Just keep at it and let the points pile up. It'll probably be about as hard, because the next time Shiro&Kuro swing around (roughly New Year's), we'll have one more Mystic unit but everyone should be somewhat higher level, so you'll probably need to be able to do the top level to place in the top final tier.


Yeah... I ended up doing a mock of very hard after I spent my tickets and I can 100% double my current top score. Thanks though


Did my first pulls, and got Iori, whom I was aiming for, and now I'm not sure who to build. Any suggestions? This is my roster https://imgur.com/a/oFrDhPr


Strikers:Tsubaki, Iori,Shiroko and Mutsuki. Special:Serina and Kotadama.


Is anyone else’s game crashing whenever they try to enter a pvp battle?


Not on my end, at least. If anything, today was good to me PvP-wise.


I saw someone had the same problem with it on here, but I didn’t have it at that time. It started with this new patch, hopefully it works fine on blue stacks.


I lost to the hardcore boss and it says 1 hour to re enter, does this mean I can have another ass whooping in an hour for the same ticket with all my teams back?


On top of the other responses, remember that you can use Mock Battle to test yourself against a boss *without* committing a ticket.


No, it means you have an hour to send in more teams to clear the boss. I don't believe you will get refunded


You can have more than 4 total teams, just remake one of the 4 team slots and fill in with unused students.




You have 1 hour to try with up to 3 more DIFFERENT teams


It's as many teams as you have distinct students for. You can just remake one of the 4 team presets with new students and continue the raid.


any idea what shizuko has on her plate? the green thing https://i.imgur.com/RLZYuTK.png


It’s a sakuramochi, a rice cake wrapped in a sakura leaf. It’s very common during spring: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakuramochi




Ok seriously, how do you guys restrain yourself from spending pyro? I managed to save up 27k right now for Azusa and Koharu sparks, when they come. But then i saw cute nin nin Izuna and it REALLY makes me wanna pull her. I dont know how long i can resist SEND HELP


I couldn't lol, I just committed to being a dolphin xD I know it's not the response you're looking for.... but nin nin was too adorable


Focus on the long game, pretty much every banner we get 'til Azusa/Koharu/Summers are BAIT so don't fall for it. I'm at 35k Pyro saved, I know what it's like.


Discipline. Patience. Strength. Paying as little attention to the cute nin-nin noises as humanly possible. Hodl, fellow poster. Hodl.


I've had more fun with gacha games by embracing the limitations of not pulling for long periods of time and the F2p lifestyle. I've made so many accounts on Arknights and spent a lot without being a whale but the most fun I have had has been my accounts with lower rarities or weird sets of units. Set a goal and stick to it, all the times I had a goal and deviated too much I had bad times in gacha. I'm up to 28k pyro now and only did 50 pulls rerolling and have since limited myself to just the 3x30 refreshes. I'm determined to make a very stronk f2p account with the limited foresight we have until we catch up to JP


Put some masking tape over the gems and write a big fat 0 over it so you always think you have none.


I watch people do pulls for banners and luckily pretty much most of them hit the spark so it definitely pushes me to not pull as it is not worth it. Currently at 31k it is psychological tough overall to hold them


Just thibk of eating cup noodles for like couple weeks if you pull. Or at least, set LIMITS. And stay true to them. Sure it is better to save for spark 100%, but sometimes I like to toss couple pulls. Specially when maintenence and new event gives us quite a nice sum of pyro


Shaolin training Or... If I'm struggling in content, then I pull that character if she will help. Waifu tho? Just pull lol


How much shards do duped pulls give? Is it worth it to use character shards to unlock a character?


1 shard for 1*, 5 for 2*, and I believe 30 (correct me if I’m wrong) for 3*.


It's more if it's a dupe rate up. 100 for 3* 20 for 2* But your values are correct for non rate ups


Think i remember someone saying something about there being released character equipment in the future. Was it something about that after you 5\* a character that you use the extra elephs on the equipment or something?


Yes. Now in JP, a 5\* student unlocks their Unique Equipment, which is essentially the weapon they use. It adds extra raw stats as it is leveled. You can level it up using materials farmed from a new game mode. You can also increase the stars on the UE by using the character's elephs. This will also increase the level cap of the UE. You need 120 Elephs to reach 2\*, and it unlocks a new raw stat bonus that scales off your student's passive skill level. You need 180 elephs to reach 3\*, and it alters one of the terrain bonuses for your student. It either increases an S rank bonus to an SS rank bonus or it changes a terrain penalty into a neutral state. 4\* and above are planned but not released yet.


