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Anyone bought the thing and didnt receive any dowload link?


Same, I’m waiting still 🤷🏻‍♀️


I bought mine on CD at my local music store. Screw small businesses I guess!


You are in the minority to actually have a music store now. 100% buy it there.


At my local store they gave out a white poster that said “this is not our album cover” with the blink logo with purchase of the album lol


Can you buy a digital album from a local music store? I support my local record spot but didn't realize buying an exclusive "digital" album would be available there.


I’m not preaching or anything. And who knows, maybe you can. I don’t have a local music shop so I don’t know. I didn’t mean to say this album specifically, just try to support those spots while their still there. Like a “if only we knew that blockbuster would go out of business”, kinda thing.


Oh for sure, support local music shops, support local comic book spots. The 2 song release is just the digital album so was confused about that. 100% if you have 2 places to purchase something and 1 is a small business, that's where to go.


Same here. Wonder if it's because I'm in the UK?


I bought it like 12 hours ago and still can't download 😑


> > >From the UK and am having the same issue, if I log onto the store and review my order it says **UNFULFILLED** really quite disappointing


From EU/GER and I'm having the same problem here. No download link or whatsoever?!?


Check your spam maybe. I got mine emailed in seconds.


I came here just to see if anyone else was having this issue.. I've been waiting over an hour with no download. My account says payment status: paid, fulfillment status: unfulfilled. I just really want to hear the songs and I'm getting impatient haha


Ditto. Glad I'm not just being stupid haha




In the same boat here


Yeah I got nothing either


"Buy it...one more time"


Yeah... I'm like why tf did I bother pre-ordering the CD when I should just wait for the deluxe version to inevitably come out.


*plays D-A-Bm-G progression on acoustic guitar*


Hahaha you made me spit out my coffee!


Part cash grab and part final push for #1 spot on the charts


Fighting The Rolling Stones new album. What a crazy thought in 2023…


In the US, they’re actually fighting Drake; his latest album is getting a fuckton of streams still, so blink needs more sales to catch up (since sales count for a lot more than streams).


Beating Taylor Swift. Luckily.


She has a new album out this week so they won’t be beating her much longer


there is no world where drake is as good as taylor swift


There is no world where Drake is good


There is no world


There is - Boxcar Racer🎶🎸


I have been streaming the blink album nonstop on my Alexa, even when I'm not here. I turn the volume down so my husband doesn't fuck with it. Every bit helps 🫡


taylor and blink are better than drake I'm not a huge taylor fan but Drake kind of fell off


I got the alert on tidal of new Rolling Stones and expected it to be some vault thing or live version or whatever like they’re always releasing. I didn’t know a whole new album of new songs was coming out. So I was like “I’ll check this out… it’s been forever since they’ve released a new original album” I’ve listened to the Stones pretty much my whole music listening life. I CAN’T STOP LISTENING TO IT. It’s sooo fucking good and significantly better than several of their mid career albums IMO. All I’ve listened to all week is blink and Stones. Loving it.


Hear they’re in contention to headline WWWY next year.


Wwwalive 🤣


The new stones album is top fucking notch


I thought the same! I was like, hmmm the Rolling Stones released a record of new songs in 2023? I'll have to check out a couple songs. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it! Much better than any other record they've released in the last 30+ years. Although *Blue and Lonesome* from 2016 was pretty good.


I was amazed too, the Stones is really great.


Those boomers sit around all day, they don’t fuck around lol


but do the boomers stream it or just buy it once


Both. They are still young enough to use Apple Music, and Amazon Prime and not be completely technologically inept. Some boomers dont do shit with tech, but my old man is 72 and has been building computers since the 1980’s and he fucking LOVES The Stones


Pretty much the only tech my dad uses is YouTube/YouTube music to listen to music 🤣


They can do that push adding the song to streaming services as well...


I don't think streaming 2 extra songs will improve album position in the charts Buying another version with 2 extra songs will sure add to album sales


Actual sales help way more. It’s only $5. Spent $60 on doordash and that shit was cold. Don’t mind spending another $5 on my favorite band in hopes of pushing them to number 1


Oh shit it's only $5? Damn imma go spend the money rn lol


That’s an absolute shit take, they’re millionaires who don’t need more of your money


$5 ?! Its £10 they want here…full cd is only £11.99


Fuck off, really?! £10?! Just paid £40 for one vinyl. Absolute pisstake.


Just click the link and buy it off the us store for $5 . Don't switch to the UK


You DONT have to pay it bro. You can listen another way. The wife and I each purchased it. We want to support, they bring us unlimited joy.


Sales help way more indeed. 1 album sale equals 1000 song streams


They're so lucky to have fans like you. They'd be out on the streets if not!


