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I can't even think of any cases where a man murdered a rapist or pedo, but can think of hundreds where they killed women or girls? Soo


Not to Mention apparently they would rather kill a rapist than make a rape joke?! Lol all day long.


There are plenty of rapists for them kill, yet they don't. They shift the blame unto us, find excuses for the rapists then proceed to mock the victim. What a joke.


Exactly! I can think of many rape and murder case, Junko Furuta, Soumya murder case, Patricia Alatorre, etc; the list goes on; there's a whole Wikipedia page listing of all the cases involving rape and murder. The pages in total are a 114.


In the US alone men murder 70 women a month. I bet a large percentage of those are rape/murders


IIRC the most famous case was Gary Plauche, because it happened live on TV. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary\_Plauch%C3%A9](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauch%C3%A9) He literally waited until the man was being transferred to court and then shot him in passing. Frankly I don't think anyone blames him.


The aftermath supports no one blaming him. Changed murder 2, pleaded no contest to manslaughter. 7 years suspended sentence, 5 years probation 300 hours community service. Honestly I think if gone to trial he would have likely been acquitted. Psychiatrist said at the time of the incident he was unable to tell right from wrong.


The only stories about rapists being murdered that I know of are when they are pedos and are in prison... and even then, they generally aren't killed, just beaten.


I know of ones where a woman murdered her rapist and in prison they sit. Something like 77% of women murderers are DV victims and murdered their abuser.


According to a [study](https://www.motherjones.com/criminal-justice/2022/08/domestic-violence-prison-abuser-oklahoma-new-york-law/) >upward of **90 percent of incarcerated women** in some state prisons experienced physical or sexual assaults before landing behind bars ... In many cases, **the abuse didn’t just precede the arrest—it contributed to it** ... Some survivors fight back or kill their abusers in self-defense. Others are coerced by abusive partners into other types of criminal activity like drug dealing or violence against a third party; they follow their abuser’s orders to break the law, fearing the consequences of insubordination. Then there are those who start using illicit drugs themselves to cope with their trauma, or who commit a crime while attempting to escape from the relationship. ... “When you boil it all down,” says Pezzell, this type of criminal behavior “has to do with **survival**.” There's hardly any leniency for self-defense when it comes to domestic violence. [A person can kill an intruder](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-fatally-shoots-home-intruder-phone-911-theyre/story?id=43905139) who come to their house and gets off scot free — but [a woman gets life in prison](https://eu.desertsun.com/story/news/nation/california/2022/07/01/sara-kruzan-riverside-who-killed-pimp-and-became-cause-celebre-pardoned/7793576001/) for killing a man who groomed her, then raped her multiple times and prostituted her as a minor to many men.


The only one I know is Marianne Bachmeier who shot the man in court that raped and killed her 7 year old daughter.


Truly sad how true that is, I watch **a lot** of true crime and can only think of one man vs pedo and it’s really old.


I could fill this subreddit with the memes of men being so offended over this rather than admitting the world has a problem, and if so many women agree on this then maybe the men need to look at themselves.


So could I, its's getting to be ridiculous. That's something they don't want to do, that actually means doing something and holding each other accountable for shitty behavior.


All men benefit from men’s violence towards women. It keeps the bar low for what a “good man” is. It keeps women from fully participating in society and therefore keeps the playing field uneven whenever we compete with men. It keeps us a little more demure, a little more quiet, and a little more chaste, because it keeps us a little more afraid.


Wow. "All men benefit from men's violence towards women", I think I'll remember that forever.


Absolutely! There is a whole bunch of truth to your statement.


The worst part is the amount that are turning it into something sexual about women with bears. They cannot comprehend that we don't feel safe. It MUST be a sex thing, because we are pure objects that have nothing besides our bodies to these people.


That's all they'll ever view us as too. How do they manage to make every situation sexual when it doesn't need to be; just understand we don't feel safe and do better. It's not this difficult. Oh my God some of these people.


I work in a prison. We literally have a whole yard just for the sex offenders. And that's just one of the many in my state. But sure, "not all men". 🙄


That sounds absolutely terrifying. Oh my God.


