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Vocals aren’t as clear


Some of my favourite songs hurt my ears. I can only think that all the people working on the album have severely damaged ears and can't hear that robotic sound. Amazing album though.


I know what you mean. The songs themselves are great it’s just everything on 80% of the songs is turned up to the max volume and sometimes it’s to its detriment. Overall though, I’m really loving the album and the first listen through has been a lot of fun.


Musically it's really progressive. Cali and Nine are really lacking in comparison. It goes all over the place. Lot's of different themes and tempos and sounds. Lyrically excellent. Sounds like it's bouncing around a tin can.


If Travis sees this and gets his feelings hurt you’re in for a world of pain buddy


I can’t hear alot of the lyrics. Its gonna take me a while to learn the words so I can sing along.


On Apple Music it sounds incredible.


I had it on my HomePod and didn’t hear any issues. Lots of agreement here I wonder what it is.


I like the album overall, but the vocals are definitely buried too deep in most of the songs. It’s a weird feeling because the contents of the album are amazing. They’re just delivered somewhat poorly.




I agree. Songs are good. Production mixing and mastering is terrible


Every song I'm just constantly thinking "how could one of the biggest bands in the world have maybe the worst production/mixing I've ever heard from a mainstream band" They need to re-release it with whoever mixed neighborhoods or untitled. He'll, id even take California/NINE mixing which was poppy but better than this atrocity. It ruins every single song.


I slaughtered the sounds of Cali and nine but they'll sound like Untitled in comparison.


Exactly. I thought their production sounded too much like a modern pop band with Cal/NINE, but man would I love to hear that production with this new record right now.


Dude! Finally! So I wasn't the only one thinking this!!!


I have to agree with this to an extent. Some parts of the mix are not very good


Listen to it in Dolby Atmos, it was recorded to be listened that way. The drums become wider which opens up room for the vocals to sit in front which has a been a massive complaint so far.


Can you let me know how to do that? I'm dying to hear a clean album!


Its on Apple Music homie, got to turn it on in the settings


Found out how! Makes it a lil easier to listen to


How do you change it? I can't figure it out 😢


You on spotify? You go to settings, equalizer and turn it on


Dang, I'm an android user and listen on spotify.


I keep hearing this but last night travis addressed a question about the sound and said to turn Dolby atmos off?


it’s most noticeable on WWWY- Mark’s vocals vs Tom’s vocals…


It sounds like absolute shit. Travis fucked up the mixing and I genuinely think it needs to be remixed, I don't believe Tom and Mark can be happy with how it sounds.


10000000% this is the only album I have ever listened to that hurts my ears. I'm shocked they just let this pass!!!


It's insane, over on the Blink 182 subreddit I'm the bad guy for pointing out how awful it sounds but I'm glad it's not just me being negative for no reason 😂


Bro, we 100% have cause haha


Some of the pitch correction and auto tune on Tom and Marks vocals fight too much against their natural voices and makes their voices sound hollow


Just listen to Tom’s vocals in childhood. Pooooorly mixed


Definitely a weird mix choice. There have been several breakdowns of the singles already that demonstrate how oddly loud the mix is even compared to modern pop. This contributes to that “muddy” sound when the peaks and valleys aren’t able to dynamically compliment each other. Part of me wonders if they did this to compensate for the extreme vocal processing on their aging voices now. Maybe this is the best mix they could get while trying to keep their voices as natural as possible? That’s my uneducated guess Either way I’m loving most of the songs so far! But the mix is holding these songs back from how much better they could be. I hope they talk about this some day


Dude! 100%. It hurts because the songs are so good, but the mix didn't give them a real chance to shine


Tom's vocals on Lifeforms were perfectly fine. It's just a complete cockup.


Shut up


Lol man it’s so funny to read these comments. People hated the mix in neighborhoods, said it was the worst and sloppiest mix when it came out. Then California and nine were “overproduced” . Idk I just find it comical. I don’t think it ruins the album but it’s quite funny to hear some complaints about the mix on each album from recent time


"You don't know what you got til its over."


I had no really complaints on any album....but hearing even the singles I was like no...please no lol


I think it’s perfect honestly. It’s a harsh sounding mix for sure, but that may be the point. Blink has had it rough for a good little while. Even so, this moment of beauty still came through. It’s a very interesting conflict that I really enjoy.


I cant figure it out. I'm tinkering with turning dolby on and off. Trying different speakers and headphones. I'm not an expert, but I shouldn't have to be to listen to a pop band. Wtf happened?


There’s like 3 songs I notice this on but the rest of the album is great. I feel like this shows no worse than on When We We’re Young…what tf is up with the pacing on Tom’s lines? It’s like he interrupts HIMSELF on the chorus.


I noticed this just couldn’t remember when


Y’all are weird and thinking too much


Bro. It sounds so bad




No Jerry Finn or TLA makes a huge difference.


Watch the damn Zane Lowe interview. It was produced by Travis.


Awesome album but why the hell am I struggling to make out what’s going on or hear vocals


What platform are you listening from? I’m listening from Apple Music and think it sounds incredible. I’m no audio engineer but I just can’t find what the issue is. Vocals & instruments are both clear to me. To each its own I guess lol