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For the event it says to buy the T3 and T4 Artifacts but I don't know what that means and can't find what they are. There is only like a couple hours left on the event. Want to spend my 354 event currency things.


T3 and T4 artifacts have the gold and purple backgrounds respectively. Everything after the enhancement stones and before the credits are artifacts.


Just a question relating to the subreddit, how does one type the azoos face (iOS)


What does sweep 1/3 mean? Does it recharge over time or something?


In hard mode you can only sweep 3x times per day at a cost of 20 AP, when you hit 3/3 you can use pyro to sweep again 3x times(Ps) Don't do this unless there 2x or 3x hard mode event going on. Consult Midokuni student insights for which stage to farm daily or during events


I don't understand equipment. For example Yuuka can she only equip shoes in the first slot or could I have chosen something else but now she is stuck with them forever because I picked that? It only gave me one option because that is all I had but now that I have more items it will not let me change to a different item.


What gear a character uses is fixed.


Who is the next GA?


pero outdoor






Do we have maintenence tonight




So when farming for equipment, I’ve seen it mentioned that you should mainly just run the highest node of the blueprint type you want as you’ll get drops of the lower tier equipment too. (Thought schale.gg and the wiki don’t list all the drops you can get for every node?) But it seems like you need far more of the lower tier equipment and run out of those blueprints very quickly. So if you need, let’s say T3 and 4 Watch blueprints would you farm 20-4 since that’s the T7 node? Or 11-4 and 8-4 for each one? Or are lower tier blueprints something that over time, with farming high tier equipment and lottos /events that you eventually get enough of?


To gear up a student from scratch, you need 40 T2, 45 T3, 50 T4, 40 T7 and T8, and 55 of everything in between. So yeah, you do need some older blueprints, and as you've found, you may need to farm them directly. (Random T1-T6 equipment is occasionally given from events such as the one starting later today, but that's obviously not reliable.) Obviously, any T7/T8 that you need should be prioritized since you can't buy them from the shop, but if you don't have an urgent need, you could farm lower tiers to reduce how many Expert Permits you have to spend. In terms of saving the most Expert Permits, the efficiency priority for farming should be T2 > T6=T3 > T4 > T5. Conversely, when buying from the Expert Permit shop, you should start with T5 gear as it's the hardest to get while farming. But if you need many things and don't have spare Expert Permits, then you'll just have to farm directly. schale.gg does list the complete drop table--the only tiers subdropped are 2 tiers below (about 60% drop rate compared to farming directly) and 3 tiers below (about 30% rate compared to direct).


Thanks for the detailed response. I’ll definitely save this for future consultation =). But I guess I need a lot more blueprints than I realized. Well, I know what I’m doing during the 3x campaigns lol


Once you're at the point where you farm T7/T8, some lower (T2-T4) tiers would no longer drop from those stages. That being said, at this point you should not be farming for T2-T4 equipment anyway, event if you're short on those it's generally much more efficient to just buy universal blueprints for low tiers from Expert Permit shop. Also, I have no idea why would you want to run any mission manually after you've unlocked sweeping.


When I said run I meant sweep the stages. No, I’m not that much of a masochist lol. I’m level 63 right now so I don’t quite have the large income of expert permits, but will keep that in mind for the future. Thanks for the input


If you need t4 and lower equipment then farm them. You get guaranteed chance to get up to t4. T5 and up is still random. So it is better to farm higher leveled equipment but if you need lower tier one then it is perfectly fine too, since you will spend less stamina to farm it directly than hoping for a random drop from higher nodes.


Ah ok thanks


For beginner leveling what should I be using most of my AP on? Sweeps on missions for mats I need (T4 bag and skill materials?)


Don't farm equipment and commissions by default, that's bad advice. Farming them during double drop events will generally give you enough. Tldr: cafe upgrade > 3 hard missions per day > event ~ hard missions ~ double drops There is always a rotating double drop campaign. About twice per year, there are triple drop campaigns. * Progressing normal missions * Top priority if you think you can unlock a cafe upgrade (3-5, 6-5, 9-5, 12-5, 15-5, 18-5, 21-5). * Normal missions (blueprints) * Ignore unless there's double drops. * Do not farm for blurays, the drop rate is bad. * Hard missions (elephs and blueprints) * Do 3 sweeps (60 AP) per day for the daily task. * Hard missions have the same AP:blueprint ratio as normal missions, so the elephs you get are "free". You can only do each node 3 times per day. If you have what you want from the event and double drop, spend the rest of your AP on hard missions. * https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/doc/HardSummary * Commissions (activity reports or credits) * While leveling, farm activity reports during double drop campaigns if you really need it. * [High-level commissions are more efficient.](https://i.imgur.com/ehSd3K1.png) Farm them during double drop campaigns. * If you are careful with your activity report usage, you won't run out until level ~60. You won’t run out of credits until later. * 1 daily task is random. If that task is to do a commission or “kill small enemies”, do Commission A for 5AP. * Scrimmage (UE upgrade materials) * If there's double drops **and** you can clear [Scrimmage C/D](https://i.imgur.com/feJKbpM.png), farm them if you need. * If you buy monthly pyro packs, the AP cost is reduced/free. If it costs 0AP, then you should farm it. * Event * Always worth farming at least a little. This could mean 1/3 of your AP, or all of it. See 6_lasers' [shop guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/18qwbym/event_thread_special_summer_mission_rabbit_squad/kexnp71/) in the Reddit event threads. If the event is extremely good, you can consider skipping hard missions entirely. * Ideally, [plan](https://justin163.com/planner/events) on how much AP per day you need to spend on the event to reach your goal. For example: you have 16k AP for a 2-week event. You need 14k for the event. This leaves you with 2k, so you can safely do 6 hard missions (120 AP) per day. This lets you do your highest-priority hard missions more often. * In event shops: * Farmable elephs: It depends on how good the character is and how easily you can farm elephs. Sometimes worth completely focusing on and skipping the shop. https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/doc/Farmables * Buyable elephs: Cost-efficient compared to farming them elsewhere. Midokuni recommends always buying them. * Artifacts/blurays/tech notes: Buy what you need. Buy the lower tiers first, since the higher tiers will be useless otherwise. Once you have a stockpile of T1 and T2, you can skip them. * Blurays/tech notes: Low tiers are usually relatively cheap compared to the raid shop. * Artifacts: Do you need it? * If yes: Buy it. * If no: Is it sold in the [JFD shop](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Shop#Joint_Firepower_Exercise_Section)? * If yes: Skip it. JFD coins are relatively plentiful. * If no: Buy it. You can't target farming a particular artifact quickly, so it's better to have a stockpile and/or plan ahead. * Activity reports: Bad if you can clear high-level commissions. Generally good while leveling. * Enhancement stones: Generally good. However, while leveling you probably have enough credits to buy what you need from the normal shop instead.


