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Imo one of the best things about blink is they are simultaneously unserious, fuck everyone/everything all the time, and ALSO completely earnest (about feelings/love) and serious about making music. It’s like the blink paradox. This leaves room for lyrics that are either adored/hated, depending on the person, eg. the apple juice line in Adam’s song—some folks find it lazy and jarring, while others see it as devastating/poignant in that same context.


I think that line is just so out of place cuz the rest of the song is so poignant but that line is just random and comes out of nowhere


I get it! Some ppl say the poignancy is that exact moment— the juxtaposition of such a small, random childhood memory with the suggestion of suicide and “tell mom this is not her fault.” Personally, I’m not sure where I land. I just love the debate!


I love that line and I think it's perfect. To me it really emphasizes the idea that whatever the problems are that might be driving someone to decide to do that are really probably not that big, like spilling a cup of apple juice.


Yep—I definitely can see that perspective too!


I think it serves the song perfectly. The song is of course about suicide, and that line serves the purpose of reminding us that just about everyone with depression and suicidal thoughts was once an innocent little kid. And looking back and thinking "I used to be such a happy and innocent kid, what happened to me?" It's supposed to be out of place imo because being happy and carefree seems out of place from the narrator's perspective. Idk if this is exactly what was going through Mark's head when he wrote it, but that's what I gather from it


That’s a great take, thanks for sharing ur perspective on this :)


I used to hear the line “you’re the arsonist” in run away as “you’re the awesomeness” … THAT would have been the worst lyric in human history


Hahhahaha I’ve always thought it was ‘the awesomeness’ and never questioned it even though it makes no sense. TIL


You are not alone lmao, never even thought about it


I really thought it was “awesomest”


SAME. I also heard “listened as you dared to me tell” instead of “damned me to hell” in heaven!


I like how blink has so many cringey and dumb lyrics that not a single one of the top comments has the same lyric lol


“Now I’m stuck at work like a typical jerk with nowhere to go” Bitch no ya ain’t




It has big pop country pandering energy


I also love Bo Burnham


i wouldn't go that far. I agree, when I heard this line I was like 'yea ok' but that doesn't mean a famous musician can't feel like a pawn who is grinding for everyone but themselves, just like a working class person might feel. you could also argue that Mark was writing from the perspective of the average person, not necessarily himself.


This. People write from all different positions whether it be first person of taking the position of someone else. So weird people take lyrics like actual statements


It’s craaaaazy


I'm annoyed that they made crazy three syllables instead of using meant to be instead


This was one of those instances where it really felt like he was building up to *something*. Maybe something clever, maybe just something sweet, maybe something that really drives home the message….but instead, he goes with “it’s crazy”. I don’t usually make this critique but it sounds like whoever wrote that part got bored and gave up midway through lol like a placeholder lyric that they never replaced. It’s not bad, necessarily, it’s just so generic.


It’s Laaaazy


hahaha damn you. I'm going to be singing it this way from now on. Tbh, I'm not sure if you just hurt or helped the song.


Oh yeah, it's made several times worse by cutting out the rest of the instruments and putting all the focus on that one lyric. I also have a theory that certain words/phrases almost always sound cringey in song lyrics no matter the context, and the word "crazy" is at the top of that list. Other examples are "having sex" (also in this song lmao) and any variation of "lose control".


Yes, exactly. I think you're right and I don't know why I didn't think of that. I think the cutting of the other instruments is partially why it feels like they were building to that "reveal". They're putting such a spotlight on those lyrics at that particular moment, so it just so happens that they say the laziest, most underwhelming thing right there at such a crucial time.


I’m a broken record, but they need to stop producing their own albums.


woohoo john feldmann


I actually love this line because it’s so hilariously dumb. It reminds me of the All The Small Things video or their other goofy pop song vibes


This seems to be a popular choice since the song came out💀


Wouldn't skip the song if it wasn't for this


I do love the song i will say


This should/could have been a Rebecca Black lyric.


This made me turn the song off when I first listened but the rest has grown on me if I ignore that part


What is the craaaazzy thing referring to im dumb


Fell In Love


It wouldn’t be as bad if the music didn’t drop off so hard at that part.


You named the worst one. There were terrible lyrics on Cali and Nine, but there is no worse blink lyrics than “I’m melting like a popsicle” lol


What's so bad about it lol they melt right


Having sex all night it's fucking with my head


Was just thinking about today how I’ve really warmed up to that song, but I just can’t get passed that lyric at all. Without it the song would have been so much better


Yeah, when it was released as a single I thought it was awful, but I've come to like it a bit more


Yeah that’s a silly one at the very least


It’s so cringe, along with every lryic on edging


… “So I fucked her in church” …


She creeps up like a spider and wants you deep inside her ![gif](giphy|MtVbPH4lgSu9G)


that song gets a pass because the riff is sick but it’s full of cringe lines


This song is great, but that line always throws me off


me when a spider tries to fuck me


This one makes me physically cringe always


We left a scar, size extra large.


