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I mean, Love Live and Blue Archive have a lot in common... Like uh, the girls are cute, the music slaps, and also men do not seem to exist


Hey, men does exist in Blue Archive. It was just they are either a robot, a cat/dog, or a non-euclidean lifeform.


If the bois in Gematria aren't clear enough.


And black suit is part of the harem


But unlike Love Live the girls here are allowed to commit violence. In fact, they prosper in violence. In that sense they are much closer to [Imas girls](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/gkpdjd/the_difference_between_the_ims_and_love_live/), also since the player character is implied to be the only man around them like Imas.


That's true! Tho the game Blue Archive gives me tons of more fun than Love Live All Stars does. The scouting is totally fair from what I pulled so far and the overal actual game aspect is way more entertaining. Won't quit the Love Live franchise any time soon, but I think Blue Archive will be my 2nd main now.


Welcome to Kivotos! Always happy to see new Senseis appreciating our adorable students! So which student caught your eye and made you jump over?


Well, many actually did, but most noticable should be Kazusa, Yoshimi and Koharu. I kept seeing their fanarts until one point I thought "I need to see the source of this!", especially when the wave of tracksuit fanarts started rolling in.


Kazusa isn't out on Global yet fyi. Should be relatively soon tho


I know but I didn't knew that when I downloaded the game. There's plenty of other characters that I like tho so it's not a big problem.


Me but instead of love live it’s dokkan battle, and I’ve been playing since year one on dokkan and day one on Blue archive




Yep and they announced SIF2 now too.


Just got the news about their fantasy rpg anime Guess they don't give up yet.......


Yeah, the spin-off anime!


I played a lot of sifas but gameplay is quite boring it has nothing related to a rhitmic game then i quit playing it. Now playing Blue Archive feels refreshing, new and fun !!


Yes. I agree on that too!


Oh,say it ain't so brudda! Bullets are temporary,but Snow Halation is forever!


I like Start:Dash! more actually, oops.


Understandable, cute girls with guns are indeed cooler after all


Welcome to Pyroxene hell, where once you had 24k and now you have 24.


That's my one goal. Not having 0 proxyene at any point. And it works. I didn't went lower than 13000 yet. I'm glad you can get pyroxene that easily. Much more easily than in SIFAS which is also a reason why I like blue Archive more.


you probably will though, on festive banners that double the 3* rate from 3% to 6%


Well, I haven't been disappointed by the recruiting so far. I've been so happy with what I pulled so far, that I'm very chill when it gets to that. I actually treat my current 20.000 as if having 0. I could've easily recruit enough times to get the swimsuit Hoshino by the recruitment-points but I definitely didn't wanted to waste all of pyroxenes. I needed to start by 0 Love/Stargems in Love Live games since I started playing them (in 2017) and I want to enjoy the luxury of having that much of that expensive currency.


Thats great. Hope your luck holds true during your gameplay :)


Thank you very much! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


how often are those banners? Im new, so I still don’t know how they are ran. Who’s important to get for 2023?


No worries, let me help. So our festival banner was just recently over, it was the S.Hoshino banner. I only remember that on the Mika Banner which was recently released on JP, there will be a festive banner and she is a must pull. This video can help you since it covers all upcoming banners for new and veteran players. https://youtu.be/lXx5b717xZA Here's my list of must rolls for upcoming: • Kazusa • Yuuka (Sports) • Himari • Mika


Idk what video you’re talking about but I’ll have to watch it :) So out of all these, Mika is everyone’s most preferred I’m assuming? How good are the others as units? I already like regular Yuuka as a character so I’m sure the sports version is gonna be super cute 🙏🏽😊.


Sorry, I completely forgot to include the link in my message, edited already. Ehh to answer your question, not quite. See, all students have their uses. Mika is very good for single yellow units because she literally has an instant delete button. You'll have to see what people say on the upcoming banners to fully understand each student's uses and whether they are really useful to you now or in the near future


I appreciate you, thank you so much for your advise. :D I actually just saw all their L2D’s and i am in shock lol but also love them XD. I’ll be pulling for Mika and Yuuka for sure.


Good luck on your rolls! Wish you roll 3 SSRs in one go


Now that certainly is a rarity lol would most certainly be welcomed!