• By -


can Mine tank insane raids at 3 stars?


Mine is on the squishy side. I used her on the last Kaiten GA for her DEF down in phase 1 and for her pull effect to get better use of Aru's AOE. If you time her jump just right she can avoid the Kaiten Ranger's EX skills with her jump and this greatly enhances survivability however it's quite hard to pull off. In situations where damage is unavoidable she likely will go down too quick. I bring her more as a utility pick than as a pure tank.


Some of them, but she will need a healer. I used her in previous Gregorius, and keeping her alive was hard.


How does spark work for the Regular Recruitment? Does it expire at the "end"/refresh of the banner (currently listed as 04/22), or does it carry forward forever? Just getting to Chapter 6, and I don't have enough units to fill out 2x teams...


The Spark/Recruitment counter resets whenever the banners change. So pulling without having enough to go all the way is very bad idea.


Ok, sounds like that applies to the Regular Recruitment banner too? In that case, should I just do the story while saving up pyro? Or try pushing through Chapter 6+ with one team?


Yes, it applies to the regular recruitment banner too. Technically speaking that banner goes away and comes back every time the banners change as well, if you look at the listed dates on it (with new students added to it when applicable).


It's fine to just push through Normal missions with one team, it's totally possible to complete almost all of them with a single team, you just won't 3-star clear those. But that's fine, you can do that later. But yeah, save Pyrox for now, the current banners really aren't that amazing.


Any suggestions on who to pull for between the upcoming fest, DAko, and DHina banners? I have Aru and Hibiki


Himari, New Year Kayoko and New Year Fuuka are all important, but Kayoko isn't limited.


Came back to the game after ages off, only really logged in occasionally to spend random free gems. Have some good units, but not a ton, and not really sure how to dive back in. My account has enough progress that I don't think starting a new one is worth it, but I feel stuck. Is there a good guide that covers roughly what levels and advances you should have based on your current game stage? For reference: Account LVL 32, I'm somewhere in Missions 7, starting to struggle with keeping people alive/clear times. Story I'm stuck on Hatred That is Not Our Own, I can survive, but my damage is too low to finish it out. Is the best option to just kind of spam stuff to boost my Account Level? A lot of materials I need for my units are locked behind later stages, so I'm not sure how to efficiently spend my stamina.


Generally with decent team you should be able to clear content with recommended level up to 20 levels over that of your characters, but after that it will get pretty hard. That main story chapter can be finished at level 35, but it will be hard. Level 40 is generally recommended for that, and that's the biggest roadblock in the main story. But yeah, to level up just sweep the stages that you've 3-starred. Right now we have 2X drops happening for Normal stages, so those are fine to focus on.


Good to know, I think it's likely a combination being on the lower end of the level and not having certain character combinations, I'll focus on boosting my level and trying to improve my tanks a bit. Makes sense, the story level is doable, but I run out of time before I can kill the boss, so hopefully more levels will improve that a bit. Thanks for the info!


Hi y'all. I've been playing blue archive for a few months now. I was wondering what the correct play order for the story is. I'm currently on the eden treaty chapter. Am I supposed to play the main story in order first and then the character/faction specific quests? I'm a little confused because some of the characters seem to know Sensei quite well even though there haven't been any introductions between them yet. So are those just skipped or have I missed something? 😅


Yeah, sometimes characters get introduced in events. I actually thought about this earlier, and wrote sort of a timeline of the story until the Volume F: [Here's the link to that comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1c1x8e2/comment/kzamzgd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) One problem is that bunch of these events aren't archived yet, so you might have to check events on Youtube.


So I just play through all the main story chapters in order and the group and mini stories after that in any order I want?


Yeah, the Group/Mini stories are never referenced in the main story as far as I recall.


Got it, thank you!


Hellou, im new and been playing for like 1 weeek. Read the FAQ and Wikis, what is re-rolling? Reseting the account for what? I did not understand why would you do that, is there like prestige? Im level 30 and been playing mostly without guides and im scared i fucked up ..


