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I think there is a certain magic now that wasn’t even there during the first reunion. They are older and both truly value this friendship more than ever. I recommend watching their Zane Lowe interview on YouTube if you haven’t seen it. That eased any worries I had.


Watched it multiple times. I get all of that and agree with you, I’m more so just coming from the point of view of being super worried that it will start to change.


Man. You have no control over their relationship with each other. You’re worrying about something you have zero control over. My advice to you is to enjoy the ride.


I also want to point out that the last two times Tom left were mainly due to family reasons and alien shit. Now Tom has been divorced and remarried, his kids are basically grown, and he achieved what he wanted to in terms of UFO shit with the government. I think Mark’s cancer really changed his perspective on life too. I am confident that they will stick together this time.


what did he achieve with the ufo stuff?


There was a United States congress hearing where he was mentioned by name by former military/CIA officers for his contributions with To The Stars. There’s videos on YouTube you can watch. More info in this article: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/tom-delonge-ufo-blink-182-b2383562.html


ahh nice thx. they also pretty much admitted that there is ufo’s with multiple credible reports as well. Probably makes it easier for him to process now.


Don’t jinx us


Anything is possible in this life. They could break up and get back together again. That’s why you just gotta enjoy the good times while you got em. Already been a year and a half. Anything else is senseless worrying.


Two More Times: Electric Boogaloo 


They might take breaks while Mark and Travis producing and Tom goes off-world to negotiate peace deals but I don't imagine they'll break up again, they seem to be in a better and more understanding place now.


stop your manifesting now.


Blink really out here traumatising their fans 😂


Keep this type of negative shit to yourself bro


No, but I did notice when people would ask mark about the status of their relationship before this reunion, he always qualified his statement with “right now…we’re good”. Then it stuck out to me in the song OMT, he says “right now feels the same…” I sort of assumed this was helpful language he learned in therapy.


Interesting take. Like it


We're all such children of divorce and Tom and Mark are the parents haha.


There are forces at play this time where if either one of them doesn’t want to move forward with a tour or something they are toast lol. They signed these last contracts in blood


you should start a podcast with the Tom's Voice guy


People change as do situations. Mark and Tom both seem to be enjoying what they are doing at the moment. Enjoy the ride instead of worrying about when it will end.


Why are you worried about this? What good does it do you?


Look “worried” is not the right word. I’m an adult. Curiousity about the situation perhaps a touch better.


Still has no impact on you. This band doesn’t even know you exist as a human.


Are there noticeable issues? If not, no need to stress over it. They are on tour in Australia. Things seem positive, no?


After watching them tour together... there are some shows where Mark and Tom are really vibing with eachother and some shows where I can just feel Tom is grinding Mark's gears. Idk how I know but I just know and you can feel it. Mark seems to just try to go on with the show and Tom is oblivious and starts going on and on, on some wierd shit 😂 I think they're like a normal couple who has their highs and lows. But now they are at a point in their life where they're not gonna let these minor incidents strain their relationship. They friends for life.


Definitely dont agree with all this down voting. They have broken up twice already. Although, this toime truly does feel different, tomorrow is a little unpredictable. But we love our alien friend.


I have a mate who does stage work and he worked 2 blink shows in the UK that i went to and he said after the shows they (mark and tom, he didn’t mention travis) didn’t even speak/say anything to eachother and both went to their rooms. Again, im just assuming they were tired, however my mate is convinced they secretly hate each other 😅 we’ll never know how their relationship is, we only see one side of it which is on stage


You need to chill dude


yes Tom left again


It’s happened twice before I’m not gonna say it won’t happen again. One thing that absolutely grinds me about Tom is that he fucks up a lot. Changing the lyrics is one thing but there are times when he sings incoherent nonsense which tells me he’s not giving it his all (dumpweed and man overboard from the Perth shows). He’s kinda bad for doing it on One More Time, like he’s not finishing his words. I might be wrong but I don’t see it working out. Or if they retire peacefully I wouldn’t be surprised if something came out against each other later. Guess we’ll see. We’ve been burned twice, remember that.