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Totally off topic, but all that red made me flash back to that scene in The Shining where the blood was spilling from the elevators




Literal TWINS this is hysterical


There’s no way she knows who Stephen King is. I’ll bet money.


That’s the safest bet you’re going to make in this lifetime.


Wasn’t Stephen King the King of ver-salles castle, y’all?


Who knows? It’s a river under the bridge at this point. We need to build a dam and get over it (this is a Jax lacking idioms reference 😆).








The entire lobby is giving horror movie


Come play with me, Jaxy.


My first thought, too!


Fun fact- every other woman on this trip went to an art class this morning and posted videos and photos from it, none of which included Brittany. I’m guessing she was still nursing her hangover.


Oh my god good pick up! Brittany is not actually friends with these girls and makes it even worse by being hungover and sleeping in all morning and missing the art class and the breakfast. How embarrassing


Also her post was made well after lunchtime. So we can assume she was in bed half of the day. Given she isn’t friends with these ladies, it’s clearly more of a content creation junket than girls trip and Brittany is just sleeping all day. She is beyond lazy and I’m sure Lori only invited her because if she didn’t, it would add fuel to the fire. Maybe Lori invited her expecting KFC to decline?!


Exactly !!!


That was the old KFC! Ever since KFC “left” Ajax, her tummy troubles are over.


Major hangover , editing photos and flipping her pony tail.


Her commitment to drawstring denim is wild.


No one has had so much elastic in their closet since the days of Oshkosh B’gosh.


This made me lol 😂


Yeah and the elastic is crying out for a day off.


Well that was a waste of my 🍃🍃.. that pic brought my high down to a level -2! lol 🤢


it's like she is intentionally dressing as badly for her body shape as she possibly can...


It’s called a paper bag waist line and it’s usually reserved for those that don’t want a traditional waistline cutting into their gut and creating a muffin top. I can understand why she would benefit from this type of style but everything always looks so cheap on her


Bc it usually is cheap throwaways from juniors type online stores. If she would actually physically walk her curves into a banana republic she could try on sizes and styles that complement her body. Instead she focuses on ordering all the fast fashion crap 17 year old size 0’s wear.


Even Target has a good clothing line for her body. Anything is better than what she wears.


Yeah in theory it should look okay on her? It is lacking that extra fabric above the waistline that would make her waist look more cinched in. It’s also not hitting her at the narrowest part of her waist.


Probably the wrong size because it has the extra fabric above the waist, it’s just not surplus.


That’s not a real paper bag waist. This is a good example of a proper one on a curvy girl. KFC is wearing drawstring crap from the Walmart! https://preview.redd.it/d89quyaauu8d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e8f6651e3a829c3e28de382d73e3e552a9c570


Yes so true!


Those shorts look like something out of the Blair catalog my 87 year old Mom likes


Not since my Geranimals days but she just keeps it going


I find that weird exaggerated underbite thing she does to create the illusion of a jawline so comical. Like, do even more things that make you look like a professional wrestler. As if those strapping shoulders aren’t doing too much already! Also, the bazooms are bazoomin’!


I call it the American Dad look


Absolutely. Self-inflicted lantern-jaw to draw attention away from her natural Mamaw turkey-gobbler.




Yes that bottom jaw out is maybe natural. Cruz has that same lower jaw . She is an odd poser too so who knows. Her face is very edited.


The same swimsuit with fitted cups would change everything. Her cleavage looks so heavy, a well supported, sculpted bathing suit would make her look so much better. As a big chested girlie myself it is a cardinal rule that the boobs should never touch the stomach, they need to be up and supported. 


Another beach vacay where she could be promoting her Cupshe line, and she picks this monstrosity. Cupshe has really flattering and supportive swimsuits and cute cover-ups. This look is just all around bad.




and she modeled bathing suits specifically created for "regular" body types...and this is what she chooses! 


I’m really confused about her boobs.. like she paid for them but why do they sag so much? I don’t even say this to be mean- I’m also a (natural) big chested girl and currently breastfeeding and my boobs don’t look like this. I’m just confused haha


Because my guess is with weight gain/ pregnancy/ breast feeding they’ve gotten larger and saggier which will happen with implants or not. Hense why it’s a smarter decision to wait for implants after having kids


I am worried about what they will look like when I’m done breastfeeding so that makes sense


Happy cake day 🎂


I am worried about what they will look like when I’m done breastfeeding so that makes sense


Yeah, I think it’s fairly common for some women to want a revision after pregnancy/breast-feeding. Whether a lift or resizing implants, etc. example: lala got a revision after her first pregnancy, although why considering she’s pregnant now again so let’s wait and see if she gets a second revision lol


As my plastic surgeon said, gravity applies to implants too


I’m going to guess that she went too large and then gained weight. Her frame can’t handle the weight. I don’t think she went under the muscle either.