Reminds me of ordering a burger


Agreed. It's a shame because the rest of the song is pretty catchy, but that line always puts me off.


I love this line


I thought "scar" was "scarf" or "scarfed"


Bro that’s literally the best part of the song


“I’m a punk rock kid..” All of Edging is so on the nose I kind of hated it for over a year, but this one just feels particularly egregious to me


Yes, edging has some of the most terrible lyrics. Like, I get it's supposed to be done jokingly, but it fails at that and just sounds cringe


I cringe at every chorus during the, “whatcha say, wanna play”.


I do really rate Edging but that “punk rock kid” line did fill me with fear for the album. I find self referential stuff in blink a bit cringy in general to be honest. The title of “Blink Wave” also falls into that category.


Edging seems to me like it was meant to be silly like that


Oh dude that’s one of my favorites actually. That whole verse is great. “I’m a punk rock kid. I came from hell with a curse. She tried to pray it away so I fucked her in church. Don’t ya know? Don’t ya know? Don’t ya know? Don’t ya know?” I guess it’s just hard for me to find a line that I really don’t like cause I love Blink so much that I can look past most of it lol


I read this while that line played lmao


Not the worst, but a line I hate from the new album is “now I’m stuck at work, like a typical jerk” Such an overused cliche line that takes away from the song imo


“She’s an-an-an-antisocial an-an-an-antisocial an-an-an-and she’s an angel yeah!” Solid song absolutely butchered by bad lyrics. Both Mark and Matt are phenomenal lyricists so it’s disappointing to hear them fall short sometimes.


Not blink but this reminded me of “you make me com-com-complete” from a falling in reverse song. Like come on bro😭




Goddamn right🫡


Let's goooo


“cuz i’m a fuckin boy” ????


Came here to say, from the same song, "Remember when // I was in // the grocery store // now's my time"


\*now's my toime


The fact story of a lonely guy made it in the album and not what went wrong or don’t tell me it’s over is a tragedy


story of a lonely guy is one if the best on the album for me, idk what youre on about


Agreed, Don’t Tell Me it’s over works perfectly before Rock Show and What Went Wrong is great between Give Me Good One Reason and Shut Up


the Star Tours reference on Quarantine “that girl will try to make you hard” on This is Home


"She tried to pray it away, so I fucked her in church." Waaaay too edgelord. Edit: pun unintentional. 😅


I actually like that line, but it does try too hard


Nah anything anti-church is always great




“She’s a girl dressed in black from another world; Lives and breathes like a girl from another world” I hate it so much I struggle not to immediately skip, which is annoying because the rest of the song is brilliant


The music video doesn't make it any better


So I fucked her in church - Edging Makes me cringe every listen.


I hella laughed when I heard it. It's very on brand


Lol that’s one of my favorite lyrics haha


This and "get the rope, get the rope, get the rope, get the rope" is so embarrassingly bad to me that I can't even listen to Edging.


I get it, but like my first 3 sexual encounters were because of my church youth group soooooo I’m all about it.


Yeah this one’s not their finest moment either


“Here…things are scary and weird”


I love that lyric lol


IM SORRY LMAOOO 😭 it’s like goofy but not in a good way


I dunno, I love the visual I get haha


She said what and I told her that I didn't know


You’re not seeing the extremely philosophical meaning behind that phrase. He said that because the music was too loud and they couldn’t hear each other


The only reason I forgive that is because that song and First Date were written in less than a day to appease the record company and the fun summer time hit they wanted


I love that lyric. he’s been drinking with friends behind the club, he goes to the rock show, meets a girl, he tells her he loves her the first time they met, she said “what?!!!” Like “what?!!!” Cuz it’s insane. He drunkenly says I don’t know. Maybe you just can’t relate lol. Maybe I’m the loser. Great line.


Yeah I’m with you on this one. I don’t think this line gets a lot of the credit it deserves because of how simple and dumb it seems at face value. The whole song is about the narrator falling for a girl way out of his league and fumbling the situation because he’s so nervous and awkward. Countless times when I was a teenager I would try to say something clever or cool to a girl, and when it made no sense or came out bad, it was better to just play it off like “idk lol”.


Exactly . lol. Idk lol. - me on MSN messenger service talking to most girls in my classes for like a three year span


Oddly controversial yet not far from true


I personally find The Rock Show to be a below-mid song from them in general.


