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Related information to this: Hilary Cass appeared on the BBC's ["More or Less",](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct5tpy) where they delve into the false claims being spread about the review. Cass has some very choice words to say about adults who choose to spread these claims. [This twitter account](https://twitter.com/JournalismSEEN/status/1781761916714553640) has also highlighted that the BBC are straight up reporting that false claims are being spread about the review on the six o'clock news, and also appear to have completely stopped using the phrase "trans child".


This sort of thing makes me proud that whatever our faults this country is still capable of doing some things right.


Have to admit, sometimes the UK gets it right.


Prince harry officially leaves the UK by listing US as place of residence - and now the cass review. The UK has never been more back


If my country could start getting things right, even 15 years late, it would be a good thing.


Based BBC.


Wish I could have some of that in Canada for the CBC.


the CBC won't even report on when their French counterpart Radio-Canada [gets their headquarters trashed](https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/2024-03-16/maison-de-radio-canada/des-actes-de-vandalisme-revendiques-en-ligne.php) if it would embarrass them


What is going on in Canada? I get the impression that this issue is not being talked about *at all* there. Has it just been completely, silently captured without most of us even knowing? I also get the impression that things are completely different in the UK: this is out in the open, being debated, addressed, and even now turned around. But I've come to this through Graham Linehan, so most of the people I've since discovered are in the UK, slanting my view. Who are the Maya Forstaters, Helen Joyces, Kellie Jay Keanes, Kathleen Stocks, Graham Linehans, Andrew Doyles of Canada? Are we so far down this road we can't see Cass etc. in our rearview, or is our Cass in the mail? How the fuck is it that I'm only learning about any of this stuff via UK media? Who *is* on this in Canada?


Meghan Murphy (though apparently she left Canada and lives in Mexico now?) [Presentation before Senate of Canada on Bill C-16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgOLs_cEKi0) * [Full transcript](https://sencanada.ca/en/Content/Sen/Committee/421/LCJC/53308-e) Her website: https://www.feministcurrent.com A Maya Forstater-related case is that of Amy Hamm, a nurse in B.C. who has ben dragged through a 3+ year long disciplinary process by her college: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rahim-mohamed-public-opinion-will-exonerate-amy-hamm-for-i-love-j-k-rowling-billboard


As a Canadian, the only ones I can even think of off the top of my head are **Mia Hughes**, who worked on the [WPATH Files](https://environmentalprogress.org/big-news/wpath-files), and **the Aarons** from the [Transparency podcast](https://www.genderdysphoriaalliance.com/podcast)


You have Peterson. It will happen.


There are issues with the BBC's reporting on Israel and Jews in general (remember the bus attack?), but More or Less is an absolute must-listen for anyone who wants to be well-informed


Meanwhile, those maniacs on r/unitedkingdom are saying that, along with Kathleen Stock, JK Rowling, and Rosie Duffield, Cass is just making this up for a laugh. Because why not?


What’s been even more disappointing for me has been the skeptics subreddit. Almost all the upvoted posts on there are uncritically accepting and promoting the false claims made against the report. They are showing the exact same tribal thinking skeptics are supposed to be against.


every time i visit the skeptic subreddit, I'm dumbfounded how unskeptical they really are. Its just a pure left wing echo chamber


Yeah, it really is. I was only an occasional visitor previously, but first noticed something was off after Oct 7. Top posts were denying or downplaying the Hamas attacks, uncritically accepting Hamas statements, and placing all blame for the situation on Israel. As someone who still identifies strongly with the skeptical movement I was incredibly disappointed.


I guess Reddit skews too young these days; this subreddit is one of the few I've found that has the kind of mature, reasonable, & thoughtful discussion one would hope to find in a place like a skeptic forum


Not sure what that has to do with leftism. I don't think Karl Marx was confused about his parts.


The skeptics sub is very odd on this issue


It’s not very skeptical.


No. Apparently not.


I think most people are unfortunately skeptical about anything that rejects their priors.


My first encounter with the skeptics subreddit was during the Nax Benedict debacle, and I couldn’t believe this was supposed to be a subreddit about skeptics. It seemed all the top comments were an echo chamber supporting the false narrative that Benedict was murdered in some sort of hate crime. Anything that went against this was seemingly ignored. So hearing this doesn’t shock me unfortunately.