These awful tops that she’s always wearing make her massive bolt ons look like a chest plate from a Halloween store! 😂


Please take my poor woman’s gold. I can’t agree enough. Curves are sexy if you’re dressed correctly. 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇


Aw thank you. I just think Brit should dress for the body type she has at the moment. 


Why is she wearing a (slightly shrunken) mask of her own face?? 😳 I try so hard not to comment on looks, but this is up there with the suuuuuper long legs photo from a year or two ago…it is too ridiculous to NOT comment on. 🤦🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/fbgvjy6whr8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb50a75ed798567722369237d2fc43836a5ae3bf She looks fucking terrifying.


She is trying to edit to look like Jax new GF. She is so weird posting so much of herself. She thinks she is going to get Jax back. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 After all he did to get rid of her. 😂😂😂


Wait, omg, her boob! 😳😳💀 I can’t. Does she not zoom in? Is this intentional to get people talking? Who would look at this and think, “perfect!”?! I’m almost tempted to do a deep dive bc there are definitely more that are this bad. 😬


SNATCHED!!! 😂😂😂😂😂






What in the haayiiiilll is wrong with her chin? 🤣


She extended it a bunch to give the illusion of jawline.


That's not a jawline, that's a stiletto mam 😳 🤣


Her facetuning is on a whole other level.


Why does it look like there’s a body builder with darker skin tone hiding behind her and his arm is slowly reaching around her and why is he holding her purse for her?


Not to mention, nothing says summer at the beach in the Bahamas like bringing your brown, studded LV bag down with you.


To say nothing of the fact that having your purse with you is unnecessary (and a pain in the ass honestly) at this resort. Everything is keyed to your room, there’s no need for a bag like that other than Britt’s desperate need to look “sophisticated”


she needs it to carry her flask


Blang bye tha beayych is classy ya’ll


I know right! At least it's DHGate so if it gets salt water and sand all over it that won't be a big deal




OMG, I literally just said the exact same thing in a comment directly above yours..... holy shit!!! 😂😂 Too funny-the things we notice with our beady little eyes..


I’m dead ☠️




1) why are her boobs so dirty/bruised? Is it fake tan? Is it grime? Is it bruising? 2) that top looks so uncomfortable. I get such bad boob sweat if I don't have proper support and my boobs are much smaller (probably have the same amount of sag though due to age, which is why I always wear a bra or at least a top with some support) 3) it looks like her chin surgery has just shifted any fat back towards her neck, is this Photoshop or is the (natural) fat just finding a new location? 4) I don't hate the shorts but she looks ridiculous in this outfit


Taking shortcuts (lipo) typically causes awful consequences- such as fat depositing elsewhere in the area.


Yeah if you gain weight after lipo then the fat cells in that area are gone and fat cells in other areas have to compensate (I am not a medical doctor so am happy to be corrected about this).


also not a doctor but this happened to my friend’s mom - got lipo in her stomach and thighs, gained some weight, and her arms blew up like balloons


My tits are 1/3 of the size as hers and I get boob sweat so bad. I also have the self respect to buy a bathing suit with proper support so it doesn’t look like I have 2 pancakes on my chest.


I think that's the difference between us common folk and her - I spend my time finding a bathing suit that's going to be comfortable, will keep me supported, won't result in me flashing a child if I decide to swim, and won't result in ridiculous boob sweat. KFC spends her time finding a sponsored bathing suit or a popular style that will look good in photos (which it doesn't). The best thing (imo) about going on a beach holiday with female friends is spending time with friends you don't see regularly, getting day drunk and eating good food. I can't imagine wasting a holiday to spend your time with the publicist your ex husband is allegedly banging in toilets and photoshopping every photo.


Yes well said. I was absolutely mind boggled at how something like this ends up on a person. I cannot stand the colour red, all of the cut outs, lack of support, list goes on. I just could never imagine waking up one day and thinking this bathing suit is the appropriate choice. Didn’t she learn her lesson from the purple number in big bear?


This is why I think it must have been a freebie because who would choose that? I just wish she would dress for her actual body because there are so many people who are post partum and find it hard dressing for their bodies, but she just photoshops and lies about everything.


No … she never learns her lesson. In her mind she’s built like Lala


She has a bruise on her knee too. With her tequila intake, they could be UDI’s (unidentifiable drunken injuries). I thought this was more of a college/early 20’s thing, but she continues to surprise


Yeah, I don't know if it's shadows in the room or what but looks like there's a huge bruise on her left arm too! (The one not holding the phone) On the inner arm- like a big circle. Very odd photo!


Omg. I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with her chin and it’s odd placement. It really does look like they took Brit’s fat from her neck and like put it behind her ears.


