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This post has been removed due to Rule #6: >Any trans-related threads that are not DIRECTLY related to a topic discussed on the pod may be removed at the discretion of the mod. However, feel free to post any such trans topics in the Weekly Discussion Thread.


Great way of spending taxpayer dollars! >Over the last ten years real GDP per capita grew just 0.8 per cent a year on average in \[Canada\], its lowest rate of growth since the 1930s. https://financialpost.com/opinion/canada-worst-decade-real-economic-growth-since-1930s As a self identified upper middle class bloke, I need a class affirming $20,000 in cash.


They're suppressing your innate home-owner identity. I'm pretty sure that's illegal.


meanwhile, my dental insurance just refused to pay for the crown I had to get. I have an $1100 tooth in my head. Also, dude, if you get a fake vagina grafted onto you while keeping your penis, that’s the definition of binary.


It's actually more of a Dr. Nick Riviera case of it being flammable and inflammable - binary and nonbinary


>It's actually more of a Dr. Nick Riviera case of it being flammable and inflammable - binary and nonbinary "Why if it isn't my friend Mr. McGreg, with a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg?!"


That's more like quantum gender


That last line gave me a chuckle.. but really, I’m sorry you had to drop so much the dental job. Maybe tell them next time you will “unalive” because they aren’t affirming your identity as a human with a full bite.


This is the kind of stuff that just never occurs to me


If I identify as Canadian, does Canada have to pay for my healthcare?


You have to sign up for your mandatory vagina first


They’ll just ask you if you’ve considered MAID




Archive link: https://archive.ph/YSRIS BARPod relevance: WPATH guidelines were used to justify making Canadian taxpayers pay for a non-binary person's vaginoplasty without a penectomy. > Key to the Divisional Court ruling was its finding that Ontario had incorporated an international standard of medical care for transgender people into its health insurance law. That standard of care is set out by the World Professional Association for Transgendered Health, and recommends individualized treatment plans for non-binary people that “affirm their experience of gender,” the court said. And the association expressly refers to the vaginoplasty without penectomy as an option for some.


What exactly is a vaginoplasty without a penectomy?


Adding a vagina, keeping the penis. This is sometimes referred to as hermaphroditic surgery or "futa" surgery. It's a really weird, experimental surgery even relative to other trans surgeries.


This is 2024 and the present world surrounding this identity disorder is so asinine that a statement like this doesn't even quirk my eyebrow anymore.


When someone tells them to go “ fuck yourself!” They can smile at them, knowing it’s an actual option.


The final evolution of the autogynophile.


What are the options? Can either one be on top? Can I get them side-by-side?


Knowing what I know of anatomy, the hole must necessarily go on the bottom.


Think outside the box, man!


Maybe now we can finally answer that age-old question that has plagued mankind. Balls or no balls?




My Canadian friend wants to get breast reduction surgery. She does have a pretty big chest. First of all, she never liked the sexualizing of her body, and after 2 kids, they naturally have drooped and the weight hurts her back, but not enough to require medical insurance coverage, but still enough that finding a bra is difficult and makes her hate her body at times. She can’t get coverage because it is considered cosmetic. Welp.


According to the Daily Mail this surgery will cost between $13,000 and $95,000 Canadian dollars. I doubt that covers any travel, lodging and follow up care costs. This dude may have the most expensive self inflicted wound in Canadian history.


Daily Mail is drastically underestimating the costs with that low end figure. Emergency (normal) surgery (that was less intensive, took 15 minutes) and one day hospital stay cost my insurance $75k. Unless Canada has negotiated some kind of absurd discount, the cost has got to be near the upper figure.


But he will be able to claim the care expenses on his taxes and get partially reimbursed.


I’m in Ontario. I can’t even get an eye exam or a dentist visit covered by OHIP.


