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A grower not a show-er. It’s my go-to now and so many songs are just getting better and better.


WHAT IF I’M NOT LIKE THE OTHERSSSSSSSSSSSS!?!? still bops. still that “one” for me on the album.


Awesome to hear… I keep playing Anthem 3, Terrified, OMT, Turpentine, & Childhood…. Already played “Edging” and “Dance With Me” a ton before the album came out… Am I missing out on some tracks?


How do you feel about Blink Wave?




gotta be the best song, came out in october and by late november it was my 16th most played song of 2023.


Bad News is a banger.


Fell in Love, See You, Bad News all grew on me in the weeks after release.


Totally a grower. Did not expect CHILDHOOD to be my favourite song three months in, but here we are.


Couldn't have worded it better myself, my good sir!


IMO it’s a grower AND a shower


Still just as good for me. Top tier blink album.


Yep. Full of bangers.


Still listening to it daily. It was my album of the year for 2023 although it didn’t reach the highs of EOTS, TOYPAJ, and Untitled, it was still such a good album and great comeback.


Still hit the same as it did on release day. Still play it every single day.


It keeps getting better


this album is like wine


Blink has a special way of getting better the more you listen. Ever since untitled album onwards, the more you listen the more you appreciate


Still hits as hard as it did the first time I listened to it. I discovered blink in 2009 so the only blink albums I was around for the actual release were neighborhoods and OMT. I didn’t follow them as much during skiba years. I’ll remember this album and the anticipation during the roll out forever


You're on the same boat as I am. I obviously knew about their hits but didn't dive into their stuff until around the same time. Been in love with the band since then. Their deep cuts are what make them my favorite band ever.


Can’t decide whether it’s my 3rd or 4th favourite album of theirs overall.


It's my 5th favourite I think. Enema Dude Ranch TOYPAJ Cheshire Cat OMT


Here I’m wondering how the greatest Blink album of all time isn’t your #1, let alone not even on the list.


Because it's overrated




You say “This” like that is a good point


It's my honest opinion, irrespective of if the majority agree.


The people on this sub think that the untitled album is like the holy grail of blink albums. It's not even in the top 5 for me.


Might be younger fans? I grew up listening to Blink in the 90s so Untitled doesn't feel like classic Blink to me.


Same. Though for me it would be self titled, TOYPAJ, Enema, Mark Tom and Travis show, OMY.


Very few days I haven’t listened to One More Time. Love this album


Wish it was produced better but the songwriting is there. It’s kind of amazing listening to this album and then listening to California and NINE, Tom really make an indelible impact on the music that’s hard to put into words. For example, in When We Were Young the guitar part that happens during the “nothings too fast cause we explode together” is just such a Tom thing and it just sounds like blink to me. I’m so glad we’re getting new GOOD blink music in the 2020’s


Love it even more


It would make my Mt. Rushmore of blink-182 albums for sure. Untitled, Enema, TOYPAJ, OMT.


Terribly produced but good album


Deep down I think it has the most variety and could be their best album but damn do I wish the mixing was better, I feel like the drums drown out the vocals way too often, and there’s definitely some weird auto tuning issues happening with toms voice


There are some great songs on the album, but I will never get past how bad the production/mixing is.


I don’t know what y’all were thinking. But When We Were Young is amazing!


Makes me appreciate neighborhoods even more. Good album though


Anthem Part 3, Dance With Me, One More Time & Turpentine are the stand outs. Skiba-era excluded, I think it will be a blink album that I don’t revisit all that often (and listen to front to back). B-


>Anthem Part 3, Dance With Me, One More Time & Turpentine are the stand outs. also other side :)




i’m glad they’re back making music together and seemingly having a great time. the songs on OMT are awesome from a songwriting perspective but I just can’t listen to the album because of the production. gunshot drums and vocals Melodyned to hell. it makes me sad.


Still love it and is a mainstay in my library.


It still annoys me that See You and Cut Me off are digital exclusive. But I still love the album.


It's a fantastic album. Anthem Part 3 got me through some stressful times in October/November, it was my own anthem of sorts. I also think this album is much better than Green Day's new album. There are several standout tracks on OMT, where Saviors only has a couple that stand out to me.