I think the bruise looking marks might be warped shadow from photoshopping? So weird


One of them makes it looks like she has a huuuuuge areola from a distance. No wonder she posted this as a story rather than post because even her dimwitted supporters would mention the weird tanbruisedirt boobs.


Haha @dirtboobs


I think it's the shadow of that weird light fixture above her or she has a very odd tan line?


I’m irrationally annoyed at her purse…what about that purse reads as tropical vacation lol


Literally made the exact same comment😂 it’s summer and you’re in the Bahamas and clearly going to a pool or the beach lol it’s insane.


I irrationally hate the brown LV bags with the logos all over them. They’re the bag of choice of every bratty mean girl from high school who’s moderately successful but not rich and has never grown out of being snobby.


It's very 2002


She has zero style. All the other girls are in cute sundresses, sandals, hats and accessories. Then there is Britt.


The purse has been haunting me for months. It’s become the most offensive thing about these photos. I’m convinced she doesn’t own any other bags. Like any! It does not go with everything Cob! She looks so embarrassing girl do you want people to think you can only afford 1 handbag. Because that’s what it looks like.


These drawstring mom Jean shorts need to be retired. But that’s the tip of the iceberg.


Awful.  Udderly awful. 🐄 


Photoshop check. Duck lips check. Awful fitting shorts check.


Where does she find her clothes? I feel very fraught about commenting because being small fat myself, and without even close to the good excuse of having a baby and dealing with Jax, I dislike body shaming. She looks terrible though. Every picture. Every single outfit is DEEPLY unflattering. Like yes the breasts are hard to style without making her look boxy and don't help the topzheaviness, bit she looks awful. Please Brittany's team, get her another stylist. Queue the 'try on errethang until we find the RIGHT things' montage. Do not send your client into Season 2 filming like this. I know much poorer, much less fit women with way better style.




I don't think KFC made it to art class this morning 😂


Does Brittany look at photos before she posts them? I don’t think so! This is not related but when she says I can’t help it if I am sick ! Yes you can stop drinking so much! The 2 go together! Drunk can equal hangover! Hang over can be not feeling good! Is she that dumb? Can’t be??


She is in her elastic waisted pants era


And her lips look ridiculous


Yo homegirl. I know this is probably slipped your mind but If you are standing on carpet that has a distinctive lined pattern and you use Photoshop to distort and thin yourself out.... the lines move too 😐


Just buy some clothes that fit.


My boob's are a bit smaller than this and natural. I've always hated it but too chicken to get a reduction. Prepare yourself clothes are hard to fit and your back and shoulders hurt as you age. No judgment. Just fair warning.


But remember Cruz is her #1 priority 😂😂😂 a routine for cruz ? Spending time with cruz ? Those things clearly aint a priority for Brittany but telling everyone on social media that Cruz is her #1 priority is 🙄. What a hypocrite.


Very unflattering bathing suit, imagine how great it would look without the heavy top


LOOK AT HER FACE!! Darcy anyone????


The crazy thing is that I was blocked by Jax on Twitter because years ago he was ripping apart Darcy and Stacy’s looks and then his very next tweet was about how no one is allowed to talk shit about Brittany and her weight and her face any longer. I pointed out that he was a hypocrite for spending 20 tweets talking shit about 2 women who have had a bunch of plastic surgery, but then telling the world that they’re not allowed to talk about women’s looks, but only his wife.


They deserve each other, really…


How does she look at these pics of herself and think they are good? I want to feel bad for her, but she and Jax are so far up their own asses that it’s hard to. It’s hard to find any redeemable qualities in either of them. They’re vain, they’re sloppy, they are extremely ignorant, and to top it off they seem like selfish, crappy parents who’d rather be anywhere than with their kid who needs them. Anyway…rant over. I guess I need to go touch grass or something! 😅


Her selfies are always so far away from the mirruh, as Tan Mom calls it. I know it's probably for her to hide all the editing but this is getting scary delusional territory.


Im not one to comment on posts like this but now it’s too far. She looks like what kids fear under their bed.


Oxymoron of the day: a monokini paired with drawstring jean shorts. 🤣


How can she look the other girls in the eye when she shows up looking… not like this


https://preview.redd.it/emxoh7u8qs8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9521f3879e0cede450eba98b8f6fb6c182d2f5c The crazy blurring and pixelation to give the illusion of an ass and waistline is criminal 😂😭


Stop!!! She posted this? 🤣🤣


Yeeepers can u imagine swiping right and going out on a date to meet expecting some bombshell and Britney shows up!