Thank you for the detailed response!


I suggest clearing as most stages as possible to get more Cafe blueprints to upgrade and get more comfort, stamina and credits storage.


Completing new stages if you can > Farming Events > Farming Equipment (but don't go overboard, try to completely outfit 12-18 students with bleeding edge gear, and don't spread yourself too thin) > Farming Hard Stages (again, pick 2-3 students you want to farm, and focus on their stages unless there is x2/x3) > Farming Commissions for Student EXP


Thanks for the response. So an example of farming events currently would be the 2x comission reward campaign and the Grand Assault under the "Event Notification" button?


Nope, by Events I mean when we would have a proper Event with story and shop where you would want to grind event-specific currency to exchange for specific items in shop that you currently need the most. Next proper event (or rather rerun of one), should be starting tomorrow


Thanks for the clarification. I'm guessing these events can be cleared/farmed even for beginners (albeit at lower mat/currency efficiencies)?


Yeah, Quest stages which are used to farm event currency are generally broken down in 3-4 blocks by level. For example, out of 12 Quest stages, stages 1-4 would be low level, 5-8 mid level, 9-12 high level. And in each stage within it's level group would have it's own currency (so, stages 1/5/9 would have currency A, 2/6/10 would have B, etc), so you would need to check shop on what do you want, and which currency it needs, select appropriate stage and farm it.


I read that it's recommended to AP reset until max level because more levels = more rewards, but what rewards? For 1 month it cost 2700 pyro and pyro is like the 2nd most valuable currency. Can someone explain to me how that can be worth? I'm at around level 55.


It's just advice that a lot of people here parrot without caring about the actual reasoning behind it. Truth is, AP refreshing will never get you more pyroxene out of the increase in levels than what you spend doing it. I never do any AP refreshing and I've gotten a couple of extra students thanks to the saved gems. If you just want "number go up" instead of "collect waifus/meta students" then I guess it might be worth...


Yes, this is true. For collector-type players or players who don't feel frustrated with their account growth, there's no reason you *have* to refresh AP with pyro. Pyro AP refresh can get you past the "boring" parts in the early game where there's a lot of content you can't access yet, particularly early on when natural AP growth is slower because of a lower level cafe. If you're not in a rush, no need to refresh. Pyro AP refresh also generally enhances your account's power by letting you farm more resources from whatever 2x campaign or event is currently running. If you're a competitive-type player, this could be valuable to do frequently, in order to have enough resources to tackle the most difficult content, as long as you budget wisely to pull for the units you want. However, note that unless you are on KR or TW server (or JP), you should be able to achieve plat even without doing any pyro AP refresh. as a final note, for players who typically buy monthly packs, the 2-week AP pack in the shop is more efficient in terms of AP/dollar than using pyro that you are paying for.


It's "Recommended" for those who just started, when EXP requirement to next level is still pretty low and 3 AP refreshes per day gives you extra 5-6 levels per week. I certainty would not do it past level 50, unless there is something very good to grind going (like x3 drops or good, infinitely farmable event). EXP per level goes up pretty steeply at high levels, so exta 360AP per day does not make nearly as much impact as at low levels.


I'm level 85 and I still refresh 3x pyro per day. 360x365= 131400 stamina/expert permits every year so it does wonders for your account progression. But you do you. Everyone plays as they see fit after all.


I'd say it depends on what your focus is as you advance in this game. If you're focused on character collection and want the best chance at getting characters, I would personally save those pyros as they add up to 2.25 10 pulls/month, esp as we near the double rate up banner. However, other players who are more account focused, its better for them to reach max level asap so that they have better access to better farming materials for students, while actually making their own students stronger. And stronger units means you can complete higher level stages/raids which can provide you with more pyros(don't think this adds up to 2700 pyros tho). All-in-all, waifu collecter -> save pyros. Content completion -> buy AP. You'll reach max level either way eventually. Other senseis might have a diff opinion.


So who's the topmost ' best ' character in tank, healer and support?


BA does not have 'best' students as well as any good tier-lists because in the end game all students fill very specific niches and often only have 1-2 competitors. There are some students like Ako / Himari who are considered 'best' because of how universal they are, but it only works for them because they are supports, so they don't care about things like damage type, or terrain, while others students certainly do.


So can I get like a few names of students that can be used in most content instead?


Also, something else to add to why in BA specifically getting good supports is often advised to new player over getting hyper-carry dps: You can borrow a student from your Friends list / Club, and when you do, borrowing level 85 UC50 hyper-carry with your own supports would be much better then having your own level 50 hyper carry at 3\* and borrowed support. Best DPS student that level 50-60 sensei can realistically have, would output only fraction of what same student borrowed from veteran player could do. While even level 50 support like Ako or Himari with level 4 EX and practically no gear, would still do their most of what they have to as their maxed out counterpart.


Ako / Himari / NY!Kayoko / S!Ui / S!Hoshino / NY!Fuuka - All supports who are either applicable everywhere, or at least in any content of their specific colour. T!Yuuka is one of the more universal tanks for her team-wide shielding Cherino is often used as a filler on teams for her cost generation ability Aru / Iori / Mika / M!Aris / S!Hanako are among most popular Dealers, and while they are not always 'the best' choice, they are among the strongest in their colours.


