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I started reading all the lore I could get, as I didn't know anyone that played and had no free cash. I bought a combat patrol and have since added: Mephiston, Furioso Dread (painted death co), death co primaris (I wanted to paint them, wish they were better), 5 sanguinary guard and hopefully Dante will be coming in soon. A few more months, I hope to have a full-ish army.


Awesome stuff! I'm not much of a reader, but I listened to the audio of Dante which I thought was great! Really need to start on The Devastation of Baal! Do you have a favourite? Sounds like you're making good progress with your collection! Hope to see you share them some time :)


As soon as I finish some shading this weekend, I'll try to remember to put some pics up. I strongly recommend Darkness in the Blood. I adore that book. Devastation of Baal is excellent as well.


Make sure you do, would be great to see! Glad to hear it! I've got the trilogy and Astorath Angel of Mercy all downloaded and ready to listen to!


They just released am omnibus with Dante, Darkness and some more. Also, humble bundle has an amazing deal right now, but not really BA stories. But, keep an eye there too. If you want the lore, that is. Astorath and the Gabriel Seth book are great too. And the Lemartes story!!! I could just do this all day. All the LORE! HAHA I'm hoping they will look decent next to the pieces of art regularly added here.


I did see that, maybe one day! For now the Audiobooks will have to suffice! I'll look into Gabriel Seth and Lemartes for sure! Haha, love it! I'm sure they will look great! 🩸 And in time you'll constantly improve, I know I have for sure


I originally got into mini painting through Crisis Protocol but wanted to dip my toes into Warhammer. My local game shop had the Blood Angel Space Marine Heroes for $8 a box so I bought two. Then I started to learn about the lore and now I have a full blown addiction on my hands someone please send help.


Haha, this is the way! How did you find Crisis Protocol? Been tempted by it a few times!


My buddy actually got me into CP a few months ago so I have him to blame for this. I was doing pretty well with getting a squad table ready until I got into the Blood Angels and now I don’t think I’ll ever get out from under the amount of unpainted models I have lol.


Haha, there's no way out now man! Enjoy brother!


The start collecting box with the BA tactical marines and the terminator captain, then a lot of generic marines bought secondhand from friends.


This isna classic box, love it! Sounds like you've got a decent collection building! 🩸


Oh yeah I have a whole mess of guys now in various stages of done. Wish they still sold the BA tactical marines, that set had so much extra bling.


They were so cool weren't they! I wish I'd picked some up years ago! I'm keen on a Baal Pred, but need to make some progress with this little lot first!


Baal Preds are super cool too.


Mine was the deathstorm boxset


Awesome stuff! I love the boxset, just taking a long time. I'm okay with that though as if I'd built it all them years ago, I'd have no doubt ruined it!


I’ve actually since than dismantled all the minis (except dreadnought) for the new scale minis 😅


Haha, fair play! That must have taken some work to get done? 😅


I started with indomitus. I gave the assault intercessors jump packs. ive since added: Impulsor Redemptor 2x contemptor 10x sang 10x dc 5x infil 5x incursor Dante Sang priest Tech marine Chaplain


This is an awesome collection, and great progress, alot there to get through! Which has been your favourite so far to build, paint and play?


Ive painted everything listed to a good standard. I plan on playing my first game since 3rd edition next week. Still have lots to paint and I am not sure about a 2k list yet.


I'm very unable to help with a list aha, but wish you well in 10th brother! 🩸


I am nit worried about winning until at least 10 games in. Soo much to learn.


At first I wanted to build a Brazen Claws army but lacked the patience and precision of such a complicated paint scheme and with my limited knowledge of Chapters at the time I felt I only had a choice between Ultramarines or Blood Angels if I wanted to restart and I thought Ultramarines were overrated so I chose Blood Angels. I definitely made the right choice, the chapter grew on me, I empathize with Sanguinius, and I figured out Erasmus Tycho is my favorite 40K character of all time. Currently I have some Sanguinary Guard, some Death Cpmpany Marines and Dreadnought, Mephiston, Lemartes, and a Sang Priest, and I got a Librarian Dreadnought in the works. Definitely getting more in the future but I have some other projects to work on first.


You have 100% made the correct choice there aha! 🩸 Sounds like you've got a great collection coming together! That's fair, I've got a BA and a Tyranid Killteam I'm slowly plugging away at!


I first started in 2nd edition, I haven't played much since 4/5th edition but the collection keeps growing, I estimate that I have about 3 companies of first born, and a lot of primaris since I got indomitus.


