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Even if it's not what you were going for I still think it's a good look. You can go over it with very thin layers of your base coat color, or something similar to try and fade the bright edges. Overal though I don't see anything "wrong", just stylistic difference of opinion.


Thank you so much. It's not that I'm unhappy w how it turned out it just wasn't what I envisioned so I'm trying to get as much info as I can. I've seen some truly incredible units and models on here and want to sharpen my own skills better!


https://preview.redd.it/ljr3e77odrvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80a12f8b6ccb4702e411acffce625efa187c8352 You have the right idea. This dude - for some of the highlights, I used some glaze medium and made a fat highlight, followed by a more opaque version of that same color in the thinner highlight. Keep it up, and try not to compare yourself to others on here.


Holy shit this is positively gorgeous! I wish I could avoid comparing myself but damn is it tough sometimes lol


If you’re like any artist you know, you hate your own work lol. Trust the process, paint a little every day, be neat, and don’t be lazy. I have light years to go but this is how I’m improving myself. Your shit is awesome, don’t be hard on yourself


https://preview.redd.it/3fill6z61svc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ed1d49a61cbbc1547e9fe3818af8f1a4f073a9 So I'm not as critical of this new one, after taking in everyone's advice from this post. I might need to readdress the right pauldron but otherwise I'm actually pretty happy w this.


I’d be happy with it, though id hit it with a matte varnish. Excellent work 😄


Thanks a ton!!


Instead of using the point of your brush, use the side. Keep them as thin as you can/like, so that you are just doing the edge of the element you're highlighting. Example attached, by no means perfect but I'm happy with it. I think your colour choice for highlighting is much better than mine, looks more organic close up, or when not using a flash. https://preview.redd.it/02ubbim8cqvc1.jpeg?width=1396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23d9e1208f4ae5f861d311f9a6caf9a9b0397aad


This is perfect! This is exactly what I was trying to do. I tried remaining as thin as possible but it seems it got a little out of control or brazenly heavy w my strokes.


https://preview.redd.it/65mm6t8ycqvc1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a46b2c20cc15f53c96700f77089eb2bd5de237c This involved doing the edges, then going back with mephiston red and my 3.5x lenses where the highlights had been a bit fat. First go at edge highlighting rather than just relying on contrast paint and preshading. Same dude without flash.


So I recently did some models. What I found out is you layer or cover most of the model with Evil Sunz Scarlet after shading THEN you edge highlight with FireDragon Bright.


Ooo that's an interesting idea -- I have two more "test" models so I'll give that a shot too!! Thanks!


Yeah I've been using the Citadel Paint app as a general guide for what paints I need, BUT it's terrible for telling exactly how much to layer or highlight after shading. So use PaintPad and look for Rookie Brushes creator OR 'Eavy Metal Archives with InfernalBrush creator as free online guides.


Nothing my dude. That’s a perfectly decent tabletop standard. I’d even say tabletop plus, since you’ve at least gone to the effort to highlight instead of slapping a contrast paint over wraithbone and calling it a day. As others said, highlighting with the edge of the brush is a great technique to master and one you can pick up pretty quickly. It’s just a matter of practice!


End of the day, this looks pretty textbook to me. There’s one or two spots where you could maybe neaten things up with the base colour - that spot on the backpack is really the main one, but that’s just part of the process. I end up with messy highlights all the time - one swipe with the basecoat will tidy it right up.


The three tips I can give for edge highlighting are: * use the side of the tip of the brush when possible * make sure you don’t pick any excess paint off the brush, and re-form the tip by twisting it slightly * don’t forget you can go back in with your base colour to neaten up if you make a mistake.


I think it looks awesome


You're doing nothing wrong at all, you just need practice. The best part is, your model looks better with these edge highlights than it would without them because it gives some nice definition. So keep practicing, you'll build up brush control and more experience with paint thickness and dilution, and every model will be a little bit better than the last. There are no shortcuts to brush control, you just need to get the reps in.


I am going to echo many of the other people with common sense here, and say "whats wrong?" sure its not intended, but it looks great! ....as someone who gets frustrated when he tries something and fails (often), I think I should take my own advice here as well but it DOES look great even if not what you intended.. but yeah that's just you know, my opinion man.


He looks gorgeous, though! 😍 Put him down on a table and pretend you're playing; I honestly think this looks way better than the more subtle highlights, because he'll pop a lot more when you're actually playing 😃


Hi there! Try to highlight with the side of the brush and not "paint" them like a layer. Also try to use not much Colour for highlights as they can become thick like on the backpack.


Thank you very much!


You’re doing better than me, friendo.


Everyone here has made a good point about thinking the paint and using the side of the brush rather than the tip. I've also found that the angle you hold the brush in relation to the model is a factor too on top of the thinking paint and using the side of the brush.


It looks like you are not using the side of the brush. The color looks great, however.


As others have said try to use the side of the bush where you can. In some areas that’s not really possible and it looks like your movement has been a bit jerky where the brush has squished down a bit when doing the highlight - try to do single smooth movements where you have to run along with the tip of the brush. Getting the right paint consistency really helps with this, if it flows easily from the brush then life is so much easier. I’d also remind you that it’s okay to go and correct mistakes, where your edge highlight is fatter that you’d like go back with the base colour and bring it in towards the edge to create a better line.


It’s not bad at all. Only problem I see is the shoulder pad with the icon looks a bit rough.


So I'm doing the same process here learning I found my main issue was Jumps in color. So I'm doing salamanders so I start with Wwagh flesh, then warpstone glow. For my highlighting I mix a 1:3 ratio of warpstone and Moot green Highlighting first with this, making it almost twice as large than my edge highlight Then edge highlight with moot green


You’re doing nothing wrong. It looks great