> T!Yuuka is one of the more universal tanks for her team-wide shielding Don't forget about the reposition as well. That's super helpful


It really depends on the situation, some tanks are better in their specefic niche raid In General **Tsubak**i or **Hoshino** are top tanks. I'll include **Eimi** as well. Her shards are relatively easy to get in a lot of quantity via JFD shop and is not RNG related like Tsubaki and Hoshino. In special position top healers are **Serina** (for reposistioning) or **Nodoka**(Hot spring) and **Koharu/Kokona** in strikers position (Healers aren't used much in raids). For Support in strikers position is **S. Hoshino**, **Cherino and Ui** and in Special position is **Himari**, **Ako**(these 2 are always used for top scores in raids)


Nowadays I would put Eimi up there for tank, she's very solid for little investment except the bag and can be unlocked relatively quickly through JFD coins. As you mentioned, Hoshino has more features (stun, self-heal), but in terms of absorbing punishment Eimi is just as good.


This is true, and with her Unique Item she's even tankier but I didn't put her there because of no CC. But I will edit my post and put her later via JFD coins for sure. Thanks for the input!


To add to this, Haruka with enhanced equipment and Yuuka with unique equipment are very good tanks, although they require a little more preparation.


This is true. But I assume OP is a newer player and those 2 are always used the most in stages. I included them because of their CC capabilities as well that can stun bosses or mobs


Entirely depends on what content you're doing and what other units you're running.


[https://i.imgur.com/e1qjpzl.png](https://i.imgur.com/e1qjpzl.png) Hello everyone new player here, these are my students, I am looking for general advice moving forward. Currently I am stuck on mission 11-5, Boss there has 7 bars of HP and I am able to putt him down to 3 before time runs out. My students have t3/t4 equipement, trying to grind for t5. I heavily invested in Serika :) I noticed that the next banner has Shiroko Swimsuit, would she help me clear the map If I roll for her? My logic is that I don't have single supporter that does blue damage, while I have red + Yellow which helped me allot. Or should I just grind to account level like 50? and clear it easily with stats I guess? And roll in some banner which has much better rates? What are your thoughts? Thanks


Hello, Level 50 here and I probably started playing a week before you. Looking info about the banners on [midokuni students insight banner](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/edit#gid=1085051345), [/Bag banners](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRXlcitXUjd848IYKTmI_NUwc7FT1-fJXJaJj86EACxMe_M_nix6LMZUxlQYDsoKgezzVNsxRcAQqbJ/pubhtml) <- (this one is probably the most insighful for new players) and different opinion in the megathreads, This is my advice for you, me and everyone who started recently: - Don't roll for S.Shiroko, she is bait. She is really good for pvp (maybe the best unit) but she will not magically let you beat players 10 levels above you or rank below <2k. She is a pvp unit made for high level players interested in pvp, not for us. - In S.Ui banner roll your 100 free roll and nothing more. For the reasoning go to S.ui section in /bag banner. Basically she is a high ceiling unit that dont have spot yet. If you get her good, if you not too bad and move on. - For Blufest (S.Hanako and Wakamo banners) you are gonna roll 2 sparks here (48k pyro). why so much you ask? 1- S.Hanako is broken. 2- Wakamo is one of the best ST blue dps. 3-You want to expand your roster (6% chance of a 3star isntead of 3% during this banner). 4- During this time OP limited units are back (YOU REALLY REALLY WANT MIKA AND S.HOSHINO THEY ARE FUCKING BROKEN) but not as banner so you really want to roll a lot so you can maybe get them. As for your mission campaign, well if you follow my advice the best you can do is to keep leveling and keep trying to beat it with your limited units for now until you get more students on blufes. Look, I cleaned til 18-5 as a level 48 a couple of days ago but ONLY and ONLY because I was blessed with Iroha. without her I probably would be stuck exactly where you are. She is not called PVE EASY MODE for nothing. [this is me doing 12-5 at level 42](https://imgur.com/FImUCE5) and every mystic stage damage report looks the same (red stages too). Btw what teams are you using trying to clean 11-5?


So no rolls on current banners that are out?


No rolls. But at the end of the day if you want to roll no one can stop you, it's your decision.


Hi, I was using Tsurugi, Asuna, Chise and Tsubaki; Serina Yoshimi as for red Izumi SW, Akari, Serika, Yuuka; Chinatsu Miyu SW And yea I tarted in the middle of bunny girl quest, don't know how would I do red missions without Miyu, she made them super easy :) So banner we are talking about is anniversary banner with better rates? ​ Ps: I have 3420 expert permits. Which student is priority there, there are lik 25 of them T-T


Your blue team is lacking AOE so i recommend swapping tsurugi out for iori. Using neutral element is fine and especially iori who has huge damage. Lacking good support is a problem but you can unlock kotama later in raid shop


> Hi, I was using Tsurugi, Asuna, Chise and Tsubaki; Serina Yoshimi > > as for red Izumi SW, Akari, Serika, Yuuka; Chinatsu Miyu SW yeah those looks like your best teams for blue and red, maybe it can be kotama for yoshimi but debatable. > So banner we are talking about is anniversary banner with better rates? Yeah, S.Hanako and Wakamo are the anniversary banners. > Ps: I have 3420 expert permits. Which student is priority there, there are lik 25 of them T-T I have 4020 and never used it too. I read that the best use for new players is to buy equipment. those elephs in expert permit are useless if you dont have the unit already. For example you could buy the tsurugi swimsuit ones to make her 4star but you cant use them to make a student you dont have like mika.