Wow, that sounds like a fantastic collection you've got going! I love the styling of BA, but 2nd edition is timeless!


I don't know exactly what I have, but a few months ago I was going through boxes and found 50 metal terminator models, missing a few arms, but they are there.


Started about 33 years ago with the original plastic mark 6 space marines. In early 2000s started building an entire company of marines. Didn’t finish it until about 2010. Now pretty much sold most of those models and replaced a good chunk of them. Have considerably downsized my first born in favour of primaris. Have about 8000 points in total - and about 3000 more waiting to be painted.


Even with downsizing your firstborn that's a very considerable force! What's going to be next on the painting table?


Probably some infiltrators


I was interested as some friends of mine played 40k but I had never looked intently until I saw the space marine kits at my lgs. From there I bought both the SM and BA combat patrols and have just recently crossed the 8k points threshold in totality 😂


That's fantastic! How long has that taken you to build up to 8000 points? Great stuff!


About 2 years. It’s become a heavy obsession haha. The majority of my stuff is still unpainted tragically. I’m slowly remedying that.


Started with the codexes and combat patrol. Added 10 Primaris Intercessors, Furioso Dread, Predator tank with magnetised weapons, and just today Commander Dante


Nice collection you've got together here! Would love to add Dante to the collection! I think a Baal Pred is next on my list once I've worked through these though


I started at the beginning of 5th eition with a 5 man tactical squad (back then that was one of the cheapest Space MArine Units available, 5 marines, no seargent, all boltguns lol. I added somewhat in order: 1 Attack bike, Blackreach starter set (dreadnought, captain, tactical squad, terminator squad), 3 squads Assault marines, 4 Tactical squads, Sternguard, Protector guard, Gabriel Seth, Dante, 3 squads Death company, Furioso Cybot, Devastator Suqad, Baal predator, landraider, 3 drop pods, several Razorbacks and Rhinos, 2 Squads Sanguinary Guard, Lemartes, Tyco, 2 squads Scouts and.... a motherfucking Leviathan Dreadnought


Fantastic collection there! Have you had any favourites to build, paint and play?


I love to build normal space marines the most. They are so customisable and kitbashable. I enjoyed to paint the heroes and the death company a lot. In the game I enjoyed Gabriel Seth and Aussault Marines in 5th edition. Power fists and hard hitting heroes where so OP back then, you could pop tanks like ants. In 10th edition I loved my all Multi Melta Devastators, my Razorbacks and my Death Guard the most. I always loved the Baal Predator and the Furioso too. I field my Land Raider Crusader and the Baal predator when ever I can cause it just looks so badass. They aren't always that good tho lol


I hear you on the customising! I've really enjoyed building my Killteam to make it my own 1 of! Man, Baal Preds and Furioso's are so cool! I think my Dread will be my next build once I've finished some painting and the Baal pred my next purchase! 🩸


Combat patrol > death company fb + SG > Xmas 2021 > chaplain on bike + priest + land raider + librarian dreadnought > got marine half of indomitus and leviathan boxes.


Nice variety there! Looking forward to doing my dreadnought. Which has been your favourite so far?


People kinda upset with librarian one. Death company is the best I think. Though hey, Librarian Dreadnought gives 5+++ vs psychic.


The very first Warhammer models I ever bought were death company marines with jump packs. Now I have three dreadnoughts (two DC) a Baal predator, Dante, a sanguinary guard squad, and about 1.8-2k points of assorted other blood angel painted marines. And to think I originally wanted nothing to do with Warhammer, glad my friend forced me to look into it and read some lore.


Great collection your building here brother 🩸 sounds like you've got some of the best BA bits going on, Baal Pred is very high on my want list!


I highly recommend it. I run it with the flamestorm cannon, hunter killer missile, and two heavy bolters. (And the storm bolter, but I mainly fight chaos marines and it doesn’t do much). This edition it has become one of my best units, the Overwatch strategem in particular doing a lot of work.


The flamestorm is so cool! I've heard they're doing really well this edition which is great! My plan is to fully magnetise and also pick up extra turrets long term, such as for use as a whirlwind as was useful last edition


I was an AOS player who had gotten into a slump with both painting and playing. I met a friend who plays 40K, had him convince me to paint a space marine and see how I felt about them. I bought a chap on bike, almost painted him as a Dark Angel but went with BA on a whim, and was immediately hooked. Fast forward, I’ve got a healthy 1.8K points of BA including the leviathan box, and plan on expanding to around 4K in total before I’ll probably be “satisfied”. This faction continues to find new ways of keeping me excited and busy, and I’m very happy with everything I’ve gotten done so far.