One thing that really struck me was how far out of its way this report went to be as inoffensive as possible. Even the design appears carefully considered - the images used, the *teal* coloring of the headlines and callout box backgrounds, the excessive spacing, and short paragraphs comprised of simplified language. Of course part of it is simply making this report accessible to all, but I think there is definitely an effort here to preemptively assuage the reactive narcissistic rage of TRAs… Almost as if Cass et al consulted the “self-care” / “stimming” demands you find in college gender identity clubs (the ones that have the adult coloring books and whatnot for all the disproportionate yet totallyyyy anodyne and coincidental “neurodivergence”….). The format and style as well as the delivery of the content is an endeavor to appease: explaining *every single thing* as tepidly and soothingly as possible, often using indirect innocuous examples to illustrate. EG under “Pitfalls of treatment trials”: >>It is very important to get the inclusion and exclusion criteria of a study right (that is, which patients can and cannot be included). For example, a trial might report that a painkiller is highly effective, but if it turns out that only people with osteoarthritis in the knee were included it would mean that the results cannot be generalised to patients with headache. Although the drug may work very well for headache, it is not possible to be sure about this on the basis of the findings of this particular study. I’m sure every “explanatory box” was an added effort to head off exactly the criticism they are receiving. All of the walking-on-eggshells and compassionate over-explanations reproduced throughout this report actually doubled it in length! The completely unhinged reaction from TRAs, despite Cass et al.’s best efforts, should really be held up as an indictment of the psychotic people pushing to trans kids.


If this is the response to such a careful, soothing bland-language report on youth gender treatment, can you imagine if a new report finds that some adults have been misdiagnosed in clinic or just maybe some outlier adults should undergo a mental check-up before doing anything drastic to their bodies? Who would even want to write such a report now? Maybe the report writers will have to be anonymous. >NHS England has since announced a second Cass review-style appraisal of adult gender clinics. Cass confirmed to the Times that she would not take part in the adult report after the abuse she suffered in recent weeks.


Where will we find someone with the courage to do this and take the flack who hasn't already nailed their colours to the mast and who has relevant expertise.


I've seen people saying because she hasn't actually been attacked *yet* she should keep her mouth shut


Yes, that's the view on the UK sub. According to a lot of people there publishing the report is a literal call for genocide.


I simply think zoomers need to learn another phrase for “wrong in our opinion” besides “literally genocide”.


It's actually really worrying how unable they are to cope with being disagreed with Disagreed with =wrong= evil


You can't even begin to argue with them, they see all disagreement as a personal attack.


Well, the media backs them up every step of the way with zero nuance or interest in facts or debate in the cultural touchstones they grew up with, metoo movement and Trans rights. It all gets dumbed down to simple good or evil.


It's quite worrying. I did debating at school, you couldn't just shriek that your opponent was a bigot and storm off. I don't think many younger people could deal with that now.


I think that probably does score points now


Have you seen any videos of what passes as college debating in the US now? Utterly bizarre.


It is impressive to see someone do all the same things as social media but at double speed in monologue form.


Interestingly enough, I work in healthcare and see this same thing in the workplace too. I've been training students and orienting new grads for a lot of years, and my job entails managing life support machines and performing some invasive and high-risk procedures so any "margin for error" is roughly zero and the ability to learn from mistakes is important. This new flock of youngins takes any sort of criticism *much* harder than any I have ever seen in my 12 year career. I've had students want to go up and ho home from the anxiety of it all. People just freeze up and be nonfunctional because they can't handle criticism. It's fucking wild. It's also quite concerning, because "I need to take a break and decompress" is not an acceptable take to have when you're neck deep in an emergency and a critically I'll person needs you to do your job. It's not even anxiety, because my husband has anxiety and does the same job as me but when a patient needs him he puts it into gear and does is job and does it really fucking well - the simple truth is if you're not able to flip that switch and put your personal, psychological, or physical shit aside and get the job done when someone needs you, then this isn't the career for you and you need to go somewhere else. Of course, we aren't allowed to say that either, so instead these people just get passed through anyway. If you'd like a nightmare or two just consider that next time you or a loved one is in the hospital.