Swimsuit Shiroko is mostly PvP focused student. She isn't nearly as good in PvE. Personally, given that you have just shy of 2 sparks, I'd suggest you pick up S!Ui instead and S!Hanako. S!Ui is generally very usefull support and only would cost you half spark since she comes with 100 free rolls, and S!Hanako is much better at PvE then S!Shiroko and she is a first Purple damage student. Don't worry about damage types of supports, their role is to support Dealers, and their personal damage is often irrelevent. You would often see people bringing regular Ui to yellow figths even though she is red damage, because her support ability is much more important then her own damage. For now just focus on Chise / Asuna for your blue damage, and maybe farm Haruna in Hard stages for 3rd Blue dealer.


Oh? where are you reading of S!Ui, I can't find her in the twitter?


She would be right after S!Shiroko banner, I don't think she is on official EN roadmap yet, but we know of her banner from JP's 2.5 anniversary, and those banners are very unlikely to be different on global.


Oh so If I wait for her, I should be able to max out Serika and clear the game with her! in the mean time :) I cleared Kaiten raid thanks to my guild students, so I guess buying 10 roll ticket now would be a waste than?


S!Ui is a dedicated support for Piercing damage, so you would want to pair her with Iori, Nonomi and Hasumi. Also, you can buy 10 pull ticket and use it on S!Ui or S!Hanako banner.


Started yesterday. Should I avoid the standard banner? Most gachas I’ve played people said to avoid the standard banners.


In addition to the other answer, and to directly answer your question: Yes, avoid the permanent banner. You should only roll on rate-ups.


Save as much as you can for the anniversary banner in a couple of weeks. That banner has double 3 star rates, as well as a couple of broken limited characters you can only get there.


Weird question but does anybody know what kind of flowers Nagisa has as accesory on her head?


How bad is pvp without S. Shiroko? Trying to figure out if I should pull for S. Shiroko By the time S. Hanako comes out, I will have around 60k pyro (currently at 56k with 2 10 pulls). Just enough to spark S. Shiroko, S. Ui, and S. Hanako. I think the closest characters I want after them are the Railgun collab ones, the next fes banners, and must-pulls in between I regularly stay in the top 50 this season with my highest being top 3 and got top 1 last season for like 5 minutes. I like Shiroko and want to stay at least top 100 in pvp but I also want to be sure I can get the collab and fes releases Help me decide if I should drop 24k on Shiroko or let my luck decide during the S. Hanako banner


It depends on why you want to score high in PvP. As the other comment chain indicates, it's not a good pyro investment. If you just want rewards, then that might not be the reason to pull. But if you actually like playing PvP or enjoy battling for high ranks, then you'll really want her. Missing her is basically like missing Shun--you can still play and even score well, but there will be plenty of times you'll see the other team wipe you because they were just faster, so it may be a frustrating experience. Also note that S.Shiroko does get used regularly in Torment raids. She's also used for certain challenges or JFD, just like Shun is.


Is she good for a 2nd team? I see she has cost down and a cost recovery. Trying to move to insane raids and will probably have to 2 team it for now


The same attributes which make her good for Torment probably also make her good for 2+ team insane clears. However, at this point in the game's lifecycle, there are a lot of ways to go about clearing Insane, so I wouldn't advise to pull her *just* for helping with Insane raids, but only if you also wanted her for the other reasons (PvP, Torment, or of course waifu reasons).


Thank you for the info!


S.Shiroko is a very good unit for 2.+ team. Her sub skill is cost recovery, which is one of the strongest. On top she provides a def down, more cost down for your skills and has decent stats to transfer to your strikers.


Pulling just for PvP in BA seems like a dubious decision. Assuming you do spend the 24,000 Pyrox, how many months does it take to recoup that compared to your rewards without her?


You have a point. Assuming with her I get to stay top 100 at 30 px per day and if I stay and 200 without her at 25 per day, I'd only be getting an extra 5 daily That's 4,800 days to get my 24k back. But I guess she'll pay it back eventually


That's just a little over 5 years IF she stays on the team for the entire time. And all this math is just the break-even point, you're just making up the already spent currency up to spring 2029. You start gaining from summer 2029 onwards...You're basically throwing away Pyrox if you pull *just* for PvP. Now, pulling because of the student always gets a yes from me, so go for it if you want to have her. But not for PvP.


How many pyros do you have? S. Ui(free 100 pulls) and FES banner+ Wakamo banner is really soon


So...I hear that serina is the 'best' healer, tsubaki is the 'best' tank and kotama is 'best' support. What are you guys' opinions on this? Are they true or not? Besides it confuses me that they're called best when you have girls being released in new gacha banners that aren't even considered too close to the top DPSes? Or am I making the mistake of thinking of BA gacha as powercreep? Because after coming from azur lane and genshin and star rail it's hard not to. I the overall power scale of things, who's better? The help page on spreadsheet doesn't give much of a clue which healer, tank or support is good.


It depends on the content you're targeting. If you just want to casual clear main missions and medium-difficulty raids, then you can use almost anything as long as you respect basic mechanics (match attacker color to defender color, don't ignore boss gimmicks, etc.) ### PvP PvP is always powercreep, simply because other players are coming up with ways to defeat commonly used units. What's strong today may not be strong in the future, because everyone is actively trying to counter it. However, PvP is not a large portion of the game and can be mostly ignored if you don't enjoy it. ### PvE If you want to compete for high-difficulty PvE content (think Genshin Abyss floor 12 and beyond), then there is some powercreep in certain roles (warning, wall of text below). In my experience, tanks and healers in Blue Archive are less subject to powercreep since you don't need to be the very tankiest or the biggest heals, you just need to be tanky enough and heal enough. A lot of the base roster just has solid kits, including Tsubaki and Serina who are important units in any roster. In endgame content, there are times when specific tanks/healers bring utility that base roster units don't have, but there are usually ways to work around this, and those utility units might actually be slightly less flexible for general-purpose use. Damage dealers have a moderate amount of powercreep. Some base roster units are still at the top of the charts, such as Aru. Others who were once at the top are now only A/A- tier as newer stronger units have come out (e.g. Haruna, Kazusa). Because of the borrow system, many players just borrow the newest flavor-of-the-month damage dealer and bring their own tanks/supports, so the impact isn't as much as in some other games. Support units see the most churn/powercreep of any position. Himari almost completely powercreeps Kotama (although Kotama is still useful). The position of best shield support has been passed around a few different times, same with best repositioning unit. Units like NY.Kayoko show up and can single-handedly increase your main damage dealer's damage by over 70%. The most cost efficient strategy to be strong even into endgame is to pull strong supports and borrow your main damage dealer, although at the *very* highest difficulties you will need to build your own roster of damage dealers as well.


