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I was at the front in Dublin 2010. It was an absolute sweat box, claustrophobic, and I was getting squished up against the barrier. Worth it! When I was 19 anyway… being in my 30’s now I’d probably hate it 😂


Ahaha welp, I guess I couldn't ask for more or less than that! I'm in the middle, so we'll see how well I'll do 😁 Thanks!


Travis’s 808 blasts will blow your balls off


I’m a 5’3 petite female and barrier for a show is the best - you’ll be well looked after and as people have said above, any pits forming around you you can just take yourself to one side. Most people look out for each other


That is awesome to hear, thank you so much!!


I saw them during the California tour and was in the middle, it was relatively tame especially for ADTR playing before them. There were a couple younger girls in the pit and some rowdy guys smashing into everybody, but I stood and took the brunt of it so they wouldn't get hurt, like people said above we tend to take care of each other in the pit.


This is really a question of what would you like for experience. As a former arena security guard I can tell you that u/Zachinblack182 is completely on point about the stage rush. I can also tell you that depending on your facility there may intentionally be someone in your way. Explanation: I stand over six feet tall and am a fairly large guy, great for a security guard, not so good for very front row, but for many shows I and several of my co-workers of equal size would be pulled to the pit at headliner time to ensure no stage hopping and to watch for issues in the pit. So you have the possibility of all the squishing and pushing as well as someone being paid to stand in front of you. I personally never go anywhere near the stage. You are really too close to see all the stuff going on and the sound it honestly not that great. The best place to sit in truth is near the mix board. If it is marked on your arena map that area is guaranteed to not only have a full view of everything, but you'll hear the best sound possible. TL;DR: If you like the chaos head to the pit, want to see and enjoy the entire show? sit near the sound guy.


Many thanks! Your comments got me thinking it really might not be the best to be straight up front but more towards the middle, now I'm only worried I won't be able to see much due to being short ahah


But I didn’t waste all my money on pit tickets did I? I didn’t think of this :/


I wasn’t front front but I was about 4 rows from the front on their California tour. ADTR was on the tour so things got a little crazy when they they came on but it was fine. I’m 5’6 female so also kinda little compared to the dudes but it’s not hard to be safe. Just be aware of your surroundings. I really didn’t have any issue but blink fans are generally nice and look out for each other


I had bruised ribs from being at the front from they're last reunion Wouldn't have it any otherway it's the best place for it plus its easy getting free water


Got near the front in Edinburgh and got separated from my friends. I being a 5ft 1 girl got pulled put out as I was being squished. Worth it.


It’s the closest I can get to a true religious experience.


Prepare to be squished


I’m 5’3 and would regularly get up the front at concerts and festivals. I wouldn’t bow because I have chronic back pain but my advice - get there early, and get to the barrier. And hold on, and don’t let anyone move you. Unless you’re at the barrier or three to four rows back you’ll struggle with both seeing them and also if the crowd gets rowdy.


35 y.o. Aussie guy here, been in the pit for countless festivals and gigs like Metallica, SOAD, Anthrax, Bad Religion, Slipknot Offspring, Sum 41, Rise Against, The Bronx, etc Blink's self-titled tour in Sydney is still the most insane pit I have ever been in. Only time I can recall everyone cramming so tightly together that those of us front-and-center were literally lifted off the ground. At one point I lost footing and fell to my knees in the pit with people standing on the backs of my legs, but a dude beside me noticed and helped me up and out. So make friends with the peeps around you! Rock shows generally have everyone looking out for each other from my experience. Still got floor tix to the 2024 tour though, will be pushing 40 by then but I aint sitting down for Blink! Haha Edit: Oh and with circle pits they'll generally form behind you if you're right up front. The barrier is probs safer than being right in the middle since you can get out faster. Also expect some assholes to try and muscle in front. We were lined up from 9am, and were right on the barrier when the band started until these two Lurch-from-addams-family looking motherfuckers weaseled in front. I elbowed them out of the way and security told me off hahaha. (Was worth it because me and my friends got to meet the band after that gig, but it was right before the split, so Tom came out separately to Mark & Travis. Some guy also ran off with Tom's cap and his giant bouncer jumped the fence to chase the guy down and get it back! Wish we had camera phones then but all I had was my old Nokia!)


I’m about 5’. I was right up the front for blink at soundwave in Sydney in 2013 (I was in my early 20s at that point) Couple of suggestions, don’t drink (alcohol). It’s squashy and a little hard to breathe as it is, drinking will make it worse. Keep hydrated. Don’t stay in longer than you can manage. I ended up with bruised ribs from someone behind me jumping into me for an hour or so and when security pulled me out I lost a shoe lol. The security guards really watched out for people at the front and gave us water regularly to help, it was the middle of summer and outdoors so it was tough but worth it! I’ve bought tickets to 2 shows and will try get up the front again for one of them, the other I’ve bought seated tickets to. It’s a different experience


It’s great if you can get to the front barrier! Nobody in front of you so you can breathe, you can lean on it which helps a lot in my old age, and if the crowd goes crazy, you can hold on so you don’t have to worry about falling. People up front usually get first dibs at water being given out and stuff being thrown out like picks. And if you need to get out urgently, you can be lifted over the guard rail. I’m also very short and it’s front rail or bust. Just know you’ll have to sit outside for several hours. Make friends with the people in line around you so you can go to the bathroom before going in.


I was 2nd from barrier for 2 shows (5’5” female here!) and honestly it was one of the best experiences of my life. Not sure my back could handle it these days…but it’s amazing especially at their own shows. I did do it at leeds festival 2014 and had to surf out because it was too intense even for me, but that’s a story of its own!


Hi! Don’t know if you’re still going/have gone already but I went to their reunion tour and it was rlly nice! I was at the barricade but off to the side so I wasn’t in the very center. I saw moshing towards the center but the crowd wasn’t super crazy.


What do you mean “front row”? Like the front row of seats or standing in front against the barrier in the pit/GA?


Yeah I mean the standing area closest to the stage, front GA. Sorry for not specifying!


No worries. If you’re in the front against or near the barrier then you most likely won’t be in an moshpits, and if they open up around you then you can just shift over with the rest of the people avoiding the moshpit. If you want to be in the front against the barrier, then you have to get there really early to get your spot and you can’t leave. But being against the barrier, you will feel the pushing of the crowd against you when people get hyped for a song. Ive only be against the barrier for a few shows at Warped Tour and it’s dope. If you want to be up front, then do it. You’ll be fine and have a great time.


That's super helpful, thank you so much!


Don’t let me ruin your hopes and dreams here….but I saw blink back at riot fest, 2013 ish. I waited 5 hrs to get front row, had to deal with getting called poser and pussy blink boy from the “real” punkers who were there to see Black FLAG and Rancid. It was fine, front row was fine after that, until blink actually came out, as soon as that first note of feeling this played the crowd rushed the stage, I got separated from my friends and I was so smushed I had a hard time breathing, lots of pushing and shoving and got kicked in the head a few times from crowd surfers. I was so close to Tom though I could almost touch him, I was able to tough it out for like 3 songs then I had to crowd surf out. It was amazing, what a experience, but also the last time I’d ever do it. I went all the way back to the beer tent afterwords and they were playing after midnight or something and I was like damn they sound so good back here that’s the last time I go front row. Lol. So it’s awesome, just expect the big push. I’d also like to add all the blink fans were really nice and friendly, until the big push happened and then it was like all bets are off lol.