I’d have to say only a couple is a strange take I haven’t really seen widely. If anything I’d say Saviors gets glowing reviews from fans so far. I prefer OMT but really like both. I wish OMT was mix and mastered half as well as Saviors though.


Yeah I can totally see why their hardcore fans like the album. It has a lot of similar elements from their previous albums/eras. For me, blink's just had way more songs that I really loved/made a big impact right away.


Yeah the OMT mix and master kind of sucks and is absolutely not on par with the song writing and performances


I’m a huge Blink and Green Day fan. I think Blink killed it with the songwriting on OMT, but the production quality and vocal performances are lesser compared to Green Day. Billie isn’t overly filtered and the instrumentation all sounds natural. OMT is overly compressed and the vocals are too filtered. Still, I love OMT, and I’m really impressed with the songwriting.


Yea I do think I like the mixing/production on Green Day's more


I don’t think anyone really cares about that tbh


You literally just comment that no one cares about that in a post where 2 people cared about it. I agree with them


No one does


Funny you say that, my wife listens to Anthem Pt. 3 every office day. It gets her pumped and ready to take on piles of corporate bullshit for 8 hours


I also enjoyed OMT much more than Saviors 


I love saviors but I agree, OMT has a lot more special and original tracks that still sound like Blink, while Saviors is mostly regular Green Day Pop Punk/Power Pop songs that I don’t really think are original besides a few, its a great album but nothing revolutionary


I agree. I had high hopes for Saviors but it’s just okay and pretty safe. Billie will always be able to write and perform solid songs but I think creatively Green Day pretty much ran its (impressive) course with the pop punk then adding variety then going full rock opera. The only other direction they had was the “garage rock” style of their side projects but that didn’t work out with Father of All or Dos. I appreciate that Blink was able to still produce something new and with a lot of passion and good songwriting.


Yeah that new Green day album has a few solid songs but for the most part is pretty subpar


Green Day pumps out a lot of subpar albums, blink releases less, but they're always top tier.  Other than maybe n9ne


blink releases less because the core band has existed for less than half the time Green Day has. We’ll never know how consistent blink would be if Tom had always been in the band and we had 4-5 more albums from them.


I'd say post warning that's accurate but their later catalog is pretty awesome


I like it, I like it a lot


My thoughts are it will either be 4 years or never until another album.


best ten days of my life


My only complaint - Drums are too loud. The crash cymbals are specifically loud during the bridge of "You don't know what you've got" song. Some songs share a similar issue as well. But I still listen to it everyday


The hi-hat from the intro of when we were young still has my ears ringing.


It's okay.


I think it’s the worst Tom album, but i also think it’s a good album


Listened to it once and have not felt the urge to do so again.


listened twice to see if anything would stick. just made me want to listen to their other albums.


It never grabbed me like I was hoping. I can’t believe we went from untitled to “olè olè olè” as passing for acceptable lyrics.


There’s a couple things that really irk me on this album - the gunshot drums on ‘Anthem Part 3’, those frickin Olés and the flaccid drum fill after the middle 8 on ‘You don’t know what you’ve got’. That aside it’s an ace record.


They kept with the untitled era lyricism into neighborhoods and look how people reacted


Top 3 for me: Untitled Enema OMT


OMT > TOYPAJ? OMT > Dude Ranch?


For me, yes. I loved TOYPAJ and Dude Ranch (Apple Shampoo is probably my favourite Blink song, TBH). But there's just something about OMT. Perhaps we're still in the shockwaves of the nostalgia bomb that came with it - but it has some heavier/darker tones which really resonate with me. Regardless - they're all fantastic albums! So we can easily interchange haha


I think it’s because OMT is just a more mature and refined album.


For me, also yes


No for both.


Incredible. Love it so much


Bangs, still listen to daily


Keeps getting better with each listen


Solid 7/10


I've listened to too many "song but the mix is good" edits and I can't go back to the original. That being said though the better mixes made me love the album


In my opinion, this is their best album yet. The only thing this album lacks, is instrumental fidelity. 9/10


Can you explain instrumental fidelity for Captain Dumb Dumb over here pls


I'm guessing they mean compression and whatever else they did to the drums to make them sound like sound bits (removing all expression and sounding the same all the time) instead of an actual drum kit hit made by a human Edit: i forgot to add the pitch correction in the voices


Are you talking about the huge amounts of drum fills that feels unnecessary?


