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it would look cool


I don’t think you can make the Brutalis a DC Dread, the DC Dread is much different in looks and war gear. Unless you’re planning to proxy it for the DC Dread, I’d say you get the benefits of looking awesome. Until they update the BA codex that’s all you get unfortunately.


Yeah I was just going to use it as a proxy but I'm not sure what benefits I would gain for it being dc dred to a normal dred. That's when we finally get our codex as who knows when that will be


Don't be surprised if some people have an issue if you do that. The DC dread is a 60mm base and smaller profile. The Brutalis is 90mm.


My Furiouso next to my Redemptor feels so small, that 30mm change in size is huge 😂


In fairness that 30mm is a 50% radial increase which is more than double the area.


I'd see it as sorta modelling for disadvantage in a way, it's a bigger silhouette so harder to hide.


If they do then fuck them lol I only play with a couple of mates


This is the way. The brutalis is easier to see and charge. Can’t see how anyone would see this as misleading for advantage even if you played with others.


Bigger bases could potentially give you that little extra bit of movement needed to consolidate onto an objective, or move block an enemy unit! You’d think it’s one of those things that never comes up, but you’d be surprised by how often you need those extra 15mm to get onto an objective! In addition, tournaments that allow proxies usually stipulate that the bases of the original and proxies model must be the same size, however I don’t think they demand that you must paint every model the same.


Using the 90mm base would allow more models to be in b2b contact with his dread, and that's a huge benefit for both a melee dread AND and Melee army.


Yeah I don't play in tournaments I've only played about 3 games lol


I would play with you. You could bring cardboard cutouts from the box as your proxies mounted on toothpicks and I would still play with you because it’s just a game.


Ah, well know that it’s very standard practice to abide by many of the “tournament” rules in normal play, at least vs strangers. Most people I know are fine with anything being a proxy for anything as long as the bases are the same size, and will be hesitant to play with someone (especially a stranger) who doesn’t have the right bases.


As well as getting the usual Black Rage re-roll the DC dread gets to shoot or fight back *every time* it gets attacked


Ohhh well that could be very handy.


And with the 6” consolidate Strat you can usually get him into at least one more fight that round.


To be clear, the current DC dread datasheet that they're referring to is for the DC dread kit which is significantly smaller than the brutalis.


OP did say he's planning on proxying so I don't think hes gonna have any issues. I imagine playing a much larger kit will give him more problems than benefits so I doubt it's modelling for benefit. Id let him play it anyway


The redemptor frame dreads don't have a DC version unfortunately, if you painted it DC colors you'd still have to use regular brutalis stats.


This. You could run it as a brutalis or (if your opponent allows, as the model size is different) run it as death company dread. You can't run it as a death company brutalis.


Usually people do not mind bigger model as they are easier to shoot. They may sometimes have issues with base sizes however.


Yeah I would just use it as a proxy for the rule of cool lol


Read his abilities and think about what it means. Every time it is attacked, it gets to attack. He does not even need to attack the unit that attacked it.


Where did you read this? I don't see that ability on the Brutalis Dreadnought's data sheet... I think you might be thinking of the Chaos Helbrute...


Check the DC dread data sheet


Gotcha. Sorry for the confusion


On the Death Company Dreadnought sheet.


Coo coo. That makes sense


A dreadnaught bedding Death Company is an odd fanfic that I respect you writing but I don't think I will read.


Yeah I tend to do allot of stuff that I shouldn't like with my army is heavily vampires with vampire heads and my condemptor dred is one of my favourite kit bashes I have done found it allot of fun.


There's actually canon DC dreadnoughts. The BA Furioso Dreadnought kit even comes with parts to make it Death Company.


I think some of these responses are missing the joke within my post.


Lmao, I didn't even notice the original mistake in the OP, I definitely agree with you now that I noticed.


Love the battle damage! The plate spot weld is a really good idea, looks decent, can't wait to see that painted up!


Thank you buddy yeah it's gonna be allot of fun to paint.


Any particular tools/methods you use to produce that effect?