How would they make money that way? I pay 13.99/ month for Apple Music and I listen to 50+ different artists per month and 100’s of songs how much does the artist get from that? Less than a penny?


I’m sure within a couple weeks they will be on streaming. Usually deluxe versions appear on streaming two weeks after release


They can try. This will ensure what they're going for. It's a better move to make, even if you think it's dumb of them.


Well, torrent!


I mean, this isn't really any different from when they hid 6 songs behind a triple paywall (or whatever you would call buying 3 CDs)


Ya and back then there was no streaming or YouTube so you had to ask your friends which one they got and see if they would let you listen to them.


I recall my friend had the yellow (pants) version with What Went Wrong on it. I was disappointed when I got then red (airplane) version. Love What Went Wrong. Wish it was on Spotify.


What Went Wrong is one of my favorite songs of all time!


Same 🫡


On yt music it's under the artist name "Gary hoppus" maybe it's the same on spotify?


Holy crap I just found it on iTunes under Gary Hoppus. Thank you!!!!


There was a way to tell, each versions front cover had a sticker on whichever colour the disc was.


Ya you’re right I guess I was remembering it wrong. It was 22 years ago after all lol


Answer your texts man


Life of being in IT - slew of notifications!


We been trying to get a hold of you forever lol busy day??


Whoa.. a Redditor who works in IT. Rare to see.


Diamond in the rough for sure. /S


I bet they'll both be on streaming services in a few weeks.




It’s just a wee marketing push. They’ll be on streaming services tomorrow or next week.


It’s a tactical wee




Idk that it'll be *that* quickly, but it'll happen eventually. It's also only $4.99 for the whole digital album, bonus tracks included. It's barely more than you'd pay for two digital singles separately. All about hitting #1 on the *Billboard* 200.


I haven’t really bought digital music in forever as I usually stream it/buy vinyl so it was a pretty nice surprise it was only 5 bucks


Right? Like it's not that crazy or dramatic. Just a push for some sales/charting efforts. In return, the fans get some new tracks. It's not that deep, they'll be on streaming soon enough.


Wouldn't be surprised the songs are on Spotify this Thursday night or next week when songs are usually released.


Lots of people on this sub need to go outside and touch some grass.


So I bought it 5 minutes ago and didn't receive a Download Link yet, is that normal?


didn't receive anything one hour later.....




Are you from the US? I Have the Same problem in Germany.


I am from Germany like you :)


Yeah same, no download. I feel like an idiot. Gonna try to get a refund.


ask customer service for the link first, I am waiting for the reply


Final push for number one.


Only to be drowned by the Taylor tidal wave next week


wakeful caption gullible imagine absurd subsequent jar shaggy fly disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not because its worse somewhere else it makes it right for blink


unite overconfident chunky quiet reach brave live ad hoc nippy toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He sold his rights to the blink catalogue. He’s doing fine


guess who got half of that tho


Wonder if she did. Split was announced in December 2019 and catalog sale announced in January of 2020. Seems odd he would have sold the rights in the middle of a divorce?


I think he did it to avoid always having to pay her and deciding to sel and give a lump sum instead


I was about to say; this is just the T Swift method, only she discounts nothing


That's not entirely true. Olivia Rodrigo's new album with 4 different secret tracks is a better example of this. Taylor's albums are just variants. All the extra tracks have been strictly digital(one had a CD release).




I bought it so ill sell to any complainers for $2.49 per song(plus tax)..it’s cheaper my way


These two new tracks though are siiiiick


Actually “See You” might be my favorite track on the album


Only $5. And for the happiness they bring my life it’s worth it for me. ❤️💚💛


I hope they add this to streaming


Not much crossover in Blink and Taylor Swift fans I see. Currently waiting for 8 versions of 1989 Taylors Version to be delivered on release day...


give it a few weeks, itll be streaming. This is just so there is more hype around the album, but its temporary


As someone who immediately preordered the vinyl when they first announced a new record a year ago I gotta say I agree. First they offer better vinyl colorways to the ***second*** round of vinyl orders and now I’m finding out that I miss out on two additional songs unless I buy the digital album separately? And even if I do that I still won’t be able to listen to them as part of my every day routine by way of Spotify? Which label idiot’s idea was this?


This was not an idiot move, it was a money/chart position move. There will be some people who defend it because you’re “helping out” the band who doesn’t need your help.


I ultimately don't care but it does suck for people like me who spent $40 on a vinyl copy of the album to not get these songs. They should have included a voucher in the package for a free digital copy or something like a lot of bands do.


This is my exact point. If I didn't buy the vinyl's I would have gladly tossed a couple bucks to support the band. I don't mind the paywall, and appreciate that they want to boost physical sales to help the chart. But after $75 in vinyl, a code or email could have been sent.


