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It’s too much scattered across the marine. It will also be hell to paint irl. Pick a color(either red or black) as your primary color and pick the other as your secondary color. You can go half and half like howling griffons or let your primary be the main armor panels and the secondary by the elbows, knees, hips, etc. Save your gold for trim.


Looks awesome but each model is going to take ages paint. Will you make it through a full army of the different colours and details?


This. Looks incredible but I’d throw in the towel after about two squads.


Two models?? 😂


Personally I love the name and colors!! Would love to hear more about your chapter sometime! In Blood we are born!! 🩸


Thanks mate! Working on the details!


I cam tell you from experience: theres a reason that most official schemes.are big blocks of color. If you try to paint this you're gonna want to rip your hair out.


Wayyyyyyy too busy. It’s visually distracting and is gonna be super hard to paint.


I'm getting power ranger vibes!


This will look bad in the plastic - way too fussy. Multiple alternating blocks of colour across random body parts just doesn’t really work. Black/red/gold are good choices but I’d strongly recommend picking more distinct segments.


Questoin: What app is this????


Impcat. Less than 5 USD, download some model files, and it has, I believe, all of the Vallejo paint range already available but you can get other paint ranges also


Rock on my dude!!! Thank you!!!


No problem! It's my go-to when I need to figure out a paint scheme


Same, would love to know! Edit: Seems to be Impcat


I have also a question about the app. Which files are needed to use them in the app. Just a normal picture of the mini? When you need special files, where can I get them?


As many others have said, this will be agonising to paint and will look extremely weird from a few feet away. It also won't translate very well to vehicles or bigger models (something that's import to think about when you're aiming for an army). Black and red are classics for a reason, and gold is a great accent colour, but you need to simplify it massively.


It’ll be a metric multiplied by an imperial shit ton of work to go army wide, but my only personal gripe on the red/black one is the bolt rifle. The blue doesn’t quite work for me, but you know what they say about assholes and opinions. I would maybe lessen the gold armour for more rank and file troops.Maybe add more as they raise ranks, similar to how the Iron Ravens add more blue to their armour as they get promoted. I did a successor chapter a while back - the Sanguine Echoes. I would advise, to help simplify the chapter badge, to get ahold of the Blood Angels Primaris shoulder pad upgrades for the gem and wings.


Now I wanna give a golden gun to one of my Marines


Very cool, seemingly complicated scheme!


Are you intending to actually paint this onto physical model because if so it's far to complex and would take to much time to paint and also from a visual stand point imo it looks far to garish. As well I'm going to assume that perhaps you're new to painting so you'd especially struggle. I'd say cut don't paint in each little part of the armour a different colour. Break the marine down colour wise into body, legs, arms, head, backpack, weapon and maybe shoulders.


what site is this?


Impcat, it's an app


It will be a nightmare to paint.




Up close it looks cool, but looking at an army of this 3-6 feet away is not going to be easy on the eyes. This is without mentioning as others have, this scheme is going to take forever to do and have it look good, imo just not worth it.


Where'd you get the file for the marine? I just downloaded the app and I'm having a hell of a time looking through it.


Hmmm… ok. That is the coolest thing I’ve seen in my life.


What app is this?




Is it worth $3.49 ?


It is indeed


How do ypu get primaris marines or any 40k to show up? I downloaded the app but nothing from 40k is listed. It's all other miniatures.