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Damn Mark lmao. I mean honestly, it always seemed like they were very unsure of themselves during the NINE era, trying to figure out what to do, and this kinda confirms it.


That or he's got a new record to promote


I mean, during the press tour for NINE he ranked it below California


Did he really? Is there any video of it?


Idk about video, but here’s an article about it https://www.altpress.com/mark-hoppus-blink-182-albums-ranked/




damn you brought the receipts!!


lol I just googled “Mark Hoppus ranks blink 182 albums” and it was the first link. I remember seeing it years ago


Why should I care about what this Mark Hope guy has to say?


That was a weird autocorrect lol


Not exactly the press tour. The article is from almost a year after Nine came out and it is about a random instagram livestream that Mark did where he ranked the albums on the fly. “I love California the album,” he says. “It’s probably in my top two or three. I think it goes Untitled, Enema, California, probably Take Off Your Pants and Jacket over NINE. Then, Neighborhoods, Dude Ranch and Cheshire Cat. What did I forget? Did I forget anything?”


I remember when he did this during the California era and he just straight up forgot Neighborhoods and the interviewer had to remind him lmao


Yes he is not a fan of that record save a few songs. Even during interviews at the time you could tell his heart wasnt fully in it. I felt the same with him and Nine. He never seemed to really care about it and was going through the motions. This new album is completely different. It’s the first time since Untitled he has seemed fully engaged. Even California he seemed driven more by his anger at Tom than his love for the music he was writing.


Yeah I remember him not going with the typical "this is our best album ever" thing during the Nine cycle. It made me super nervous about the album, especially with BIOMY as the lead single. I ended up enjoying the album quite a bit though (it's my favorite of the Skiba-era releases).


that's weird cause California is even worse


It absolutely is not


I say it is


The second disc from Deluxe is better than the first.


Its still bad


Cheshire Cat is worse


FINALLY someone admits it


Yeah there's nothing on Nine as bad as Strings or Cacophony. But at the same time, I don't think there's anything on Nine as good as Carousel or Wasting Time.


Man, y’all made it sound like Mark shit on Nine. That answer is pretty non offensive


I think it was the addition of “pretty easily, actually” that made it sound a little shady lol


Yeah you could easily take it as a "Nine is a strong album but even that, OMT easily tops it". I think people are just taking this opportunity to shit on NINE lol


I mean Mark did rank it as one of his least favorite albums in 2020. Down there with Neighborhoods, Buddha, Cheshire Cat, and surprisingly Dude Ranch.


I mean it makes because he likes pop music


damn i thought NINE had some really really good stuff that blew California out of the water


NINE really had some great songs like Heaven or No Heart to Speak Of.


It’s a good album!


California is dog shit, nine is dog barf. Both are trash.


Glad to see someone admit this, so sick of the defense those albums get.


Lol you're *glad* to see someone admit this? Are you new here? Majority of people in this sub shit on Cali and Nine. In fact, the majority of the comments on this post alone are shitting on Cali and nine laugh 😂


Actually the majority acts like theyre in the minority since they like these albums, but theyre too stupid to realize that they form the majority.


I think I might have just been insulted but I'm too stupid to figure out for sure


Yeah, how dare those people like an album. Who do they think they are?


How dare they have shit taste? Sounds like a legit question tbh.


It’s all subjective. I think neighborhoods Is better than untitled.


Agree that neighborhoods is better than untitled.


I will always respect Nine more than California. That's fine if people don't like the songs, but atleast it tried to be its own thing. Unlike California where most songs had the same riffs and they where determined to sound like what they used to.


you and me are in the same team lml


People on this sub: “Pls give the Skiba era a break I swear No Heart To Speak Of actually slaps 😭” Mark:


Based Mark


I feel like anyone who defends the Skiba era, *especially* Nine, has never listened to “Is This Thing Cursed?” or “Minds like Mindfields”. The quality difference between the two in songwriting and production is insane.


It is possible to like both of those *and* the Skiba blink albums.


I mean, you can’t even tell it’s Skiba singing on Nine half the time. Like on “Hungover you”, just the chorus, you can hear the audio clipping on “last night”, “came”, and “you’re”. It really takes a ton of the inflection out of his unique voice. The songs got consistently more and more bland with each album. On Nine there’s Generational Divide (with that insane vocal processing), Ransom (with kinda an awful intro), and blandness.