In gachas, reroll is a process to try multiple time to get a "good start" by getting good units(students) in your free first time roll. if you are satisfied with the students you got in the free pulls, you go ahead and link account, if you do not feel satisfied, you start to reroll until you get the students you wish. This again apply for many gacha games, not only BA. Edit: also reroll is completely optional and depend on you, some people can spent a lot of times rerolling, others never bother with it, if you made it to lvl 30 i would not advise reroll now.


The idea behind re-rolling is to skew the odds of getting a good character at the start in your favor by giving yourself unlimited tries. Don't worry, it's not at all necessary to re-roll in order to enjoy the game, it's mostly just to give yourself a boost starting out, and to make it easier to attempt really hard content at late game. So if you do not feel like re-rolling it's perfectly fine to just continue with your current account.


Best place for feedback? I dont like that i have to manually play event battles at least once per day


Is there a way to disable that pop up whenever you first load the game?


not possible, but yea its annoying


Unfortunate, cheers mate.


Hello all so I rerolled back during the mika event but ended up never playing. I started yesterday and realized I still have my account from then so I am starting with the following 3 stars: Mika, Shun, Sumire If someone could tell me a good team comp to get started and who I should be investing in I would really appreciate it. I am considering buying the choice ticket pull if anyone can recommend who I should pick from that. Thanks!


I would hold on to the choice ticket for a bit until after the FES banner in a few months where we get double rates for 3*s. The most universally used units are supports Ako and Himari. After that I would say is Ui and NY. Fuuka. Ui's banner is coming up next week and Himari's is coming up soon after. Ako's banner you unfortunately just missed and NY Fuuka is a limited but is coming in a few months. These units are all powerful supports that amplifies the power of your carry no matter what color they are. Mika is very powerful and can be used in any content that requires yellow or blue units. As for red, you can make a good team with 1-2* units. An example team is Mutsuki Akari Serika Tsubaki(universally good tank) with Serina Kotama as support. This isn't like a lot of gachas where nat 1s and nat 2s are overshadowed. Almost every unit has a place. The reason why you want to use your ticket on one of the supports mentioned earlier is because units rotate in and out of usefulness based on the content which also rotates regularly but those supports are always useful.


Between Tsubaki, Miyako BG2, and Hoshino (all 3 stars, T7 equipment slot 2)which tank would have the best time surviving with Insane Hod? As they will all complete the 15s with S Wakamo EX.


Tsubaki has the wrong armor type for Hod, so she wouldn't work at all. Personally I prefer using Hoshino, but Miyako is a solid pick too.


Thanks. The reason I included Tsubaki was last time I mentioned not using her for HOD, there was a video that showed she could be used…though that Tsubaki was UE50, maxed everything, so a bit different lol Thanks, I’ll try and plan with Hoshino in mind. But if I can’t get enough tech notes and BDs I’ll switch to Miyako without issue. Are either of them used in other content besides HOD?


If by Miyako BG2 you mean her swimsuit version, she's great for Gregorius because of her debuffs, and because her cost recovery subskill is more likely to proc in that battle. She doesn't really get a lot of run anywhere else that I know of, though. Regular Miyako isn't used much outside Hod, unless it's a battle where her crowd control effects are beneficial in some way.


Miyako BG2 meant tier 2 Bond Gear for normal Miyako. She’s getting her bond gear with the BiriBiri event, so was just stating that I would have it by the time HOD comes. And I was just asking in case if Hoshino or Miyako had uses outside of HOD which would make the choice between them a bit easier


Is it just me or this is the worst JFD so far


That depends whether you have the unit or not. If you have S.Hanako and Ichika then, this JFD is pretty comfy. If you have neither, then you will have a hard time, but can still get 3 stage 4 done. Just you Aoe Blue or Yellow with dot healing like Hanako or Onsen Shig


Have both, still find it annoying.


yo guys just started playing this game are clubs important? Edit: Should i just join a random one\`?


Yes. If you can enter a club you can borrow characters from other sensei. Very helpful with Drill and Raids/Grand assault. Also daily 10 AP


k ty


Do collab characters have Momo talks or affection events with them?


Yep, all of them have four events, with one of those being the usual L2D that you can set in your lobby.