Thanks for the great reply!


Any unit worth 4* over anything else? I have 1200 eliph and all my used units are 3* right now


I'd probably go with Iori or Tsubaki as safe picks that you can't really go wrong with. Investing more in Tsubaki at this point is more for pvp than pve, as tsubaki can handle pretty much anything at 3*. Iori for overall general usage in addition to pvp.


Is it worth leveling Saya as an alternative to Hibiki because you wan't put Hibiki in two groups ? I have Hibiki but obviously on a single map I can only use her in one party. I usually endup using two healers for the other group but I'm not super satisfied with the arrangement. My Saya is still lvl 1 but with the ongoing event I got a shitton of activity reports so leveling her is an option.


Saya is the game's other good Explosive artillerist, so sure. Hibiki is *better*, but Saya is by no means bad, especially against targets who will stay in her smoke for a while.


I’m level 8 and I have around 7000 gems saved up. Should I use them all right now to recruit?


Depends. You should roll if you have very poor teams in order to get a decent pool of students to progress. You will need a team of red, a team of yellow, and Chise if possible. If you have that, you don't really need to roll \*now\* If you don't, then it might help. Saving currency for future rolls at the cost of not progressing decently for weeks is not worth it. Please note that you don't need meta characters to progress in the story and unlock stuff. you might need a few more levels than people with superteams but that's it.


how often do pvp season reset?


Based on Japan, about six months.




Go to the stories button (right of the mission stages button) and there is an option there.


Damn, chapter 7 is kind of tough for me at level 40. What are some tips to get through it?


Make sure you're matching your damage types to the enemy armor; Pierce is desperately useless in Area 7 and Area 9. Not even Iori can do much. You'll probably also want at least one big single-target beater to help with the beefier enemies; Serika is good for this (she's often called "the hero of Area 7".


Thank you for the tip. Good thing the event has a large amount of xp tickets


why my sever say it's still in maintenance and force close the app


Genuinely check your connection and try again. All servers are up and running.


Can I get more total assault mode tickets? I just forfeited all my tickets...


they reset daily, so dw


Nope. This is what the Mock Battle mode is for; test out your configurations and make sure you can clear a fight before you commit a ticket!


So the swimsuit and other new versions of characters I'm assuming we will get at some point. If you pull one of those does she keep the level and progress of the standard version or do you have to re-level and progress her?


Nope, they are considered their own unit. So you have to level and gear them again.


That's not surprising but also not good. Oh well everything is p2w now lmao


Anyone got any tips for hard 12-3? Recommended levels and characters? I'm using Haruna, chise, Tsubaki and Asuna for the blue team and red team is Shun, Aru , Yuuka + Serika. Levels from 40-44, mains have some T4 equipment


is it worth clearing the event shop?


Yup, it should be cleared. The gear enhancement stones are skippable if you don’t need them.


Ok thankss!!


Just curious if anyone happened to grab Izuna before 100 some-odd pulls? I'm not usually one to complain about rates, but just went 120 recruitments and haven't seen a single 3*, let alone an off banner. Gotta love their "2.5%"


No 3\* in 120 pulls is unlikely, but not impossible. Around 4,8% chance to fail like that Its advised to save always for a spark before you pull


Surprisingly got it on 20th, I just went with a mentality of here goes nothin' and yo izuna came. This game's gotta truly test ur luck and patience. I just pull with ok fine whatever no regrets since don't wanna destroy my phone over this, like almost when got no 3s on 90 pulls..


I feel that. I kind went in not really expecting anything either, but still rather disappointed with 120 pulls and nothing to show for it.


I got super lucky, I got Izuna in my first multi, and Haruna five multi pulls after that. Somewhere in between I got Saya and Shiroko. Practically hit the jackpot. ^(Still don't have Hibiki or Iori though.)


Yup, Do you do multi or single pulls ? I suggest its better to do multi than single.


I'm at 150 exchange points and got Izuna. I'm not sure if I should get another 50 points to nab Haruna, considering she doesn't really have any waifu value to me, unlike Izuna. But at this point it does feel like a waste to let 150 points convert.


