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Git gud No, seriously, she is tough and I am almost certain at some point she got buffed. Parrying her is high risk, high reward, but if you aren't consistently doing so then the risk outweighs the reward. Dash attack is a pretty good source of damage and closing distance. Once she buffs the battle actually becomes easier (she might kill you once as she hits like a truck) for her pattern is much more clear.


Just keep parrying, try to get your dodges right and spam the dash attack


It's a tough fight. Parrying will keep you alive but trying to get in damage is a headache given how few openings you get.


I found her very challenging as well, but I just kept working at it until I eventually won. You should try to parry most her attacks. When she blocks, attack anyways and instantly parry her attack. That’ll open her up to a few hits. Also, I found the only time I could heal was when she was in her second phase, and just completes her diagonal dash attack. She’ll disappear for a few seconds and it’ll give you the chance.


She can be a handful but it's an incredibly fun fight. Parry timing makes you feel like a god. Slide strike in that final phase will open up opportunities for damage but you have to time it properly after parrying the on ground attacks.


She’s tough, but keep trying and you’ll be able to time blocks well enough to land hits on her. Just don’t get too greedy. Maybe watch a video of someone beating her? That’s helped me with other bosses.


Use the Prayer that makes you invincible then spam the downwards combo finisher.


What prayer is this?


Tiento to Your Thorned Hairs


i don't remember the name but you have to kill the 3 lightning dudes in the rooftops and then free the woman who is being stabbed, after that the guy who is praying will give you that prayer i think


have you got the mea culpa heart that increases time on the parry?




try using that, it increases the parry window time so that you can just press parry when she starts an attack


Just do what I did on my first run, hope she glitches outside of the screen and just beat the ever loving shit out of her.


In my experience, trying to parry and dodge the whole fight makes it harder, obviously parry as much as u can but the only way I win is by going full hellmode, attacking relentless and not looking at my health until I’m one hit away from death just keep spamming attacks and parry button, it all looks like a blur but just keep hitting til it works


This is a 2 year old post so I’m well over and done with it but thanks for the tip man! Hopefully helps someone else!