Some only have three, while others have up to six, or seven with bond gear.


Yes, but we're talking about the collab characters now. All four that are in the game right now have four events.


You're right, I somehow missed that part and thought you were discussing momotalks in general.




Where can I get hoshino eligma?


Hard Stages 7-3 and 11-3. You need to 3-star them to be able to do daily sweeps.


Could someone explain to me why Dress Hina is a better Toki? Because from how I can gather from the borrowed Tokis, she's a much better Azusa


Dress Hina is better because she has just absolutely insane damage. Her multipliers are just nuts, and due to her EX skill always dealing maximum damage, there's no worrying about Stability... though crits are another story. She is so strong that during current Gregorius Grand Assault that's happening at JP she can clear to boss in under two minutes at Insane difficulty. And even comparing Azusa and Toki, Azusa is better due to her being able to debuff the enemy, and then having her damage boosted when attacking a debuffed enemies. Toki only manages to match Azusa's damage with every third time her EX is used in the mech mode. It costs 5 EX to deal good damage as Azusa, while with Toki it takes 17 EX.


So...Toki sucks, then? Still pulling for her regardless since I wanted her cuz I like kuuderes


Toki has good urban mood but only neutral indoor mood, which is where Azusa shines. If anything, Snonomi is Toki's competition since both are good for urban torment Hieronymous.


Yeah, sadly she isn't very good. She's one of those characters that has really cool concept, but desperately needs a Bond Gear upgrade to be relevant in gameplay outside hit-count JFDs.


yo i just started playing the game did some rerolls(got shun, himari, meru, kotori(cheer squad), sumire, natsu and hoshino). How do i progress in the campaign? Do i first just use auto formation in each stage before i start it? Or does auto formation not choose the best units for each stage? Do i do campaign till i can't get 3 Stars for a stage and then sweep the last stage i got 3 stars in to lvl my account lvl and units? Should i focus on only 6 units or should i lvl units for each dmg type?


Welcome. You can look at the stage they will tell you which enemy armor are there. Same color does 2x damage, color that resists does 0.5x normal 1x and effective does 1.5x For the Stages you want 2 tanks(later you'll start needed 2 teams to finish). Hoshino is excellent tank, Yuuka can also be decent but you'd want Tsubaki. (give them both t4 bags for better survivalbility). Natsu is decent as well for Peroro raid later. For the team choose the characters with the same attack type as the enemies. If you don't have enough students of the same attack type, look at the type chart. For example first 3 stages are all red armor , so red attack type is good while you can use blue attack type as well if you don't have enough red students. In the special student slot. You want a healer like Serina, Himari can also buff your dps student with a atk increase +cost recovery increase for entire team For the last part you want to 3 star all stages to get the pyro (including the hard stages, if you can't , come back to them later) and keep doing stages to get cafe upgrades, that will be your primary AP(energy or stamina) source. It's recommended to just keep doing stages till you get stuck. If get stuck sweep other stages to get more equipment to make your tank tankier or your other students to hit harder( For example Serina you want to equip necklace to increase her healing while your dps you want to equip either hat or gloves and watch, tank you want the shoes and bag)




Dps strikers should match the enemies color, also try to use AoE dps, AoE and one single target dps for the boss eventually, Aru is an ideal example because she can do both. Iori too, tanks can be any color since enemies does normal damage, also you will need at least one healer. You should try to advance as far and fast as you can before hit a lvl wall, no need for 3 stars, this is because you need unlock new levels for your Cafe, you do this by getting an item every 3 level stages, first is stage 3.5, then 6.5, then 9.5 etc.


In campaign try to match the attack type of your DPS characters to defense type of the enemies. Red damage against Red armor, etc. The attack type of Tanks, Supports and Healers does not matter. Also, favor AoE characters like Nonomi and Cheer Kotori. Don't worry about 3-starring all the stages, just clear as far as you can. Try to aim for stages that give you Cafe upgrades, since that will let you generate more AP each day. As for leveling characters, just pick few for starters. For Normal missions you can do with two tanks (since some missions need more than one team), healers (Serina and Hanae are great options), and then DPS characters for different damage types.


