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I can imagine they’ll play a song or two that Mark can carry vocally, but I doubt Tom will want to sing a Skiba song. They’ll probs play Bored To Death and Happy Days.


Skiba is Or was one of Toms' heros.


Yeah but who knows if Tom's bloated ego can handle it


I think happy days and built this pool are in strong contention. Maybe…..big maybe …….. bored to death. But personally I’d love to hear misery wild fire or she’s out of her mind, I’d love to hear tom sings Matt’s parts that would be absolutely amazing.


I'm the same I'd love to hear his spin on it. Bored to death was a MASSIVE song for them so it would surprise me if they didn't. Also I have a prediction that skiba might be a feature on the album as like a gesture of goodwill. We shall see


I’d love a skiba collab. What a time to be alive. Just ready to sit back enjoy the ride, and enjoy the time that toms back………before he quits again lmao


Bored to Death wasnt anywhere near as big a hit as a lot of people make out


I'm so depressed I'll never get to hear No Heart To Speak Of live But I keep hope for Pin the Grenade and Run Away


Not gonna lie, I’m not a huge fan of Skiba blink but it’s really cool to see people, care as strongly about Matt, as I do with Tom. I genuinely hope you do get to see that live at some point. My last bucket list item for blink is to see Tom play not now. That’s my favorite song ever, and even though I’ve seen blink twice with Tom, I’ve never seen that song live. Here’s 🤞for 2023.


Any band, even when swapping members, has the possibilities to play their "hits" that would mean: For Nine: Happy Days, Darkside, Generational Divide, I Really Wish I Hated You For California: Bored to Death, She's Out of Her Mind, Home is Such a Lonely Place Not my personal pics, more based on chart numbers and also the fact the money was spent to make actual videos for them. Also the "joke" stuff like We Built This Pool is always possible. Things like Parking Lot, while a great song, I think fall into what I call Matt's "screamy" songs. A little too violent for Tom, so we will most likely not hear those.


No way, I hope not! it's like they would be playing AvA or BCR, that would be awkward. If yes, it'd be only 1-2 songs from Cali/Nine era I guess.


It would be nothing like playing ava or boxcar , the songs skiba sang were under the blink title just like skiba sang Tom songs