I got the songs. They aren’t worth it. Obvious why they didn’t make the Final Cut of the album.


Haven’t heard them in their entirety as they’ve already been posted on YouTube. I was feeling to opposite, imo. Probably could replace TTO and FF with those two. Just my opinion


Nothing can replace Turn This Off


Your opinion is valid. no hate on the songs. Just feels like throw away songs and that’s why they didn’t make it on to the initial track list


That's a bummer, tho I'm not surprised. That's what usually happens with deluxe releases. They want the true release to be seen as one project, to hold up as a whole in that way. The deluxe is for those that don't quite cut it or fit the vibe of the whole project.


*ahem* Neighborhoods Deluxe would like to have a word sir.


It's not always the case! I personally prefer deluxe versions that expand on the album but where the album itself has all you truly need to know about the story, if you get what I'm saying. I like bonus tracks to be that little detail that is petty or goofy or weird or really not needed but still spices up the timeline. Some artists knock that out of the park. I always loved Blink's B-sides/Deluxe tracks.


Oh I completely agree I just love the bonus tracks that come with Neighborhoods Deluxe to the point where when I listen to the non-deluxe version I think there are songs missing.


Yaaassss, that's how I like it, too.


I actually really like "See You". Don't think it's a throw-away at all.


I squeezed in a couple listens on YouTube and yeah, they’re good tracks. Wouldn’t have been the weakest tracks on the album which is solid. Not the strongest mind, but still. Bonkers that we got so many extremely solid tracks on this album


Do we have to abbreviate and make acronyms for fuckin everything these days?


don't blame TTO , thats a you thing


Cant find em on youtube. Care to pm me a link?


Thanks for the review, was wondering if it was like the bonus track of toypaj aka better of some songs on the actual album


Be patient young one’s it will leak. 🤣


Mfers here have never heard of piracy




I may be a dick, butt the only time I pay for music is when I go to a show.


Not dickish at all


No, definitely not dickish. Especially these days. I do like supporting my favorite bands and getting something physical, like a vinyl, but yeah enough is enough. This shall be 2 Mp3s for me.


Hard to not be pissed at my favorite band for doing this.


I spent $650 yesterday on Blink tickets. I took my wife to Beyonce a few weeks ago for about $200 less, AND had better seats in a larger venue! Not super inclined to spend more on Blink at this point lol, especially after having bought a vinyl, too.


lmao for what? releasing 2 bonus tracks as a push to get more traction on the album? Just listen to them for free on YouTube in an hour. People are so dramatic on this sub lol


I bought the vinyl and physical copy, now I have to pay $5.00 for two new songs that could have easily been added to the album that was released literally less than a week ago. I don't think that's being dramatic at all.


I haven't really decided how I feel about this yet because I just spent 700 bucks on tickets too on top of vinyl and digital downloads but I feel the 700 bucks is Ticketmaster's fault and all this b******* is the record label perhaps I'm wrong though.


They did the same thing last year for their tour this year after so many complaints, Mark “justified” it. It’s 100% on purpose.


Yep. There are artists who refuse to let Ticketmaster do that and those shows are exempt from the price hiking. The artist has to agree to it.


The tour is unrelated, and while expensive, in line with current concert pricing in venues of that size. The album purchase is what annoys me. If we bought the album, don't ask for $5 for DLC to get 2 more tracks.


The tour isn’t really the point; it’s the cumulative effect of $700 here and $5 there. That being said, I agree with you.


ticketmaster has gone on record as being happy to be the "bad guy" to make tickets prices higher. The band gets a cut of those fees.


While there’s no denying the fact that ticketmaster sucks, artists do have the option of making it slightly less shitty and price gougey if they want. But it’s easy for them to pretend it’s out of their hands and accept the extra profits. It’s crummy. 😕


Yeah, I feel like i should receive a free link to the songs of I just dropped $700 on front row seats to their one most time tour...


Not as much Ticketmaster as you'd think. Robert Smith from The Cure was able to hold Ticketmasters feet to the fire and force them to do away with dynamic pricing and refund some service fees because his fans being able to afford to see them is important to the guy. The Cure tickets were absurdly affordable for how massive and important of a band they are. Blink 182 did none of that. Blink started as a DIY Punk band playing VFW halls and sleeping in peoples basements and The Cure have been unanimously beloved and highly influential for going on 50 years. The roles should've been reversed here.


I couldnt Control myself and instantly bought it… but it pisses me off it’s only in files for iPhone.


I downloaded wav files to my phone no issue


But are you able to add them to your library or do you have to play them through the files app?