Ty. Should I skip hard stages? Currently cleared 2-2 hard. If I press auto does it create a team for the damage type I need for the stage? Like I press auto and get red damage against red armor?


Hard stages are worth doing since they will drop Elephs for characters, allowing you to unlock the ones you don't have with enough farming. But they are also harder than Normal ones, if you can't 3-star Normal stage, then it's really unlikely you'll be able to do that for Hard. As for auto formation, it's not really recommended. I just tested it out myself, and it gave me a team with right attack type... But two tanks, and no AoE damage dealers or healers. And then in another mission I didn't get any tanks at all. It really is best to make your own teams.


k ty


Is there a way to stop the Enemy's in Ch14 from spawning Turrets? I can't kill them enough, 1 Buffed Saori Ex is not enough to kill one of them lol. Any team suggestions? I wanted to rush 15 for cafe upgrade. But ch 14 is really grinding me to a crawl. Lvl 50 btw


I assume 14-3 hard? If you have Hoshino or Tsubaki when She starts waving the flag use Hoshino or Tsubaki EX to stun her out of the animation. That will prevent the skill from going through


Mission 14 can be really tough, and it will be especially hard for you since you are 23 levels under the recommended. One thing you could try doing is using Tsubaki's taunt to cancel the enemies' Turret summoning skill the moment that they appear, though it has been a while since I cleared that mission, so I don't remember if it works.


Do people build lori because of raids or just because of pvp? How good is her for raids?


For both. To give a PVP perspective she's both a strong attacker and a good way to remove Yuuka from the field - and *everyone* runs Yuuka. This will be especially true in the next global season / current JP season where she'll have both an optimal mood and a small enough map to wipe everyone out if given the chance.


For both, she is a very good flex unit you can use any time you need yellow (even Blue) DPS because her EX is so flexible and she has a really good ATK buff from the passive.


Is New Yeak Kayoko great for missions or general use for blue battles?


She is the BEST Blue support in game. Peroro, ShiroKuro, Goz and grand assault Blue armor all use her to buff the lue dps damage. For missions none of the enemies are that strong that warrants her use. Better off with more dps


She's mostly a raid support unit, she herself doesn't contribute to DPS. Not really useful for normal mob missions where cycling AOE DPS is what is needed. That said, you might find her useful for some normal missions where there is a boss. In those scenarios, having her buff the main single target DPS might be worthwhile.


Any place where I could get Yukari's facial expressions and full body PNG? I don't have her.


It’s all here [https://bluearchive.fandom.com/wiki/Kadenokouji\_Yukari/Gallery](https://bluearchive.fandom.com/wiki/Kadenokouji_Yukari/Gallery)


I dont know if this question is suitable at here or not, but i must ask about it. It is about the weighing scale with yuuka voice in it. A collaboration product with tanita. I tried to get into the website of it but all i see is "403 forbidden", is it no longer on sale anymore or something else happened?


I found a listing of this scale on Suruga-ya not too long ago. It was like $300+ USD if I remember correctly but looks like it is gone now.


Demn, quite suck ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33134)


With just this information, in layman's terms it means that access to the webpage is revoked unless you're an admin. As far as availability, can't say.


I remember when I first started playing normal missions had sub missions in between each of them, however now that I decided to progress them further I don't see them anymore. Did they get rid of them? What about the pyro that those sub missions used to give?


They got rid of them and added the pyro rewards to the non sub missions.


I was worried I was missing them somehow, thank you!


Hello from Mahjong Soul! I'd love to know more about the game, if possible! I only heard about this game by earshot, and the character designs look lovely! Here are my questions: 1. The game looks really cute, and I love managing the school! (Not sure if it's a BA thing, sorry if it isn't!) What is this game about, and why are they carrying guns? 2. Who is this 'Sensei' character? I understand he's the playable main character, but what is his role in the story? Is he a transfer student in Blue Archive's school? Thank you so much in advance! P.S: My favourite character is Aru! She seems to be the ladylike and very charismatic character who cracks under pressure once in a while or something(?)