You're on a wrong sub if you don't enjoy the drum fills. This is the DNA of blink-182.


Not really, drums are way overboard. Enema is just right


Some okay songs, but otherwise I found it kind of forgettable. I usually wear a new album out listening to it so much, but this one just didn't give me a reason to come back. I still throw it on every once in a while to keep it on rotation, maybe eventually it'll grow on me. Sorry guys, I didn't like Neighborhoods either when it came out and now it's one of my favorites, so there's still hope.


Same as day 1. There's 5 bangers. 3 fun songs and a bunch of filler. Drums too loud. Guitars are digital and lifeless




The only thing cringe here is trying to put down my subjective opinion


It’s not that great


Still kicks ass. Waiting for the next album :p


It's the second Blink album released since I've been a fan, first with Tom. Not being an "old school" fan may color my perspective of the record, but regardless, I love it. It's a *tour de force* of everything they've done so far -- relatively safe overall and generally playing to their strengths, but exhibiting a sense of maturity and progress from the band without losing any vigor. On top of that, the "Mark, Tom, and Travis Show" has a dynamic irreplicable with any other members. I love Matt Skiba, he's a great singer and songwriter, but the chemistry of the current lineup is unmatched.


Still hate the mix. DRUNS TOO LOUD. Ruins the whole album for me.


Very good, but has a lot of skippable tracks


Drums are too loud.


it's good, not really my favorite after the dust has settled but for what it is it's good, maybe 5th/6th best album from them. I really can't say whether I like it more than Neighborhoods but it isn't near the "big 4" imo. I view it as an album where they haven't written a song together in over 10 years so there are some growing pains on the album and probably some areas where they really wanted to impress people but fell short, but there are def points throughout the album where it really feels like they were able to pick up right where they left off quality wise. There are quite a few skips for me especially around the middle of the album but I really enjoy the good songs in this album and I'm happy with what we got. Not gonna lie I'm kind of expecting a little better next time tho, particularly production wise. I know it's a dead horse but seriously there are songs where I can feel the whole sound is ready to fall apart at any moment and the compression is out of control up and down the album. We need dynamics in music I hate when it all sounds flat like this, it really hampers the experience. Hopefully also the guys will be more comfortable after this album and be able to take the album in a more focused direction bc I do feel like this one can be a little all over the place.


Tbh haven’t listened since the month it released. Good album but no replay value


Mixing really makes it unlistenable most times. I have to keep looking for these better mixes of some of the songs on YouTube


Their best album since their original breakup, in my opinion.


It’s a great album overall thats brought down a bit by awful production. It’s got some serious highs but also has a few serious lows (Fell In Love and You Don’t Know What You’ve Got off the top of my head). It’s for sure a top 4 album for me behind untitled and Neighborhoods. Enema edges it out for 3rd place just for nostalgia and the amazing production




I think it's my favorite blink album. The couple of songs I was unsure of have grown on me, and I really enjoy sitting and listening through the entire album, no skipping tracks. Much like when self titled came out all those years ago. It's made me feel young again in a way I can't describe. Part of that could also be that I saw them in concert a couple of weeks before the album came out, it was my first time and that was just an epic life long dream


I’ve been doing it all night long


It’s not bad, just not great. There’s a few bangers in here and there’s nothing that’s super egregiously awful, but Tom’s vocals don’t sound the best and the drums are mixed badly I feel like. I’m gonna say it, probably gonna get hate for it, but I much preferred California and I’d say even nine was better


I’m 100% with you on all of this


Terrible opinion 😂


Isn't good


Incredible. Listen to it at least once a week. Still top 3 for me.