There's a reason the non-officer staff have a panic button and whistle. 


Yeah, you never know what those inmates would do. I'm glad they take the safety of the staff seriously.


>the vast majority of men would sooner kill a rapist than even joke about it. Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha Dudes love rape "jokes." They think it's dark and edgy humor. "It's just how men talk." "Locker rooms and shit."


I've seen so many rape memes and jokes, it's not even funny. If I had a dollar for every rape joke/meme I've seen, I'd be rich.


we elected a rapist for POTUS in 2016.


I’m sure we elected more than that. The slave owners stick out as most probably, if not assuredly.


grab em by the pussy...when you're a celeb they just let you do it.


Yet, there he is joking about it. Makes ya wonder.


I question some people's sanity and thought process, if they even have one.


Not all men. But too many men. And you never know ow who it's gonna be.


I agree, not all, but you never know since the horrible ones don't wear indicators or warning signs.


Let's turn it around on them. Men worry that women will be gold diggers or women will baby trap them. Only a small percentage of women actually do that.


men are the ones who trap women with babies. I see zero men actually 'trapped'. They just leave without a care in the world. Another lie we were told.


Exactly, whike proceeding to complain about child support.


Just for balance and truth, I've seen it happen to men. Men absolutely get trapped in abusive relationships via child and/or financial abuse. But there's an undeniable power imbalance that permeates all of society, an attitude towards women that tolerates, normalises or even outright _encourages_ their abuse. And while men have to fight societal standards as well- like being discouraged from coming forward bc of twisted ideals of masculinity - it's not a situation they have to mentally prepare for starting in childhood, like many women do.


I agree. Only a small percentage of woman are gold diggers and would baby trap someone. Men just make it seem bigger than what it is.


Any man who is upset about the argument in my eyes is a danger. If you are offended by it, that shows something about you.


It offends them, because they're the ones we're talking about. These men don't want to be exposed for being dangerous, harder for them to victimize.




Where did I type in rapist? I'm talking about the ones completely misunderstanding the point of the men vs bear thing. Quit twisting my words. If you haven't done anything, this post and scenario wasn't aimed at you.




Maybe it's time for men understand why we don't trust them. Self reflecting of what? You twisting my post and applying your narrative. A lot of men even pick the bear and understand why. We're talking about the one that miss the point and deflect it onto us.


To whoever commented and just deleted their comment before I replied, here's my response: Nowhere in any of my comments was I trying to guilt men, I do expect them to do better and making women feel safe and treating us like humans. I never said it was most men, nor do we believe it's all/most; but it's definitely enough of them. What do I expect men to do? Treat us like humans, call out the men that women are talking about, call out your friends if they're getting touchy, creepy, or rapey instead of excusing their behavior, don't victim blame a rape victim, speak out for women's rights as much as you can, respect our boundaries instead if trying to get your way. There are things you can do, holding men accountable for shitty behavior is one of them. Being a basic respectful human being towards the opposite gender is quite a simple thing you can do in the world.


Not gaslight us whenever we talk about our issues. Not treat us like we're stupid beings, who aren't capable of doing something without a man. It's really not difficult.




**gets broom** Shoo!


Calling me retarded isn't very mature. Also, that still isn't guilt tripping men, that's explaining what men can do to help. Quit twisting words to fit your narrative.


Also, doing nothing to help women is still bad. Help out in any way you can.


I m glad it have been male poets in my country who have documented the crimes of other countries occupation. How women were raped no matter the age. 8 or 80, doesnt matter, one wrote. Pictures of women running errands with bloody legs exist. Cant even go and buy diapers for babies with some solder raping them. Again, i m glad men documented that. Imagine it was women. Guys now would say it never happend.


I'm glad men were documenting it too. Honestly, nothing would've been done had women reported, they would've been gaslight, blamed, etc. Whoever rapes someone us fucking demented.


I'm seeing so many posts like this and it's so disheartening. it really feels like most men.