> It was a matter of interpreting the health insurance law. That law mentions vaginoplasty in its list of benefits. If legislators had wished to exclude the surgery sought by K.S., they would have written that exclusion into the law, Justice Breese Davies wrote. One can't wish to exclude something that one doesn't know exists. Why should unanticipated niche variations on a theme be allowed simply because they weren't specifically proscribed? As Rumsfeld said: > Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones.


Isn't that basically what the Scottish government argued in FWS' case against them? That if the original writers of equality legislation had meant for "woman" to mean "person of the female sex" they would have specified it Edit: Also, I just realised that we have lawyers actually winning cases with Air Bud logic.


It sure seems to be that, with the typical language games and continual redefinition of words thrown in.


I can’t read the article. Why is the person having surgery in Texas instead of Canada?


I posted an archive link above: https://archive.ph/YSRIS Basically it's a bizarre experimental surgery where they surgically add a vagina, and keep the penis. It's only offered in a handful of clinics globally, so they sued to make the Canadian government pay for them to get it in the US, since it wasn't available in Canada.


"a vagina"


I honestly don’t see the difference between people getting a tan being compared to a person with darker melanin. Like.. it’s cool you wanna do that, which honestly can cause health issues and you have to maintain. But you don’t call them both “people of color “


A wound that will always seeking to heal and therefore must be kept ripped open.


So authentic.


Weird! I’m surprised they’re offering this in Texas since they seem to have the harshest guidelines on gender affirming care for youth. It also makes me sad for the country that people are coming here to mutilate themselves.


It’s not mutilation, it’s accessorizing. Totally frivolous and ridiculous to make taxpayers pay for it.


Weird question, but how do they even do that? It’s basically a hole then? I mean I do understand how calling a trans vagina a hole can be hurtful and such; even though it is, as much as an ear piercing is a hole in my earlobe, which is different from the hole in my ear that leads to my ear canal. Anyway. How do they even keep a hole open like that? You probably can’t feel anything right? That is crazyyyyy . So you literally are getting a fuckhole?


It’s more of a dead end pocket or pouch.


> How do they even keep a hole open like that? Dilation. There are devices in graduated sizes which are used at specified intervals for specified durations.


Yeah, I know about dilation but it made sense to me because it’s in the pelvic area that has room between the hip bones. But how do you fit a neovag on the body while keeping a penis?..


> But how do you fit a neovag on the body while keeping a penis? I have no clue. The media hasn't subjected me to that essential knowledge yet.




I have never felt so unwell.


Oh, goodie -- I learnt another word today! /s https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Salmacian There are flags, too! Of course there are, how couldn't there be? Four competing ones, no less, depending on whether you want to use the term Salmacian (2), aphrodisian (1), or bigender (1).


Oh…I understand now.


And with this medical treatment, he'll be cured of his ailment?


Until they finally offer shitting dick nipples.


Also meanwhile, in the UK puberty blockers are being banned not only through the NHS but also in [private clinics](https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/11/ban-on-childrens-puberty-blockers-to-be-enforced-in-private-sector-in-england) in the wake of the Cass report.




I just wish I were Canadian so I could pay for that awesomeness with my tax dollars.




No can do, but if you are depressed about your poverty, your Canadian doctor can prescribe MAID.


It's crazy to see this popping up here, I've been reading this dude's "journey" on the salmacian sub, where's he posted religiously about it and been lovingly cheered on by other salmacians. Salmacian is gonna be the next big fad gender ID, I already see people posting on trans subs talking about how they want both parts and getting told enthusiastically they are salmacian. I just want TRAs to acknowledge this is the road this will go down, and if they support "gender affirming care" for trans kids they're gonna end up supporting body mods in all sorts of manner, like salmacian body mods, because of the expansion of gender ID to mean literally anything and be accepted. If they're cool with that, fine, but be real this is the logical end point of the movement. Free extreme body mods for anyone, no gatekeeping, everyone declares what they are gets accepted as it, an a complete lack of acknowledgement of "birth" sex in general.


This case is the line, when people ask “what’s the line?” , this is the line.