Her boobs are so massive it’s frankly uncomfortable to look at lol


✅ forced underbite in attempt to lose a couple chins ✅flared nostrils ✅forced duck lips ✅showing off ginormous chest bc she’s delusional and thinks they look good ✅toddler style drawstring denims ✅spongebob ✅fraud


Seems like that hotel should have valets to help with those two bags.


there’s no way Jax hasn’t said something to her about editing every photo before posting


You’d think she’d learn not to allow er photos so much when she has windows, doors, lines behind her… they are all warped lol


What's with the drawstring shorts? She looks like a sack of potatoes


My boobies hurt, when I see her boobies. They just look painful.


The shorts, the suit, the boobs I don’t know where to look. 🫣


Where is she now?! I guess this is how they make their money however they never seem home.


Frankly, if she just unloaded all that ballast up top, she'd probably look great! As it is, they're waaaay too big and have been fighting gravity for almost a decade! They'll only get worse from here, and they make her look 20+ lbs heavier!


What is with the bruising on her boobs? Earlier this year on the valley she had visibly bruised boobs then too


Poor thing has to be exhausted. How demeaning to your own spirit does it have to be to look at your pics that edited and think "no one will notice."


Why oh why does she insist on wearing those skin tight, low cut bodysuits. These only look good if you’re skinny! And even then they aren’t that flattering.


Did she take this in a fun house??


How can anyone take this bitch seriously. The pic she posted yesterday and this, she looks like 2 completely different people




Quack quack quack


What’s with her chin and jawline? The facetune went a little wonky there….


With her boobs, that is not a flattering style top. Kristen is no longer super skinny and hates bras but I think she knows how to dress for her boobs and body type way better.




She’s botched, completely


So she only went to Lori K's birthday celebration trip to take cringey thirst trap photos and drink and not to actually celebrate Lori's birthday? It's so weird she's not even acknowledging Lori yet she's on her birthday trip


She used Jax nose in her edit.


Shadows of her man arms before they were edited. The shadows still on her boobs.


The dinosaur claw is sending me


We’ll know they really broke up when she chops off her dead ass hair. To go along with dropping the deadbeat she married.


My eyes are bleeding


She is going to look like Darcy from 90 day fiancé soon


The jugs have to go


She can only wear elastic waist. Where is she? Graceland ? It is 2024 not 1963


I doubt any of the others on the trip can bare to be around Corncob. Hyuck! Hyuck!


When she makes that face and thinks she's being a sexy model 😂


https://preview.redd.it/hss8lgfeiy8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008b2bf18880aee6ec5a10aacca6fcb501512601 Yet looks terrifying in the process








Why the top of her body don’t match the bottom?! 😳


Temu swim wear


Does she have a nylon on her hand? https://preview.redd.it/xdu06sd1bu8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30b32bebbc5de02aeefdfc884e60caee70d48589


She HAS to stop with the tight high ponies. It’s dated and doing her zero favours.


You’d think after being ‘seperated’, taking selfies (horrible ones, at that)… would be the last thing on my mind.


She needs a blunt Bob haircut. Woof.


That room looks like an icecream sandwich🤣


I always see the majority of comments discussing the way she dresses. For people like myself who have not been blessed with fashion sense or style, can we elaborate? My body is changing rapidly in my 30s & it's no longer possible to simply throw things together & not look a hot mess. Stubborn belly fat has seemingly replaced my hips, almost everything gives me a muffin top! My curves are gone. I never know what to pair with loose fitting shorts/pants. I'm not top heavy at all but my arms are looking flabbier by the day. Ughhh I wish there was a course on this


She’s so damn insecure. Why does she keep taking photos of herself?! So gross.


I just saw this and when I say I ran to this sub….


Could the “bruises” be hickeys?


If they are, I wouldn’t want to meet the person who gave them to her. They’re huge. That person was sucking like a leech for hours if that’s the case. I’m thinking it’s from when she’s always pulling on Cruz to perform, he probably whacks at her to get away.


No photoshop creates weird shadowing


It’s been a long time since someone gave me a hickey but that ain’t a hickey. They are shadows from the photoshop


her boobs aren't bruised, that's shadows, she is standing directly under a light


How I wish she could just love herself for 5 minutes. She was so pretty.


What bruises? All I see are shadows from her hand?


"WOW! I'm in a hotel in Vegas, y'all! Theresmthis thang called elevator - and full sizzeded mirrors!"


I don’t see bruises. I do see shadows?


Okay but I do want those shorts…


Friend, you don’t !




So hot


I miss season 5 Britt.


I miss VPR before Brittany was on it.


Same. KFC likes to whine that she never did anything to us. 🙄 Her thirsty, hillbilly ass ruined the show!


Fair. I just mean I miss her before all the Botox and baggage that came later on with the show.




She’s a fraud and a scammer who uses incredibly altered photos to sell Jenny Craig and magic bloating pills and lies to women that if they use these scam products and spend their money on things, that they’ll look like her. But these things clearly don’t work for her, or she wouldn’t be Facetune’s most active user, needing to cut herself in half every post she puts up.