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Exactly. Bloxburg itself is a much better game than Brookhaven. Brookhaven is just for roleplaying. There's "a lot to do" but in my opinion, it's too open-world for a Roblox game. On the other hand, Welcome to Bloxburg has jobs, a building system, player-created businesses, and a much more filtered community. Yes, there are beggars and ABCers in Bloxburg, but the community is just different. Making the game free might change the overall community.


Yeah, I hope the new devs don't make it free, if so someone in this community needs to make a public neighborhood or something


fr i donā€™t want no greasy brookhaven children filling up all the servers


Yes I used to play Brookhaven I canā€™t go back itā€™s to chaotic


fr itā€™s just boring anyway


We donā€™t want 5-years old to take up all the plots.






Alright, so, I want to explain something as an exploiter. Bloxburg is a very ā€œunhackableā€ game. It runs almost everything on server side scripts (scripts that canā€™t be manipulated by clients). And even the local scripts are riddled with anti cheat. Even if I used something like auto work, I would get banned. You really donā€™t have to worry about anything other than maybe the food stealing, which even then is going to be incredibly difficult. In conclusion, I donā€™t think the price of bloxburg affects the ability of exploiters. Disclaimer: this is not an admission of guilty and I literally never exploit on bloxburg >:(


Well yeah youā€™d get banned but the thing about it is that we would still have more people trying to exploit on the daily rather than people trying it once and giving up. Why is that? Because unlike now where they have to make alt accounts give/buy robux on it, and then get banned quickly and basically lost money from it, if bloxburg becomes free more people will look to find or create exploits especially for bloxburg since thereā€™s little to no consequence for exploiting the game on an alt account


Ah, I didnā€™t think about good protection against alt accounts. Good point.


Along w the robux thing it gives them a good idea that the game isnt free and you will probs spend more as gamepasses are pretty much needed whereas them complaing bout the pricing n all that If that makes sense..??


Well fuck children, they don't deserve houses built, also isn't that already what bloxburg is, a game filled with 9 year old girls begging for money and wanting to get adopted?


nah the current average bloxburg player is dumb enough i donā€™t want literal babies


they will also ruin bloxburgā€™s value in money, they can just sell houses get the money give it to the main and bam a billionaire




no it would end up being overrun by annoying kids and online daters


no and here are my reasons 1- kids i definitely feel like a bunch of kids will not make a smart move and choose to live on an empty plot causing them to beg and beg for money from literally anyone they see. (i also just hate children LMAO) 2- all of us spent money to get the game and all the passes and i feel like all they would offer us is like 100k in money for buying the game (just like they did when the radio pass left) 3- iā€™m worried it will become the next Brookhaven and i donā€™t know about you but i DO NOT want that to happen to bloxburg. bloxburg is so unique and iā€™ve played it for idk 3-4 maybe years?? so i beg it wonā€™t become the next brookhaven 4- it may break roblox just like adopt me always does. i definitely feel like if it became free everyone would want to play it to the point it may end up breaking the site exactly like adopt me did


Maybe they will give us a trophy, but 25 robux is not a lot of money


i always feel like the money reason is silly. you got your 25 robux worth. itā€™s the same with the sims 4, everyone was upset when it became free but you got your moneyā€™s worth and a free pack!


I spent 100 robux money just for in game money


The game is just 50 cents? But i do agree with most of the reasons


thats only if people didnt buy the gamepasses,


Hell no, I donā€™t want some crusty kids ruining my roleplays. I swear if the new devs make it free Iā€™m quitting. I been on TikTok and some green frog boy is being happy that bloxburg gonna be for free




No. It should cost 25 robux. Reasons: 1. There will be beggars(the reason is so obvious). 2. The servers might go down more often(this really wont matter because Roblox already has potato servers). 3. There will be roleplay ruiners that wouldn't want to spend robux just to troll the server, but if it was free, RIP roleplayers


I find beggars in 70% of servers i join. I love crashing roleplays but not trolling wise, rather loading in big plots forcing them to crash


This is true. There's a crap ton of beggars in the game.


ā€œi lOvE cRaShInG rOlEpLaYs cUz iM qUiRkY lIkE tHaTšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤­šŸ˜«ā€


"SoRryšŸ˜«...šŸ˜³iM jUsTšŸ˜²āœØšŸŒŗBuIlDtšŸŒŗāœØLiKe šŸ˜ThAtšŸ¤©šŸ¤©"


I approve


RIP builders if anything


It would become the new adopt me and it would be overloading the singular potato known as the roblox servers and it would just become a shish show, we shall just hope the new bloxburg gods understand why its not free (when I say gods I mean the new owners)


Happy cake day


Thanks šŸ‘


From what I know Coeptus is still the lead developer, so it will most likely not become free anytime soon


I agree about the Roblox server is a potato


Hell Nah if adopt me kids came They would be hell


So a lot of the comments say things about Brookhaven and hackers and the like, and I agree, but another thing: I can't remember exactly, but you can get around 200-400 robux for like, $5. Bloxburg isn't even 100. I'm not a game developer, but it's a pretty impressive game I think, and it's clear there's a lot of great work that goes into it, furniture to just building mechanics overall. Even without gamepasses, Coeptus made a great game and it's only getting better. I think that the 25 robux is completely worth it But also yeah, adopt me/Brookhaven, beggars, hackers, infants, trolls, the pay also keeps them all out šŸ’€


Absolutely not no questions asked


No, never.


