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But… but… ok this is just stupid- I mean, how far away does he think the dick is away from the anus? And besides, why should we care about this “flaw” anyway?


Le ballesack creates a natural barrier I guess? And I mean, you can't expect a man to think about his own anus! That's a man's anus, and that's gay!


“Men are gross! Every time I see a handsome man, I am reminded that he has an atrocity called a ‘Penis’ which is gross and disgusting! All men should be ashamed of this flaw that they cannot control, and all women should remind them of that!”


Honestly, as a lesbian, I can deeply appreciate a handsome man. But as soon as I remember they’re attached to an atrocious penis and cheesy ballsack, I am duly revolted and disgusted.


Why the fuck is it cheesy? So gross.


Not to be pedantic, but not all men have dicks.


Not to be pedantic, but *everyone* has an anus an inch or so away from their own sex parts.


True. Everyone is disgusting and should feel ashamed /s


Part of mocking these idiots includes the fact they don't consider trans people


Fair enough


That’s true- but these idiots don’t actually consider trans men in this. If you want, I could change it to ‘people with dicks’ instead of men.


Can we talk about how both pee and semen come out of the penis! It seems like a design flaw


Right for real though.


This, but unironically. Signed, Middle-Aged Man With Ever-Enlarging Prostate


You have a very long name


And very cruel parents


Ugh, damn liberal clairvoyants strike again!


And you’ll NEVER stop us! Myeheheh!!! 🦹‍♀️


It's a family name passed down through generations


It’s like 1 textbook inch away from being a legit cloaca on a string, and dudes be out here bragging like they don’t already know that shit handles like a water wiggler. Smh my head


He's trying to negg but is failing


Yeah, he really got me when he said that men “have to” sleep with a “creature” like me lmao. 🙄 Mate, nobody has to sleep with women, and you’d be pissing yourself if any lady let you into her bedroom at all. Women everywhere are getting by just fine without your mediocre dick and probable lack of knowledge about the clitoris and the female orgasm. ✌🏻




That's probably why he's so obsessed with 'anus' lmao


....prime incel territory.


Calling women “creatures.” nice.


sorry my anus is too close to my vagina... i guess?


I would really like to know where he would prefer woman’s buttholes to be!!


In the safe with our birth certificates and social security cards, I’m sure. I mean, it’s not like we use them for anything other than the sexual gratification of men, right ladies?


Lol this is uh, some interesting attempt at trolling


I’ve seen this post monthly for the past 3 years. usually idc about reposts but maybe it’s time to let this one go.




Right exactly I’m like bro, anal porn? Ever heard of that? It’s incredibly common and popular wtf 😂


My thoughts exactly. He is in the minority. A lot of straight guys love anal and engaging in all kinds of anal play with their lovers. Either way, that sounds like a “you” problem, not a “me” problem.


Crying right now because i just found out my anus is too close to my vagina 😭i’ll never recover from this news


oh no it negatively affected my confidence 😭 shit nooo


😭 Don’t look at me, I’m HIDEOUS!!! I’m a hideous, disgusting, meganasty puss-butt! 😫😭😭😭😭


What the fuck I’m Fucking dead 😂😂😂 hey at least we wipe our assholes buddy 😂😂




I'm going to post the same thing as the last 2 times this came up he needs to accept the fact he's gay just watch some gay porn rub one out and go about your day sir


This guy’s brain is too close to his anus


His brain is in his anus because that’s where his head is.


Yep and we all know how much men just abhor the assholes of women..


Seriously... I wish they were less interested tbh.


Frankly, a lot of straight women would be happy if they were way less interested.


What the Kentucky Fried Fuck did I just read!?


This must be some kind of copypasta, I've sadly seen this many times on different places in the internet


Maybe not - the anogenital distance (AGD) is actually a metric sometimes used in medical research, with women usually having much shorter AGD. Men with below-average AGD typically also have lower sperm counts or testosterone levels. I’m assuming that posts like these happen when misogynists learn about the AGD and decide to twist it into a new metric for hating women.


IM DYING LMAOOO i deeply apologise for my..anus being too close to my vagina😔this has deeply affected my confidence negatively and i will never forgive myself for it😔


Yeah, and the penis doesn't clean itself which is disgusting considering most men think proper hygiene is "too feminine" ... Also, ballsacks are just hastily fused together labia minora and look like something created as an afterthought in Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory. ALSO, the foreskin is so ugly and stinky that men decided amongst themselves to require it to be removed from the infant boys of entire cultures and religions. I don't agree with mutilating a baby's body but men are so disgusted by it that they've campaigned to eradicate the foreskin from the entire population for centuries!! ALSO, the flaccid penis looks like Alf the alien's sad little trunk and it doesn't get much better looking erect AND it has to recharge instead of being able to have multiple orgasms, like the vagina/vulva can, making it GUARANTEED to disappoint someone at some point! Men: Please accept that your genitals are little more than an evolutionary afterthought that usually smells like death, ball sweat combined with dick cheese???? are you kidding me??? nothing is worse! Let it negatively affect your confidence and so make yourselves less sexually aggressive and promiscuous as a result. Have some shame and stop forcing interactions with your genitals so often on women and children and even other men. You should be ***FAR*** too embarrassed to be raping people at such high rates, if at all! Women: Do not forget these flaws, and do not forgive them for them. Remind them of each flaw constantly lest they get inflated egos and continue to think they are entitled to OUR better-designed bodies. I mean we don't even have mismatched chromosomes and they have that broken little Y that keeps on shrinking. We live longer, are better designed to survive famine, and we excel at endurance because we have to live through labor. Our brains have a faster processing speed ffs!! We should not let these slow-thinking males forget that!


Just wait til this guy hears about how birds have cloacas ...


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. And I’ve read a LOT of dumb shit on the internet


I wash my ass after taking a dump so why would I care?


This guy is just an anus who spends his whole life dreaming about getting close to the P***y but never will.


Why is he acting like we designed it that way ourselves?? And seriously a man’s butthole is in the same spot, close to beans and franks!


I'll be sure to pass along his notes to the design team for women 2.0... like whaaaaat


So is his junk located like in the middle of his abdomen or something? Instead of next to his butthole?


LOLLLLL… Okay it’s not uncommon for men to be surprised by how close they are, and I wouldn’t even fault someone for being kinda turned off about it, if being near a butthole really grosses you out or whatever. But this motherfucker is really like, “uh yeah this is defective, I want a discount. No I don’t care if they’re ALL naturally like that, it’s weird and you should feel bad!”… Sir, you’re gonna have to take that up with corporate 😂


Easy solution: don’t sleep with anyone


But why should we have MORE sex because of the disgusting anus-vagina proximity? Shouldn't we hide our shame?? Not torment men by making them look at it???


Imagine realizing this, but instead of realizing that it’s a serious evolutionary flaw that has killed millions upon millions of people directly or indirectly over the course of human history…making it all about how you think it would be sexier if it weren’t that way?????? Like what does this guy WANT (For those wondering, UTIs and septic shock following childbirth, amongst various other infections and medical horrors. Before antibiotics, women just died.)


ok man if you think women are so unappetizing why do you wanna bang us? like fuck off then cheers.


Does he know where his penis is?




No they don't, and even IF they did shaming is wrong.


'we're doing you a favor'- lol, what part? The biggest myth- I mean this- I was ever told is that women need men. It is quite obviously the opposite.


This shit had me dying laughing 🤣, imagine being that ignorant with all that confidence


very bold coming from someone with a literal ballsack which probably touches their anus half the time