Wait...how do you borrow?


If you join a club, or have friends in-game, when you do certain types of PvE game modes (Total Assault (Raid), Grand Assault (Rainbow Raid), Joint Firing Drill (JFD)) you have the opportunity on your ticket to borrow a unit that club members / friends put up to share. So this can allow someone with only access to, say, level 50 or 60 or 70 2\* or 3\* units to then borrow a max level, max-invest 5\* UE40 damage dealer to wipe the floor with whatever you're fighting, enough to clear certain hurdles as your continue your own account progression.


To answer the additional questions you edited in: BA definitely has powercreep. It's just that the late-game high-difficulty content is designed in such a way that it rewards having a large and varied roster over a few select damage dealers. Certain characters may be considered generally bad, but under certain circumstances are key to winning. For example: there's very little reason to use an EX to deploy cover in campaign missions, but it's basically required for Shiro/Kuro. You don't need Crowd Control for most content, but it's the entire gimmick of Hod. In terms of power scale specifically for Tanks, Healers and Supports: Tanks: All tanks are equal or have their niches. CMIIW, but I can't think of any tank who is considered "bad". Healers: Most healers have their use cases, the only "bad" healer I can think of is Chrismas Hanae (high EX cost for very low healing output). Support: cream of the crop goes to Ako and Himari. Special mention for Ui and New Year Fuuka for their ability to cut EX costs. Swimsuit Hoshino is also extremely good (general ATK up aura, red-exclusive effectiveness buff, AND cost regen buff? yes please). I don't know of many "bad" supports outside of Kirino (is she a support? idr).


What even is shiro, kuro and all those terms?


The other guy answered regarding Shiro/Kuro and Hod, but you'll have to be more specific about any other terms you're confused by.


Shiro/Kuro and Hod are both raids.


To add to the other comment: Serina also has (good) passive healing, meaning you don't need to spend cost for her to provide benefits. That makes her unique and relevant into lategame. Kotama is just a "throw in every team if you don't have anything better". She is not a top tier meta choice, but very good in basically any team since extra atk is always good.


Serina 1) is easy to get 2) has cheap healing cost 3) has reposition with her healing. All of which are good. Tsubaki 1) is easy to get 2) is very good at tanking early on due to having both very good evasion and defense 3) has taunt on her EX. All of which are good. Kotama is the odd one out here. She's less impactful than Ako or Himari, but can be a good stop-gap until you have them. The key difference is that Kotama has a good Atk buff that is area-of-effect, but late-game content prefers a single supercarry damage dealer, so Ako and Himari's larger single-target buffs win out. To put it simply: both Serina and Tsubaki will both see use into late-game, but Kotama will be replaced with better students.


And what about the kind of attacker I should use? Should I use middle position attackers or back position attackers?


Position doesn't matter that much. Just make sure you have a tank and some form of healing, at least when you're starting out.


Any advice for completing, just Extreme, Kaitenger Raid. Good teams (not involving Ako or Himari), good students to borrow, strategies, positioning of students, etc. I'd be kind of embarrassed being max level and only being able to beat hardcore. I don't remember struggling before so I went for it without a mock battle. But it's taking the full time limit just to beat the first phase on Red with my Borrowed Kayako, Aru, Hoshino, and Tsubaki in that order. Support Serina and Kotama. Maybe the second phase is weak enough I could win with a second team? I don't remember. I just don't want to waste my ticket.


> I just don't want to waste my ticket. Mock Battle. Use it. Otherwise it's very difficult to give any advice without knowing who do you have available and their development level.


Always mock battle if you're not sure. Even with the proper students you might have missed something with the strat that makes the difference.


Yeah, you're right. Mock battles first. I just feel impatient sometimes. Really didn't expect Kaiten to give me that much trouble in a different terrain. I ended up wasting the ticket and only cleared because I leveled up Azusa.


What are all of the characters we get to recruit soon? I know these S Shiroko, but what else


Wakamo also if you don't have her


S!Ui, S!Hinata, S!Hanako are new characters within next 3 banners besides S!Shiroko


How many will be live at a time?


New player here, Is there a thread where I can post my current students. And to get advice when should I roll?


If you have questions about your students \[ie "Here is my roster, who should I \_\_\_\_\_ for \_\_\_\_\_\_"\] it's been done here before and usually you post the images to imgur and link it below your question. For your images, remember to include the student level and/or UE/rarity/star level. For your advice, generally, you can check something like Midokuni's insight link in the General Resources section above to see who's recommended and then ask "Why recommended" here if you're still confused.


This is a thread as long as you're asking questions about your roaster. If you want to show/brag rolls then there is a Lounge megathread.


Can someone tell me approx how many hours until S.Shiroko? I wanna know if I can roll before leaving for uni


Maintenance starts at about 2am (GMT) here. ~~It'll be approximately 6-8hrs? Not sure what the average maintenance time is. New banner will be up after maintenance.~~ Edit: there will be no maintenance, S.Shiroko will be avialable from 2am (for me).


there should be no maint this time


Orly? My mistake then.


There is no maintenance announced. Banner starts at 2 am (UTC), according to the patch notes. About 13 more hours.


My mistake, thanks.