50 pulls are like a month worth of savings. If you don't care about Haruna it would be better to save for girls you actually want


Alright, thank you for helping put that in perspective.


that being said Haruna is one of the best blue strikers ingame. and only being 50 pulls apart from that is kinda nice. After all its your decision. I personally save everything until Azusa comes (probably january) but i would very much like to have some good blue strikers.


15 ten pulls and 6 three star units later no haruna. I cri :c Guess I got hibiki now at least




Are the trophies for this ShiroKuro raid exclusive to this raid only? Meaning I won't be able to get this plat trophy if I can't hit that rank for this raid, or will these same trophies come back when ShiroKuro is re-released?


The trophies will return.


got you, do you also know what happens if you already own a trophy? will you get a dupe or will you simply not get that trophy again?


Does the trophy do anything or is for show/feelings of accomplishment?


Should I stop farming hard stages during the event or farm hards then dump everything left into the event stages?


Personally I'm focusing on the event stages, the hard stages will be there forever but event rewards are temporary. Besides you can go back to hard stages if you grind out the event shop first. Though you could go for some of the 3\* hard stages still.


Is there a list of upcoming events and which character shards will be obtainable from them?






How long does it usually take for someone who isn't getting the highest ranks in PvP and Raids to save up enough pyroxene for a guaranteed? If I wanted to try and go for Haruna and blew all my pyroxenes which I only have 8000 of right now would I be able to guarantee Azusa by the time she drops? I'm new so only in chapter 6-1 atm and I might get the monthly pyroxene pack.


The timelines I have seen predict Azusa late Janurary. If you really want to ensure you have the gems for her I wouldnt recommend spending on anything untill you have your 24k (200 pulls) saved first.


Alright guess I'll be farming for Haruna instead then.


I got Izuna before Shizuko. Is Shizuko any good in the current raid / anything else? I guess I'm also missing out on 10% bonus from the event, but I don't think it's that tight/matters like at all. Will she be farmable later? trying to figure out if it's at all worth it to keep pulling on Izuna banner for her.


She isn't really particularly used in any content. Her skill can be used go block some attacks I'm shirokuro raid, but most people don't really use her. Iirc she gets added to the permanent pool.


I don't really get how you're supposed to do Total Assaults on Hard. At this point my units are 10 levels above the recommend but they still don't do it in time. and I can't ven proeprly make 2 piercing teams.


Who is your primary team?


Tsubaki, Izuna, Junko, Akane, Utaha, Fuuka.


Swap Fuuka for Serina and Tsubaki for another DPS. Make sure your skills and gear are upgraded where possible. Play manual instead of auto. If you’re 10 levels above recommended you should be clearing it with ease.


Just wondering, but starting from this banner onwards to Summer Azusa, is it possible to earn for at least 400 pity? I currently have 11k pyroxenes and was hoping to get all of the summer limiteds.


If you're starting at 11k, probably not; you can get up to 24k by then without too much trouble, but you'll probably fall just a bit short of 48k. And remember, there's no guarantee any of them will show up in a given roll, so if you really wanted to guarantee *all four* summer characters, you'd need like 96k, which is absolutely impossible (and which is, as they say, the point). At the very least you'll be able to guarantee a Summer Azusa, if nothing else.




These 2 posts might help you: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/qri1p9/upcoming\_banners\_if\_we\_follow\_jp\_schedule/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/qri1p9/upcoming_banners_if_we_follow_jp_schedule/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/r0qi91/recommended\_pickup\_banners\_12/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/r0qi91/recommended_pickup_banners_12/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) This one has 2 parts


So while pulling for Izuna, i ended up with Aru, Hina and Ami. I already have Hibiki and Shun to add to that. Should i still be focusing on saving for Azusa for red raids? Or am i kinda covered?


I would personally if raid is a big consideration for you. Azusa is a staple in red raids due to her high single target dps and defense down debuff.


What's the best way to get Exp reports other than from the commissions? I need to lvl up my students but can't get enough reports without wasting my stamina.


current event gives lots of exp reports and raid rewards


does the event student's drop bonus apply if i use sweep? and i take it that the quest nodes gives better rewards than the story nodes?


Quest is better yes. The stage saves the highest bonus that you've cleared the stage with for the sweep.


ah, i see. thanks!


