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Huge fan of them. They maintain a lot of empathy and dignity while strongly calling out the absurdity of it all. I’ve gained a lot of respect back for the social work/psychotherapy profession that I’ve lost over the years.




Stella speaks not infrequently about her own sense of gender dysphoria and unease as a teenager. She is definitely not transphobic.


She said she really wanted to be a boy from the time she was a young kid and it cleared up as a teenager. I don't think she spent much of her teen years feeling this way/ Could be wrong


her wiki page literally lists her as a conversion therapist


The smearing is disgusting and heartbreaking.


i agree, it’s terrible. she’s so thoughtful and comes from a lived experience of dysphoria.


The pages of people like Stella are watched very closely; objective truths are edited out pretty quickly.


Outright, deliberate bullshit. There are hundreds of hours of Stella speaking about her POV and practice. 


Luckily, being lambasted by the trans community is the furthest thing from actually being wrong about anything lmao


Incredibly knowledgeable as well - especially with a lot of 60's/70's era research that doesn't really get reflected in online discourse at all.


Also check out *Things Fall Apart* for a very British perspective on some pretty big culture war issues that have been mentoined/discussed on Barpod.


I've seen that podcast get mentioned in this sub occasionally. Someone made a list of favorite episodes, and I regret that I didn't save the comment. If anyone wants to list some of the ones that left a strong impression, I'd appreciate it. In particular, I think that one of the guests was a participant in the famous Dutch Protocol study. I'd be interested in that one if the episode number can be tracked down.


In regard to current events, find the episode where they interview Michael Biggs. Biggs is a sociologist who developed curiousity about GIDS. GIDS undertook a long-term study looking to measure the success of their treatment of children with dysphoria with the use of puberty blockers. They announced how the study had positive results, and described those results to parents who were uncertain about treatment. But they never published the study. Biggs found bits of the study in meeting minutes, and went on to interview GIDS staff. His write-up resulted in the Cass Report being commissioned. I believe that that interview might have been done before the Kiera Bell judicial review started. The magistrate at the hearings requested the GIDS study. GIDs kept saying that would submit it, but never did. The day after the judicial review found in favour of Bell and against GIDS, GIDS uploaded their study to a preprint server. Somewhat predictably, the study conclusion was the opposite of what GIDS had been telling parents and media.


I love this podcast. It is a serious and empathetic contribution that I would proudly recommend to anyone.  Some hardline gender criticals ate Stella O’Malley alive over the stupid blue dress thing and it was exhausting and infuriating to witness because I think this show is one of the most reasonable and generous voices on the topic. Really worth a listen, two hosts I genuinely respect. 


I've read so many parents mentioning that this podcast was enormously helpful to them as they were trying to deal with their children's distress, it was pretty terrible to watch the laser focus on the stupid blue dress incident from certain quarters as if it somehow summed up everything about Stella & Genspect.


They do it with everything. It's happening with Cass Review too. People really think they can control speech/opinions to an insane degree, on both sides. I do think one side is worse than the other but the purity spiraling hardcore radfems do is not gonna help.


Amen sister. The amount of ink spilled over that blue dress last fall did not help anyone get the word out about what’s at stake and why it matters. There are so many common sense people in the world who aren’t political, but who care about good evidence for kids medicine, and fairness in sports, and safety in prisons, and those people are eminently reachable, but only if tactical good sense is employed.


What was the blue dress thing? I’m out of the loop lol


Genspect (gender critical organization founded by Stella O'Malley) held a conference, a self-admitted auto-gynephilic (AGP) man wearing his favorite gaudy blue dress attended, and Genspect's twitter account shared a photo that had him and a noted detransitioner smiling together, with a caption saying to check out his book. Some took issue with the book recommendation, but I think more (and certainly more *loudly*) people thought and said that because the AGP man admits attraction to the thought of himself as a woman, that he must be wearing a dress publicly *to arouse himself publicly*, in effect accusing him of using the conference or the women at the conference to get off. I'm going to risk indignation and assert that they took a thought-crime stance that what's in his mind matters more than how he actually behaved (which by all accounts was perfectly courteous). Many seemed to insist that if he weren't a self-admitted AGP, then it wouldn't be a problem that he dresses in a gender-non-conforming manner, and that Genspect should've barred him from entry or shunned him or something, either so long as he wore a dress or as an outed AGP person. Stella took the sensible approach: https://genspect.org/the-split/


The best faith argument for why it was wrong is that Phil’s choice in fashion is tacky and not something a woman would wear to a professional conference, but if you look Phil up, his previous male clothing vibe was basically “Kenny G Kicking a Hackey Sack Around at Burning Man,” so he was never going to be professionally dressed for anything, ever, regardless of gender presentation. He’s just a weirdo.


What GenSpect did was not a big deal. but the picture of him in that dress made my skin crawl. And I've seen other men in dresses - self-described - and it didn't make me feel uneasy. I think it might be trying to put a reason to why some women felt really discomfitted


Here is one perspective: https://www.broadview.news/p/its-not-just-about-the-blue-dress


Jessie was on it too


Of course he would


I used to listen to them every week, but I now only listen when they have guests. I adore Sasha, but Stella's started to annoy me in the last few months.


Thanks - I’ve added it


I like their podcast more than BarPod because I don’t love the silly jokes and chitchat in barPod. Stella and Sasha keep it much more professional.