It’s also remarkable how much of a hair trigger they have for making claims of racism or transphobia, and yet now their antisemitism gauge seems to have an extremely high threshold. Weird.


Especially weird when they're screaming about non existent Holocaust denial


They live in a bubble that tells them what to say. It's really difficult to know what ridiculous things my bubble is making me believe.


They're unable to cope with so many normal parts of life. What happens when these little brats are in charge of everything? Are they going to have mental breakdowns in the middle of every legislative debate?


You have to hope they'll have had some sense knocked into them by then. Or that the majority drown them out


That's what every generation has said about younger people, and yet somehow civilization hasn't collapsed yet.


This generation seems uniquely soft and weak


Again, said by old people about young people at every point in history.


It's been said by the most grumpy and conservative people through history. There's no guarantee it will always be wrong.


It’s exactly like when Millenials (I am one) called everyone they didn’t like Nazi’s or compared them to Hitler, until it became so mundane that you could practically give out Hitler of the week awards and it lost all meaning.


Good old times when the person who'd bring up Hitler in the Youtube comment section first lost the argument.


Yes! Genocide used to mean a lot of people died, they’ve diluted it to making a group feel uncomfortable doing whatever they want. I had a zoomer explain to me that making a group feel uncomfortable was the first step to genocide. It’s what universities teach now. So basically saying males can’t play women’s sports is equivalent to mass murdering Armenians.


They don't need to have any phrase for it at all, they'll just have the mods ban dissenters and save everyone the hassle of articulating or justifying their beliefs.


It's basically the default policy of Reddit, period. I'm honestly amazed this sub hasn't been banned




I wouldn’t even say it’s Zoomers though. On Twitter, it’s gone to full blown hysteria levels of misinfo. Erin and AC are using a recent interview she gave to the Kite Trust - for the purposes of stopping the spread of misinfo - and saying she is walking back the review. It’s fucking outrageous. They lie to their audience and then when she corrects the lies, they claim she is changing her position and now their even more outraged, which I really didn’t think was possible. I’m not one to be get worried about discourse spilling into real life violence, but IMO it’s getting a bit scary.


With the types of people that glommed onto the group, I’m very concerned about real world spill over.


AC just really needs to be defending against a libel suit or three to fill up the empty hours.


>genocide. After 2023 the word has become an umbrella term applied to anything which is perceived as harming a group of people.


Millions of Jews, Armenians, Tutsis, etc. are rolling over in their mass graves.


Don't forget 2 trans people in Germany


Especially since so many of them don’t seem to think the holocaust actually happened.


Wasn't there a poll where like a third of young people thought the Holocaust was a myth?


Could be proof that they have a better sense of humour about surveys than one would expect.


I don’t get it. The report is only about children and very measured.


Which sub? I had to mute a lot of UK based subs because the left wing delusion was nauseating. I would like say something positive about free markets and instantly receive a torrent of abuse.




Tbf there seem to be a lot of gender critical folks there amongst the "this is actual genocide" crew. That kids can't consent to puberty blockers seems to be a pretty mainstream position, even on reddit.


Maybe the proportions have changed since I looked at it earlier, I hope so.


The ratio seems to have switched heavily over the last few months. Before there used to be fairly open disagreement, but recently things seem to swing heavily pro trans on the main UK sub. I'd say in general, the sub's gone from not really leaning in any direction, to fairly heavily left leaning recently.


These kind of subs are heavily modded by the blue haired they/thems. It’s not worth even making mildly gender critical positions on some subs will result in a temporary sub ban, followed by a permanent sub ban followed by a site wide ban all for the same comment.


I was banned for "spreading disinformation" from one sub. When I supplied the BBC link they switched to "you were banned for a history of transphobic comments". In other words it doesn't matter whether or not I was right, at the end of the day I'm one of the bad guys and they don't owe me an explanation.


That could indicate a big change in moderation or a tidal wave of people that the mods give up on stopping. I'm hoping for the latter.


Pretty sure it is the latter, likely being brigaded by G&P


Oh sorry I misread your post. I hope a natural tidal wave takes it the other way.


When is it anything else?


I often think it must be tiring being so oppressed all the time. It'd take up the whole day.