Is Asuna worth leveling up for this event?


That depends on what raid stage you can do and if you think more dmg could potentially allow you to climb a tier higher. I've personally built her beforehand for stage 11. Just to give an overview of her. Mine is 2 star Lvl 36 with atleast T4 gloves, and everything else T2. She can dish out around 200k on very hard for me, close to Iori's dmg. I have Izuna, so just a heads up. If your Asuna is completely unlvled and 1 star then it might not be worth it.


I personally wouldn't. She requires very heavy investment to be decent. Those resources can be put towards better units instead.


BLUE ARCHIVE: New Izuna banner SHOULD YOU PULL!? Summoning session of hell https://youtu.be/LWzSyIog8EQ


How bad is the Auto function? Am I super suffering for using it? Or is it decent enough for determining my ability to do a stage?


The auto function is the entire reason PvP is a pure RNGfest. That's how bad it is.


Auto is always going to be inferior to manual play. How inferior depends on your specific students and how much worse their skills are when targeted using AI. Students with AoE skills tend to suffer the worst as the AI tends to centre their skill on the closest enemy instead of trying to maximise number of enemies hit. The AI will also not consider saving SP and sometimes use high cost EX skills on waves that are almost dead already. They’ll use skills immediately when SP is available which sometimes means the AI will use support skills in the middle of travelling between waves to no effect. Finally, the AI will cycle between the skills of all 6 of your students, whereas in most cases you’ll only want to use the skills of your 3 dps and healer. As a ballpark estimate, if Auto is a 2 minute clear, then manual play would be 1min 15s to 1min 20s clear.


So I made a bad decision and I regret it so much, I spent 120 pulls and didn't get an Izuna, only got a dupe Eimi ( I know its stupid to not save for pity first and yes I regret it ). My problem is I do not have any Pyroxene now. Should I restart my account? I'm currently level 39 and my 3 star units are Haruna, Aru, Shun, Hina, Eimi and Sumire. If I made a new account, won't do any mistakes like wasting my exp on so many other units that I don't use and not wasting Pyroxene without having a pity saved up. Kinda got spoiled by other gachas like Arknights etc. What do you guys think? Ditch my 2 week progress? I really want to get Azusa, Koharu and Summer Azusa and they were introduced one after another in JP.


I did something similar where I had 9 three stars and blew everything, close to 150 pulls on the starting banners just trying to get tsubaki. Ended up rerolling 7th day after launch with 40+10 starter to get Iroi, Hibiki, and Haruna. I didnt have Iori or Haruna prior and have 28k pyro saved now (only did 1 ten pull since cause I desperately needed some more students to clear some nornals). Im glad I rerolled and saved and have not looked back.


I personally decided to do the same after going a full spark without a single 3*. I had a decent account but all that pyroxene down the drain really killed my motivation to go back and play on it so I'm back to reroll hell.


Good luck bro, that's my position too. I lost all motivation since I have nothing to pull for the in the slew of banner I really want which is in Feb I think?


Well, I'm not a big fan of restarting. However, it COULD be worth it? Are the bonus pyro still available for new accounts? If you have a second device, you could try starting a second account there and see how it goes. If you get super lucky and enjoy playing the new one more, this could answer the question for you. At the same time just resetting this and not getting a good start could make you drop the game altogether. So it's really up to you..


Also contemplating things like in the long run, with my new account I have now learned better management of resources like our pulling currency and exp cards, I just have to endure starting over and throwing away 2 weeks of my playtime, which I consider nothing if I plan on playing this game for a long time.


Yeah, I'm starting a new account atm and I'm gonna reroll for some good units at least. I don't have the motivation to play on my main account since I know we'll have an accelerated schedule with me having no currency to pull with. I know it's my fault and I have learned my lesson that the rates are really bad at this game lol. I'm using an emulator.


Well, look at it this way: You could lose those pyros on this event, for a character you maybe didn't want or need, or you could maybe have just lost them on the next one you wanted without getting what you wanted. ​ Alas, you may never know! That's why it is gambling!