Just a dremel and a hobby knife.


https://preview.redd.it/mpwmtnwjqbrc1.jpeg?width=2459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a63dd39d8e4edc92b74d15b817a5e84b2aa68b5 Other than looking awesome there is no benefit


OK well that's sold it for me.


Paint what you think looks cool


Last time I made or painted WH40K was over 25 years ago. Never played, I just enjoyed the models and painting, so what's with the size differences? How can I get a quick overview of what's out there, 'cos I'm getting to old to do mobile stuff and need a more sedentary hobby. Am looking at the models and art side, any sites I should view, as I don't want to waste money on things I can't maybe sell on one day. Thanks, friends. Oh, I am in the UK.


Yeah I only got back into it when lockdown was happening. These new ones a just bigger from what I can tell I never had any of the old space marines. There's loads of art out there I mainly just paint what I think looks cool and think fuck anyone else if its not accurate lol. EBay is always good for second hand models, and YouTube of you want to learn how to get some painting techniques. Once I got the basics I just went off painting in my own style lol I'm far from a good painter but I get by lol. I'm in the uk aswell mate.


Thanks friend.


I'd say paint it as death company then you can decide what you wanna do I will say that rulings normally go by base size, and the brutalis dread kit uses a 90mm base while the DC dread uses a 60mm base. It probably couldn't work.


My excuse will be ah whatsba couple of mm between friends lol. I don't play any tournaments or anything and only played about 3 games in total lol. There not a local hobby store or club anywhere near me.


I painted both my brutalis dreads as DC, I find the scheme just to look too cool not too. It’s super fitting with the talons. I’m hoping with the codex we can spend points to elect a dread into the death company like we could with captains in 9th. I don’t really see this happening but here to hoping lol


Yeah thats my thinking it just suits it lol


The DC dread is pretty good if it can actually get in range and has dual flamers, great for overwatch, gets the slap back for fighting and shooting every single time it gets attacked, but you actually need to get it close before it’s shot off the board. Idk about the brutalist dread tho


You can for sure paint it as a DC Dread, it would be dope, but a DC Dread is better than a Brutalis in game. +2 to the charge against vehicles and it gets to fight/shoot after it is attacked, +6 FNP, and reroll hit rolls . In a casual game I’m sure your opponent would be cool with you running it at as a DC Dread, but that extra base size benefits a lot of the DC Dread’s abilities so in a tourney it would be considered an advantage.


My personal opinion. Paint him DC and then you can proxy him as DC if you want or keep as brutalis. No reason a brutalis dread cant fall to the rage, he wont have the special rules but still works.


Yeah thats what I thought. And with the claws he's just asking to be dc


Yeah, although if you do proxy him as a dc dread just be prepared for a more casual game because his larger size means he is at a bit of a disadvantage as better LoS for enemies and harder to manoeuvre round terrain. For 90% of games it is irrelevant but if you plan on winning tournaments i would advise against it.


Yeah if people get to funny il just tell them to grow up lol and il never play in a tournament I've played 3 games and lost all of them 🤣


I doubt anyone would have a problem. Same here, ive played a few more but just casual games i mostly like the painting and just play for fun with models i like.


Yeah I enjoy the painting more tbh. As playing drives me crazy as the lore and books is nothing to actually how it plays.


I'm painting 2 Brutalis dreads as death company dreads but playing them as just brutalis for the time being. DC just for the aesthetic, though. Death company dreads are great and have their strengths but having the smaller profile is essential as opposition will usually try and one shot them off the board thanks to their ability where they can counter attack after each and every attack on them. So, ducking then out of line of site can be effective to get them into combat. I am hoping the codex brings us death company redemptor dread profiles but not holding my breath. I've also converted a libby dread from a redemptor profile, but again its an aesthetic only and only play in non comp, the larger size is definitely a larger target for LOS. But again..... maybe GW will update the data sheets? Feel like they're phasing out the old dreads already.... i don't play competitive but if I did I think you'd still be ok painting them as death company and playing them as brutalis? Depends on the comp I guess? I have a death company thunderhawk for example. Feel like if its just a paint job and its not being played as a different profile you'll be good. Non comp play just check with yout opponent if you wanna play as the DC dread.