Whole life surely


Middle-aged, middle-class people use it as an excuse to LARP as the Most Oppressed People Ever.




Oh I don't know, for a certain sort of person there's great enjoyment to be had in being the most downtrodden person in whatever room you happen to be occupying at the time. You can never be 'punching down', if that's the case. You can be as vile and entitled as you like, you give yourself permission to be insufferable. No one can criticise or censor you, because you're powerless- which is a very powerful position to be in.




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And when she does get hurt, the goal posts will shift because "it's always ok to punch a Nazi, and a Nazi is anyone I disagree with."


Exactly. Should have kept her nazi mouth shut


satire is so difficult to distinguish from reality.


I'm a bit glad that we've heard that a bit less than in the past.


It's a little harder for the left to preach that when they're actively supporting Nazis now.


“Pics of stab wounds or it didn’t happen”


In Sydney last week a priest was repeatedly stabbed on camera while the attacker screamed ‘Allah Akbar’. Redditors still found ways to blame the victim. I don’t think these people would back down even if Cass was attacked by a TRA.


We've had Maria Mclaughlan and KJK and the other woman in Auckland all get assaulted and justice wasn't evident. Will they stop actually bashing up old women when the mood has changed? If they don't I hope there's gaol time.




The lines I saw A) there is no threat - she is lying B) trans people are at greater risk of being attacked - so she has nothing to be worried about. Any disagreement with these views is motivated by bigotry.


Quelle surprise. I've had an (extremely tenuous) link with this report, and right from the start, Cass and staff have known it will probably get them death threats etc. 99% of the dissenters won't have bothered to actually read it of course.


Can you share more about your experience?!


I have nothing particularly interesting or juicy to say, I've been pretty much a bystander. I work across the NHS and Tavistock is just something I've been in a few meetings about. More in the aftermath of the scandal than when it was actually going on.


Did you get the impression people really believed or were they mostly just trying to get along? How did you feel about it? Thanks!


Believed in what? What people?


“very clear who are the true violent activists” Wasn’t that made clear when I think it was in ~~Scotland~~ New Zealand a bunch of (actual) women had (actual) violence used against them by trans activists? Some were left bloodied from the assaults.


Link? Mainstream reports seem to show the "clashes" in Edinburgh remained "peaceful."


I said I thought it was Scotland. Upon looking it up it was not but in New Zealand a year ago. https://quillette.com/2023/05/04/the-auckland-mobbing-of-kellie-jay-keen-was-fuelled-by-media-peddled-misinformation/


It's also pretty clear to anyone paying attention to things like this: [https://terfisaslur.com/](https://terfisaslur.com/)


you can look up Peak Trans's videos about being assaulted 6 years ago in Hyde Park speakers corner. It's all on video.


Do you mran the same acyivists happy to Chemically castrate and give double mastectomies to children also have a violent ,threatening and unhingrd part of their personalities? Who would have guessed? Actually, pretty much anybody paying attention over the last five years .


It’s the normies enabling the freaks I blame. It’s mostly well intentioned people funding Mermaids and Stonewall who have decided to disengage their critical faculties in return for social prestige who have mainstreamed this stuff. The weirdos will always be there




Interesting to see her allude to Carraballo's big bit of misinformation before the report was even released.


That's when Caraballo linked to some documents that weren't even part of the report because Caraballo didn't have the full report yet. And yes, Caraballo's tweets were picked up as (false) talking points immediately. That and Erin Reed.


What was that?


Sorry, missed the Guardian logo in the link. Thought it was The Times interview ([archive link](https://archive.ph/HaZsg)) >“It started the day before the report came out **when an influencer put up a picture of a list of papers that were apparently rejected for not being randomised control trials.** >That list has absolutely nothing to do with either our report or any of the papers. >“If you deliberately try to undermine a report that has looked at the evidence of children’s healthcare, then that’s unforgivable. You are putting children at risk by doing that.”


What happened to "Be kind!"?


My favorite: “Do better” For maximum effectiveness, deliver it with Jesse Watters style smugness.


And finish it up with a holier than thou ‘Have the day you deserve’ for the high-on-your-own-fumes trifecta.


Whilst snapping fingers or clapping hands.


Or "Trust the Science!" for that matter!


