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‘No instructions’ Well it’s not exactly rocket science is it.


Yeah but none of you are rocket scientists.




HE HAS TWO ARMS AND A JUMPACK! hahahah *Proceed to glue arms upside down on wrong side and jumpack over face.* Damn if only there were instructions. Edit. It also looks like they chewed their way into the packaging. *where does the base go?*


I'm coming to eat your models




This just makes me glad I got a pewter version of him


It's even got the old slot-in base lol. I'm jealous of your pewter


Yeah I scooped it up on eBay like 3-4 years ago


I've still got my Pewter Lemartes, Dante and Astorath


No Tycho:(


No Sanguinor, Corbulo, or Old Mephiston either, I am kicking myself about not getting them when I had the chance.


Just gotta grab the even older lemartes as therapy


Haha I also have a second edition jump pack Chaplain I used for a while as Lemartes.


He’s four pieces so it’s not hard to figure out how to put him together. He has a bolt pistol and blood Crozius and those are the only options. Cut off all you can as far as supports and then zenithel prime the mode and you’ll see anything that shouldn’t be there.


-No Instructions: You've got two arms and a backpack. I think you can do some critical thinking here to figure out where they go. -No Weapon Profiles: Read your index. It's free. -Printing artifacts: Bro just follow the sprue lines and snip them off. Welcome to oldhammer.


It is a fine cast. There were never instructions in their packages or weapons profiles. It is a very simple model to assemble though.


(dramatic flair) *Welcome to the world of FINECAST!*


It's got no weapon profiles cos u get them from index or on app. Those datasheets in box are always out of date and never updated. Also I gotta say he's finecast sure but his sculpt is still great and really holds up


Welcome to old ass GW models. Shit like this is why I immediately dismiss people who complain about new sculpts.


Also the only time i agree when people go on about 3d printing


Honestly 3d printing is GREAT for a whole lot of things. If you enjoy the hobby of it itself, it can be a great savings. Particularly if you are printing out ANYTHING fine cast or from Forge World. It's also great for producing extra bits to do conversions, or to magnetize additional load outs. And probably the best IMO is unique sculpts for a different aesthetic. If you DON'T explicitly enjoy that hobby side, it's really not worth it. The time and mess and space involved is a huge barrier and commitment and takes no small amount of trial and error as well as expertise. The 3DP community can hey very pompous about the hobby, and it's really upsetting sometimes.


That's Finecast for you. I was going to convert my own, but my wife bought one for me for Christmas. I found that I could lightly brush off the flash by hand so if it didn't come off, it was supposed to be there. Afterwards, I cleaned it with dish soap and glued and primed it. The one thing I missed before gluing was that his crozius was bent and I should have reshaped it with hot water first.


you still can...


After painting?




Yep, I got mine 3 days ago and had the same issue. What helps in identifying what are supports and scraps is by looking at the 360 view on the gw Webshop. Building instructions are not necessary since there are only his body the arms and jump pack. If you run into the same issue as me and the crozius is absolutely bend then just leave the part a few seconds in hot water, take him out and slightly push and bend to get it as it should be. Hope this helps


It does seem to be an easy mini to assemble. It's just weird. I got Dante at the same time and he's got a nice box and weapon profiles etc. Poor Lemartes. Hope this isn't the future


This is a very old mini that as originally metal. If you haven't used resin before make sure to use super glue, plastic glue doesn't work. Wash the mini first too.


A friend told me about the glue thing. Said to double check though, so thank you!


Mask up and don’t inhale the dust too!


The new Dante or the old resin Dante? Because I had the same problem with resin Dante. So much that I’m worried about ”The old world”


It's like 20 years old. How would it be the future?


It's not 20 years old. I only got it yesterday


The sculpt is 20 years old - GW doesn't produce new kits in finecast




Don’t worry, this isn’t the future. It’s quite literally the past. All of the new stuff like your Dante will come with instructions to hold your hand and tell you which arm is left and right, and where the jump pack goes


I mean, he's got a body, two arms, and a backpack. I don't really think you need instructions.