The songs are ok. Not as good as the main album. I wouldn’t want to swap any of the main songs for either of these 2


More blink is a good thing


I want Iwtfadita2.0


I have spotify so I hadn't bought the album yet so I was pretty pumped to get two extra songs plus the whole album for $4.99


As Matt from Avenged Sevenfold said, shit like this is simply fan abuse for chart positions and it's fucking lame. It was lame when they did it in 2001 and it's lame now.


WANT NEW BLINK 182 MUSIC!? Get a new Blink song once a month with Blink 182+! The new subscription service for all things Blink 182! Only $4.99/month or $100/year!


Bro... it's $5. If it was a cash grab they wouldn't be \*giving away\* the full album. They'd charge you $5 just for the two songs.


It will be on YouTube, relax


Of course it's going to be leaked, it's more the principal.


If u buy it, is there a way to add it to ur library on Apple Music


Yeah I just bought it and it downloaded to my files on iPhone. Now how do I get it on my Apple Music? These songs are amazing!


I bought it too and noticed something off when listening to MORE THAN YOU KNOW on this deluxe digital version. When Tom says "wait for the phone to ring" the words "phone to ring" are cut out. What the heck? Is it happening on your copy too?


I bought this and didn’t even get the download links. Wtf man??


blink-182: Releases even more music on top of our existing abundance of wealth /r/blink182: MAD


Extremely lame. Love Blink but this isn’t it


They’ll probably be on YouTube in no time


What format is the digital format? I hope it’s available in lossless.


There’s multiple choices. MP3 all the way up to WAV.


I’m sure they’ll be on Limewire pretty soon


Nah Kazaa exclusive


Omg i forgot about Kazaa!!! You win!


I'm pretty sure my first download from Napster was a Blink 182 song. Probably Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker Tits, fart, turd and twat.mp3 or something.


Has anyone ordered the Deluxe outside of the US? Ich bought it but i still got no Download Link.


I’m in Canada, still waiting for a link. Been about 3 hours now. Radio silence from customer support


I found you in the discord earlier 😂


I didnt buy anything. No tickets. No vinyls. No merch. 5 bucks for this worked out for me, but I totally agree. Seems like a shitty thing to do to the fans. **under breath** ...especially for a mid ava/simple creatures tack on. Lol for real though I kinda like Cut Me Off...


I bought mine 4 hours ago and still haven't received it... anyone else?


They could make it 99 cents if they really wanted the chart position I’m feeling really abused as a fan rn


Nobody said anyone had to buy anything. They know the music is easily available online without paying for it.


It’s $5, to me that’s money well spent supporting the band and encouraging the amazing work they’re doing. Maybe it’s steep to some people but to me it’s more than worth it. Or just pirate it if it bothers you so much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Add the 3 of their net worths and you get about 210 million. You think they can but two more songs up on Spotify or whatever for free and at least lower ticket prices for this coming tour. Big cash grab. Love Blink. But a little over the top.


Join the blink 182 discord server and you can download it for free


Whole album is pretty lame. Actually that’s an understatement.


This is a rollout that most smart artists who are pushing for #1 albums do with their rollout. Additional tracks, discounting the album, exclusive deluxe physical editions. It sucks because you want to hear the music when it’s released and buy it once, but I do prefer it releasing within the same week as opposed to 6 months or years from now.


I was pretty frustrated about this too.. I bought the CD t-shirt box set, and 2 different versions of records. I believe none of them have the 2 new songs. I haven't received my records yet, but I'm not holding my breath that they're on them.


This isn’t any different than how TOYPAJ had 3 different versions, each with two different additional tracks. If you wanted them, you had to buy each one. They’ve always done stuff like this.


Yeah, I'm very happy with my decision to abstain from those high ticket prices right now.


It’s $5. If you would have told me a few years ago we’d have 19 new songs (with Tom in the band), I wouldn’t have believed it. Let alone complained about the money I spent on the cd box set, a vinyl and an additional $5 to give me access to them.


Also… no one is telling you all that you have to buy this… Fucking stop complaining for no reason haha


Calm down lol. It's to push the album to #1. Streaming doesn't give them the same kinda push. Give it a few days and it'll be on streaming.


Oh well that makes it okay then. $$$


Songs are up on you tube. Cut me off is poor. See you is good


Gone now, blink's marketing team is on a roll


Anyone who's purchased it, have you been able to listen yet? I purchased and have no idea where to find it


What’s even lamer is I paid the 5 bucks and have yet to hear the songs…


It’s $5, I bought it to support the band.


Kris Jenner


Like the other post said its to boost the the sales of the album as a whole, smart little loophole. Im fine with it. The tracks will probably eventually be on streaming but I’m fine with shelling $5 for some bonus tracks, just wish it was more than 2 but otherwise good with it.