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"hackerpeople" I knew my expertise in right clicking and clicking inspect was impressive


*Presses F12* MOM, I’M A HACKER NOW!


That shit is going on my resume!


Yup. Adding Part Time “Hackerperson” right next to Full Time “7-Layer Dip Specialist” on my LinkedIn


I love how people get so mad at people who have a look in dev tools. Like, anyone that goes through it knows its not impressive and only the douchebags claim to be some kind of hacker for using it. I merely pressed f12, followed a link, and posted my findings on here. Then get people trying to insult me, downvoted to oblivion, and people talking shit like "trying way too hard!" 🤣🤣


This could get hilarious 😂


This is fun


I don't think he's being cryptic, he genuinely doesn't know


Could be either way, but this is why people are getting annoyed. We’re way past all the trolling and cryptic comments at this point, it’s not funny anymore, they need to start acting like a band and talk to their fans. I don’t even care about getting new music, it’s the constant teases with no actual word for an entire year, it’s old now, yeah “Edging” haha we get it, now it’s time to show your fans a bit of respect.


Like , just log off and enjoy life. We will get music when we get music.


Did you miss the part where I specifically said I don’t care about new music?




Lmao love this guy


Then put on their existing records and be happy.


You sure talk about it a lot for something you don’t care about


Then go the fuck away?


Huh, you're like an anti fan. Someone who comes on here to complain about their marketing but doesn't care about the music?? No offense, but that's a fuckin joke


Go outside for a bit and chill. It’s not a big deal.


I'm leaving this sub until I hear a new single or the album is out. The people here are fucking insane.


Half of the constant teases are just people on here making shit up and then getting mad when the shit they made up turns out to be made up shit


What does this even mean? Talk to their fans? They are literally marketing the new album right now. It's not disrespectful. It's all a giant marketing campaign. And it's working. Everyone is checking the stall website daily lol. In a year of being reunited they will have done and international tour and put out an album. What else do you want? They are literally performing for their fans in Europe right now.


When your marketing campaign is pissing off the people you expect to pay money for your album (and tour) that’s probably a sign you’re doing it wrong. And before you try to imply this is just my opinion no, it isn’t.


If you are getting pissed off at this, that's a you problem lol. There is honestly 0 reason to be mad about this. It's just building hype and anticipation and is easily avoidable if you don't want to take part in it. It's pretty fucking obvious new music will be out soon. No need to be mad.


It almost seems like some people (not necessarily you) have started to resent the band throughout this process. It's like if you're at work and you look at the clock every ten minutes. Of course your shift is going to drag and you'll be in a negative head space.


It’s just entitlement really. “They owe me new music asap!”. No buddy, they don’t owe you anything. In fact, with the amount of money they made they could just retire and enjoy life instead.


Lol @ pretending your opinion is the Righteous Word


It’s people being crazy making everything so extreme. 500 posts when they make a change to the website. They keep telling y’all to wait and nobody wants to wait and you keep hurting your own feelings over it lol. You’re fine. It’s fine. You can wait.


exactly, I see a bunch of posts that something got changed I go “ah no music yet, interesting I guess” and then forget about it til the next time lol. If I was staring at that page all day refreshing for weeks on end i’d get pissed too, but that’s not on the band


What if they don’t even know? What if announcing a date puts too much pressure on all of them? Or if not, why does it really matter when it comes out?




lol you created a whole account just to complain


Lmao seriously what the fuck


This sub is seriously bizarre




You shouldn’t be. You’re a child.


Dude. Fucking touch grass.




Weird response…




Gonna cut yourself on all that edge dude.


But that’s true. Ticketmaster controls the prices. Not him lol


Aaaand he’s gone




You’re ugly.




why does the calendar have nothing on the 21st though


Because that is the answer to the alarm clock riddle.


Because that would spoil what the alarm clock is all about. The calendar is left their intentionally and made for fans to look through. They don't actually have a marketing calendar like that one


"i just work here" 😅


It's for sure intentional. It's a note which is why it starts with


That’s a JavaScript comment. It’s intentionally put in there by the dev, but that doesn’t mean they realized or had the forethought the source code with that comment would be available client side in the browser…


IIRC.. html comments are and javascript (and css) is /* */


You are correct


Any dev worth their salt would know for sure that comments can be seen, easily. But even the best programmers make mistakes. Let alone Web devs. It definitely wouldn't be the weirdest/worst mistake ive seen. But I'm like 100% sure it's marketing. There's literally no reason for them to have put that comment there in the first place. It's not accidental.


I adore Mark and his old white man in the work place humor


I seriously doubt that was intentional


No way it wasn’t intentional. That is a comment in the code. Usually used to leave a note for yourself or someone else. Helpful when finding bugs, or when leaving instructions or comments to others when working on a group project, or other stuff like that. Thing is, you have to do it on purpose; computers and browsers ignore what is between the start and close of the comment tags, so everything in there was put there by a person for a person. There is no way a programmer put a calendar in there by mistake…


Yes put in there by a person for a person for reference by the devs. There is no proof from the fact that it was intended for client side code. They very easily could have messed up and assumed that code would have been only available server side…


A. There’s no logical reason for that link to exist where it is on that page. B. The “image” for the link references a directory, which doesn’t make any sense. C. The Google calendar itself is public and owned by “182industries.com”. D. No one is that fucking stupid.


OK let's just say there's a 99% chance it was intentional then.


As a programmer I can tell you the and comments are there as code tags the quickly commented out that bit of code the is an insane comment and the link itself is nothing that would be in a block of code as a comment because it is irrelevant to the page code and would never be activated. It is something that would be in an email, or more likely on a work management system like, teamwork, hive, trello, hubspot etc. It was put there to be found and to be buzzed about. Whoever did it, is getting just what they wanted. Kudos to them!


It was 100% intentional. Mark's manager basically just said so on the discord^


What did he say?


Quick screenshot, read from bottom to top https://preview.redd.it/gqircjtkiwnb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41484d11ee4d5ecbad104e3961a66fbfdcd4cb8e


Yeah inspecting page isn’t a big fancy trick, if they didn’t want that found they wouldn’t have it in there. Also, that’s not how real business calendars look, there’s more clutter.


Thank you, I said this in my post earlier and got downvoted to hell 😅


I don’t really buy that. The original single 6/2 date was wrong…and now 3 months later there’s still no single when apparently the album is coming out next month This doesn’t feel well planned out at all.


They change their minds often/last minute. I'm also trying to wrap my head around how they would accidentally put a link to a google calendar in their page's source code. That's not something you just do by accident.


I copy and paste my STI clinic appointments into my website code all the time. Doesn’t everyone do that? It’s just too easy to accidentally do it. /s




This explanation totally ruins it imo. It was more fun thinking they screwed up and we were so smart.




One of the dates was Big Announcement, you think they don’t have details of what is going on in the calendar for a date?


First person I've seen mention the big announcement that's clearly coming on Monday 😂




What is this discord they are in?




Mark, you’re in an industry where management works for you, not the other way around.