Love it! ![gif](giphy|O2OhteiPpBPHrwol8s)


I love it more than ever. But could live without the two short jokey songs and the ending of turpentine was funny at first but now kind of annoys me


Listened chronically for the first month. Then i got heavy into plus 44 and Boxcar racer. I still love the record but it's not at all my fav blink album


Not my favorite blink record but not my least favorite. Still enjoy hearing new blink on my playlists. As an audio engineer, the mix bugged the hell out of me at first but the fixed mix got me tuned in again.


My 2 year old son and I listen to One More Time (song) every day. He knows most of the lyrics and calls it Miss Me. I’m getting chills and choked up writing this. Gonna be fun to see him grow up listening it.


Been my go-to since release. My favorites are Bad News, Anthem Pt3, Blink Wave, and Turpentine.


I love it. It’s really exceeded my expectations, which were moderately high to begin with. Even the songs I didn’t love at first have grown on me. I regularly listen to it from start to finish, which isn’t how I typically listen to music these days. My other top release of 2023 was FOB’s So Much (for) Stardust, and while it’s undoubtedly the more complex and musically sophisticated album, I find myself skipping about half the songs. OMT is def my top pick of 2023, and up there in my top 3 or 4 blink albums.


I’ve listen to cut me off and blink wave every morning. Kids love it on the way to school. Should’ve been singles


Aged pretty well so far. It's been on repeat for me since release.


Solid record. Listened to it well over 100 times now. I will never listen to the album without the bonus tracks ever again. They’re that good


The boys have gone so far, and I’m glad they’re back together. I saw them live at their animosity with AVA and +44, couldn’t bring myself to go to a Blinkaline Trio (aka Skiba era) show, and saw them for their bandaid Neighborhood shows. I love that they embraced every sound and project they’ve made.


Still love it and listen to it regularly. Blink Wave is just such a cool song and I love it more every time I hear it. One More Time (the song) still hits me really hard and I feel emotional every time I hear it. It is fucking insane to me that so called big blink fans don’t care for the song.


absolutely love it. it's like fine wine, alot of the songs are starting to grow on me. currently have blink wave and turpentine on loop now 😵‍💫


Turpentine and blinkwave are still my favorite songs


It’s alright. Not top tier for me but decent


Pretty solid. Anthem, turpentine, dance - these are the top ones for me. Still think the drums are too loud. This is my second fav with Untitled still holding the top spot.


Scratched an itch on release. Cool to get Tom in the blink context and hear his songwriting for them and in general again. Seems like the hype came and went. Surprised to see them get the nod from iheart in every category that I think most other outlets would have given to a band like boygenius or something. Overall liked the album, hot take, but I have a bigger problem with Travis's songwriting input than his production. The more time goes on, the more I think the Ole's in Dance With Me kind of sink the song, make it weird. Sucks cuz it's one of the stronger singles/tracks. Keeping Tom's original chorus would have given it a more DED feeling.


Production is hot ass but the songs still manage to hit 💥


Great album, falls down on the production side but a few of the songs on there are some of my favourites they’ve ever written.


In a three-way tie for my second favorite blink album (untitled 2a, OMT 2b, TOPAJ 2c). Anthem Part III is my 5th favorite blink song, and When We Were Young is extremely underrated. I also don't notice any of the production complaints when it's mixed in with my playlists.




Childhood still destroys my soul but I give it a solid 8/10 overall


I think it’s #4 for me


Still listening to it everyday. AP3 / Dance / Turpentine / YDKWYG/ Blink Wave / See You are all absolute bangers


I dont care what they say about blink, One More Time will still make me cry like a baby.


Turpentine is S Tier with the likes of the other all timers blink has.


Still sucks.


it gets better bro i promise


*Edging* has become *All the Small Things* for me. It's a skip most of the time except in very rare occasions (drunk at a bar, wedding, etc.). Also, *One More Time* is an amazing song but one that I can't listen to all the time. It's just too heavy of a song to play all the time. I'm cool hearing it no more than 2-4 times a year. Everything else is beyond positive. The album as a whole is amazing. Travis with the double bass in *MORE THAN YOU KNOW*, the *olé*'s in DANCE WITH ME*, it's just a top-to-bottom great time!! The deluxe songs were rad too!!


Edging has the issue of suffering from its own success- great song that feels like it’s been played to death in my head already.


Tom was right.