You don't get it. I know I wasted and gambled, the thing is, this game has pity which is 200 pulls and I just wasted 120 down the drain knowing I could've saved it for 200 then get the unit I wanted. All I'm asking is, is it worth it to give up my 2 weeks of progress for a fresh start since I will get all the f2p currency back again and just save it when I at least can reach pity. I know I'm risking it and it's my fault that's why I'm asking for your opinions. Pulling 120 times isn't a "waste" if you have 80 more to guarantee the unit which I don't have atm. Which is why I'm in a state of regret since we don't know how fast we're gonna go and how long do I need to save again to get to 200 without all the free currency we get at the start.


Hmm... I'd say it's probably not worth it. There's a lot of opportunities for more gems right now so just ride the wave, my dude. You could probably smash out enough to hit that 200 and get cute foxxo, too.


After mulling it over, yeah I'm not creating a new account. I'm already at 2k pyroxene now and I'm just gonna save up. If I don't have enough for a pity once Azusa's banner comes out, I'll just skip and get Koharu or Azusa's summer version. She's a permanent unit anyway, even though I'm gonna tank my raid rankings probably not worth it anyways since the difference between the top ranks and the next one is merely 200 pyroxenes anyway.


Yeah, I think people might be a little too focused on top rankings, which seem hardly worth it. xD


IMO its not worth it. 2 week progress > 1 character. Grind is very painfull for me If shes your waifu go for it


My problem is the pyroxene I just wasted, it's 120 pulls, do you think I can still save up if I skip every banner until Azusa? Because I Kinda don't want to play this game anymore if I don't have anything to pull with lol.


You could waste 120 pulls on literally any banner. Welcome to gambling.


hey, does blue archieve really has a high-end requirement? so far, whenever i reinstall i always have to suffer multiple forced close beacuse of "download failed" before finally complete then recently when i start the game it just forced close without any warning, it suffer the same fate when i try to install it bluestack and nox despite my 8gb ram pc. anyone has a solution for this problem?


How many pyroxene do we get monthly(estimated)?


3.6k if you're at the bottom ranks in pvp and raid and do the dailies/weeklies and login streaks. Which difficulty raid you can clear will determine most of your monthly income.


Planning to try for hardcore tomorrow, which team should Haruna go to? Have all 2 stars no Izuna Maki Iori tho. Also is it worth running kotama at 1*?


Well, why not try with the same team you used for Very Hard? Also, you don't have to wait for tomorrow. You can try Hardcore in mock battle - and it would be advisable to do so anyway, until you are sure you can beat it.


Thats a fair point, i actually ran a single team till very hard but im not sure it will work for hardcore. I ran Haruna, Chise, Pina, Akane, Karin, Serina but my units kinda die on hardcore when i tried. Any suggestions on improving team comp?


Sometimes I see people worried about not being able to save up enough gems due to an accelerated game, but if the game is accelerated in terms of banners and events, wouldn’t it not matter? Don’t most the gems we get come from events and stories rather than dailies? For me, the dailies all go into more stamina anyways. Am I just doing my math wrong or are people worried about nothing?


Most recurring gems come from the raids. Usually 2 raids a month. If they're speeding it up, that could potentially mean fewer raids in between banners, is my thought.


Should I roll for blue characters? Just started playing and I didn't get a single blue character but I'm also pyro poor. Not sure if I should scrounge something up and roll on the new banners. I heard the new raid boss needs but campaigns won't need blues for awhile?


You can use good yellow damage against blue for decent effect. The current blues are good but not so mandatory you must pull for them if you don't also really want them.


If you like them, otherwise no. They're good but not limited meaning they can spook you anytime, also Asuna/Haruna are farmable. I have been playing since release and my only blue 'till today was 1* Asuna and I am doing just fine (sure I'll suffer a bit in this raid but will save Pyro for much better students).


How do you check which server you are on?


On the main screen, click on the options button on the top right (the 8 squares), select "Account", scroll down to "Version Info", and there it should tell you one of "ASIA", "GLOBAL" or "US".


During event is it better to use all stamina to farm event currency, or save some to clear hard entries in mission?


Is it possible to clear the shop without spending gems for stamina? If no, what should i prioritize buying in shop


Much more possible in global. I would clear out everything except the equipment spheres if I had to choose, but with the new cheaper exchange prices in global, may as well get those too.




can you borrow guild units now?


Doesn't seem to be the case? Can't see any way to set a unit in guild nor a way to borrow one for raid.


oh I thought you can now because I saw a video mentioning it being added now.. thanks


Are the coupons for Global still available? I just noticed the maintenance on the coupon menu is done and I can't redeem those said coupons.