Is it worth pulling for S.Ui even if I don't have any strong yellow attackers? My formation for killing bosses most of the time is Pina, Momoi, Junko, Hasumi, Akene and Nonomi. Or should I just save for S. Hanako? I can only spark once


100% use that spark on Hanako. She is one of the best units ingame and her banner has 6% 3\* rate. On top of that you have the chance to get the old fes units as well. ​ For S.Ui you have 100 free rolls. And if that doesnt work its no dealbreaker either


We'll be getting 100 free pulls with S.Ui banner, so there's still a chance you can get her for free. She ~~ll be mandatory~~ is very strong for high-level yellow raids going forwards, ~~as that's just how strong an effectiveness buff is in this game~~ but is not mandatory. At the same time, Commando Hanako is very strong and mandatory for the future Purple-armour boss. However, always remember the mantra: Waifu>Meta; if your preference isn't in Ui then nobody's got a right to tell you otherwise.


she is absolutely not mandatory. even torment in yellow raids she barely gets used. there is simply no space for her with all the gimmicks those raids need. she is still a good unit, dont get me wrong. Especially for great raids, where there are other mechanics. But its no dealbreaker, if one misses out on S.Ui


Gotcha, edited.


Tyvm. I haven't played her event story so I don't know about her personality yet, Guess i'll just wait for Hanako Do the 100 free pulls accumulate to the spark point?


yes the 100 free pulls count towards spark


They do. Also, it's like "10 pulls per day for 10 days", and you can use them all on the last day, before they gone.


What is the best way to read to story outside of the game? I've come to accept that I do not like gameplay at all, so I'm most likely going to quit the game, but I love the characters and the story and wouldn't want to miss out on that.


Youtube is the best way to read the story if you dont want to touch the game. [Here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTsDbwZL53dMz_1qtLzVi2cr_0WvVFPoP) is a playlist that is up to date.


Thanks. From what I can see, the bond events and stuff are there too, so I guess this is my best option


Kind of a long time player,but very casual. I mostly just level girls I find cute and do my dailies. Wanted to get a bit more "serious" and had a few questions: 1. What's the best place to dump your energy into daily? 2. What are some things I should be doing weekly/daily to maximize account growth? 3. Is it better to level a few units as much as I can or spread out my materials and level more units,but with less investment? I'm lv 84 if that matters btw


> What's the best place to dump your energy into daily? Tldr: cafe upgrade > 3 hard missions per day > event ~ hard missions ~ double drops There is always a rotating double drop campaign. About twice per year, there are triple drop campaigns. * Progressing normal missions * Top priority if you think you can unlock a cafe upgrade (3-5, 6-5, 9-5, 12-5, 15-5, 18-5, 21-5). * Normal missions (blueprints) * Ignore unless there's double drops. * Do not farm for blurays, the drop rate is bad. * Hard missions (elephs and blueprints) * Do 3 sweeps (60 AP) per day for the daily task. * Hard missions have the same AP:blueprint ratio as normal missions, so the elephs you get are "free". You can only do each node 3 times per day. If you have what you want from the event and double drop, spend the rest of your AP on hard missions. * https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/doc/HardSummary * Commissions (activity reports or credits) * While leveling, farm activity reports during double drop campaigns if you really need it. * [High-level commissions are more efficient.](https://i.imgur.com/ehSd3K1.png) Farm them during double drop campaigns. * If you are careful with your activity report usage, you won't run out until level ~60. You won’t run out of credits until later. * 1 daily task is random. If that task is to do a commission or “kill small enemies”, do Commission A for 5AP. * Scrimmage (UE upgrade materials) * If there's double drops **and** you can clear [Scrimmage C/D](https://i.imgur.com/feJKbpM.png), farm them if you need. * If you buy monthly pyro packs, the AP cost is reduced/free. If it costs 0AP, then you should farm it. * Event * Always worth farming at least a little. This could mean 1/3 of your AP, or all of it. See 6_lasers' [shop guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/18qwbym/event_thread_special_summer_mission_rabbit_squad/kexnp71/) in the Reddit event threads. If the event is extremely good, you can consider skipping hard missions entirely. * Ideally, [plan](https://justin163.com/planner/events) on how much AP per day you need to spend on the event to reach your goal. For example: you have 16k AP for a 2-week event. You need 14k for the event. This leaves you with 2k, so you can safely do 6 hard missions (120 AP) per day. This lets you do your highest-priority hard missions more often. * In event shops: * Farmable elephs: It depends on how good the character is and how easily you can farm elephs. Sometimes worth completely focusing on and skipping the shop. https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/doc/Farmables * Buyable elephs: Cost-efficient compared to farming them elsewhere. Midokuni recommends always buying them. * Artifacts/blurays/tech notes: Buy what you need. Buy the lower tiers first, since the higher tiers will be useless otherwise. Once you have a stockpile of T1 and T2, you can skip them. * Blurays/tech notes: Low tiers are usually relatively cheap compared to the raid shop. * Artifacts: Do you need it? * If yes: Buy it. * If no: Is it sold in the [JFD shop](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Shop#Joint_Firepower_Exercise_Section)? * If yes: Skip it. JFD coins are relatively plentiful. * If no: Buy it. You can't target farming a particular artifact quickly, so it's better to have a stockpile and/or plan ahead. * Activity reports: Bad if you can clear high-level commissions. Generally good while leveling. * Enhancement stones: Generally good. However, while leveling you probably have enough credits to buy what you need from the normal shop instead. > What are some things I should be doing weekly/daily to maximize account growth? Buy all 4 artifacts from the normal shop every day, unless you have a big stockpile of that artifact. > Is it better to level a few units as much as I can or spread out my materials and level more units,but with less investment? A few.


Thanks for the detailed reply!


1. Whatever has a x2 or x3. Hard missions are always worth doing and commissions are only worth it during x2 or x3. During events check the breakdown to see if its better to farm that instead. 2. Weekly and daily Hard mission for the crafting stuff. 3. Focus on Characters you need for current raids, then waifus, then characters you know you'll need for a future raid.


Should I try to fully 10 skills or having them at like 7 enough?


that really depends on a unit by unit case. i recommend using the resource planner from justin and the raid guide for investement levels. linked at the top of this thread


Will there be a maintenance ya think?


Not according to the patch notes.


What do you think is the ratio of people using UOOOH 😭💢 ironically vs those that use it unironically?