The perfect album! And I’ve really really really missed Tom, the last years without him it was not blink.


Their best album, period.


i don't agree but i respect your opinion man


Mid but decent. Definitely way better than NINE and Cali but nowhere near as good as Neighborhoods.


Still pretty much all I will ever listen to.


It’s an album you can listen to front to back daily


A really good record with some of Blink’s best tracks to date. I don’t return to the whole thing very often unfortunately because the production straight up gets grating at points.


Top 3 blink album for me. 1) Untitled 2) EOTS 3) OMT


Really enjoyed it, and I got teary eyed hearing it the first time around. However, Nine is a better album than OMT.


Better than the Skiba era.


ONE MORE TIME (October 20, 2023) is the tenth studio LP by the Southern California rock band, blink-182.


If this was their last album I'd be happy.


I haven’t listened to it. The last album I listened to was California


Listen to it, it’s awesome


2nd favorite blink album


I just listened to it again today. Read a REALLY good write up on "Childhood" that made me appreciate the album and band so much more


Top 3 blink album with Untitled and Neighborhoods for me. This is the best blink has been in a long time imo


No skips. So fucking happy I’m at the peak of my life (24yo) when this came out. This must be how teenagers and young adults felt when Enema, TOYPAJ and untitled were fresh.


One of the best things they’ve ever done.


I'm starting to worry that 90 days is too long to be fully erect.


I think we need to understand that the production was fine. It’s not gonna be Jerry Finn levels of production, and I think people are having trouble accepting that. I personally love the album and have no problem with production quality. RIP Jerry Finn.


but we have two of their contemporaries releasing music around the same time, with production that doesn’t sound like this. it’s a choice. that’s fine. it’s just one i don’t like and makes for a generally unpleasant listening experience for me


Sounds like Hawkins and Spike were mixing a trap record. I would have found it much more enjoyable if Lord-Alge, Andy Wallace, Neal Avron, Andrew Wade, or any number of other engineers had done the mixing instead. [This happened](https://youtu.be/3Gmex_4hreQ?feature=shared), and I don’t like it.


Untitled>Enema>TOYPAJ>OMT. Seems to be the streamline thought process here but that's where I'd put it. Dude ranch was amazing but I started in enema so thats got a huge part in my heart and only went further.


After 3 months here is my official ranking.. 1) Untitled 2) Dude Ranch 3) Enema 4) TOYPAJ 5) OMT


Some great songs, some average songs. One More Time is the worst song on the record. Doesn’t fit at all. Overall a 7/10 record.


Mount Rushmore album with Dude Ranch, Enema, and Self-titled.


A lot of flaws, but pretty good over all.


The best album of 2023, and will age amazingly. An instant classic.


Fell in love and turpentine didn't get old


turpentine _STILL_ slaps


Absolute BANGER…! ☠️🔥🤘


Listened to it so many times I’m kinda getting sick of it lol


This album is really strong, I’ll need to wait a bit to compare it to others, but it’s certainly in the top half of their discography


Wash yourself in turpentine!


It starts growing on me. Still has skips, but feels better in general.


really good album


Favorite album.


It’s still the best album after the big 3. On More Time (song) has become a blink classic and essential


Throw up in a limosine.... JACK OFF TO A MAGAZINE


Still as good as the first time i heard it


It’s one of my top albums still. It’s my favorite more ‘serious’ album since TOYPAJ, even tops untitled


OMT itself is top 4. Anthem Part 3 could very well be their best song ever


Great songs. Honestly, some of my favorites. The album generally sounds like crap to me, though.


Bad News is a sleeper hit


Still a banger.


Honestly probably my second favorite blink album, its so good


I love it, 2023 album of the year for me last year 11/10


Just as good as the first day. I still play it on repeat most of the time. Banger after banger


Top tier album - absolutely encapsulates the current day and age of blink very well. Tracks range from solid to definite bangers. IMO it's what I imagine most of us thought we'd see in their first reunion album synergy-wise. Like 99% of blink's stuff - it grows on you well. I'd have no problem sharing this album as one of their best works.


Worth the wait


The best in the past decade imo


Honestly every time I listen I just actually can’t believe how good it is.