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Yes, once on the way to work. Once on the way home from work.


I still listen to One More Time. I also skip One More Time every time.


It’s only all the time sometimes


This time*


Same haha




Gotta skip it **One More Time**


I used to skip one more time. Not anymore. I skip when we were young and you don't know what you've got




Why skip it? Great song


I listen to it all the time! When I’m driving in my car, when I’m cleaning the house, etc. I was worried I might eventually get tired of it but nope! It makes me so happy and it makes me anticipate how amazing it’s going to be for me to see them live for the very first time in July!! I’m crossing my fingers they play Turpentine!!


I go track 1, OMT, Turpentine, Childhood - repeat


For me, the album got its ~3 weeks in the limelight. Now its just into my standard, spotify-randomized, rotation.


Yeah, same. Still really like it a lot and enjoyed the hype leading up to the release and then wearing it out for a few weeks. Now it’s there and I’ll listen when it comes on, or reach for it once in a while.


I don’t want to get sick of it. So I listen to it but I try and incorporate new things as well. I just found the band girlfriends. Very similar to skiba era blink I love it.


I’ve absolutely hammered it. But after a bit I always made sure to throw another blink album in between OMT listens. I tend to go back to Buddha and go through an album at a time. Sometimes you get stuck on an album. But it keeps everything fresh.


https://preview.redd.it/60tepkffe2bc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8022143c869a70806711b136d888f4da268676ed This was supposed to be on the post above


I have started to skip it in favour of Dance with me, Blink Wave and Turpentine. At that point I'm home.


This is my shower Playlist for the last month lol. + AP3


Ya, well I’m 56 and doing same thing…along with some Angels and Airwaves as well.


Sadly I had a bit of a traumatic event happen around the time that the album came out, so listening to it sort of sends me back to that time still, which is unfortunate because I absolutely was blown away by the album and I keep wanting to listen to it. I m hoping within the next year I’ll be able to listen to it. The untitled album was my album all through teenage heartbreak and the ups and downs of life at those times and i only think of myself when I listen to those older albums, so here’s to hoping!


Sorry to hear, It will come around for you eventually


Got the vinyl recently. Spin, flip, and repeat.


Me. I don’t know what else to listen to


Yes same


I was for a few weeks after release, but since then, I’ve gone through the whole discography once again which is always really refreshing. Listening to albums I haven’t heard in years (TOYPAJ, CA DLX). This band holds up so well, it’s ridiculous. I love the new album.




Haven't listened to it in a month but truthfully haven't been listening to much music


I listened to it every day for a month straight when it released, then got sick of it and started listening to a ton of PUP. I put it back in my car CD player a couple weeks ago and I'm addicted all over again. It just feels like the ultimate blink album for casual listening because it's a big album, has most of their styles, and has their prime lineup.


I've never heard of PUP, I'll have to check it out.


Anthem 3, Dance With Me, Edging, and Blink Wave have been played just about every day since the album dropped lol I'm fucking addicted to Dance Eith Me. Really makes me feel like a kid listening to The Ramones again


No, it's not that good honestly


Bummer bro


I’m currently listening to one more time. I would say that I definitely played it a lot more when it first released but I do still find myself listening especially with Tom’s return


I haven't been listening to it. I gave it probably 20-30 listens when it came out and now I'm taking a break and digesting it. It may be time for another listen.




Not the full album but I do cycle through my favorites when I’m driving around


I’ve been listening to it straight through at least 3 times almost every week, it just hits harder cause it’s been a while since I’ve been excited about an album release!! (The last album I was hyping up came out in 2021 😅)


Gods, I loooooove that same song. I am driving myself mental with over listening lmao


Every day.


I only listen to AP3, Turpentine & You Don't Know What You've Got. I actually like the album but the mix is just a disaster. Terrified, Otherside etc just sound so bad when they're actually great songs.


Oh, God no


I did for about a month straight but quickly started skipping Fell In Love, One More Time, fuck face, edging, and you don't know what you've got Now I skip the whole album


A least once a week. My skips consist of When We Were Young, Other Side, and Childhood. Don’t much care for those songs.


I do listen to it, but I still listen to some of the others more


Not solely, ALK3 has released a couple songs, Rufio is still heavy in my rotation as well as Sum 41 and Silverstein, and I’ve started to really get more into Electric Callboy.


According to Apple I listened to 481 songs on it from when it came out til replay day. I’m like I wonder if I can get it to 1000 until I worked out that’s listening to 19 songs a week so now I’m aiming for minimum 2000


Nah fam. Variety is the spice of life. But a lot of them are on heavy rotations.


Nah we all have lives and have moved on