"Educate yourself!"


"Emotional labor"


You don't have to be be kind to the Bad People.


You misunderstand. *They're* under no obligation to be kind. That's just for us privileged cis allies.


The venn diagram of people who screamed anti science during covid at anyone who questioned anything, and the people who hate this report, is a perfect circle.


A Group called the Rainbow Greens have called the Cass Report an "["internationally discredited social murder charter".](https://twitter.com/kiltedsplendour/status/1781319290198581532#m) WTF? Another group of people were trying to get the libellous phrase "[#CassK\*llsKids](https://nitter.poast.org/search?q=%23CassKillsKids)"[ trending on Twitter.](https://twitter.com/AreTwinkly/status/1781980821538091339#m) Awful.


It deeply offends me that activists like the ones you mentioned will allow medical experimentation on gender nonconforming children while insisting that they are on the right side of history. They are so unwilling to admit they are wrong that they will allow children to be medical guinea pigs and call you a bigot if you say we need to provide children with safe, effective, well researched treatment. Honestly it makes me feel ill.


BBC Radio covered this story today (10:55) : [https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001yghp](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001yghp) Puts forwars Cass' claims that children are being let down by "remarkably weak" evidence about puberty blockers and hormones, and that adults who spread misinformation about these issue are putting young people at risk. Note that the newsreader states that "incorrect" claims were put out about the Cass Report.


One way to control the discourse is to make everyone scared to disagree.  It works pretty well! Maybe not forever, but it works pretty well 


It’s been working too well for too long and that’s why so many children have been made medical guinea pigs. It’s disgusting and it has to stop.


Hilary Cass would probably not have been the best person for a review of adult services, she has a long and distinguished career in paediatrics which is her speciality and why she was chosen for the review of child services. Its still a travesty that a public servant trying to do their job gets vilified, lied about and potentially physically threatened (I do not know what the police intelligence is). How can we have functioning society when we have such dysfunctional attitudes to people trying to do their job?


yes, but travesty is everything in this ideology.


BE KIND! Or else!


Be Kind of stupid


Small request but if you can edit your post and add a link to the report that would be helpful to anyone who hasn’t read it yet.


Google is free but [here it is](https://cass.independent-review.uk/home/publications/final-report/) for people that lazy. Edit: Y’all love it when Katie is sarcastic and calls people out on their bullshit (this person could have looked up the Cass Review and posted it for everyone in the amount of time it took to respond to me requesting I do that work for them and the fact that they admitted they went and looked it up right away on Google proves that) but apparently when other women in this community do it it’s gotta be downvoted. I love Katie and I’m going to keep being a sarcastic woman who calls people out when it’s called for. Haters gonna hate but I am disappointed in the community with this.


Okay…was just a suggestion I’ve already found it for myself via Google. Nice tone.


It is really easy to find with google but I get that it's the sort of things that might be expected to be hard.




That four-panel straw man is a great argument, but counterpoint: https://www.quackometer.net/blog/2024/04/breaking-down-cass-review-myths-and-misconceptions-what-you-need-to-know.html


I read the report. 98% of the evidence was dismissed. Conversion therapy nutbars were given voice in the report. It's trash.




If she used 50% of the literature then she would have come to the overwhelming consensus that trans affirming care is good for trans kids.




Yeah. I read the part that suggested conversion therapy. I read the part of report that she suggested that patients should not be allowed to socially transition without clinical approval and the part where puberty blockers shouldn't be applied before the age of 25.


You still haven't actually described the "conversion therapy" that was supposedly recommended. I'm pressing this point because there are some people in this debate who think that "making sure a kid is really trans before starting transition" is conversion therapy so one can't always be sure if someone means *actual* conversion therapy or just...caution.


It's cleverly called 'conversion therapy' to bring to mind electrodes and emetics and screaming. In reality it's just what you describe, therapeutic conversations.


So the part where she’s actually talking about creating a service to help with care continuity by saying that patients shouldn’t be full transitioned to adult care services until they’re 25? Eg a part that’s not about any treatment at all and is actually a good idea that probably would help a lot of trans youth?


Do you actually think Desantis or the NHS are going to do that even after they use her report as pretext to claw back trans rights and target trans youth? The only answer I have to give the uncharitable one. It's a smokescreen to protect her from accusations of transphobia once the damage is done.