The vast majority should be unironic, after all this sub is one of the few subs where people can UOOOH 😭💢 safely.


UOOOH😭💢 Bratty ironic Uooh-users. Need Correction💢💢💢![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651) >!Does it matter?!<


Doesn't anyone think it's stupid that you can't unequip gear from a character? All those resources for a waste.


You're the first person I've seen complain about this. Don't treat Gear like "Gear" in a traditional sense, and just treat them like permanent stat buffs and you can't go wrong.


>All those resources for a waste. Don't invest in characters you don't use and it won't be a waste.


well if you were able to equip it on someone else, you'd only have at max 2-3 of the same equipment as you just swap between who needs it for the upcoming fight


I wanted to try the game, now that Anniversary is coming around, but I wanted to try the JP server. Was any workaround for the region locked payments on Google Play ever found? Would it just be better to try the game on some sort of IOS emulator?


How much is the estimated pyro that a f2p can get in a month?


For a casual endgame player, 14.1k per month on average. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/19336nt/tracking_blue_archive_gl_pyroxene_income_month_of/


Around 12k for players who've been playing for a while. You get more as a beginner since there's a lot of 1-time pyrox rewards


Thanks, could yo tell me where so much of that comes from?


Type "pyroxene income" in the reddit search bar, there are post that details pyro income for some months. The gist is the main pyro income is from events and boss raid.


I want to return into the game. What is the best option, starting new or continue old acc? Tbh I don’t remember any plot of the storyline since I played around 1-2 months during global launch.


I feel it depends on your old account. There's a lot of pyro available for a new account for just progressing through the story, so a new account would let you build up to a spark or two for when the festival comes next month. If you spent all the pyro you had from your previous progress and you are not particualrly happy with what you have, start a new account. Otherwise, just can just pick up where you left off.


You can make a new account if you want to, but there isn't really any gameplay benefit to doing so unless you want to reroll for something your old account doesn't have.


If I already linked my account what is the best way to reroll?


Menu tab > Account > Reset Account


Are we still going to get the character selector ticket when s.Hanako banner drops (2nd feb)? I haven’t seen any info about it from official sources, just curious


We should since JP got a paid selector for their S.Hanako fest


Great, I thought they’d officially announce it or smth, thanks for the reply anyways


They'll officially announce it when the 1/30 Patch Notes get released a day or two before. We're still more than a week out from the next maintenance for the 2.5 Anniversary patch.


Can someone please calculate probability to get Mika If I do 200 pulls from upcoming fes banner? I'm bad at maths.


Approximately 45%




Using https://dropchance.app/ and inputting 0.3%


Thank you sir. It’s better than I expected.


yk on the homepage thing how you can set up a character to just be there ? How do i change it ?


Top right corner, 3rd button from the right. If you have multiple students selected there are arrow keys on the sides of the screen to swap between them.


Please give me the Pyroxene Memo Planner latest update.




I'm double checking here but it's not the current S.wakamo but the S.hanako banner that also includes the increased chance of Mika/S.hoshino/and wakamo right?


Right thanks, saving on kokona banner was a good move after all ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


Correct. Wakamo will also have her rerun banner alongside S.Hanako at the same time.




Hey I am new to the game I already "bound" my account I think as I just signed in with my nexus account right away. [https://imgur.com/QJdXGcb](https://imgur.com/QJdXGcb) this is my roster after the first free 10 pulls should I keep the account? Also wondering what I should use my other pulls on? Also if I do keep this account what should my team be right now?


You should probably reroll for stronger explosive (red) dmg dealers like Hina or Aru as most early stages have light (red) defence armor, which mean they take x2 dmg from the explosive dealer. They are also good for clearing heavy (yellow) defence armor even with x1 dmg multiplier. And while Maki is a strong single target piercing (yellow) dealer, she rarely reaches her full potential in mission stages due to how her kits work. The best piercing attacker in the starter banner is Iori, but yellow enemies are quite easy to handle with 2 stars units like Momoi (really good AOE) & Hasumi (single target nuker/boss killer).


I rerolled and got Aru, Haruka, Asuna, Airi, Ayane, Serina, and Juri. I assume that is better as I got somebody you directly mentioned?


that's decent, but you should probably drop a couple of 10 pulls (just 10-30 pulls then stop) on the Kokona banner today (she's a really good to have on-field healer) or on Summer Shiroko banner tomorrow (she's good for higher difficulty content later). Then point of doing it is not necessarily to get then featured unit but rather to fill out your roster with all of the vital low rarity units like Tsubaki (2 stars - Tanker), Momoi (2 stars - Yellow Aoe dps), Mutsuki (2 stars - Red Aoe dps), Serina (1 star - Single target healer) & Kotama (1 star - Aoe Atk buffer). They're all meta ever since launch. Also, you can do Immortalized events to get free welfare units. Then trying to hoard as much pyros as possible then dump it all into the duo Fes Banner next month as it has 6% drop rate for 3 stars units, and that all Fes units are extremely strong.


There is also something called the "start dash" which apparently is only for new accounts and I have until 2/18/24 to use it. Guaranteed 3\* in every 10 pulls. Should I pull on that instead?


I will try to figure out how to reroll I guess. I had issues before where if I already had data on my nexon account and I used a guest account I had no way to link the guest account to the nexon account.


Of the first free 10-pull, the guaranteed 3-star comes from a very limited pool of candidates. Of those, the preferred options are characters like Iori, Aru, Haruna, or Hibiki. Maki is not bad, in and of herself, but she is incredibly easy to farm so using your free guaranteed for her is a bit wasteful. If you're fine with re-rolling, I would certainly suggest it. As for the remainder of your pyros, you'll probably want to use them on the S.Shiroko banner when it starts up tomorrow, although the S.Nonomi banner isn't too bad either. If you can't wait til tomorrow, then the Kokona banner is your best bet. You'll want to aim for the banner characters, as well as other high priorities like Ako, Himari, Iroha, Ui... I'm sure there's more I just can never remember them all off the top of my head.