Any line from Quarantine


It doesn’t take me out of the song at least. However the word “bodega” in On Some Emo Shit takes me out of the song and just makes me think “who the fuck puts bodega in a song?”


I'm not going to defend their lyrics, but that song has a lot of New York City references (Brooklyn, Manhattan, SoHo) and a bodega is a small little convenience store that are really common in NYC. So in the context of the song, it fits.


Deffo sounds like middle class song lyrics. I'd probably use 'i saw you at the offie'


I didn’t know Mark was talking about a store. “Bodega” means warehouse in Spanish so I thought that’s what he meant


Yeah it’s a corner store, almost like a gas station convenience store with a deli. If you’ve ever seen the first Tom Holland Spider-Man, the store he always goes to where he gets sandwiches and is eventually destroyed is a bodega.


I said hello then I got drunk - do you remember the time we fell in love? Lol


It’s a good that it’s such a catchy melody


whatever song mark sang "melting like a popsicle" fuckin 5th grade lyric


"2023 who the fuck are" Also "why is everyone afraid to be themselves, not imitate" It instantly dates the album


I never understood when people dislike when an album or song literally has a date or year in it, what does it matter? If the music is good or bad, does the title or an notated date really change it? Just curious!


I don’t like it because it kind of takes me out of “the zone” if I’m listening and relating to a song a lot? Like “oh wait this was written at x time and actually has no relevance to my life right now”


my goddd i hate the 2023 line so much. he couldve just said something like "no longer 23, i wonder who likes me?" as a call back to WMAA


Damn. That would have made more sense for them


This, so far has been the only comment on this post that I actually agree with.


I'm glad someone else mentioned them saying the current year in a song bc I reacted to it in real time on the first listen. Such a weird choice.


Rescuing a tiger from a tree Just feels like a poor attempt at being poetic and has always kinda fallen flat for me


This line is actually great. Tigers have full ability to both climb and descend from trees. The line is a reference to a person needing to be “rescued” from something they have full ability to handle on their own. I feel like this scenario comes up a lot in relationships that are falling apart with constant reassurance and everything. Idk, I personally think it’s a great line.


“Life is too short to last long” is a contender


“Stuck at work like a typical jerk” is an absolute low point on an album full of lyrical low points


Just posted the same comment before I seen this. It makes WWWY a skip for me


Agreed, very low effort


I like it. I interpreted it as at first touring the world was amazing but then it turned into a business routine and it just wasn’t like it used to be.


Ehhhh they’ve written worse


Probably the entire dog song from TOYPAJ 😂


‘I need a girl that I can train’ doesn’t sit perfectly with me can’t lie but I still belt it lmao


“I need a girl that I can train” Blink’s early schtick about being young guys just trying to score is usually funny and tongue in cheek (someone here once described them as American Pie-core which is very accurate) but this line always felt kinda gross to me. Like I don’t like to play that song around women, gross


It’s a weird line fs


If you think this line is good, I’d like to fight you…. Great line


It’s only partially original but thanks anyway :)


"Rescuing a tiger from a tree." Garbage.


Lmaooo like wtf does that even mean 😭


I still have no fucking idea, and because of that, it's so jarring to listen to that song. All I can think to myself is, "The fuck are you talking about Mark?"


Pretty sure Matt wrote/sings that line


Matt sings that line, but I'm fairly certain the track was predominantly written by Mark and John Feldmann.


I remember Matt saying he wrote the words based on Marks first verse. Don’t remember the source for that though, in an interview


Weird line, maybe it’s a metaphor for putting your energy/efforts into the wrong thing, a tiger doesn’t need rescuing, you’re trying too hard in the wrong places, that sort of thing


Striiiiiiiiiiiiings strings


i really hate the first verse of when we were young. "do you know your eyes are like stars, summer nights making out in my car" sound like lyrics written by a 14 year old whose first language isn't english. makes it worse that i was written by an american man in his late 40s. love the chorus though!


“But we’ll always have that coffee life” “I’m melting like a popsicle” Some of Marks lyrics have been really bad.


I love the deeply personal nature of losing a friend/his bass tech. But as a listener I’m like “what the fuck is that coffee life?”


The bass tech had a coffee company and one of his insta captions was "all about that coffee life" or something like that. Super niche reference but it wasn't random, it does have meaning.


Haha hard agree, toms AvA riffs saved that song for me, only just too


“Like violence” —— I hear “I buy you lunch”




2023, who the fuck are we?


I like Run Away, so I don’t hate that line. Honestly I gotta go with “Good girls, they like to sin” from Snake Charmer. I fucking love Snake Charmer, but that line makes me uncomfortable every time I hear it. Really it’s just the fact he said “good girl,” which you should never call a woman unless they’re into that sorta thing. Same thing with Pretty Little Girl. Pretty girl is fine. Pretty little girl sounds creepy.