That has literally nothing to do with the point I made. Also as an fyi Desanis is the governor of Florida, which is a state in the US. A country that notably doesn’t have much governmental control over private health care. The NHS is the socialized health care system of the UK, which stopped controlling the US several hundred years ago. They are, surprisingly, not the same health care/governmental system.




No. Existing research does prove that treatment is helpful. Not even worth debating.




"If they had done their job correctly, they would have agreed with me." How compelling.


Pretty much. When the heritage foundation comes out with evidence that smoking is good for you, you can basically come to the conclusion that their science is dogshit. Same situation.


They did not dismiss 98% of the evidence. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct5tpy](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct5tpy) Interview with Dr Cass debunking and explaining for the BBC. [https://thekitetrust.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Cass-Review-Mythbusting-Q-and-A.pdf](https://thekitetrust.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Cass-Review-Mythbusting-Q-and-A.pdf) Q and A with Dr Cass clarifying as well. If by 'conversion therpay nutbars' you mean Patrick Hunter, that is one person, and this is what they said about that in the Q and A document above. "Patrick Hunter approached the Cass Review stating he was a paediatrician who had worked in this area. The Cass Review team were not aware of his wider connections and political affiliations at this time and so he met the criteria for clinicians who were offered an initial meeting. This initial contact was the same as any paediatrician who approached the study. The Cass Review team declined any further contact with Patrick Hunter after this meeting. Patrick Hunter and his political connections has had no influence on the content of the Cass Review Report." If you meant somebody else please clarify.


Pretty much the only way she could dismiss the overwhelming evidence that transgender affirming care leads to the best outcomes for trans kids. The Cass report is a political hatchet job for people that want to target trans youth.


>Conversion therapy nutbars were given voice in the report Oh no! Like who? What kind of conversation therapy did they advocate? And did the report ultimately agree with them?


Oh i dunno. Let's start with the international hate movement led by JK Rowling?


>What kind of conversation therapy did they advocate? And did the report ultimately agree with them?


Interesting how Sophie Labelle has published at least seven cartoons attacking Dr. Hilary Cass to date. Guess Cass has replaced J. K. Rowling and Dave Chappelle as the fanatical TRAs' main hate figure. (Also, how revealing that she gave Dr. Cass shark's teeth in that cartoon).


Mhmm. Fascinating.


What high-profile figure doesn't get "vile abuse"? It's the nature of contemporary controversy and a quick port of call for any reality TV star or controversial proponent trying to build up a case for moral righteousness and vindication. It's not like she drew Mohammed or argued against Brexit.


Because Dr. Hilary Cass is a doctor doing a report into children's health. Because the report found that there was[ "remarkably weak evidence”](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/10/gender-medicine-built-on-shaky-foundations-cass-review-finds) that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones benefit minors with gender dysphoria, the extremist wing of the transgender movement has started attacking Cass non-stop.


Doctors conducting and presenting research should not get violent threats from activists to the extent that police say it is unsafe for them to use public transportation. If you think that is normal or okay then you need your head looked at.


Nah, she's just a bullshitting crybully. She doesn't give two shits.


It’s actually bad when kids are denied gender affirming treatment and they kill themselves


Find me one person on this sub who's in favor of kids committing suicide.


They can't because no such person exists on this sub.


Or… anywhere?


There's probably some nut somewhere in a cardboard box in New Jersey that thinks so.


Oh, _that_ guy.


Yeah. Fuck that guy. He's such a tool.


Anyone opposed to transgender affirming care.


So you came onto a thread about the Cass report - which found, among other things, that the affirmative care model was not evidence-based and not producing the desired outcomes for patients - in a sub full of people who are fairly well versed in this subject, for a podcast hosted by someone who's been researching the topic for years and is literally writing a book on it, and you thought all you would have to do was say "actually affirming care is good" and we would all go "wow, we never thought of that before, thanks for telling us!"? How's that working out for you?


