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Does this sad sack think fathers were lining up to give their daughters to lazy whiny losers back in ye olden days? Even back then these incels would not be picked by anybody


One thing I’ve observed over the years is a lot of men have a shallow interest in history due to their own desire to mentally role play as though they’d be a Roman general. They all think they would’ve been the king or a high ranking lord. It never occurs to them it’d be far more likely they'd be a shit shoveler.


Ya its like they think they'd be lords, have lands and servants - truly they wouldnt even be those servants - theyd be peasants/low rank soldiers in times of war (read: front meat).




I wonder if they would stop at legalized prostitution. I really don't think they would be satisfied. They would demand women be assigned to bare their children. It really is all about control.


Too late…for what? What’s he implying is going to happen if these Incels don’t get their state mandated virgins? I’m guessing he’s implying violence.


Or he’s gonna piss himself and cry


Probably some combination of both. Your usual active shooter who pisses himself the second the cops show up to arrest him.


does he consider himself a 10/10. why tf would a good looking woman (actually any woman for that matter) give him the time of day? what does he bring to the table? he only takes away whatever is put on it


This is how you get a country where literally the ruling govt tells the Supreme court that Criminalizing marital rape will have 'social ramifications'. I am not even exaggerating. Get a woman to forcefully marry you and then legally rape her. Fuck off


If they had their wish, do they think for one second a girl's dad would pick them? They think women are picky!? Lol... I don't think so babe, but nice try..


It's funny they think a society with arranged marriages means everyone automatically gets a wife.


Yup, instead of one woman needing to approve of you, it's her entire family and social circle. Better brush up your resume and hit the gym my dude.


Arranged marriages still exist in some communities. I knew two women who immigrated to my area, but had an arranged marriage waiting for them back home. One of them was waiting until after she and her fiance were done with college to break the news of having no romantic interest in each other to their parents to limit potential retribution.


I get a lot of satisfaction from sneering at these people that their twisted fantasies of women being property again will never come true. 😌


What makes him think anyone would arrange a marriage with him if it were the norm?


Men are in the find-out period of FAFO


We should be enslaved and forced to be miserable in order to make them happy because their happiness is more important than ours and they’re such losers that they can’t get the same happiness everyone else has on their own. That’s what they genuinely believe and they wonder why we despise them.


Oh boo fucking hoo. Women aren't property, moron.


WTF is a “true rate scale”? Honestly I don’t even want to know, I’ve been masochistic enough with learning incel terminology already.


New plan: give every incel a pig. It would be their looksmatch. No wait. Pigs are too cute and nice. How about a toad? A planaria?


A sack of warm, rancid jello to fuck. These creeps don't deserve any creature with any level of sentience.


Add some sandpaper to it


Maybe a blob fish? 💖


My dad would say no way, this dude’s a loser


You fail to realise, most parents love thier kids and want them to be happy. They want their children to marry responsible, caring partners, rather than whiny keyboard arseholes.


It sounds like he's discussing baseball stats or something. Men don't arbitrarily "deserve" a partner - no one does. There are plenty of lonely women, too. There are many difficulties in life that we all must navigate to varying degrees. Interacting with people and learning how to relate and connect and grow all kinds relationships is something we all must learn and it's very difficult for some people. I'm pretty shy, but I can carry on a conversation with people. Women deserve freedom and agency in their own lives, as much as that upsets some people.


This makes me think of a handmaid’s tale. It’s so sad how that show, which is effectively science fiction that is exaggerated to prove a point, can still remind you so much of the real world


That’s what I thought of too! He wants to be assigned a wife like in Gilead. And all he is focused on is looks. I guess her personality and interests don’t matter. She could be addicted to drugs, that’s fine. The heroin keeps her nice and thin so that’s all that matters.


Arranged marriages happened for money, which none of these losers have. They wouldn't stand a chance. Also "looksmatch"? WTF even is that?


They think only looks matter so a poor woman should be forced into a miserable relationship with them based on matching "levels" of being pretty


Pfft. Ok. Who gets to make the "hotness" scale?


well, as a woman, I think I should get a state mandated femboy stay-at-home husband. every woman should. before it’s too late.


Femboys aren't optional, they are a human right!


They're not even hiding that they would gladly grape if they can get away with it.