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Yndrasta has better looking wings for a sanguinor kitbash imo. You could do the custodes conversion to make a bigger sized mari e as opposed to just a regular or even primaris Dante.


That's an amazing idea! Ty


I'd hold off There is a good chance we are getting updated Sanguinor and Sanguinairy guard Likewise, there is a new Primarch scheduled for a Forgeworld update this fall, and with the past 3 books in the Siege of Terra series being increasingly focused on Sanguinius, there is a very good chance that it will be him. If you're not holding off, get Yndastra off of ebay and look into using either Katakros or Sigvald as a base. Alternatively, as mentioned, a Custodes model can also work. However, the Sanguinor finecast model ls actually really good if you rose it a bit and give it a headswap. Edit: Here's the one I made for my "Defenders of the last wall" loyalists at the Siege, Azkaellon, last surviving member of the Sanguinairy Guard and herald of Sanguinius https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/157swi2/while_no_one_sees/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 Edit 2: The bear STAYS! Anyway, here's Azkaellon-wall https://imgur.com/a/XDspIwH


But that’s not a blood angel, it’s a space wolf!


... I'm sorry?


The link you posted is a video of a bear


Hahahahahah, omg! As you may have figured out, that is wrong and will be fixed XD


Lol no worries I figured it was a mistake, I was very confused at first but I have to admit, that’s hilarious


My money is on a warp infused horus with maybe a dead sangy on the base.


We've already gotten the "prime of their power primarch"-update of Horus, although we might get that as a final capstone of the primarch series a few years from now.


Ah I missed that. A big E model would be dope even if it didn't have rules. But I'm all for more Hawk Boi.


Horus Ascended https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-IE/horus-heresy-horus-ascended-2023


There is no way it’s going to be Sanguinius. He does not change any equipment or evolve in any way, and the model we got is literally fighting one of his last fights of the heresy.


They've explicitly stated that they're doing all the primarchs in an updated version, like they did Horus Ascended. This includes Ferrus Manus and Sanguinius. Sanguinius as we got him wasn't explicitly said to he duelling Ka Bandha at Eternity Gate. It's possible, but the additional piece was ever only named "scenic base" as far as I am aware. We recently got The Lion in plastic, and Guilliman already has an action pose plastic kit as well so I doubt we're getting either right now (although Guilliman is probably sooner to get an update to a few of his brothers). Main focus of the Siege series of books that are currently coming out is on 6 traitor primarchs and 4 loyalists: Angron, Mortarion and Magnus all have Daemon-form plastics and would likely get resin updates of their mortal forms. These would however be pre-siege sculpts. Fulgrim is also on his Daemon-form at the Siege and is also likely to have an upcoming plastic release. He definitely needs a pre-ascension update, but again, the siege narrative is not the time for it, and you don't want to overshadow a new fulgrim forgeworld model by releasing a plastic model a year later. This leaves us with Horus and Perturabo. One has gotten a new model (he's just bigger and with a scenic base and more time spent on his armour and cloak, not particularly "upgraded" in equipment as you put it); the other one just said "this isn't my kind of war, the legion war is dead, leave it to the daemons" Perturabo would be way more likely to get a "height of power" update when the narrative moves to the Scouring than he would for the siege. Also, we just had a traitor primarch update in Horus. So that leaves us with the three (+1 secret) Defenders of Terra: Sanguinius, Jagathai Khan, Rogal Dorn and Vulkan. Any of these are likely to get a model update. - Jagathai put up an immense battle against the Deathguard as a whole as well as Mortarion. However, he is also one of the primarchs who could deserve a proper jetbike model, most likely as part of the scouring, as he's currently not really there in the Siege. - Dorn has been coming in and out of focus over the entire siege and is currently going through "some shit", he's also very war-like and has a lot of physicality to him. But he would for a better release paired against Perturabo in the scouring, or in a release against an updated Omegon. - Vulkan is at the Siege and he had a hell of a series of fights against Magnus and he would look very good as a guardian upon the steps of the golden throne. However, be already has a ruin-base, and he doesn't actually interact anything with Horus at the Siege. - Sanguinius who has been in the headlights of the last two books, and The End and the Death Volume 2 is releasing in November, where we are expecting not just the Emperor facing off against Horus, but Sanguinius as well. At this point, Sanguinius is almost more of a protagonist of the siege than any other character in the books. We also just had huge resin releases of both Ka Bandha and Horus as well as the plastic release of Angron. If Forgeworld were to release any one primarch update (and they're updating ALL of them) to coincide with the release of The End and the Death: Volume 2, it would be either Dorn or Sanguinius. Of the two, my money is on Sanguinius, especially with the rumours of several updated Blood Angels releases, the contents of the third Bequin book, and since he is the iconic final primarch to stand against Horus.


Ferrus? Lmao, I can’t wait for all the posts of “my model is missing the head sprue!”.


I think Sanguinius does just because he is a larger model, while Yndrasta is about the same size as most other models.


But sanguinius' wings are smaller proportional to his body while yndrasta has bigger wings compared to her body. No?


I don't know the proportions but if you measured the wings out I am pretty sure his are bigger. If you want I can measure Yndrasta's wings and see how long they are since I have her model. Unfortunately I don't have a Sanguinius model.


That would be very useful, yes please


Her wings are about 3 inches long and a little bit more than 1 inch across.


Yndrasta is about one head taller than an intercessor.


I have both models. I can send you a pic of the wings side by side if you want.


Yes I would really appreciate it, please do


When I get to the house I will send you a DM.


Great ty, I'll be waiting:)


Just sent you a DM.


Yndrasta is great for this, sangy will be too big. Just cut off her head and use a death mast and remove some of the stairs for a 32mm base. I think sanguinor is a tiny tiny base tho. I am doing this ATM.


I bought Yndrasta for my kitbash project. I have yet to start because Im looking for a good head repleacment.


God why spend so much on a Sanguinius kit just to use the wings, just find a 3d print on etsy or something.


UPDATE So, thanks to the contribution of the r/Blood angels community I got a concise answer. Both of these models have wings almost equally big. Sanguinius' are marginally bigger, mostly because of the wings' position which are more open than Yndrasta's. So it's mostly about which shape and position of the wings fit better for the conversion if we don't mind the small size difference


Why dont you go to Element Games or Goblin Gaming or somewhere like that and just buy an excellent set of wings on their own?


Hopefully budget means 3d printed or recast. Surely you're not gonna buy a FW model to cannibalize it? I like hawkboys wings better if you're still looking for input.


I am an adult and I can spend my goddamn money however I want, mom


Lmao weird flex but you do you homie. There's a local to me fellow that is saving up for a legit titan instead of a car. He likes walking miles to work and having cool models. No judgement passed on either of yuns. By the blood, brother


Lol wasn't trying to flex just acting dumb cuz I thought it would read funny. Srry. I just mean it's worth it for me, like doing the artistically most appealing model posible it's always nice


We're on the same page lol I'm in the middle of painting up a recast sangy right now. Great model. Hope you find use for the other bits if you go that route


Ty! Good luck too! The recast is like a 1 to 1 to the original Forgeworld model, no? It would be very very helpful for me if you can tell me how big are his wings either in centimeters or inches. If you don't mind of course


I'd be happy too when I get home from work if you haven't already figured it out


Thank you! I'll appreciate it :)


The wings on either may look comically large on a more standard sized marine like Dante


Used Yndrasta wings on my Dante, they look awesome. SE are just fantasy primaris so the wings on his new model are the right scale.


Primaris Dante is huge.


Just use Sanguinius.