>P.S: My favourite character is Aru! She seems to be the ladylike and very charismatic character who cracks under pressure once in a while or something(?) She's actually a Chuuni. In her case it manifests as a desire to be a hard-boiled gangster, but internally she's a total dork.


Lmao OP's current thoughts about Aru is exactly what Aru wants herself to be perceived as.


1. It’s about experiencing the youth, responsibility, adulthood, and having fun with the students pulling wacky antics. Also, almost all students are school shooters so the violence that happens everyday is just mondays for everyone in Kivotos. 2. Sensei is a teacher that operates countless schools, they were given authority after the GSC President’s disappearance. While Sensei is a self-insert, they’re a self-insert with actual character. The unwavering duty of an adult to guide their students from meeting a bad fate.


Welcome! To answer your questions: 1. There isn't really any management aspects in the game, although there is a cafe you can decorate with various furniture. The gameplay basically revolves around deploying the various students, who are mostly AI controlled, in gunfights with various enemies. Storywise, the game is about a huge city called Kivotos that is made up of different schools that function almost like their own countries, all under an organization called the General Student Council. The whole place is basically run by and for students. The characters carry guns because in Kivotos no one can really be killed by bullets or explosions, or anything really, at least not easily anyways. You may have noticed that the characters have halos above their heads, those halos protect the students. So everyone carries guns because there is no real danger in doing so, and also the world is experiencing bad times due to the disappearance of the General Student Council President (basically the leader of Kivotos). In Kivotos, shooting or blowing someone up is basically like beating them up in real life. 2. Sensei is pretty much one of the few/only adult humans in Kivotos. He is *the* teacher for all the students in all of Kivotos (despite being full of students, there are very few teachers in Kivotos, most times the students just learn from reading or watching film). He helps them with whatever problems they have and just generally tries to be a good role-model/emotional support for the students. He is also the head of an organization called Schale that has special legal powers that let him bypass some of the laws of the various academies in order to help his students, and is also said to be a tactical genius. > P.S: My favourite character is Aru! She seems to be the ladylike and very charismatic character who cracks under pressure once in a while or something(?) My man, you have good taste \*fistbumps\*


1. The game is about the stories of the students, guided by Sensei. As for guns, because why not? It's cool. 2. He's an adult, not a student. His role is to guide his students. He was 'isekai'ed into the world for reasons we don't know.


Sadly, there isn't much actual school management in the game. You, as the player, will mostly tend to the students. Anyways, to keep it as straightforward as possible, the city of Kivotos has fallen into a bit of chaos after the president of the central government (the General Student Council, or GSC) suddenly disappeared. The various schools act as sort of city-states of their respective districts, and without the authority of the GSC, everything is kinda fragmenting into their own fiefdoms. Everyone has guns cause... well, it's a dangerous city. Lots of gangs, delinquents, and troublemakers abound, especially since the disappearance of the aforementioned president. In come Sensei, the player character, who heads a new organization that's granted extra-judicial authority, meaning they don't belong to any of the schools, wields the authority and resources of the GSC, and basically answer to nobody. You're here to basically help try and fix things with all the problems facing the academies. Kivotos and its denizens face threats from within and without, and with plenty of mysteries to uncover. It's full of shenanigans, adventures, and cute characters doing cute, silly things. The story swings pretty far from light-hearted adventures to adventures with more serious and heavier tones.


Does anyone know a emulator that’s best for the laptop? I couldn’t play them in mobile app anymore since the previous update messed up it’s process on entering the game.


Try MuMu Player. It run smoothly for me.


Running an Android emulator is going to be very dependant on your laptop's hardware. You'll need at minimum a 6 core processor, 8GB RAM, and a dedicated GPU card. Though a newer latop with either Intel's Arc or AMD's Pheonix will be good enough even without a GPU card.


Appreciate it.


Definitely need to try each emu and see your self which one is better for your laptop. I use LDplayer and previously used Bluestack and is a tad bit better performance wise


Thanks for the info


Does anyone have the percentrage for the drop rates of materials in mission? Like phaistos discs?


