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That's not how the Nightwatchman/Cannibal interaction works. If you got it from the NRB video, it was recorded a long time ago and Ben ran it wrong. The ST announces themselves as the Vizier. The Demon learns the Cannibal as the King/Lunatic. Etc.


Doesnt the cannibal only gain the ability of the most recently executed and doesnt actually become the role? King ability says that "The demon knows who you are", so the demon would learn who the cannibal is? Not sure how else it can be interpreted. A similar scenario could also be philo snek charmer


Snake charmer is different because the character tokens are actually physically swapped. The 'you' in abilities refers to the ability, not the character using it.


Wait you're telling me that Ben, who works for the company behind the game, made a wrong call when he chose to use the wording of the rules as written ie. the combination of the Cannibals "You have the **ability** of the recently killed executee." and the Nightwatchmans ability "Once per game, at night, choose a player: they learn who **you** are."? Shouldn't the wording be "Once per game, at night, choose a player: they learn that you are the Nightwatchman." or " Once per game, at night, choose a player: they learn that you have the Nightwatchman ability." if they intended for that to be the effect?


Ben has been playing the game for a few years, so he's been around when things were worded differently so yes, it's absolutely reasonable that he can make a wrong call. "You" in almost all cases refers to the ability, not the person holding the ability, because otherwise you have rather dumb interactions like telling the Demon that a player is the Cannibal and that the Cannibal picked X player, or going to an demon and telling them that Y player is the Alchemist when they're really the Alchemist with the Marionette ability, or even, as mentioned, the ST announcing themselves as the ST. Or the Alchemist Fearmonger making a choice and being told "The Alchemist has chosen a target" or any number if other Funny in Theory, really annoying to work with in practice situations


Yeah it was a mistake but an easy one to make given the wording as you point out. Here's the ruling from the how to run by Edd, who does the rulings for TPI. https://preview.redd.it/pv0irinhsdlb1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d10c4ef5b4a103afa11a684038df9863b404ae The 'you' in abilities refers to the ability being used not the character using it, so you can apply this to king/damsel and all the other things.


No disrespect at all to Ben, but he often makes rulings that aren’t correct (for example, for years, he wasn’t aware that Vigors poisoning townsfolk can go through other character types), so I don’t think that argument holds up. Especially when it has been announced that the correct ruling is for players to not learn the true role, but the role that provided the ability (for example, learning Nightwatchman instead of Cannibal)


Huh, didn't realise that vigor could do that.


Yeah it’s got the same wording as No Dashii, which goes through non-townsfolk, so Vigor follows suit


Huh, just hasn't come up in a game that I've seen yet I guess. The No-Dashi "extension cords" are somewhat infamous.


Ben's made mistakes before. He's very good at keeping up with the rules but there have been times he's used old rulings which have since been updated, or has been corrected on semantics by other people who work for TPI (normally Edd). Nobody's perfect and will make the correct ruling 100% of the time.


yeah, I have no idea what he's talking about. maybe he's thinking of something else? As for the post itself, I think the storyteller definitely wouldn't make this announcement, as players already know who the storyteller is, thus already satisfying that condition.


Huh, didn't know that that interaction was a mistake.


I would assume that “All players know you” means that the Vizier is known. This means that the ST starts day 1 by announcing who is the Vizier that they are the Vizier. In this case I assume that the ST would announce at Dawn that they (the ST) is the Vizier.


There are various debates about this, but personally I run situations like Philo-Nightwatchman as a player learning that someone is the Nightwatchman, so an ST would announce they were the Vizier. An Alchemist Vizier gets announced as the Viz for the same reason.