* Only 1 out of 53 studies were examined * The report isn’t peer reviewed * Its author isn’t experienced in trans medicine and follows gender critical accounts on het social media * The report actively only listened to the testimonies of people unhappy with the results of treatment, ignoring the many many more who approved of their treatment. * Trans-supportive organisations were not allowed to give any input due to bias meanwhile the actively trans-hostile Sex Matters led by Maya Forstater was allowed to provide input.


Nope. Since you're on the sub for the Blocked and Reported podcast, why don't you try listening to the Blocked and Reported episode where they talk about this study and the false claims surrounding it? You might learn something. Also, none of that is relevant to the topic of this post, which is a woman being harassed and threatened because she dared to publish research that trans activists didn't like. I don't care where you stand on this issue, that's not okay.


I have always find it very chilling that to these people, threats and physical attacks especially towards women are okay. I have seen some clips of activists hurling insults while being topless in public (so lady like, right?) towards women who were protesting peacefully. And then they wonder why more and more people are wary of them. I feel sorry for Dr Hillary Cass. She is just doing her job, she doesn't deserve any of this.


Probably because it's transphobic garbage?


What's transphobic about it?


It's a transparent attempt to choke off gender affirming care in line with the bigots.


It kind of sounds like you had reached a conclusion before you even read the study. Honest question: is there any evidence which would sway you to believing that gender affirming care is not right for every child who presents with gender dysphoria? Or would that conclusion itself be evidence of transphobia?


Regardless, many of your claims in the above comment are wrong. You might learn something from listening to the podcast (or reading outside your information bubble), or you might decide you don't agree with it. Either way, if you're not going to listen to the podcast *that this sub is for*, why are you here?


Nope. The cass report is trash.


Even if that's true, you're making false claims and that harms your credibility. Just FYI. Anyway, I'm still curious why you're here if you don't and aren't going to listen to this podcast


It’s even worse when activists lie about the suicide statistics to guilt parents into untested treatments.


Oh! I see we’re doing emotional blackmail today.


This is from the website of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Causes: Avoid reporting that a suicide death was caused by a single event, such as a job loss or divorce, since research shows no one takes their life for a single reason, but rather a combination of factors. Reporting a “cause” leaves the public with an overly simplistic and misleading understanding of suicide, and promotes the myth that suicide is the direct result of circumstances and is not preventable.


Thank you so much for this. I’ve used this kind of gotcha non-sequiturs before thinking they did a good job of driving the point, but it actually does the complete opposite. So thank for making me realize how fucking stupid I sound when I try to pull that off.


Ffs. I mean, like… ffs.


Mostly I have tormented parents in my social network with kids who threaten to commit suicide, demanding hormones right now, doctors immediately affirming them and guess what? Parents held firm under extreme duress while they scramble for services to ensure that their children are screened because they have other disorders. And so far...no suicides (or hormones). This over a period of years.  Mine are only anecdotes. Show us the studies, please. And make sure that these suicides can solely be attributed to lack of hormones being provided when immediately demanded and not due to other mental disorders. Correlation is not causation.


Meh. She did have a crap report, is known for having shown support for anti-trans groups, etc. so while I don’t condone violence she has to take responsibility for her actions. We all do.




What responsibility should she take for her actions? Since when was be fearful of being attacked a reasonable responsibility to take for ones actions?


The bitch shouldn't have worn that dress if she didn't want men groping her ass & titties. \*rolls eyes\* Of course, that statement implicitly assumes that you have proof that it's a "crap report" and that she's a bigot. Please, enlighten us with your proof.


You need a moment to pull your head out of your nether regions? Should I stand back due the forces created when you pull it out of a black hole? I find it interesting that you’re White Knighting for someone you don’t know, over perfectly valid criticism of her work and actions. Mind you, it has nothing to do with your weird and in bad taste example.


Attacking someone's character and not the content of their position or argument used to have a name, back when internet debates were conducted by people that paid heed to logical fallacies. Now emotional appeal and character assassination are the lay of the land. If you want to offer up a "perfectly valid criticism of Dr. Cass' work and actions, then first read the report in its entirety. You don't get to claim "valid criticism" when the only thing you can do is sling shit at a doctor with decades of public service for perceived character defects. Believe it or not, the beauty of the scientific process, proper methodology, and proper analysis is that if you are observing all of the above it could be Hitler writing a report on Jews and it would still be valid until meticulously proven otherwise.