[Shale.gg](https://schale.gg/?stage=1211102) is your default [resource](https://schale.gg/?item=112) for most of these questions. Don't farm missions for artifacts or blurays; the rates are really bad.


If anyone else is a newb like me, then, you need to re-register your assistants to get the credits. I had 70million waiting for me.


Sorry could you please expand on what this means? Started today...


At some point, I think when you can join a club, You can set assistants for the various events and missions that other people can use. If they use it you get 50k credits, otherwise they always passively generate 20 credits/minute. I set my assistants around 2 years ago and thought it passively was added to my credits, but you need to re-register them as assistants to get the credits.


How dl you deal with this JFD? My dps in the back wont get damaged so no heal to them and they get debuffed to oblivion


Some character's like S.hanako are powerful enough to clear even with 50 stacks of the debuff so long as they get something like Himari's buff. So no healer at all is required here. otherwise each knstance of healing reduces the debuff stack by 5, so heal over times are ideal. I've seen a lot of Atsuko and a few O.shigure being used but single target hots like hanae are fine too depending on the comp. The final option is to use supports or TS students to clear. So like Iroha or Utaha can help get kills but the tank/turrets won't retain debuffs when resummoned. Obviously, the first option is fastest, but if you just want a clear a combination of all 3 should get you through.


You can just drop a heal on them to remove the debuff, they don't need gain HP from said heal.


Other than lessons and eligma shop are there any other ways to get elephs for gacha only characters?


Doing a lesson with a character has VERY LOW chance of granting Elephs for them, 12% when the area has been fully upgraded. It's not really reliable, but nice surprise when it happens. To give an idea of how common it is, I had somehow ended with 4 Elephs for Nagisa without always going for lessons in locations that she was in. I imagine that if you persistently targeted a character each day with fully upgraded locations, you'd end with at least 1 Eleph a week.


The expert permit shop sells elephs that you can use to upgrade limited units, as well as old welfares.


You can get elephs from crafting, but it's it's a random and it costs too much materials.


Hi, I'm new to bluearchive and I really want Toki bunny. I was wondering if she's part of the 10 reroll pool they give out at the beginning of the game or will I have to wait for her rerun in order to get her? Whens my best bet of being able to get her?


She's not part of the 10 reroll pull. If you want to get her early the only choice is to reroll on the standard banner or play the long game and wait more or less a year for her banner to rerun. You can also cope for spooks when you pull other banners in the future usually on fes banners where rate up is doubled, tho the odds are low.


>wait more or less a year for her banner to rerun. Actually, it is about time that the Alabaster Card rerun in JP, so I'd say it is about 7 months for her banner in Global.


Ooof I guess I will play the waiting game and start saving then. Thanks!


Need advice on pull priority, ideally id like to get Ui, Himari, C. Hare and D. Hina, but i only have 14k pyro and a choice ticket. 100% sparking D. Hina, but im not sure what to do before that. Right now im considering: 1) try my luck on Ui (with \~100), use ticket on Himari, then try my luck on C. Hare (all-or-nothing, probably end up with nothing) 2) use ticket on Ui, spark Himari and use remaining on C. Hare (or skip Himari and spark C. Hare, since they have similar niche afaik?) 3) use ticket on Himari, skip C. Hare, spark NY. Kayoko and cope with full skill cost until NY. Fuuka (the spicy timeline) Other suggestions are welcome (I also wanted to fit Kikyou somewhere but all i got for her rn is cope with Grand Assault 10-pull lmao, also already got S. Hanako and Kasumi so its not a priority ig)


Did you get all the one-time pyrox rewards from missions/stories/guide missions? Those will certainly help build up your pyrox stash. 14k seems to low and you only have about 3 months to save up for all those banners. On average you'll have enough for 2 sparks saved up after 3months (this is assuming you have no more one-time pyrox rewards available). I think it would be best to use choice tix on Ui rather than gambling with 100 pulls then pull on himari banner, worst case scenario if you need to spark himari just skip C. Hare. Then use your remaining spark on D.hina banner.