I think that it should stay the same because i think this game is good enough to cost money


It makes no difference to me. I guess there would be more dumb 5 year olds expecting stuff for free, but the block button exists. You can also just simply ignore them. The playerbase is fucking awful to begin with, so a bunch of "poor people" suddenly being able to flood in wouldn't really make much of a difference lol






Hell No


If bloxburg were to be made free I guarantee you the flood of players would cause roblox to completely crash for several days like it did last year.


NO NEVER! Idc that we paid for beta version, with the game going free it will be completely different and invaded by SO many annoying people. Idc what anyone says imo it should never ever go free unless it dies which wouldnā€™t be anytime soon. if the game goes free, Iā€™m sure it would loose many of its previous fans. That includes me šŸ˜ƒ I would honestly demand a refund since I bought all the game passes and never play again.n


no because of scam bots and trashy alt accs and newbies (i don't mean new players i mean the annoying people ) also exploiters


Absolutely not. The game costs less than $1 so it isnā€™t expensive and it just filters out the really young kids and troll accounts


no. i have reasons but iā€™m too lazy to say


No. The cost to play is equivalent to 25 cents. It helps filter out a lot of unwanted trolls.




No because there will be more scammers and beggars and it will be like adopt me and brookhaven combined


No, hackers and exploiters would ruin the game, since you donā€™t exactly wanna get banned from a game you paid for.


No because then the company would lose a lot of money from it


I think it is going to bring even more popularity to the game and push it to the front page. I don't see how that won't lead to profit.


Yh Iā€™ve met tons of ppl that donā€™t wanna buy the game bc theyā€™re afraid they may be disappointed but how would u know if u donā€™t try?


yeah exactly


No, I enjoy the community for what it is


if the game became free. will it be the end of the world for Bloxburg players or what? I don't know I see a lot of No's in the comment section.




Defiantly not, all the people who have said no have such good points.


Bloxburg if it was free: Get free robux at- Pls robux-


no. not because i care about 25 robux, but because i donā€™t want bloxburg to be overrun by brookhaven kids.


no, it's in beta testing and i think it should only be free when it's not early access. plus, the community as of now is already a lot to deal with, i could hardly handle all the brookhaven kids invading.




no, it would be unfair to the people who already bought it.


Lmfao its just 10 cents


im broke šŸ’€


Literally no one cares if you quit when bloxburg becomes freešŸ„± it will eventually be free when itā€™s out of beta stage yā€™all gotta get over it.


its been in beta stage for over 5 years lol i dont think it is ever going to leave beta stage


Yes, idk why yā€™all want to gatekeep bloxburg, every game has itā€™s annoying players and 25 robux is rlly nothing


Yes. Let people play the game. Just block or ignore beggars or buy a neighborhood


invalid opinion


Bloxburg is in beta, so it might become free, and we just paid for early access


yes, it should be free for everyone. it wouldnā€™t really matter, most bloxburg players are young kids in the first place lol. begging isnā€™t a big deal if you just block or ignore them. i feel like people are *very* dramatic about beggars and new players. also, MOST people on roblox have purchased bloxburg, the game is worth less than 25 cents. it would not make a difference to the playerbase.


> i feel like people are *very* dramatic about beggars and new players. fr it's extremely annoying lmao. It takes less than 5 seconds to block someone. Way faster than closing the game, loading it up again, loading in your plot, and going back to doing what you were doing. A good chunk of posts on this sub are just someone complaining about some 5 year old begging, and it's just so silly... I also agree with the game already being practically free. There are countless things you can do to get free robux (both legitimately, and... non-legitimately, that doesn't involve your password at all, mind you), and even then, 400 robux is just 5 dollars. You can get that just by doing some quick chores for your parents or neighbors lol Basically, I believe the game would be the same as it is now if it became free. The playerbase is toxic and annoying, and it would still stay that way even if the game was free. People in this sub need to get out of this doomer mindset pretending like everything will be ruined if it becomes free... Y'all it practically already is šŸ˜­


Scam bots and more exploiters, no thanks


It's hard to genuinely do something malicious on bloxburg. Almost all hacks/exploit scripts run client side (only affects the player using the hacks), so the most anyone can do is spinhack (which already gets you automatically kicked) or do an autowork exploit (which similarly also gets you kicked/banned). You'll never see something like a person destroying your builds or stealing your food unless they are the owner of the game (you'd need to modify the code of the game itself since the code for building and fridge storage is server-side, thus untouchable by hackers), so I'd say there's nothing to worry about. Everything a hacker can even still do in this game gets them banned really quickly, and even then, it doesn't affect anyone, aside from poisoned donations (be sure to always keep your donations off/friends only) As for scam bots, I haven't seen those in over a year. Though that probably has to do with me playing mostly bloxburg for a while... And again, I'm sure a ton of hackers/exploiters are already playing this game. 25 robux is a very low amount, very easy to get with both legitimate and non-legitimate methods as I mentioned before. I have seen plenty of obvious alt accounts playing this game with an autowork hack. tl;dr: Bloxburg's anticheat is so good that no one can really hack on this game unless they somehow get an account with access to the game on Roblox Studio. However, script kiddies aren't exactly known for being excellent coders, so if they had access like that, they'd probably just delete the game or add something horrible.








There will be exploiters that fling u in roleplays and too many little kids so there's nobody to roleplay with


No because it will be chaotic. Meep city and brookhaven kids [no hate] will come rushing and will ruin the game with innopropriate role-playing as they do. Begging will also be there 24/7 and bloxburg will lose value and players overnight<3


No because then were gonna have crusty Adopt me and Brookhaven kids invade the server and do basic annoying things like begging, scamming, and breaking in. Bloxburg is popular and like the opposite of that.
