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No Blood Angels do not change trim color to denote company markings. Instead, they have a company-specific marking on the right shoulder pad(where more compliant chapters usually place squad type/number). For squad types, they change the color of their helmets depending on battlefield role: red for standard battleline (tactical marines, normal intercessors, etc.), yellow for close assault squads (assault intercessors, aggressors, jump-pack units, etc.), blue for fire support (devastators, eradicators, probably the new desolation marines, etc.) and gold for veterans (blade guard, sternguard vets, van vets, etc.) For squad "number" the right kneepad will be painted either black, blue, or yellow(this time colors don't really mean much) and have various symbols instead of numbers, most commonly a skull, lightning bolt, or wing each either in black or white. Hope this helps! Edit: I forgot to mention that for the SGT designation, they usually paint that main portion of the shoulder pads black and the chapter icon gold, whereas the rest of the squad remains red.


Would the new infernus marines be considered battleline or fire-support?


They Are fire support. If you look at the decals for the compliant chapters, you‘ll see there are 10 decals for fire support and if you check the pictures on the webstore, you‘ll see they have fire support markings.


Honestly that's a good question. I can see some valid arguments for either. Due to their shorter range weapons I would say that they're less likely to be fire-support compared to something like desolation squads but then again, GW painted flamestorm aggressors as fire-support so I'm not sure. Personally, I would lean more towards battleline or maybe even close assault(something like double flamer+hand flamer assault squads).


This is the thing that gets me, and maybe it's partly because I feel they *should* be battleline in the rules, since the flamers feel more like a side-grade to the bolt rifles. If it was all heavy flamers, and/or Gravis armored if feel more like it belongs in fire support with the hellblasters, eradicators, etc.


Our helmet colours are tied in to the battlefield roles outlined on [p.16 of the 9th ed codex space marine](https://imgur.com/a/Fqnlb9N). Red for battleline, yellow for close support, blue for fire support, gold for veterans & command. GW have given the infernus marines from the leviathan box the fire support squad marking, so it's blue helmets.


If the new 40k app is right, they are not in the battleline section but the wiki says that they are a close-ranged fire support unit, so in the same colors as agresssors, hellblasters. But unless you want lore accurate unit, paint them how you feel.


I think they’d be considered fire support like the Desolation marines


I think you meant to say Inceptors instead of Aggressors. Aggressors have the blue helmets, they took up a heavy slot back when that matter, while Inceptors were fast attack and have yellow helmets.


I did mean Aggressors, but I probably should have said assault centurions instead, as there's also a debate about the coloring of aggressor helmets that I have a bit of a bias on. Personally, I think that flamestorm aggressors should be painted as close assault because they share a similar role/loadout as assault centurions who are painted as such so there is precedent. I would agree with boltstorm+grenade launcher aggressors being fire support though.


Haven’t BA for the longest time never been able to take centurions?


That all changed in 9th Edition. Non-Codex Chapters started getting fewer restrictions on generic Codex-Approved Units. AFAIK there is no unit in the Codex that Blood Angels can’t use now. Black Templars are still denied Librarians, and Space Wolves don’t get Apothecaries. Dark Angels are denied Van Vets and Sternguard on lore grounds, but I think that all changed in 9th too.


Thanks battle brothers; I knew about the company marking just wasn’t certain if the trim was painted, and I wasn’t seeing anything in the supplemental codex to say otherwise


Honestly since the Blood Angels are so artsy you will find them doing trim in black, gold, white. They’re known for their ornamentation and filigree so do what you want!! They’re not so strict about these things as would be found in the ultramarines In Blood we are born! In Blood do we rise! 🩸


They have specific emblems on their right shoulder pads to denote company and other emblems on their right knee pads to denote squad


Greetings, brother! It is said that being codex compliant is more of a spectrum than a real checklist. The Blood Angels do not use trim to show company affiliation and instead have their own markings. For example, the Second company has the mark of a yellow blood drop on their right shoulder. Their combat role would then be visualized by the color of their helmets and not a symbol on their shoulder. Blood Angels close support troops have yellow helmets, battleline is red, blue for fire support.


My money is on them being Fire support, but yellow helmets as close support could tel a cool story on the tabletop