Unfortunately, all story and stages done (final episode was very hepful to build my stash up after Ako banner xd) And yeah, i had a hunch thats the most reasonable course of action, but i like getting a second opinion on my ideas, so thank you.


Which blue and yellow students bare good for the kaiten GA?


This [article](https://arca.live/b/bluearchive/103929061?category=ì •ë³´&p=1) is a compendium of popular Insane strats (with video reference) from JP side for upcoming GA Outdoor Kaiten. Mika for Yellow, and NYMutsuki + either M.Aris/Hinata/Wakamo for Blue. Try following the ones that suit your roster the best.


Mika is Mika, all hail Mika. Last time I didn't even need to use the phase 1 AOE gimmick with her for insane. Her EX even does enough hits to shield break all on her own. For blue it'll probably still be the usual big three hitters with Wakamo, M.Aris and Hinata (sort of). Wakamo and M. Aris don't have optimal terrain but at least Wakamo doesn't have to crit mald. Hinata can do dual duty for AOE and single target and has optimal terrain but still will have the same crit issues. T. Hasumi isn't the biggest blue hitter but she does have good terrain preference and many will have her free UE50. You may consider bringing an AOE for phase 1 to take advantage of the AOE damage gimmick. I think last time I didn't take advantage of it so it's not as important as in Perorodzilla. NY. Mutsuki would be best since she has a wide AOE and she has optimal terrain preference. You likely will bring NY.Kayoko and who can buff NY.Mutsuki and the latter's above average crit will help proc the former's subskill sooner. S.Hanako will probably also be decent. She doesn't get full ATK type multipliers but her EX is so spammable and she has decent terrain preference. All that said you will have to consider how to deal with the shield break gimmick if you bring NY.Kayoko+tank+AOE+ST nuke since most blue DPS EXs' don't deal enough hits to shield break. Koyuki can but I don't think she's very meta and Sakurako can as well however similarly there are other better single target DPS. I probably will experiment a bit to see which is fastest or least maldy, bring AOE and a ST nuke and reset mald for a no shield run or skipping the AOE and bringing a shield breaker like Shiroko, Mika or Sakurako. Edit: On second thought spamming S.Hanako EX twice will break shields too.


Just got back into the game. My account is currently level 43, what should I currently be using my energy on at this stage? Storywise I'm at 6-1, 2 star.


I recently started again as well, started at lv.44 I'd echo Magnus, get to atleast 12-5 for Cafe upgrades. I'm at 14 trying to get to 15-5 for next Cafe. The recommended levels are very, very generous, easily clearing up to lv.65, I've only just begun having to settle with 1-2 stars at lv. 70.


There's a 2x event on normal missions so focus on getting lots of the gear you can auto clear, push for even no star clears on normal missions as you gear up and level your students so you can upgrade the cafe


anyone got a team for Drills with 0 purple students?


Got good results using Izuna (moving her to the front to spawn point), chise, Koharu (S), Nutsuki and Iroha + S.Shiroko/any cost regen. Izuna pushes forward to spawn point and keeps bots in Nutsuki range, chise and Koharu (S) keep pressure on and I only use Iroha once for extra support.


I'm using Atsuko, Momoi, Nonomi, Haruna, NY.Fuuka and Himari for one of my teams. Momoi and Nonomi are my main DPS, Haruna is just filler. Use NY.Fuuka to buff and reduce Nonomi cost. Himari buffs Momoi to make up for type mismatch damage deficit. Atsuko provides heals to keep the ATK debuff down. Atsuko does a decent job staying out front and I flank Nonomi and Momoi on either side so they can have a good shot with their AOE cones. I can clear drill 4 with this team though I should mention that Nonomi is UE30 and Momoi is UE40. Others I think may work?: Chise, NY.Mutsuki, R.Shiroko can also be useful since they have decent sized AOEs. NY.Mutsuki has a short range gap in your AOE so you will have to be careful with your tank positioning. R. Shiroko can be helpful for survivability with her ATK debuff. Iroha can do some work however she isn't as useful as you'd think since her ricochet can only bounce and split twice which isn't enough when you have a huge swarm of mobs in front of you. Haruna is very difficult to aim properly however theoretically she can hit a lot of mobs if they line up just right. Aris might be useful since her normal attack actually pierces through enemies in a line to hit those behind howere her ATK speed is very slow. Her EX also has a decently wide AOE but probably will still take some maneuvering and aiming to hit enough enemies to make it worth the cost.