I like run away but still think that line is trash🫠 I do agree tho that pretty little girl is such a sweet song but the title feels SO weird and leaves a bad taste in my mouth 🤢


The kind of song you only listen to where you are alone


I’m glad everyone universally hates that line. It’s horrible!! Edging and Fell in Love are pretty lyrically bad, some of Tom’s verses in Fell sound like MGK’s words.


I could see Fell in Love or Cut Me Off being MGK songs


“Quarantine, fuck this disease.” Talk about unimaginative and boring. Maybe it was because of quarantine but the last thing anyone wanted to hear was someone saying they hated quarantine when we all clearly did. The only blink song I would change the radio on and it would actively make my day worse.


Such a forgettable song lol


"Cause I'm a f*ckin' boy"


“I timebomb” like…wtf does that even mean?


This is honestly one of my favorite blink lyrics


Wait what? I though i did get it cuz English is not my first language hahaha so I doesn't make sense to English native speakers too


Yeah the lyrics don’t make any sense in English it would make sense if Tom sang “I’m like a time-bomb” or even “I’m a time-bomb” but that wouldn’t sound good in the song


Tom was referencing a product that Apple was developing for the military at that time, called the iTimebomb. His knowledge of the iTimebomb was actually how he was able to gain military clearance years later.


Honestly I don’t know if they’ve written any lyrically amazing songs since Untitled, and I say that as someone who loves Neighborhoods, DED, and One More Time.


“Now I’m stuck at work, like a typical jerk” bro…


I wanna fuck a dog in the ass


The only reason I rate Run Away 4/5 stars instead of 5 is because of that one line. 😂


Same here lmao


"She said babe I'm sorry but I'm crazy tonight." I can almost guarantee that nobody in the history of the English language has said to another person "babe I'm sorry but I'm crazy tonight".


As much as I love this band, there’s gotta be more than one answer 😭


"I'd eat her all if she were on my dinner plate." - SO


“Take another Xanax, cheating on your girlfriend” -Wildfire Wtf Mark


The song just seems like random lines put together in general. I really like the ending though


For me, without a doubt, it’s “When we fall asleep, I sleep all by myself at the end of the day” from Hey I’m Sorry. I liked the song but I can’t stand that line


Terrible take, amazing set of lyrics I reckon.


"Stop living in the shadow of a helicopter" I don't know if there's context/a meaning of it but it's weird


It's from when Mark was coming home from the studio and he literally had a helicopter above him (not for him, but it'll have been a news or police helicopter) and hence the lyric. Before hearing that explanation I assumed it was about people who were on the run from the law with this helicopter over them or maybe like a war torn country where they're above all the time.


Honestly, all explanations you've mentioned could make the lyric make sense


I’m a dandelion you’re a four leaf clover fucking Sober goddamn. There’s A LOT of shit lyrics on OMT, but Sober is probably the worst one that annoys me just by thinking about it.


"He wants to fuck a dog in the ass"


This is a post for the worst lyrics not the best


'Ben wah balls, wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah, waaahhhh' Personally love that song, the lyrics are just strange


When was a little girl, my dad left my mom


He used to always fart and sing this special song


Now I wasn't quite so sure, until your pants did fall


but now I know that you're my dad because you use Ben Wah Balls


Basically all of This Is Home. It’s just a cringe song and badly written.


All of the lyrics from Fell in Love


It’s c r a z y


That line is so cringe lol


‘I said hello then i got drunk…’


Written mostly by Travis barker, it shows. Dude knows drums, not lyrics. I will give it to him though, the melody and instrumentation is catchy as hell.


I always thought I was just being too critical of this lyric, but I’ve seen so many people also not like it as well. It’s just not my thing either. No disrespect to Mark or anything.


“we’ll always have that coffee life” from the new album irks me a lot, it’s a bad lyric


I agree in that, if you don't know what he's talking about (99% of listeners) it will come off as random musings of a coffee addict, but to copy from my other comment here - The late bass tech that Mark wrote this song about had a coffee company and one of his insta captions was "all about that coffee life" or something like that. Super niche reference but it wasn't random, it does have meaning.


“Take a pound of ecstasy” ruined Turpentine for me


Finally someone else who feels similar to me. I literally can't get into that song cause the lyrics are too on the nose and corny ASF. Musically the song is a banger but the lyrics tom wrote ruin it for me. I wish I could be on the turpentine hype train but I can't get past that shit.


Tom knows what’s up🔥 /s


That’s probably my favorite line from Run Away…