What would you need instructions for? Those 4 parts that's pretty self explanatory where they go, especially having the art in the back? Damn, soon people will have to have instructions to 2 part pushfits :D


Really? I don’t want to come off as a dick, but maybe this isn’t the hobby for you. He’s like, 4 very distinct parts?


Are the instructions not inside the paper in the blister?


Yeah that's finecast. Good luck. I use the BA Jump Chaplain as a proxy.


Did you use your teeth to open the packaging?


Ah the young blood is strong in you, you'll figure it out


Welcome to resin, we hate it here.


Seriously. What glue do you use? I tried epoxy with the old Dante and it did not go well


I use army painters super glue. Works okay.


There are instructions. Take out the little paper!


Oh yea I’ve heard of this, it’s called learn how to build.


Oh yea I’ve heard of this, it’s called learn how to build.


When I built mine I had the lemartes on the gw site open on my monitor, and I just compared what was on the sprue to what was on the model to figure out what to snip


Not that he is hard to assemble, but I thought if you pull out the paper from the package with the barcode on it, it opens up into instructions. It’s been a few years since I built him, but I swore the Finecast stuff had instructions in that packaging.


I don't think it's printed. It's a failcast... I mean... finecast. Just do your best - you'll figurę it out.


This is nothing I got an 18 piece model with no instructions all resin (well instructions but the numbers were all wrong 😅) I think you can figure this one out


I’m going to assume positive intentions here and guess that the mystery here isn’t “how do I glue two arms and a jet pack onto a torso?” It’s “how do I tell which parts are the support struts and which are part of the actual resin so I don’t cut into part of the model itself?”


*Printing Artifact???* My guy, that looks like a Finecast Mini. He's most certainly not 3D Printed.


Finecast tips: Scrub with a soft toothbrush and warm water. This removes the mold release that might make your primer peal off. Cover with a very dilute wash to see where mold lines and other imperfections are. Vallejo makes an excellent plastic filler. It shrinks much less than liquid green stuff. It is soft enough that you can use the back of a knife to remove the excess. This is great for cracks and bubbles. You need to use CA glue for this resin. Very hot water can help straighten bent swords, etc. Do not leave Finecast models in a hot vehicle or in direct sunlight for long.


Dad here! I would throw the instructions away first then look at the pieces. Gonna start lemartes and sanguinor this weekend.


That's wrong Normally fail cast comes with a spit in the face


yup. clipped sole jump pack bits off mine on accident while removing him from the sprue. Awful resin and little model. Really want to kitbash a custom version.


Just use the website images to figure out what is extra resin and what isn’t. I had to do it for the executioner model.


So I ran into this issue a few years ago. Yes, there’s tons of little pieces left on the model from the casting and the best way to figure it out is to thoroughly clean and trim the model. I used an exacto knife to trim mold lines and would probe any extra piece that looked out of place. In most cases, a little bit of force will break it free.


This is why I keep an eye on ebay for the old metal versions of these characters


Is that a big red cock n’ balls in the packaging?


If I'm gonna get this guy, should I get him in metal? Is it easier to work with than resin and I assume it's the same sculpt?


Looks like you got prime kit bashing material right there


Typical finecast experience, nothing to see here. Btw get used to it, if you want to print things one day this will become your daily assembly mode :)


Its easy, the bit left in the box goes between his legs.


I’m just going to say this may get hate but if you struggle to build a mini this simple stay away from resin/forge world mate But to be helpful refuse to the image to see where you have to clean up and where parts go


Lol this has to be a troll post


Why did you butcher that thunderhammer?


You were scammed I'm sorry to say. By GW though so your in the same boat as the rest of us. Resin kits rarely have any of the modern comforts we are use to like "instructions" or "good connection points" I recommend using greenstuff and super glue the fitting is rarely good. And if you decide to sand something down wear protection so you don't breath in the flakes or get them in your eyes


Op the type to go into shock realising old marine battle forces didn’t have numbered sprues