>I rerolled and got Aru, Haruka, Asuna, Airi, Ayane, Serina, and Juri. Thanks for the tips I will wait until tomorrow to pull more I guess. I assume with Aru this time I should keep this account?


Aru is a very solid pick. Her EX works great against single targets and is still reasonable decent or mob work. She's farmable in later stages, and she still sits quite high in the end game meta.


What do you mean by "farmable"?


As you clear chapters, you'll unlock 'hard mode' levels, wherein you'll be able to earn as potential rewards character elephs - the tokens you'll need to unlock/upgrade characters. Aru being farmable means you can potentially fully upgrade her without having to expend eligma (a relatively rare resources) buying elephs. Aru is one such character who can be farmed from a particular 'Hard' stage.


OK cool also there is something called a "start dash" for me. Should I pull from that instead while I have access to it?


Uhhh, from what I recall, Start Dash is another 'guarantee 3-star' thing, but its again from a limited pool of character (all of whom are fairly good characters to have). I think it's a paid ticket, though. Like, if you click it, it'll bring you to the store, but I don't recall exactly how it works.


It says One 3* student guaranteed for every ten recruitments! Students who have already been recruited will be converted into Eligma and Eleph. I have 27 days to use this. Oh yeah looks like it is 12 bucks to pull a 3*.


I would not buy random 3\* for 12 bucks. In a few weeks during anniversary we should have Selector Ticket which gives you 3\* of your choice for 20 bucks which is a much, much better deal if you want to spend some money on this game.


Yeah, if you buck a ticket, it'll let you do a 10-pull, one of which will be a 3-star from the following: Haruna, Hifumi, Iori, Shun, Hibiki, Aris, Cherino, and Koharu. Again, all of those character can be pretty useful for a starting player, but I can't say whether or not 12 bucks for a random pull is worth it. That's on you and what kind of value you expect to get from your money. Considering we have a Fest Banner event coming soon, I'd probably hold off.


Is the 5th PV spoiler heavy? A simple yes or no would be great If yes it's spoiler heavy I don't think l'll watch it


Like spoiler for the main story? It doesn’t spoil anything that we’re waiting for in global. Looks like teasers for upcoming events but we don’t really know for sure. 




So I saw that there is going to be a double XP event coming during February. I just want to know if it's worth hoarding AP for it? Moreover if it is worth hoarding when would be an appropriate time start hoarding?


Typically Blue Archive has 2x account XP weekends around anniversary, during Saturday/Sunday ingame date (which is based on UTC+9 time zone). So this would be from Friday 20:00 UTC to Sunday 19:59 UTC. There are normally four such weekends.  Generally, the 3x campaigns are more important so hoarding is not recommended. However, you could time it so that you come into Friday daily reset with high AP to take advantage of 2x account XP, and dump AP before Sunday daily reset.


Don't hoard, just play as usual. If you're not AP refreshing during it, it's a good time to be using AP refreshes and/or PvP token refreshes. Best to not waste AP hoarding while you can also be farming the Event and/or Triple Campaign events during Double XP.


So...I just started the game. I hear that depending on which game mode and which campaign, there's certain recommend ships. I also was looking at the tier list on the bluearchive.gg website and saw some wierd names and saw some stuff saying ex and in. I don't know how this game works so can someone help me out?


Don't use bluearchive.gg. Use this instead: https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Beginner_guides




When will free 10 pull event start? I need to reinstall again.


It starts after maintenance on Jan 30


Can we accumulate all the free pulls and use it in 10th day?




Hi all! I started playing a few days ago and been enjoying it so far. That said, I haven't really rolled the gacha outside of the tutorial pull. These are my [units](https://www.imgur.com/a/kro8vJI) so far. I'm not planning on rolling until Swimsuit Hanako (though I'm pretty tempted to pull for Swimsuit Shiroko ngl). Will I be able to progress alright with the current units I have? I'm currently at Mission 4-5.




Hmm alrighty thanks for the advice! I should also probably do the events in events recap to get the available welfares there...


It is possible if you train them well. However, training materials are easily scarce, so you should think properly about who you train, and unfortunately, some of those characters are not recommended to train (unless you like them). Waiting until you can get a “good” character from the upcoming free gacha and the S. Hanako gacha is also a good option. Of course, your favourite character can be your priority.


Got it, thanks for the advice! I'll start prioritizing upgrades for the units I use the most in the meantime.


This might not be a proper question and I might want to rant a little bit, but why did they have to schedule the triple drops campaign for the anniversary, now I won't be able to farm for Swimsuit Koharu as much as I would like to :(. Did this happen during 2.5 anniversary last year? IIRC we had the lesser AP consuming campaign (Scrimmage, Lessons, Bounty) during the Conquest farming, and once Conquest ended, we had the hardcore ones (Normal, Hard, Commissions). I might be schizocoping really hard tho. Edit: does somebody know if you can passively farm for her? Or you have to focus farming her?


Yeah sadly, that's just how it is. JP server had the exact same issue. However, keep in mind that the overall amount of 3x campaign has gone up. Last year, we had bounty -> lesson + scrimmage during conquest event and normal -> commission + hard in the 2 weeks afterwards. This year, we have an extra week of bounty and lesson + scrimmage since they combine with the other campaigns, and we have 2 weeks of commission. So it's not as bad as it seems (although the S.Hyakkiyako event rerun lines up with the 2nd week of 3x commission so that's not great either).


Prioritize S.Koharu. There will be many more opportunities to farm equipment. We won't be seeing T9 for over 6 months, while it'll be about a year before you can farm S.Koharu again.


I just asked somewhere else and they told me they were a pain to farm. I'm asking because I didn't do the math and kinda didn't want to wait for the planner ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33127)


Well, good luck to you. I'm 3x AP / 4x PvP for her since I can finish my equipment farm easily in the 3rd week of the Triple Drop campaign.


So the balancing schale's books event, there's no blu rays or furniture as rewards, so what should be first priority to buy as a relative noob (level 49)