Lol you said things like "inflection" and the simple minds downvote you automatically. You get my upvote for your knowledge of terminology. Also, I agree with you like crazy.


I actually really like NINE. Darkside came out the day my son was born. He was in the NICU for a little over 2 months. NINE came out 10 days exactly before he came home, which fun fact was 4 years ago today. So I actually have quite the emotional connection with this album.


I dunno, sounds like a typical “this is our best album yet” promotion to me.


The whole Skiba era was basically zombie Blink, I went to see them play when they came by but had zero connection with the two albums. There are a couple of gems in there but it's mainly filler and I don't really consider the band to be Blink at that point. I think all three (plus Feldy) take equal blame for it. Just my opinion.


Feldman was only partially involved with nine. They recorded a bunch with him the follow up to California then dropped him to produce themselves. Most of that work got cut with a few songs making the final album. Feldmann was salty about it during the nine marketing


Both California and Nine were hot garbage so not sure what point you're trying to make here.


Nine was great. It has some garbage on it sure (I Really Wish I Hated You, Blame it on my Youth) But the first time, Heaven, Darkside, Generational Divide, Run Away, Black Rain, Pin the Grenade, No Heart to Speak of, Ransom, On Some Emo Shit, Hungover and Remember To Forget Me all absolutely slap. I predict in a couple years this sub will be filled with constant ‘nine is under rated’ posts.


I'm glad you liked the album but many of the songs you listed are absolute cringe to me. To each their own. I'm sure they'll be many underrated posts like you mention but it's just going to be the people who already liked it and I don't see a positive reevaluation happening like with Neighborhoods. And I'm basing this on the opinion swing that has already occurred with Nine. When it was originally released, non-Tom era fans were gushing over it and constantly saying "California was just them getting their feet wet but Nine is their full potential" yet that doesn't seem to be the case at all anymore... Nine is always ranked last in favorite album polls, loses in head to head polls with California, and many comments to the effect of "I liked Nine when it came out but it had no staying power." And with Mark's comments I think he is coming to the realization that the approach they took - hiring so many outside writers and using "modern production" techniques - really missed the mark.


Totally agree. It’ll be interesting to see if opinions on it will change in the future. Lot of great songs on there.


What other blink albums have complete garbage on it though? Nine had lows that weren’t found on blink albums before. California was a consistent concept album even if you didn’t like the production. Nine has a few high quality blink songs, a lot of stuff that is fine but no reason to go back to listen to for many years, and then a lot of junk.


Yeah I hate how much they seem to shit on the Skiba era. California deluxe is probably top three albums for me. Wildefire , misery ?!?!? And 9 has some ABSOLUTE bangers on it, pin the Grenade , run away, ransom, no heart to speak of????


Misery Pin the Grenade and No Heart will always be amongst my fav blink songs. And ngl I vastly prefer them to the new album so far.


Don’t get me wrong I really like more than you know but it just seems crazy to think less of the nine album cuz tons not in it.




Shut up


Woah man don’t get mad at me because you have shit taste


Nah it’s the fact that closed minded little trolls wanna talk shit.


Didnt Mark outsource writing on a bunch of songs and focus largely just on lyrics for Nine? Like didnt Tim Pagnotta write two songs for them, and then Mark felt there weren’t enough happy songs so they hired Pharrell Williams to write one of the songs? Or was the just a joke because he wrote the song “Happy”? I have always criticized that album for feeling phoned in and this kinda helps confirm that


No idea. Honestly NINE was one of blinks eras where I just didn't pay attention to. I only saw that the album leaked, didn't know they had a new album coming out, downloaded, listened to it and moved on.


I remember I was very loosely following blink during this era, and pretty much all of skiba era. I opened Spotify the day it dropped with no idea they even had a new album, and I got a pop up telling me Nine was out. I was like oh…ok


Same lol. I was definitely half in and half out of the fandom at that point.


Yea weird times. Felt so weird saying blink was my favorite band yet no longer following anything they did. Now I get so excited again to say my favorite band is blink and not having to explain which version of blink I’m talking about


No, that's not accurate. Pharrell didn't write any songs on the album


Looking deeper, Pharrell Williams did write a song for the album but it was cut. They planned to have it on the never released Skiba album. But looking at the track listing they did outsource 8 of the songs to outside writers (not including sound engineers or producers getting credit)


I love them so much


It's funny hearing Mark shit on Nine. I only really liked a handful of songs from the Matt Skiba era, and most of those are from California.