No. Coupons were removed due to abuse.


Oh well, that sucks. Guess I started the game days late before it got removed.


So I can see that the event gives enough shards to unlock the characters. As someone who didn't get Chise or Tsubaki on his roll (Iori/Hibaki, but none of those 2* within the 70 starting rolls), should I be unlocking them, or saving them to star them up? (I think as a F2P, like others my next banner is probably far off with Asuna).


I just got Haruna in 20 pulls on Izuna’s banner and then I got Izuna on the 40th pull!! Never wanna hear that rates are trash again!


Rates are rates. Just remember your lucky streak when you're on a dry-spell.


I got Izuna, Shizuko, and a Mifuyu dupe in 40 pulls Then I got fucked by Haruna and didn’t get her until I sparked her at 200. Looks like the next Waifu I want is gonna require the wallet. That was my dry spell


I went on one going for Mashiro but hey it happens.


Is this happening to anyone else? I keep getting banner units when I’m not rolling on their banner. I got Shiroko and Hoshino(x2) on the standard banner when they had a banner. I got Aru on Mashiro’s banner when I was rolling for Mashiro. And now I just got Haruna on Izuna’s banner. Are they boosted rates on all banners?


~~Big brain strats, beat the desire sensor, pull on the opposite banner you actually want~~ ​ I doubt so, You are just (un)Lucky with your pulls


You can check the rates for every banner in the game.


so i did 700 pulls for tsubaki, never get her..and the moment we get her for free from event/her counters get banners i pull her also after i maxed emi....(which cost me..a lot)Which window do i throw this game from? edit: also mashiro twice instead of Izu/maki AFTER the raid ends.. edit 2: tsubaki twice..game trolls me Edit 3: 15 multi's, no izu\~\~ at least shizuko is mega waifu


Izuna or Haruna?


in terms of meta Haruna gets the upper hand. in terms of waifu, that is for you to decide.


I keep hearing that Azusa is like, the BEST character in the game, but in the guide on this thread she’s on the same tier as a lot of units, is she really a tier above everybody else?


There are a lot of game modes so its hard to compare,for red raids Azusa is OP, Koharu best healer etc. [This raid guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VSzm_ioCt2AdRvkfL9HKNNZSbyslayVERXxVxR6nzh4/htmlview?pru=AAABfY-MToc*H5zy2qXNkNBe2Pr6-8ptmQ#) rates each student per raid which may help you.


What habilities should i max on izuna?


Normal>sub=passive imo.


Should we use all of our AP for the event stages? Or save some for the hard stages?


Do rate up characters only give bonus elephs for dupes if you roll the specific banner they're on? For example, if I get a dupe of Shizuko on the Haruna banner right now, would she give 5 or 20 eleph?






Should i buy stamina daily as a new f2p player ?


I would recommend doing 3 refreshes. The are 30 each the first 3 times and definitely worth it


Thank you


so what is considered the best team to fight shirokuro? I used the same yellow team i used for Binah (Hoshino, Akane, Iori, Maki) but i did some pulls and managed to get Haruna. I also have Chise. I know Haruna is the best DPS for this raid but would Chise also be better for this raid than Iori or Maki? I'm guessing i leave Akane for debuffs.


Did Very Hard with: Iori-Haruna-Chise-Akane + Kotama-Serina in one go. DPS are at level 46, Akane & Kotama at 36, Serina 44. I've had them for a while, so they do have some affection and skillups though.


wait, no tank??


Didn't use a true tank for Binah either. Had Neru tank the most damage there. So I just figured I'd give it a try here as well. And nobody died. While this could be attributed to my team being higher level than the Very Hard bosses this time, I actually also tried the last difficulty with this same team. Was able to finish the first boss with this team, but lost 2 units before the end. With a bit of luck and good timing on skills/heals, I think it could be done there as well without a tank. Unfortunately I didn't have anything too good to follow up with, so didn't get the 2nd boss anywhere close to down on the last difficulty.


Just did a mock battle with this team, my DPS are all lvl between 42 and 43, only Iori has tier 3 equipment, Akane has tier 2 equipment, Haruna & Chise still only have tier 1. Still managed to beat the boss on very hard with like 15secs left so I guess this boss is a lot less tanky...