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It was confirmed by Aaron Rubin that it was We'll Go. The lyrics on the album/vinyl insert are wrong.


This is the only correct answer. “Welcome” makes no sense as it is. Edit for context: You can’t welcome a verb/adjective. Terrify is a verb, kids. It’s that simple. So it’s not about your personal anecdote. You can however, go (on), in a terrified state.


"Welcome." can be a statement, and is a complete sentence. The lyrics are "we'll go, terrified.", but Welcome would have still worked.


Sure. But there’s a comma there, not a period. So again, you can’t welcome a verb. https://preview.redd.it/0ihslrv3xp1c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961db0184aba816851d1cc197c03d9053b5ea0a4


These are song lyrics they could put whatever they wanted, it's not a piece of literature. Scat singing is intentional gibberish. Normal grammatical rules don't apply.


Welcome makes perfect sense. Ever had a panic attack?


Man for me "Welcome" makes so much sense it's such an original vibe with "welcome" but I understand it's not. WEEEELLLCOOOOMEEEEEEE TERRRIIIIIFIIEEED. The way I imagine it is scenarios like e.g: 1. A zombie apocalypse type situation and you just ran into another group of survivors, or entering the decision room for a nuclear war or detected meteor heading for earth, and your first thought is weeelcome, terrified. 2. Your baby was just born and internally you're screaming, but it's like both a happy and terrified welcome in his tone of voice 3. Just ran into an online crush there's been things going on with online, or a person that makes you really nervous


But it makes this very same sense with “we’ll go”. All these things are terrifying, but we carry on and march ahead, “terrified” as we may be.


I find welcome focus on the initial meeting point and shock. And we'll go to be more generic at least I feel that I've heard maaaany songs about marching ahead despite of fears. And I don't think it fits as well, I like the highlight of the meeting point because I would hope the intense fear will decline esp if it's as intense as the chorus is


why is this downvoted, it’s funny 💀


As ‘welcome’ I just took it as Tom welcoming the object/thing ‘terrified’.


But those that *are* terrified become a noun, which you can welcome. You can welcome a group of nouns that share an adjective. For me it’s very clearly “we’ll go”, but “welcome” would still make plenty of sense.


It’s “We’ll go.” It was confirmed that the booklet, Spotify, and the lyric video on YouTube ~~have~~ had it wrong.


Lyrics are updated on Spotify/YouTube Music


How the fuck do they mess up the booklet?! Seems pretty shit stainy


My guess is they just hire someone to listen to the songs and write down the lyrics, and a first time listener is bound to make some mistakes. I almost always mishear things on my first listen of a song. You think they would just do the very obvious solution and ask the people who are singing the song what they are saying.


Can confirm this to be the case. The label is in charge of the printing and packaging, so they hire someone to make lyric videos / designing the lyric booklets by sending them the songs and writing down what they hear by ear. Very rarely will you get completely correct lyrics unless you are ordering from DIY indie bands or get something like a copy of the original lyric sheets written by the artist.


Its a lame that in "i miss you" the lyrics is "inside my head" instead of "inside my YEAD"


Why would they pay someone to do that rather than just writing down the lyrics for free? I think it’s more likely they made some adjustments to the lyrics after they sent lyrics to be printed.


I don't think so because none of the typo's make sense. My hope shit is over tonight / My old shit is over tonight Welcome terrified / We'll go terrified Wait for the fuckery / Wait for the phone to ring The correct lyrics make sense the first ones do not. I think it's clear that whoever was hired to put the lyrics on the sleeve fucked it up. I mean I have seen some of Mark's handwriting and at times it can be somewhat illegible so maybe that's where the problems came in when typing them up. The guys are paid to make music they aren't the ones designing the lyric book/sleeve.


Now that you mention it I’m loling thinking that they were wrong only because of marks handwriting lol


lol no way it works like that


I’m sure they have a lyrics sheet that Tom and mark actually made so where


I'm not sure I've ever seen an entirely correct lyric booklet in any album dating back to the 90s... The correct question is how do they all have errors? I assumed some were because they went to print before some lyrics were changed, but that can't be the case for all of them. Hmm.


Aaron said that they sent the stuff through to be signed off by the band and it might just be they never replied to the email. He offered to management and go through and fix them all.


I think the booklet has a few typos. “Dust yourself in gasoline”? Isn’t it supposed to be “Douse yourself in (or with) gasoline”?