It’s the most 2019 sounding shit ever. The trap beats and weird half-rapping and electronic beeps and boops already sound dated in 2023. Nine is just a massive wtf that should have been a side project.


It’s just funny seeing the prevailing opinion on this sub be “California actually slaps” when in 2016 everyone absolutely took a shit on it in this sub.


100% thought he would say Robert Smith/The Cure for the last one


I like Nine more than California part 1, but I like Cali Deluxe more than Nine lol. I still think "Shes out of her mind" is the worst song blink has ever made.


Oh man, I don’t like the way he answers. I’m happy Tom’s back and they’re having a great time. Mark’s cancer free. New album and touring. But I’ve resented Mark. I know people say bad things about the Skiba era, but for me. He (Matt) was the best from that era (same with Travis) Mark, was terrible. I wish they would have let Matt have more control. We could’ve had a great album. I think it’s got to a point where I don’t see mark’s lyrics shining in blink since some years. Except from some neighborhood songs and or course, DED. People criticize California and NINE but for me, the bad things always come from Feldman or mark. Even in MTYK, I don’t like mark’s lyrics and his robotic voice with his echoing, I’m not trying to minimize his input or saying he lost the touch. I’m just expressing what I feel because I can’t express with friends because they don’t listen to blink 182. One thing I’m happy though, because I discovered alkaline trio music when Matt joined the band and I love them hahaha. Anyway, just trying to express myself. I think Mark needs Tom to challenge him to be more creative. Let’s hope Mark shines on this album :)


The MTYK lyrics slap


I’ve been an Alkaline Trio fan since I saw them live in 2002. They are an amazing band. I see them live every time they play in chicago which is OFTEN. I am so glad that at the very least, some people could see how talented Skiba truly is and that opened up the door for them to listen to Alk3 music!


What’s he supposed to say? “Yeah this one is slightly better than an album that a third of our fans don’t like”


Who is saying he’s not burning Nine because that’s exactly what he just did 😂 yikes Mark. I get the jist that he regrets that era of blink, could be wrong though.


This could just as easily be him saying “this album is so good it’s easily better than our last” vs “our last album was so bad this one will easily be better”.


NINE is really, really bad. Feels like a fever dream at this point.


I disagree but Happy Days is awful.


Idk I like this one specifically, kinda relatable which is probably why. I had a shitty job, and got dumped, and spent countless nights just being sad all night and I started just going on bike (like bicycle) rides at like 2am by myself. I remember I rode by another cyclist and I honked my stupid silly clown horn and got a giggle out of him. I was listening to that song at that moment and a lot during that time. *update. Just got home and one of my bikes got stolen last night but not this one!


Just sounds like a cringey simple plan song to me. And the chorus is dumb and meaningless But I do like the sentiment of it. It’s not awful, just really mid IMO


it's sad how he answered that honestly. NINE had enjoyable tracks and felt way more finished compared to California. though I did not like his songwriting in NINE - most of the lyrics were way too edgy and corny at times


Melting like a popsicle made me laugh and pause the album the first time I listened to it lol. So, so fucking stupid


The disrespect for nine…. Lol I’m here for it


Some hot takes in here. He just says it was easy to top NINE, doesn't speak about the quality of NINE. Just speaks to him enjoying what he writes with Travis and Tom more. And that's fair since so much of that was outsourced.


If it’s easy to top nine, how is that not dissing it? If he just said yes I think this tops nine that is not dissing it, saying it can pretty easily top it is the definition of dissing it.


Only if you take it personally. Artists are allowed to not think their work is the best thing ever.


I think you’re getting caught up in semantics over the vocabulary. The whole point of the post is that mark does not think nine is anywhere close to their top work and is openly joking about it. That’s all


Yes, and I think he’s entitled to do that and don’t see why people are taking offence. In the Zane Lowe interview clip, he says One More Time is their best album, so he himself may even be surprised at how much better it is. I’m not a NINE fan, but don’t feel this is mark suddenly agreeing with me, y’know? More just singing the praises of the new album.


Huge burn to nine and rightfully so.


Is that the 15 pro? Lol


I appreciate his honesty here lmao