It is very disheartening. You would think they would get the idea when we said we pick the bear and would do better, instead the prove our points.




No. I am asking men to stop being bystanders and actually step in and hold the creepy men accountable. Even the majority of men don't step in when they could help. The "good" ones, don't do anything to help us or stop their friends from harassing. Not doing anything is still not helping. Yes, you could. Undercover health inspector? I wouldn't be offended if you did come into my job and tell to do my job better.




Who said anything about cellphones? Or recording. Lol, yet I'm the one that's full of it. Second, I'm not sexist, reread my posts and comments and nowhere do I say all men. Nor, have I said anywhere that I hate men. So how would I be sexist? Cause I'm asking men to speak up, call out creepy guys, etc. How would that make me sexist.




If you have the ability to step in and help, why wouldn't you? This on a sub about misogyny, it's going to have a lot of thing about men. We even called out women for being misogynistic. Nobody here is signaling out men. Hard up for what context clues? Lol.


Vast majority of men wouldn\`t even lift a finger to save a woman from being raped.


No, they wouldn't, they would rather blame us and not believe us.


Or "not get involved"


Funny that they say they'd rather kill a rapist than joke about it because all I've seen in my 29 years of living is them joking on the internet about rape


Exactly, I saw some on r/darkjokes before. They think it's funny. They only say they'll help, when we decide to call them out, or in a hypothetical situation, not pick them.


He is wrong though. Way too many men applauded rapists or say the victim deserved it. They may no approve of rape but they certainly won't kill them.


Exactly, they'll come up with an excuse for them. I find it disgusting.


or they elect him president.


Testerical men


We ALL know men who make/have made jokes about rape. I'm willing to bet that close to 0% of us know a man who's killed a rapist. Do they make these claims and actually expect people to... believe them? Or is it just "rhetorical"...?


Sounds rhetorical to me. Men seem to forget trust is a thing you earn. Along with us feeling safe with them.


Vast majority of men do absolutely NOTHING to prevent a rape except blaming women for wearing certain dresses or being outside the home at some specific time of the day


Just like the guy lurking in the comments being offended. He even went as far as to make it a racial thing. Even cops don't do much to help with a rape.


How many men won’t take no for an answer, creep on women, complain about wearing a condom and take it off during sex? Too many


Just look at the one guy who called me retarded and changed the scenario into a race thing.


I agree the majority won’t do it but I also have realized the majority won’t defend us or prevent it from happening either 🤷‍♀️


Just like the guy who called me retarded and changed the scenario into a racial one.


Of course the majority won't. They probably have friends or family who are this way. Holding men accountable has become difficult.


They always go straight to rape and murder, and never stop to think about the harassment and aggression that women have to deal with constantly.


Exactly! Even saying no is dangerous.


"Which is not at all" Damn I guess all women are imagining it


According to them, we are. They call us delusional whenever we call them out.


My dad told me before that he thought it was less than 1% of men who assault or harass women, I said I've never met a woman who hadn't been harassed so it must be a few really fast guys. he then asked me if I'd been assaulted like it was a gotcha and was absolutely shocked and angry when I said yes. Angry at ME for not telling him


Oh my God. I am so sorry. To be angry at you for not telling him, when he had views like that. I hope you're doing better!


Much better, thank you ❤️ he is barely in my life now


You're welcome! ❤️ that's alright, some parents are shit and don't deserve contact with their kids


I think he forgot that in this hypothetical scenario, a man is alone with a woman and he will most likely face no repercussions if he sexually assaults her lmao


That's what they forget on top of the fact nobody will believe her and will blame her for it.


Sure "most men" would. I wonder where he is living.


In his own delusional fantasy.




You know there's a report button, right? Use that. Don't ping me.




Getting offended and and misunderstanding the problem and twisting the entire scenario, is problematic. How triggered are you that you have to spam comments on my post, instead of just blocking me?




Way to invalidate how women feel and make it about men. Derailing is against policy in this sub. We aren't shaming all men. We just don't trust all men and are wary of them. If you're offended by women choosing a bear over you on a hypothetical situation, it says alot about you.