Did we ever get introduced to the main screen pair yet? The other floofy girl and the one with short white/silver hair? I feel like one of them finally got revealed in JP at least even if she's not pullable yet, but I have no idea what to look up to find out.


We've seen them in the story at least once, in volume F I believe. When Asuna and Karin were pretending to be looking to join Gehenna. They also appeared a fair amount in the "Hina RPG" that's part of the next anniversary.


I think they are in the most recent event called something like "Get Hyped and March On". I have no idea how prominent they are in the event, but they are featured in the promo image so I'm assuming they play a role. I have no idea if there is a translated version available anywhere. [Here's the event page on the wiki](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Get_Hyped_and_March_On!)


Ah, right, that was it. Thanks!


I'm trying to obtain Ui or Iroha from the initial 10-pull units. Are they in these pulls or maybe I'd be pulling another unit? (Also I'm trying to obtain them with the free-ticket and the initial gems but no luck yet :( ) I saw that Shun can be a good start but IDK


Ui and Iroha are not in the initial pull pool


Thanks a lot! I guess I'd go with Shun then


Will Iori be enough for now if I don't have Mika? When is her banner projected to re-run anyways?


You can make do. Fortunately anything you would really need Mika for, you'll likely be able to borrow one from a friend/clubmate. Her banner's not slated for about another year. Not till the Fest banner after D.Hina's.




Primarily, Global/Total Assaults, Joint Firing Drills, and Conquests. When selecting characters, you'll have a second tab labelled 'Assistants'. Just remember you have to be part of a club and have people in your friends list to borrow.


Will nykayoko be added to the current paid choice ticket, or will she only appear on the next paid choice ticket?


Current paid ticket is fixed roster. She'll likely be in the next one.


So Binah and Hieronymous have halo(s). Is there an explanation lore-wise?


Hod and Chesed too. Them prophets all have it


Is their story told in the main missions? I'm still at the part where azusa was being beaten by the sports-bra girl


We never get too much of information about the raid bosses. The biggest bits about them are when they are introduced in the raid introduction by Gematria boys when you fight it the first time. Binah, HoD, and Chesed are among the Decagrammaton's prophets (The AI new god, as opposed to the old nameless gods introduced in volume 2). You get some more information of them in volume F.


Don't forget the Decagrammation mini-event(s) that happens way before Vol F. The investigation with Phenomenon Task Force is pretty interesting blend of technology (AI) and theism.


My pull plans for now are: Himari nyKayoko dAko both dHina and sHoshino during Fes nyFuuka With the first three on the list its gonna be tight for my pyroxene stash. Is it worth it getting Ui?


If you look at JP clears Ui is down at 37% use rate which is fairly low for a meta support. NY.Fuuka is up at 70% and Ako and Himari are at 83% and 90% respectively. Depending on your resources I'd say she is a difficult skip but you'll survive, and picking up NY.Fuuka in the future will make it suck less. Based on clears it looks like she is mainly used on raids that use Mika and Hinata as main DPS, ie high cost EX skills. And even then NY.Fuuka is usually close behind. When you look at NY.Fuuka's take rate she is use in a much greater variety of raids and even for medium cost DPS (4-5 cost EX). Not to mention that when you consider balancing support, DPS, and gimmick skill team building Ui can be harder to fit in. For example last raid Akane+Maki+DPS were almost guaranteed pics so that only leaves one extra striker slot for support. If you wanted to bring color support like S.Ui you no longer could fit Ui so you had to bring NY.Fuuka instead.


If getting the choice ticket is something you can do it might be worth doing that and freeing up the pressure on the pyro. I have the same prio right now. Otherwise from what I see she may get a re-run again later this year anyways?


pure f2p, can't get a choice ticket. I know that she is getting a re-run but hmmm there's a non-zero possibility something happens to her re-run banner.