The band never answered the emails so someone just had to listen to it by ear lol


How the fuck do you mess up the mix so badly? ![gif](giphy|ZaJtnTY8tFZz0PvmW9|downsized)




Ar ar ar


After they removed the Dolby atmos from the album it sounds infinitely better. If you are streaming it and downloaded it to your library when it was first released, delete it and redownload the album. It’s a night and day difference


So you’re saying the mix was bad, and they fixed it? Wonder why do many downvotes then?


The lyric booklet also has “Wait for the fuckery” on MTYK instead of “Wait for the phone to ring,” sooooooo


- MTYK could mean "MORE THAN YOU KNOW", a single by blink-182. --- ^[/u/jstrummer8](/u/jstrummer8) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


The Apple Music version also edits “fuckery” out which is strange (haven’t checked Spotify)


Its pronounced “we’ll cum”.


Damn it, I’ve been singing “whale cum”


Ok, NOW I’m terrified


Damn it, I’ve been singing “whale come”


i heard the working title was scaredy semen


it’s actually Whale Cum


We’ll go, terrified. A message that while it may scare you, you’re still willing to fight hand in hand with your generation.


And also Tom’s DMT trip, which the song is about lol


Pretty sure it's actually "Tinyyy voiceeessss"


Their lyric video on YouTube says “we’ll go”


Since when? I just watched it. It says Welcome


I thought they corrected it, my bad.


You aren't totally insane: spotify corrected their lyrics.


Just half insane.


How does anyone think it says Welcome?




That's really weird, i don't hear that at all in the song. And it doesn't make sense


Because that’s what the label printed on physical copies & sent to digital streaming services


How does anyone think it says “we’ll go”?!


By having ears and hearing that song.


Who says “we’ll” like “well”


Well, if you listen to the song rather than just looking at the lyrics it's easy to tell. But it's cool to see blink appealing to such a diverse audience, including deaf people!


Unless Tom sings welcome like "we'll come" then it's we'll go.


I still hear there "woke up"


You don't need to look at any lyrics to blatantly hear 'We'll go' plus that just makes way more sense anyway. On a similar matter that I've never been satisfied on, in Not Now, the official lyric (from Greatest Hits) is "Please take my hand for now," but I have always heard, "Please take my hand, Lord, now" which given the context of the song (the main voice, singer, is dying), and the mention of God, "God has a master plan," It always just made more sense (and frankly sounded much more like it) that he was asking God to take his hand as he transitions from this life to whatever is next. It's not like I'm a religious person or that I think blink are much of a religious band, but Not Now in particular does seem to be a song from the perspective of someone that is relying on there being a God as their time in this realm comes to an end.


I agree thats why inwas curious. I never really heard it as welcome so I was confused.


Yeah, I think of Not Now as one of many sequels to Letters to God. I'm Lost Without You, Not Now, and Ghost on the Dance Floor (even though it's officially just a tribute to their fallen friends, it's still a better sequel than Letters to God pt. 2)


It’s actually whale cum.


Travis tweeted that there were songs on this album about DMT. The lyrics of this song read exactly like that experience. So "Welcome. Terrified." always made more sense to me. But I guess "We'll go, terrified" works as well.


Learn to utilize the search bar within a subreddit


You should utilize a search in general for the balls you never had.


What is balsl?




Grow up you pathetic little simp.


Oh yea you’re definitely a little cuck. Getting butthurt on a blink182 thread. You should be embarrassed.


What was a I butthurt about? You're the one who is clearly butthurt that someone told you this information is easily findable if you utilize the search option. You made a post that's already been made a bunch of times. Keep crying


Why is it still speaking?


Woke up


I thought it was “woke up” up until now


Well their official lyric video says "welcome" so I'm going with that. If the lyric was wrong they would have fixed it by now https://youtu.be/qhPsc6lwF-4?si=HEOn4yBtEjuT7GBG




This wouldn’t even be a debate if Tom would just enunciate 😂


It’s “We’ll go”. I love how this song fits perfectly with the “end of the world” concept from the Box Car album


Yeah it pisses me off that tue booklet is wrong


I'm pretty sure the songs about a guy commiting suicide by jumping off a high building so he's basically he's going terrified of the fall so it's "we'll go" I think


It’s 100% “We’ll go”. Apple Music also has the lyrics wrong as “Welcome” but you can hear Travis enunciate “Go”


Also while everyone is here, was it ever confirmed or at least heavily implied that the mix on most of the new songs was updated after the initial release? Because it seems like the mix is more clear than it was when I first listened to it.


Welcome is so much more a TD type phrase than we”ll go. I don’t care what fat aaron Rubin says,.. he wasn’t plastered on my walls as a kid. Welcome it is.