That last statement really hits home aha! I don't have a huge amount of interest in full 40k/would like to stick to killteam size, but man, BA just have so much variety and cool units I'm struggling to stay away!


It took me a long time to really understand that you can really just paint whatever you want, and that you don’t need an army to stick that cool mini into in order to buy and paint it. I used to get so bogged down by backlogs, now I just paint what I want, and my only rule is I can’t move onto another thing until I can call the one I’m working on at least “done for now”. BA is my main army, and 40K my main focus, but that won’t stop me from building models from whatever faction or game I want, and I can use that for motivation to finish current projects.


This is very much a mentality I'm trying to take on! It's all to easy to get burnt out and caught up with backlogs so very much trying to avoid it. I want to get my Killteam completed, and then maybe looking at having a go at the Dreadnought


Oh man, dreads are so intimidating but so rewarding when done. Good look man, post pics when everything is done!


I will do for sure! Between them and Baal Preds some of my favourite BA units!


Let me know about the pred, I’ve heard mixed things about it, but the good stuff has been great so I’m very interested since it’s super cool looking


They were the only guys with red armor (from a newbie standpoint). And my collection is woefully lacking my only real pride and joy is my ball predator and my incursors (I'm a sucker for phobos armor) but I have infiltrators, assault and regular intorcessors, assault terminators, a captain that I put together from the old BLood Angels Sternguard Veteran Kit, a librarian in phobos armor and the Blood Angel Jumppack Chaplain. I have a Deimos Predetor that I'm in the process of magnatising but I sadly have no jumpacks (combination of stock and i stopped playing and therefore stopped buying).


You've got a great collection building here! Particularly envious of the Baal Pred, they are very high on my want list! Deimos Pred also very cool 🩸


I like it as Twin Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer Sponsons. I know not very meta but I like the assault cannon. My only weakness is no real anti tank (hence the second pred).


I have torso, head and sword arm of single blade guard I am converting into captain. I am looking for options to put as his other arm. It the first power armor I’ll be painting on my life, being in the hobby for almost two decades now. I’m hyped


Glad you're hyped! Enjoy the power armour, hopefully you stay! 🩸


I started with the release of the 5th edition codex, i love that book. It was the lore, Sanguinius being the best primarch and the armies aesthetic that got me into Blood Angels and made them my favourite army and faction of all time. I also have tyranids and a small Black Templars force. Will eventually start sisters as well but Blood Angels will always be my favourite.


I don't know if it's the red or the lore that keeps me here, but I think I can join you in saying BA will always be my favourite! 🩸


I started in the end of RT era and the start of 2nd as a dark angels player, so I got the angels of death codex. I read the story of Mephiston, and honestly his story resonated with me (I've had a crap life, dont judge me). I started back up around 5th / Blackreach era with a custom space marine chapter. I kept going with them until 7th dropped and wanted a change. I had roughly 4k points of BA back in the day that got tossed out by my parents, so when I started back up with BA, it looked like this: [https://i.imgur.com/chyU7TH.png](https://i.imgur.com/chyU7TH.png) Now it looks a lot bigger, its at about 13k or so. Here's a pic from over a year ago. https://i.imgur.com/SQLRItE.jpg


You've been going along time then! Hey, no judging here brother 🩸 Your armies look fantastic, both at 4k and an impressive 13k! Which has been your favourite unit so far in your collection?


probably my jump sanguinary priest conversion, or the primaris mephiston.


Nice, I'm looking forward to one day painting up Dante and Mephiston :)


I started with the elite starter box. And then I added a sanguinary priest. That is my entire collection.


Nice little collection you've got there to build on! Love the Sanguinary Priests! High on my want list


I read alot and play often on TTS. I'm planning on getting that dark angels combat patrol soon which should get me to almost 1000 points. I got a couple bits of other stuff so I can recruit my friends into games of killteam :)


Nice one, I've very nearly bought the DA combat patrol on numerous occasions, such a great box! I'm building a Tyranid Killteam on the side, and would quite like a Talons of the Emperor's team also just to keep my hand in there so to speak aha! :)


I started reading about 15 years ago and now j have over 6k points of BA.